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Why Comparing Republicans to Nazis is Credible

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posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 12:59 PM
The reason the Republican Tea Party conservative movement, typified by people like Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, George Bush and others is similar to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is very simple.

Hitler started World War II when no one was bothering Germany.
His issues were all bogus and a figment of his sick mind.

Now here comes this Tea party and their republican conservative backers and if we look at their issues we see they don’t have any credible complaints they are only acting on their imaginations, prejudices and ignorance just what old Adolf and the Nazis were doing.

I will grant you that likely the Tea Party and the republican conservatives if they had their way probably wouldn’t be as bad as the Nazis MAYBE, but the underlying psychology is similar.

These people who mostly are doing just fine in life have made up issues around health care such as ”death panels” and “socialism and communism” and taxes that are very flimsy.

They actually don’t like the fact that poor people mostly black and Latino will benefit from government programs. They hate that so much they don’t realize that millions of white lower and middle class people will also benefit from government programs.

None of these middle and upper class greedy selfish people give a dam about the poor or those in distress in the country that need help in this bad economy all their doing is going around lying and exaggerating imaginary issues and actually getting angry at nothing.

Also, not only do the Republican conservative Tea partiers do the big Lie as the Nazis did they often do the big murder of people such as what George Bush did with the Iraq war,
[ in which practically all Republicans supported] and they do the big take away our freedoms with the Patriot act and similar draconian laws against freedom of speech and assembly.

So like the congressman from Tennessee Rep Steve Cohn I agree wholeheartedly that the Republican Tae Party conservatives are like the Nazis.

God help us because those who support them don’t realize it that they are of the nature of Nazis just like the Germen people didn’t realize the nature of Hitler and the Nazis until it was too late.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Using violence to fund social welfare programs is just as wrong as using violence to fund wars of aggression.

Republicans at least realize that taxes are a form of theft.

They just feel it is a necessary form of theft because they are scared to death of "terrorists"

In summary, the Republican party does act like a bunch of Nazi's, but the Democratic party is far more militaristic in the fact that they want to use violence to fund a much greater range of programs than the Republicans.

edit on 23-1-2011 by mnemeth1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:17 PM

This video comes to mind.

edit on 23-1-2011 by Whyhi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:20 PM
Why must everything and everyone be compared to Nazis? Is Nazi history the only form of extremism people know? This thread reeks of a leftist extremist pointing the finger at right extremist. There is no objectivity. I can't wait until these two political parties vanish. Both are corrupt.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by inforeal

I am going to disagree with your assertion. I am not really going to try and defend the republican party. But I wil say when the tea party frist started. They had large group of independents a small smattering of democrats and alot of conservative republicans. Obviously now the tea party has become an offshoot of the republican party. But what the tea party was concerned about was valid and not just Nazi fascism. one concern was the spending and our debt level. Ask any economist out there and they would say yes that is a concern. And about the patriot Act there are alot of people in both parties that do not like the patriot Act. To say that the tea party supports the patriot act is unaccurate.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Why Comparing Republicans to Nazis is Credible

That should read:
Why Comparing Republicans to Nazis is Politically Credible

The issue here is entirely political. And to be sure, anyone who disagrees with your assessment, is also therefore a nazi.

Pretty neat set up because, others are either for you, or against you.

Oh... didn't some recent GOP president play that same game?

Don't worry, you don't have to stereotype me. I confess. I dislike all politics and extremism from both sides, not just the kind displayed here.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:26 PM
there is no difference between republicans and democrats, it's part of a scheme to divide the people, control votes and simplify presidential candidates to two choices ( among other things )

well this is a conspiracy website, this is where the conspiracy is exposed

edit on 1/23/2011 by indigothefish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:29 PM
The constant tactic of republican = Tea Party = Nazi is as mindless as the Liberal = Democrat = Communist.

All six are different.

The OP's generalizations about race and class are not even worth reading.

Blind hatred for the sake of hatred signifies a small minded individual.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:48 PM
IMO, this is nothing more than - yet another - political trolling thread, and should be treated as such by the members and the mods here.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:00 PM
The stars on the Republican Logo are inverted, pointing down instead of up. While this doesn't necessarily prove anything, it's the same exact symbol used in association with the Baphomet, which is known to have some seriously negative connotations.

edit on 23-1-2011 by Circular Universe because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2011 by Circular Universe because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-1-2011 by Circular Universe because: Trying to embed the images!

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:08 PM
If you are only willing to point out the fascist tendencies of one party, and not the other, I think you may misunderstand the nature of fascism, and totalitarian systems in general.

Political power systems are designed around the idea of control through false dichotomy. If you can keep people occupied with argument regarding the differences between party A and party B, they will not see that C is really in control. Fascism--all totalitarian systems--depend on deception, misinformation, and illusion to maintain their power.

Yes, some aspects of Republican ideology exhibit fascist tendencies. Democrat ideology does so no less than their political counterpart. They both share similar tyrannical characteristics, in that they both lie and manipulate to acheive their goals. Calling out one, and not the other, is not intellectually honest, and it ignores the truth of the corrupt state of government as a whole in the US.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:11 PM

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
The reason the Republican Tea Party conservative movement, typified by people like Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, George Bush and others is similar to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is very simple.

Hitler started World War II when no one was bothering Germany.
His issues were all bogus and a figment of his sick mind.

Now here comes this Tea party and their republican conservative backers and if we look at their issues we see they don’t have any credible complaints they are only acting on their imaginations, prejudices and ignorance just what old Adolf and the Nazis were doing.

I will grant you that likely the Tea Party and the republican conservatives if they had their way probably wouldn’t be as bad as the Nazis MAYBE, but the underlying psychology is similar.

These people who mostly are doing just fine in life have made up issues around health care such as ”death panels” and “socialism and communism” and taxes that are very flimsy.

They actually don’t like the fact that poor people mostly black and Latino will benefit from government programs. They hate that so much they don’t realize that millions of white lower and middle class people will also benefit from government programs.

None of these middle and upper class greedy selfish people give a dam about the poor or those in distress in the country that need help in this bad economy all their doing is going around lying and exaggerating imaginary issues and actually getting angry at nothing.

Also, not only do the Republican conservative Tea partiers do the big Lie as the Nazis did they often do the big murder of people such as what George Bush did with the Iraq war,
[ in which practically all Republicans supported] and they do the big take away our freedoms with the Patriot act and similar draconian laws against freedom of speech and assembly.

So like the congressman from Tennessee Rep Steve Cohn I agree wholeheartedly that the Republican Tae Party conservatives are like the Nazis.

God help us because those who support them don’t realize it that they are of the nature of Nazis just like the Germen people didn’t realize the nature of Hitler and the Nazis until it was too late.

Your assertion is beyond stupid. Democrats historically have gotten the US involved in more wars than all other political parties in the US combined.

The Idea that Republicans hate minorities is comical. Especially when you consider that the first republican president issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Additionally, the greatest civil rights leader in the history of America (Martin Luther King) was a registered Republican.

You harp on the hawkishness of the right, and yet the anti-war left has disappeared completely. Apparently doing "surges" into combat zones like Afghanistan are just fine and dandy, so long as it's a democrat that does it.

If you cannot grasp how government programs only stifle and repress the middle and lower classes then there is just no help for you. But, you will most likely find work being a useful idiot, The State certainly has need of you.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:41 PM
The Nazis, like many Dems / liberals are admitted Socialists: Nazis= and Liberal Democrats =

The Nazis, like the Liberal/Democrats used environmentalism as a device to control the populous i.e. climate change:

I'm sure we could find many more similarities, but the point is your are wrong, and are being used my friend, wake up! Or else wake up to find out that you are what you hate.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:44 PM
Science studied 'Red' and 'Blue' brains and found that Republicans and Democrats are different in their physical brains. Republicans are run more by a primitive fear based center, while at the same time, not bothered by what Dems find alarming.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:46 PM
I can't wait for the day when intelligent individuals move away from using the words 'communists' and 'nazis' when discussing U.S. politics. When you're talking about a banana, throwing out apples and oranges just seems juvenile.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by simone50m

In my opinion, Obama isn't a true 'progressive', I think-----he is a controlled puppet by those forces who don't care about the American people, no matter what side they vote.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by simone50m
Science studied 'Red' and 'Blue' brains and found that Republicans and Democrats are different in their physical brains. Republicans are run more by a primitive fear based center, while at the same time, not bothered by what Dems find alarming.

from the article you posted......

Freedman came to political brain scanning through his brother Tom, who served as a consultant to President Clinton. Tom Freedman asked his neuroscientist brother if the technology could improve on how campaigns woo voters..............

“This is a story of the corruption of medical research,” warned Gary Ruskin, who runs a Portland, Ore., nonprofit organization called Commercial Alert. “It’s a technology that should be used to ease human suffering, not make political propaganda more effective.”

I agree....

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 04:45 PM
I really think this is a ridiculous comparison and probably offensive to those who experienced Nazism. Those that witnessed this [atsimg][/atsimg] will never compare it to either party in government.

You see the party as Nazi's? Here is a link you can use to differentiate between true evil and money grubbing elitists...

You see similarities between Republicans and what this survivor saw?

Snippet from posted link...

Lucie Adelsberger describes the life of the children:

"Like the adults, the kids were only a mere bag of bones, without muscles or fat, and the thin skin like pergament scrubbed through and through beyond the hard bones of the skeleton and ignited itself to ulcerated wounds. Abscesses covered the underfed body from the top to the bottom and thus deprived it from the last rest of energy. The mouth was deeply gnawed by noma-abscesses, hollowed out the jaw and perforated the cheeks like cancer". Many decaying bodies were full of water because of the burning hunger, they swelled to shapeless bulks which could not move anymore. Diarrhoea, lasting for weeks, dissolved their irresistant bodies until nothing remained ....."

Your comparison is a little over the top IMHO.

My 2 cents....

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by inforeal

HAHA this is the most hypocritical, prejudiced post I've ever read on this site!!!

Republicans are all prejudiced upper class white people? Ya sure... that isn't prejudiced or anything...

If we're going to be blind and only consider two parties for the purposes of this thread, then perhaps you should consider that Hitler's grip on power was secured by his proclivity toward social programs...

After all Hitler was the leader of the national SOCIALIST party-- the NAZI's;

Germany's economic desperation made it easy for anyone dolling out government resources to gain power...

I'd say there are TWO presidents who fit that mold: OBAMA and FDR.

Both, like Hitler, came to power amid a firestorm of nationalist rhetoric and set about forcing "CHANGE" on their people. Hitler basically went insane and began wildly invading his neighbors, which allowed FDR the chance to ACTUALLY take over the world in the name of American defense and world peace.

Obama doesn't need to take over the world because he basically already owns it, but he and his crony Bush solidified their grip on power by bailing out the banks (which are hopelessly intertwined with the government) and allowing them to confiscate private property already paid for in the bailout program.

If you take one thing away from this post, you should learn that NEITHER major party is entirely your friend.

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