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If Turkey and Israel go to war - Who would the US standby?

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posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Dr Slim

Originally posted by realanswers
War is a joke.
The United States can win a war with the entire rest of the world.
One blast of the Tesla Particle Beam weapon and an entire army is destroyed. It makes a nuke look like a kids toy.
The 1908 Tunguska explosion, believe it.

Just think why we (U.S.) can fake 9-11, take over a number of Middle Eastern countries, and do anything we want.
The other countries really do know that even all of them combined can't beat us in war.
And realisticly, we don't "need" any other country for trade to "survive".

the epitome of ignorance, do you really believe that the US could take on the rest of the world? seriously. i just might go and make a thread to de-bunk your claim. but seriously, no you can't haha.

Can the US take out the rest of the world? Only with nukes, and then we'll be nuked too. We couldn't win in Vietnam. We haven't won in Afghanistan. We can't win against the whole world in a conventional war. China all by itself can destroy us without firing a single bullet.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Incubus

Originally posted by Dr Slim

Originally posted by realanswers
War is a joke.
The United States can win a war with the entire rest of the world.
One blast of the Tesla Particle Beam weapon and an entire army is destroyed. It makes a nuke look like a kids toy.
The 1908 Tunguska explosion, believe it.

Just think why we (U.S.) can fake 9-11, take over a number of Middle Eastern countries, and do anything we want.
The other countries really do know that even all of them combined can't beat us in war.
And realisticly, we don't "need" any other country for trade to "survive".

the epitome of ignorance, do you really believe that the US could take on the rest of the world? seriously. i just might go and make a thread to de-bunk your claim. but seriously, no you can't haha.

Can the US take out the rest of the world? Only with nukes, and then we'll be nuked too. We couldn't win in Vietnam. We haven't won in Afghanistan. We can't win against the whole world in a conventional war. China all by itself can destroy us without firing a single bullet.

the US can't win a war against the rest of the world, effectively, without being completely destroyed. and another little quote i liked in the first post was "And realisticly, we don't "need" any other country for trade to "survive". ".... wow! really?

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 05:56 AM
We should support Turkey, but some people think the US is controlled by Jews. So this wouldn't go along with what a lot of people think. I don't know all about the Bible, but isn't it prophecized that the entire world will come against Israel? That would have to include the US. Is that a real prophecy from the Bible? And if so, does anyone know where I can find it in scripture?

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by bigyin

If true....

Well it is not true.

If you think it is, then you are fantasizing.

What is true is that Israel attacked NATO when they attacked those vessels.

No amount of propaganda or rationalization can undo this heinous act of war committed by the belligerent Israeli state.

Now we await their next act of belligerence. Will the Israel attack the Turkish-escorted convoy at the end of this week? Probably.

In that case, Israel might find itself at war with NATO. That is a war in which Israel will surrender and be disarmed... if it is smart.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by Exuberant1]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 06:54 AM
Here's an analogy from recent history.

Argentina invaded the Falklands islands.
UK sent a force to take them back.

US wanted to be friendly with both parties.
What did they do?

Well, they hesitated. Did not open up hostilities with either side. Tried to avoid giving much public support for the position of either side.

But Reagan, bless him, decided to allow "materiel" support, i.e. to allow the UK to keep stocked up with arms, use Ascension island, etc, etc.

So precedent suggests that the US will try to avoid coming down decisively on one side or the other, but this will not prevent them from maintaining supplies for the side they privately favour.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 08:28 AM
I totally agree with DISRAEL, but in the end we should know that this situation is somehow bound with religion, and it is shown in the media in a way that it is somewhat a jewish vs muslims situation, because west wants Turkey to lead east, also Turkish government now (which is a religious government) agrees with that idea, but Turkish people feel more close to Europe and EU than east so there is an inside conflict in Turkey also, but this raid still counts as crime for them (on both sides of Turkey, religious and against religious sides) as they broke some international laws with an inhuman operations against non-armed civilians.

USA wouldn't want to loose Turkey and Israel, and we should remember how they backed up wars both sides throughout the history, it may also be applied here in a diplomatic way.

In Turkish media and Turkish citizens do not want war, they just want to end the locked up Gaza and stop Israel governments maverick behaviors..

I am a Swiss living in Turkey, I have many Turkish-Jewish friends living here and they are not happy with the situation either, Turkish president told Turkish citizens that they should avoid any extravagancy that can lead a war, and assured that they will use only legal ways to solve the issue.

So from here (Turkey) it seems that it will not lead to a war. On the otherhand, Turkish Army Forces (Soldier mind is always the same you know) says; 'if they shoot us, we shoot them, but we will not be the first one to open fire and start this' but also they are bound to government since its an international issue and the governments seems clear about the situation.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 08:40 AM
The USA would do literally that - STANDBY.

They would do absolutely nothing. The Obama administration is without teeth in nearly every single situation.

The only time that Obama seems to be able to make a decision is when

(1) Arizona passes a law that is a carbon copy of a Federal Law, and Obama calls it "misguided" and prosecutes Arizona, even though over 70% of Americans nationally support the Arizona law, and 17 other states are looking to implement similar laws

(2) they pass a healthcare law that 70% of American oppose, and

(3) let's take Memorial day weekend off to spend time in Chicago when we have a major disaster going on and when we have a memorial day ceremony at Arlington that every US President since the idea was introduced has attended every year

(4) Let's hold a press conference with no flag present.

(5) Let's dilly dally over Iran and North Korea, while they continue in their same old ways and get stronger every day you wait, and laugh at your ineffectiveness

(6) Let's bend to the will of environmentalists over how to stop the oil from the Gulf reaching the beaches, instead of just going ahead and building sandbars and saying "the hell with you" as the Cheney/Bush (I refuse to call it the Bush/Cheney as we all know who was really in charge) administration would have done.

(7) Let's put out a completely ineffective statement over an attack by Israel that world leaders from EVERY country except the USA are condemning in the strongest possible terms, and let's use our veto so that the UN can't even condemn the attack.

Obama had my full support at the beginning, but is rapidly putting himself into a situation where he will be a one term President, and will be remembered with about the same footnotes in history as Jimmy Carter - completely ineffective on anything he did, until after he left office. President Carter has done more for Habitat for Humanity and international diplomacy since he left office than he ever did for anyone else when he was President.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by babybunnies]

[edit on 2-6-2010 by babybunnies]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Dr Slim

Originally posted by Incubus

Originally posted by Dr Slim

Originally posted by realanswers
War is a joke.
The United States can win a war with the entire rest of the world.
One blast of the Tesla Particle Beam weapon and an entire army is destroyed. It makes a nuke look like a kids toy.
The 1908 Tunguska explosion, believe it.

Just think why we (U.S.) can fake 9-11, take over a number of Middle Eastern countries, and do anything we want.
The other countries really do know that even all of them combined can't beat us in war.
And realisticly, we don't "need" any other country for trade to "survive".

the epitome of ignorance, do you really believe that the US could take on the rest of the world? seriously. i just might go and make a thread to de-bunk your claim. but seriously, no you can't haha.

Can the US take out the rest of the world? Only with nukes, and then we'll be nuked too. We couldn't win in Vietnam. We haven't won in Afghanistan. We can't win against the whole world in a conventional war. China all by itself can destroy us without firing a single bullet.

the US can't win a war against the rest of the world, effectively, without being completely destroyed. and another little quote i liked in the first post was "And realisticly, we don't "need" any other country for trade to "survive". ".... wow! really?

You said it. The USA can't even win a war against third world militia fighters based out of caves (Afghanistan) or based out of tunnels in the jungle (Viet Nam).

They're hardly equipped to take on "the rest of the world". Hell, England with their paltry 200 nukes would have enough to destroy the USA, before we even look at China, Russia, France.

Any it wouldn't take a conventional army or nukes to bring the USA to a grinding standstill. Just a few hackers getting into the commucations , power, and other infrastructure systems would bring havoc to the US military and make it instanty ineffective. If you don't believe that governments such as China are working on this, then you need to rethink what would really happen in a 21st century war.

The first step China would do (or any other country for that matter) is call in all outstanding US debt, and us their US hard currency reserves to flood the market and make the US dollar worthless overnight (China, the EU, and Saudi Arabia hold about $1 trillion of US currency EACH in hard cash). Once economic chaos reigns supreme, they would crash communications. The US (military, civilian, and economic) would collapse in less than a week.

If you think the USA doesn't need "any other country" to survive, then I'm sure all the other countries would be happy to immediately call in all their debt, and see how you get on.

[edit on 2-6-2010 by babybunnies]

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 09:35 AM
Babybunnies you said it better than I could. China can defeat us without firing a single shot. My dad taught me that a long time ago.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
I believe the bought and paid for American whore politicians will always back Israel.
Israel control all the bribe money, and the media, and can make or break politicians at will.
Your spineless greedy and corrupt politicians have already sold out

You said all that without using the 'z' word !

This conflict will have financial costs for the USA as well as the EU/UK

The american people are tirerd of being controled by the enermy within and might just find the balls to do something about it before they are forced to use the amero which has been put on the table by the zionists already and i did't think they would need a war to carry out this plan.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
Turkey = Arab
Israel = Israel

any questions?

Yeah lots. Lots and lots.

The Turkish are Siberian, Asian, eastern european , persian descent. Not just Arabs. Just look at their history!

How can you justify what you just said? I'm interested. Are you implying America is at war with Arabia maybe?

Or what?

Teach them Mr-Lizard, teach the ignorants.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 10:37 AM
It's a tough scenario.... the sheep in the the US would want the US to back Israel, but NATO agreements dictate that they support the NATO nation. Israel is not part of NATO. All this being said it would be difficult for the US to commit troops to aid Israel(not that it wouldn't) since this country is already fighting wars on several regions. The US would have to send reserves and recall troops stationed around the world(I could be wrong, someone tell me).

If Israel sees itself threatened and without the backing of the International community, it only takes one crazy idiot in the Israeli government, and there are plenty, to press a button and use a nuke. World War 3 would ensue.... and then we're all committed. In favor of Israel or not I would immediately ask for a rifle and boots to defend the Homeland...the US.

Anyone ever seen V for Vendetta, that scene with the dominoes? Does anyone else think something like this is possible? Have 1 fool commit a crazy act and start a war?

I might just be going crazy with all the stuff thats happening...

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies
The USA would do literally that - STANDBY.

They would do absolutely nothing. The Obama administration is without teeth in nearly every single situation.

Standing by means Obama saying no to Israel and the religious right. Which the previous administration would never have the balls to do due to the political fallout. We have already seen the religious right go crazy over Obama not giving in to every Israel demand and not treating Israels leaders like emperors. They would go ballistic if the military wasn't used to protect the land mentioned in the Bible.

It sometimes takes a lot more backbone to do the right thing than simply to do what is politically popular.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 11:28 AM
Its hard to say. As of yet, Turkey and Israel are not at war and it is extremely unlikely that they will go to war over one isolated incident. Its going to take another incident before that happens. The circumstances of that future incident that would immediately and directly lead to war would be the key to the side the US chooses, if any, as well as whether or not the NATO alliance as a whole got involved.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 11:47 AM
I think if it is all based on this incident, Then i can't see the US public allowing the US to back Israel. Unless of course i'm underestimating the amount of Dual citizens in the country.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

The IDF is not the army it once was (but should still not be underestimated) as we saw when the IDF were defeated in Lebanon, and despite all of their hi-tech weaponry still managed to make a shambles of the Freedom Flotilla raid - we see in Iraq and Afghanistan how modern hi-tech weaponry barely changes anything and it still doesn't.

The kill/death ratio may be improved with hi-tech weaponry but it still takes boots on the ground to take and hold ground - hi-tech weaponry is only relevant to certain aspects of a war or battle.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 12:57 PM
I agree with one of the previous posters when they said that they didn't see any reason why the US would have to take sides.

Also, does anyone notice how things have escalated in the past year or so? We used to talk about "attacking" with bombs, troops etc... Now people throw words like "nuke" around like it's no big deal.

It worries me a great deal.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

The USA would stand by who its always stood by in every conflict its ever had ITSELF!!!!! NUFF SAID!!

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:09 PM
if my country would stand by israel i would migrate to turkey just to fight on the right side.

and no im not muslim. im agnostic and for me religion have nothing to do with my conviction that israel is run by lunatics

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Incubus

Sorry to say China could never take us all out by its self ,the reason too many chiefs and not enough indians!!!

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