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Glenn Beck's show the worst on Television

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posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Well, it came out of his own mouth. He has the worst show on Television, and its amazing how many people follow this buffoon thinking that he really cares about the current state of the world. I for one am simply perplexed at how a show geared towards pre-schoolers has risen to being one of the top shows in the country. Of course, that is a massive statement about the current mental aptitude that exists in the wake of this digressive political climate that we have in America.

Oh, and now he's claiming to be some prophet that is doing God's work. You might want to look into that one as well.

Star and flag this baby...Others need to see just how Beck views his own show.

Snippet from source:

In a somewhat bizarre moment on Glenn Beck's program Wednesday, he seemed to agree with what his liberal critics have been saying all along: his show is just bad TV.

"This is the worst television ever done," Beck said, while studying a chalkboard drawing he'd created. "We're doing it every day, congratulations."

Truly, if you follow this man, you need to really reevaluate your current political position. This man is not only insane, deranged, and nearly sociopathic, he readily admits that his own show is garbage.

So, for the Glen Beck followers, I don't want to down you for your opinions, but, I have to say this...I truly pity you.

You deserve much more than this clown who is totally reshaping the country through fear, paranoia, and misinformation.


Much love to all...

America deserves better.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:34 PM
He is just like jerry springer. Thats how he has gotten to have a top rated show. All he does is watches and read sites like this and then sets out to do his "tabloid show".

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:35 PM
Glen Beck's show is hilarious. Glen Beck can be moderately entertaining as he tries to tie Obama wearing a blue tie to Communist radicals (that nobody really knows about) that once passed through Chicago.

Jersey Shore on the other hand.....

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by sonoflibra
He is just like jerry springer. Thats how he has gotten to have a top rated show. All he does is watches and read sites like this and then sets out to do his "tabloid show".

Yep, I'll have to agree with you 100%. But, it still amazes me that people buy into it.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
Glen Beck's show is hilarious. Glen Beck can be moderately entertaining as he tries to tie Obama wearing a blue tie to Communist radicals (that nobody really knows about) that once passed through Chicago.

Jersey Shore on the other hand.....

Yeah, it really is amazing. But, although you can look at it as hilarious, others view it as reality.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:48 PM
If Beck's show is so terrible and/or he's such a nut case, exactly why do you care? I would think any person - such as yourself - with such highly evolved reasoning capabilities, the kind that allows them to understand and explain such complex issues to the uninformed masses, would have absolutely no problem dismissing and/or ignoring Beck ...

... unless for some reason Beck actually scares the $--t out of you ...

Why, exactly, would that be?

Have you actually watched the show?

If the answer is yes, simply turn it off if it offends you. Tough for elitists to comprehend, but it's not your place to tell others what they should or shouldn't watch, or read, or listen to.

If the answer is no, then WTH are you talking about? Come back to us when you find out.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 01:53 PM
I don't agree with fact, I find Glenn Beck and ATS equally satisfying.

Obama = communist
Bush = reptillian
NWO = Fed
Aliens = socialist appointees
supreme Court =MK Ultra

Frankly, both deal with paranoia and subversive elements, conspiacies, religion, government plots, global warming, subversive taxes and intentions, loss of US sovereignty, ....and on it goes.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
Glen Beck's show is hilarious. Glen Beck can be moderately entertaining as he tries to tie Obama wearing a blue tie to Communist radicals (that nobody really knows about) that once passed through Chicago.

Jersey Shore on the other hand.....

Yeah it would be funny except that people believe this garbage. People still believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11. I don't think it's ok to spew lies disguised as news and then to claim "Oh, it's just entertainment".
If you think people don't really believe this loon look at the responses on ATS.

"Oh, thank God for Glenn Beck", "I can really believe in him".

It's not funny, it's scary. These are the same people that are ready to pick up guns and kill somebody because they disagree with them and they think they have a right to "protect their country".

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:08 PM
I know that I am going to get alot of crap from alot of people on here for posting this but here I go.

Glenn Beck is an American hero, and should be given a freakin' medal! He has exposed Van Jones, the Acorn videos, and many other things in the nation that would have otherwise been skimmed over. He makes sense in everything he says, and he is a defender of the American constitution, and sovereignty. He does not have one of the highest rated shows in the U.S. for no reason!

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

I wonder if you're defending a guy who claims that his own show is garbage?

Personally, my political interests are geared towards the collective, and thus far, the collective are being swayed to believe misinformation and outright garbage.

So, I wonder...are you active politically, or try to help others make a positive change...or do you sit on the sidelines and allow the madness to continue for the sake of sheer entertainment? Maybe that's the question you should ask yourself.

And...since you asked. Maybe the idea of an idiot political pundit without a conscience does scare me. Why??? Because of the fact that entire political movements, like the tea parties, hold Glenn Beck in the utmost of esteem. These are the same people who are starting militias and other dangerous movements that could powderkeg us into unnecessary violence and upheaval. And let me ask you this...DO you think Glenn Beck is going to be riding on the horizon with all of those "militia groups? Do you think he's going to fight for the New Revolution? HELL NO. He's going to be sipping his latte while the idiot rednecks in this country will be shooting at random targets because they don't know the face of their real enemy. Have you ever had that thought??? NOPE. Not relevant to someone who probably doesn't you have eloquently stated.

And...what is it that you want for me to talk about that I haven't already stated? Glenn Beck says his show is garbage. Go read the link. I merely posted my opinion on this thread that agrees with Beck. So, since I am in agreement, I'm not sure what YOUR POINT IS.

Thanks for your comment.

Much love to all...

[edit on 23-4-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
If Beck's show is so terrible and/or he's such a nut case, exactly why do you care? I would think any person - such as yourself - with such highly evolved reasoning capabilities, the kind that allows them to understand and explain such complex issues to the uninformed masses, would have absolutely no problem dismissing and/or ignoring Beck ...

... unless for some reason Beck actually scares the $--t out of you ...

Why, exactly, would that be?

Have you actually watched the show?

If the answer is yes, simply turn it off if it offends you. Tough for elitists to comprehend, but it's not your place to tell others what they should or shouldn't watch, or read, or listen to.

If the answer is no, then WTH are you talking about? Come back to us when you find out.

right back at ya re: EvolvedMinistry's thread. it shouldn't seem you should care, but oh, you do. one could take their own advice ... if you don't like what's being said, don't go read it, not your place to tell what others what to say or not say, yadda, yadda. my opinion is the op is, obviously, 100% correct.

[edit on Apr 23, 2010 by Hadrian]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by damwel

Excellently stated Damwell. Thanks for your comment.

Much appreciation and much LOVE to all...

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by ReVoLuTiOn76

Maybe you're not keeping up with current events but the acorn videos were fake. It was a right wing attack that worked.Acorn Video Faked, edited to mislead

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Hadrian

Thank you very much Hadrian. I appreciate your comment as it was well thought out and intelligently delivered.

Star from me.

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
I know that I am going to get alot of crap from alot of people on here for posting this but here I go.

Glenn Beck is an American hero, and should be given a freakin' medal! He has exposed Van Jones, the Acorn videos, and many other things in the nation that would have otherwise been skimmed over. He makes sense in everything he says, and he is a defender of the American constitution, and sovereignty. He does not have one of the highest rated shows in the U.S. for no reason!

Hilarious. Thanks for the comedy.

By the way...Your American hero said that his show was Garbage. I can't thank Glenn Beck enough for FINALLY telling the truth.

And the reason why he has the highest rated show is directly commensurate with the drop of education in America. Most stations gear their content to those of a 5th grade education. Congratulations for falling in that category.

Enough said...

Much love to all...

[edit on 23-4-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:25 PM
Glenn Beck is doing good work.

I can see how communists, socialists, and others of the same mind will find him threatening. But that is because they hate America. And I for one, am just tired of the shrill squeals of the pusillanimous cretins who hate my country and no longer feel the need to appease their ceaseless calls for its demise.

I guess it just sucks to be a commie these days. Oh well, you had a good run here in the states. Had us all scared for while. The gig is up, comrade.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by mike_trivisonno]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:31 PM
Well I think it's the Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin fans who HATE AMERICA. They might wrap themselves in the flag but it's they and their thought processes that are becoming the undoing of personal liberty and the wiping of their butt with the Constitution.
Look at what they do not what they say. Bush did more to usurp the constitution than anyone ever and they were right behind him all the way.
This blind patriot crap is gonna destroy the US, it's already ruined our rep in the world. At least we have quit torturing the accused.

edit: Scroll back up and look at the stars that Revolution76's post is getting. That's a good indication of how many people fall for this buffoon right here on a site that is supposed to deny ignorance. I agree alot of it is caused by the "dumbing down" of the US education system that the Bennett brothers did during Reagan's term with their "Education 2000".

[edit on Fri April 23rd, 2010 by damwel]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:35 PM
So, the OP doesn't like Beck's show...fair enough. Thanks to an incredibly costly cable bill I receive somewhere around 500 channels filled with amazing amounts of silly shows that I never watch. I've occasionally sat through a few minutes of Beck's daily rants--he's a bit manic for my taste and sees conspiracies in every shadow--a bit like ATS actually in that aspect. I don't love the show--I don't even like it--but I don't hate it. I also don't hate Joy Behar's show or Larry King's shows either even though they are on the far opposite end of the political spectrum. I suppose my question is why is someone so bothered by Beck's show as to make an entire thread declaiming how stupid it is. If you think it's stupid keep turning until you find the brand-of-stupid you like on tv--god knows there's enough stupid shows out there that you should find one you like.

What I find most amazing is that in this country where free-speech is so greatly championed, people work so hard to try to silence those they don't agree with--even if it's just on tv. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. If enough people don't watch it, it will be taken off the air. Apparently, millions of people watch this show--I guess they are all stupid too.

[edit on 23/4/2010 by xtradimensions]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by mike_trivisonno
Glenn Beck is doing good work.

I can see how communists, socialists, and others of the same mind will find him threatening. But that is because they hate America. And I for one, am just tired of the shrill squeals of the pusillanimous cretins who hate my country and no longer feel the need to appease their ceaseless calls for its demise.

I guess it just sucks to be a commie these days. Oh well, you had a good run here in the states. Had us all scared for while. The gig is up, comrade.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by mike_trivisonno]

Amazing. Glenn Beck could get on his show, call every one of his fans a fool, spit in their faces, tell them that he's been lying the entire time, and they would still get starry eyed because he's saying things that THEY WANT TO HEAR. Jesus wept.

Glenn Beck does not fact check and is a liar...take a look. He admits that he does not fact check, as a matter of fact, he is called out as the person that he is quite well by these people. He only claims to be a commentator...NOT AN INVESTIGATOR. He gets news from any source whether its viable or not, and then goes with it. If he doesn't do RESEARCH, and he consistently lies and makes up information...How the hell can you believe him???

So, right here, he gets raked over the coals for doing what he does best.

HE LIES. I could post a million more instances, but, this one speaks volumes.

If you consider this man an American hero, then you might as well put a Benedict Arnold sign on your forehead and call yourself a traitor. Or better yet, just put an "uninformed sign" on your head so that people would know not to take you seriously.

Sorry for the tone, but, its the only way to make you understand.

By the way...the only REASON why our economy is still intact is because of the COMMUNISTS that you hate so much.

China currently owns you under the 3.8 trillion dollars that they've been lending to keep your CAPITALIST butt afloat.

Don't forget that.

Much love to all...

[edit on 23-4-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
reply to post by centurion1211

I wonder if you're defending a guy who claims that his own show is garbage?

I'm defending - under the 1st Amendment - the right of anyone, Beck included, to have a show and speak their mind. I'm also defending the right of anyone else to watch Beck's show, or whatever they want on TV.

Personally, my political interests are geared towards the collective, and thus far, the collective are being swayed to believe misinformation and outright garbage.

The "collective"? At any rate, this is nominally still a free country and members of the "collective" are allowed to view whatever is served up by the media. You say "swayed", but that is totally an elitist viewpoint, as in they're all so dumb, but somehow you are not.

So, I wonder...are you active politically, or try to help others make a positive change...or do you sit on the sidelines and allow the madness to continue for the sake of sheer entertainment? Maybe that's the question you should ask yourself.

Been active politically, I would guess far longer than you. Long enough, at least, to have learned that I alone don't have all the answers for everyone else. Maybe someday, and with a little more experience, you'll also arrive at the same conclusion.

And...since you asked. Maybe the idea of an idiot political pundit without a conscience does scare me. Why??? Because of the fact that entire political movements, like the tea parties, hold Glenn Beck in the utmost of esteem. These are the same people who are starting militias and other dangerous movements that could powderkeg us into unnecessary violence and upheaval. Have you ever had that thought??? NOPE. Not relevant to someone who probably doesn't you have eloquently stated.

Dissent is a part of our country and our history. You also need to understand that many of the people you are denigrating probably feel the same way about you and the people you place your beliefs and trust in. So who's right. Can it really only be you? Polls say there are in fact far more of them, so maybe it's YOU that needs to reconsider ...

And...what is it that you want for me to talk about that I haven't already stated? Glenn Beck says his show is garbage. Go read the link. I merely posted my opinion on this thread that agrees with Beck. So, since I am in agreement, I'm not sure what YOUR POINT IS.

Thanks for your comment.

Much love to all...

[edit on 23-4-2010 by EvolvedMinistry]

Said by Beck, but possibly taken out of context. I didn't see the video, and frankly don't care what Beck said. I do, however, care very much when people like you that seem to believe they can think and speak for everyone else wan to take away the rights of others to make their own choices.

Again, it doesn't get much more elitist than that.

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