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Why did god create so many different religons?

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posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Naeem82

god didnt make the religions power hungry men did

Thanks... my thoughts exactly.

It should also, from this point, be remembered that if you have a problem with religion, as it were as a creation of man, it is with man and not with God.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 03:23 PM
god made all the religions so man would have something to argue about.

if man wasn't arguing about stuff, this world would be a pretty cool place to live.

god has his reasons, he just doesn't want you to know what they are.

I know, cause he told me...and only me...

Let's not argue about it....


posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by wantsome

Hello wantsome,

I don't believe God created the different "religions", man created all the different ways to believe.

we need to go back in the OT at the Tower of Bable. At this time all mankind spoke the same and had built this tower to reach heaven. God then confused their speech so they had trouble working together and understanding each other. As mankind went their own ways is when I believe we started having different ways of believing. And new "religions" cropped up.

I still believe with so many paths to take, they all will reach the top of the mountain. I believe the most important thing is that we get on a path that seems to feel right within ourselves and keep learning, growing and helping others to find their path. We are to be a light shineing bright in the darkness so others will follow the same light.

Peace and Merry Christmas,

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by bignick
Tell that to the 4 billion retards.

We have many of those retards here in America, who like to call themselves 'true Christians.'

And, what does a 'true Christian' want?

He wants his god to come down, kill the 'bad guys,' appoint himself king over his own creation, and rule them for ever.

This is the so-called 'true Christian's' sad belief.

According to these brainwashed tools, people didn't treat their neighbors well, until the creator had to come down and personally tell them to do so.

speak for yourself. where you get your screwed up theory from i dont know but im christian and i dont want God to kill all the bad guys. a true christian would want the baddies to open their eyes and hearts to God so that he can save them. im not brainwashed nor am i a tool.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:14 PM
Actually Satan uses false religions to lead people away from the true religion. Afterall, all religions can't be right.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by thumper666
reply to post by pplrnuts

Thanks for your support, obviously you are just as aware as I am regarding the origins of Christianity. I gotta say, I too am amazed at how little people actually know about the origins of various religions. It's especially mind-blowing when it's a religion one will claim as their own. It would seem to me that buying into something without first researching it thoroughly, leaves one with an incomplete understanding of the matter at hand.

Most people don't research it because they are born into it, they believe what there parents have thought them and their parents parents etc, what they learn in church and what they see on TV.
I have arguments / debates all the time with my wife about religion we are both Catholic, but her family is practising, they go to church every Sunday.
Trying to convince her that the past 5 generations of her family are wrong and have been lied to is an almost impossible task, and she has no wish to read about the history and origins of Catholicism because she does not want to know the truth, and she wouldn't believe it anyway. I don't think most religious people could comprehend the fact that they have been lied to their whole lives no matter how many facts and documents you through at them.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 04:32 PM
I believe I can answer that with 3 explinations:
The first was from a good friend of mine, a pagan.
Picture yourself the size of say a small seed, say a carrot seed, and then you go out and look up at something the size of the Galaxy. How would you be able to describe what you see to the other person, that they could understand? Something that large, with you being that small kind of makes it hard for you to understand or even comprehend what you are viewing.
2) Do you remember the parable of the 3 blind men and the elephant, where each one described the elephant, and each one could only tell what they felt, one touching the tail and saying it was like rope, another touching the trunk and stated that it was like rubber, the third touching the side and saying that the elephant was saggy like a bag.
3) None of the different religions have it right, but they all have something to contribute to the big picture. I have found that the Hindu texts, give a good idea on the relation of time to the age of the universe, that the Buddhist text give a good idea on what happens after we die. That the Jewish Talmud, gives a means to live a good life, Christianity, gives you a means to treat each other, and so on. It is not just one to look at, but if you look at them all, and try to live the idea, rather than just give lip service, it changes your outlook.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
I believe I can answer that with 3 explinations:
The first was from a good friend of mine, a pagan.
Picture yourself the size of say a small seed, say a carrot seed, and then you go out and look up at something the size of the Galaxy. How would you be able to describe what you see to the other person, that they could understand? Something that large, with you being that small kind of makes it hard for you to understand or even comprehend what you are viewing.
2) Do you remember the parable of the 3 blind men and the elephant, where each one described the elephant, and each one could only tell what they felt, one touching the tail and saying it was like rope, another touching the trunk and stated that it was like rubber, the third touching the side and saying that the elephant was saggy like a bag.
3) None of the different religions have it right, but they all have something to contribute to the big picture. I have found that the Hindu texts, give a good idea on the relation of time to the age of the universe, that the Buddhist text give a good idea on what happens after we die. That the Jewish Talmud, gives a means to live a good life, Christianity, gives you a means to treat each other, and so on. It is not just one to look at, but if you look at them all, and try to live the idea, rather than just give lip service, it changes your outlook.

As much as I abhor most religions, particularly the monotheistic hypocrite religions, I had to give you a star for this post. Very well put and thought out, don't find many ATS users with such a deep and understanding intellect like that.

I agree wholeheartedly that all these various religions have certain 'lessons' that we can all learn and strive to live for, but at the same time I dislike the blind faith of the deities of these religions and the petty arrogance that one deity is more real than the other. I personally prefer the Church of Reality religion, believing only in what has been absolutely proven to be real to reality. Which in today's world isn't a whole hell of a lot to believe in, but the methods of discovery and how to continue learning can form a very solid moral ground to live by without petty superstitious beliefs that haven't been proven real as of yet.

A lot of these religious nutters will slander against atheists when they don't understand the term itself. A Christian for example is atheistic against Zeus, so it's kind of hilarious that they will insult an atheist when they are one as well. There is no more evidence for the biblical God than there is for Zeus, so it really is just blind superstitious faith of the same ilk as a rain God. Just pure petty arrogant ignorance of reality and blind wishful thinking coupled with a smidgen of holier than thou attitude which is hypocritical to their religion, they're the scum of the planet and the reason we have petty fights.

But us who can think.... we just don't 'understand' it.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by wantsome

Well it's quite simple really. As others have said it was man that created religion.

Put yourself in the place of early man. The world is new, language has just become solidified and what used to be scattered hunter gatherers is now coming together into civilizations. Key to these early civilizations is agriculture and the key to that is understanding the seasons so the Stars, Sun and Moon are vastly important to these people. Can you imagine it, looking up into that vast black sky filled with lights and just marveling at it, hearing the howling of the wind with no inkling as to what is causing it. Seeing fire and lava spilling out from the Earth. In an attempt to quantify these unknowns and bind the community together the first "religions" were created.

Forces of nature and stars in the heavens are personified as powerful heroes of old, supernatural deities, etc.

When the leaders of these civilizations see the sway that faith has on their people they eventually elect to make the religion and organized state sponsored one and it's all been downhill from there.

Human sacrifice
War in the name of deities
Repression of knowledge

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:28 PM
Religion is man made. If you are seeking spirituality, it will never be found in the confines of religion.

Religion is at the root of all the wars I can think of..."My invisible guy is better than your invisible guy"

Religion gives you an excuse to hate, is a form of control and does little to liberate the spirit.

Religion, in my view, is a problem...and has nothing to do with spirituality.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by Revolution-2012
reply to post by gazerstar

Your speculation is far from the truth.

Buddhists do not speak of power, etc, what you've said.

I suggest you go read the book Siddhartha and have some enlightenment on this subject, Buddhism is less of a religion and more of a set of spiritual teachings to aide you to enlightenment.

Whoa! I just quoted and posted a link to an article for further reading along with some of my own fallible commentary. Asian Buddhists, as an originally patriarchal society, have harshly discriminated against women, including their own nuns, for centuries. Discrimination is a form of hate which goes against the very core of their own teachings. Maybe that's what the author of the article was referring to when he mentioned them along with the fact that Buddhism does come from tribal origins. I'm sorry if you disagree with my 'speculation'. I respect your right to your opinion. Peace be with you.

[edit on 10-12-2009 by gazerstar]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by wantsome
Why did god create so many different religons? I'm just wondering what the general consensus is on this question.

To divide and conquer.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:05 PM
I agree with the majority.
But my theory on religion differs.
I feel that its a mixture of Ancient tradition, along with "others" interpretation of: ancient writings, mysticism, and Prophecy, both old and new.
And as it was realised, by those that did this, that control of the above via what ever vessel possible, allowed for power and a whole lot more, they grew grander in their interpretations, and started to hide things.

Because of this allowance and tolerance of those that made life easier for us, we started to allow those "in the know" to make the "harder" decisions and interpretations for us, and we grew more complacent, hence, ultimately losing our identites as free will beings!
This turned into the control that we see now, and it was done with nothing but a carrot on the end of a stick. We grew lazy....

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by wiseone11

I think you brought up a number of good points but I have to agree and disagree in part.

Originally posted by wiseone11
Religion is at the root of all the wars I can think of…

Really not true at all. In fact, religion had very little to do with most of the major wars throughout human existence. Just look deeper into history. WWI and WWII were not fought over religion. They were wars over ideologies, economics and political power. They probably killed more people in the shortest span in human history. Also, other nations engaged in great wars or campaigns that were not religious in nature at all. Look at Alexander’s conquests, the various Roman wars, Genghis Khan, the Napoleonic Wars, etc.

Granted, in any or all of these, the various combatants might have made use of the propagandistic value of claiming, “God is on our side.” But they were not motivated by or pursuing the goals of religion in any real sense.

Originally posted by wiseone11
Religion gives you an excuse to hate, is a form of control and does little to liberate the spirit.

Totally true. You can find evidence of that simply by reading this thread. It took what, 3 or 4 posts before it degenerated into name calling and accusations of moral and intellectual degeneracy?

[edit on 10-12-2009 by passenger]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:26 PM
who cares?

or is that just me being honest?

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Dont you have parent's kid ??? Another kid, with no clue, ... about anything.

Thread #2 Why does Santa choose to use Coal for bad children ?

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:44 PM
Well see, gods quite a trickster, more crafty than the previously thought giant kid with a magnifying glass.

See he/she creates one religion, sells them some real estate (you can blame him/her for the housing bubble crisis) then to raise the pricing of the houses, he creates another religion elsewhere, and sells them some real estate, then confuses them, and they forget whose land is whose, then it's price raises because both sides want it, he/she knows what he's/she's doing.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

Dont you have parent's kid ??? Another kid, with no clue, ... about anything.

Thread #2 Why does Santa choose to use Coal for bad children ?

Well obviously so we can't point the finger at those kids for the climate crisis.

Coal = Bad

[edit on 10-12-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:52 PM
People created all religion, sorry nothing what so ever to do with GOD.

In the beginning it was the need for answers and to many people it is still that way today.

Many people need religion as much today as they always did.

Simply because those answers are still not answered.

The boffins are the ones looking for GOD not the priests as they think they have already found GOD.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 11:58 PM
What passes for religion is often a catalysts for simply expressing karma. People with different needs and different inclinations find harmony with a particular "path". These paths really don't offer much of a difference than that of atheism, agnostic, evolutionist. In some cases they may even be more detrimental.

While what passes for religion can, in some cases, have the goal of uplifting the spirit, it does so only by inclining the spirit to a higher region with matter.

True Religion is very different and extremely rare. It provides a clear and concrete path out of the creations of matter. This is because it is driven directly by the True Supreme Being. Such religion is unique, there is no need for multiplicity. It does not serve a fetish karmic need but rather assists those who no longer have such conditions to exhaust and are ready to go home.

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