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Real racism or just the racism card?

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posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:17 AM
Whenever I'm in the car I like to listen to talk radio, but the only talk radio I can get is right-wing radio. Now I'm non-partisan for the most part, but I must say I've become very sensitive, through no real fault of my own, to what I feel are a majority of mistruths from the right. Especially since George Bush years. So much so that it's actually been pushing me left. So let that just be my disclaimer. I didn't set out to be left, but I just can't stand liars and I hear it coming more from the right than anyone.

I've been hearing a lot on the radio about how the right is being labeled as racists all the time by the left and how horrible they are because of it. But aside from a few random Joes on the Internet, I haven't really heard anyone calling Republicans racist. So who is the right-wing MSM upset about? And I really hope it's from mainstream sources, and not just some nobodies on the Internet because if that is the case I'm going to have to believe they're just playing the racism card to be the innocent victim. The MSM should not be upset because some nobodies on the Internet are calling them racist. They never give us the time of day any other time.

Now I do hear this a lot on the Internet too, that people are tired of being called racist. I just saw a thread about it. And I rarely hear anyone call people racist on the Internet unless they're really acting racist. Recently it was something about Jews. But you sort of expect that from people on the Internet. I don't expect it from people on talk radio or in the MSM unless they can back this up with sources. So I ask you, who is making all the racist accusations and why haven't I heard it?

Just because I know the first thing you do before you ask a question is Google it, I decided to go and Google this to see who was making the accusations and what I found out was actually quite startling. Now I know this is not any kind of scientific test, but what do you think of these results?

Google results:

"Republicans are racist" - 10,300 pages
"Democrats are racist" - 230,000 pages
"Republicans are not racist" - 274,000 pages
"Democrats are not racist" - 233,000 pages

Now, like I said this is not a scientific test by any means. But just from a totally random selection of results, it does seem like there's a good possibility of the following.

1. Very few people are calling Republicans racist
2. A lot of people are calling Democrats racist
3. An overwhelmingly improportionate amount of Republicans are complaining about being called racist who are not (Over 2600%!)
4. An equal amount of Democrats are complaining about being called racist who are being called racist

Now what do you think of this? Is something going on here or is it just me? Who are the Republicans barking about? I don't get it.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 04:34 AM
Now before anybody attacks me, I want to let you know this is an honest question and I'm not doing this to criticize anyone. I really don't get it. I'd like to be able to see your point of view, those who feel they're being unfairly persecuted as racists. The truth is, I only started getting into politics just before George Bush was in office so I don't know all the ins and outs of politics. I'm only calling in the way I see it from basically the eyes of a politics newbie.


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 05:27 AM
Fracking racist! Just kidding. Fracking racist! Just kidding.

One of the techniques. Accuse it, than apologize. Than the person that is too busy to read it all or to research it perpetuates the lie.

Hell, I have been called an anarchist-hate all gov in general, red neck-have numerous guns and am a northern white boy with a penchant to drink, right wing nut job-from my own city police force for all my protests lately(4 years now-not just during Obama Reign), and an all around asshat.

But for the racist #, my father was a racist, probably his only thing that would have kept him from being a saint. I abhor the way he made me feel. In one breath-Catholic/Christian-the next-*** than******. In the end I am sure he asked for forgiveness-at least I hope he did.

I would say, as of this time-90% of the US is totally afraid of being racist. Not because of the stigmata but our own beliefs that to reach a state of true enlightenment we need to shed this crap.

Now the PTB know this and will use anything to keep us in compliance. I am beginning to get pissed about their use of our pennance-which we are only giving for not our sins but the sins of our fathers.

I do not know where I am going with this, but Obama=Bush and I screamed about Bush, so if I do not scream about Obama that makes me a hypocrite.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by theyreadmymind

As a political wonk, I have seen it quite a bit. It was used early on, if you disagreed with a policy of Obama's, and the left couldn't argue it well, they then resorted to pulling the race card.

It was quite common early on. Even here on ATS, but I see it being used less, just because it was so over-used.

Heck, I've been called a racist more THIS YEAR, than in all time of my aged long life of 46 years.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:23 AM
i dont think this subject is as black and white as people make out.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:30 AM
A lot of the "current" Hoop-La is coming from the attacks on Rush Limbaugh.

The attacks on him are making news and we are seeing a lot of it. He is being brought up a lot in open congress which of course we are not paying our elected officials for.

My opinion of course


posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:32 AM
It is a historical fact that as the Democratic party embraced civil rights the racist elements of the old south "Dixiecrats" bolted to the Republican party paving the way for the right wing coup of the GOP. For years afterward the race card was played by the Republicans whenever they could...the most infamous was the Willie Horton ads accusing Michael Dukakis of furloughing a known (black) rapist who went out and did it again. In all actuality Dukakis had nothing to do with it the state furlough program was put in place before he was governor.

As the 90's progressed the GOP became increasingly sensitive to the accusation of racism and started claiming reverse racism whenever they could. Kind of like how the Christian right will claim that they are being prejudiced against if you object to their homophobia. Now the reverse racism charge is one of the right's biggest sticks...despite the fact the only ones who wield it is white (mostly) men.

Is the GOP racist? No not all of them not by a long the same time consider the outrageous statements made about Obama since he entered the national arena...the most egregious and racist are all made by members of the GOP.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by theyreadmymind

Your results did not seem to refect what was going on here lately in the world. Dems getting called racists the most by 20 fold? hahaha

"Republicans are racist" - 10,300 pages
"Democrats are racist" - 230,000 pages
"Republicans are not racist" - 274,000 pages
"Democrats are not racist" - 233,000 pages

Here are the terms were it comes up the most.

"Conservatives are racist" - 832,000 pages
"Tea Party are racists" - 56,000 pages

Just sayin...............

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by j2000

Like the OP said those aren't scientific numbers.

It merely reflects what is being posted on line. I am certain if you had looked during the bush minor years you would find different numbers.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by grover

All I did was google racist ads run by democrats

just a sample

The hardest thing to overcome, the stereo-type of race, is CONSTANTLY emphasized by the left.

Black Caucus this, black history month this, black history month that, black pride, black america, african-american, afro-american.

Cut it out!!!

The reason there is still so much emphasis is because of black liberals. Imagine if everyone stopped being racist.

Jesse Jackson would be out of a fracking job.

Whites, you've been forgiven. Get over the guilt.
Blacks, we've come a long way baby, time now to move forward. Whites aren't going to do it for us. Only we can.

I get so tired of this. . . .

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:15 AM
A couple of months ago, I "came out of the closet" as it were. I told the ATS community that I ws mixed race. High Yellow. That's what my grandma' called me. As a conservative writer for years, a conservative activist on ATS for OVER a year, it created a small ripple. Even got an applause from one of the mods.
My wife (an uppity whitey) got a big chuckle out of it, even made me a "rainbow" pillowcase.

Get over it. It starts now. Stop focusing on damn colour. Yeah, Obama is mixed. So am I. BFD.

Can we all be grown-ups and start looking beyond the amount of melanin in someones skin and start focusing on issues that affect our wives, families, children?

OP, no offense, you brought up a good thread, wanted to reply, it brought out discussion. But political sniping (as I have been guilty of) has got to stop on the issue of race.

CRIPES!!! We are all humans. That's about the only race I care about. The small minded people who focus on it need to get their butts kicked around the areas of their shoulder blades.

When the democrats stop hiding behind their own race, race issues and start manning up for their own damn failed policies, maybe then we can see real "hope" and "change" in this country.

Until then, Jim Crow will be alive and well.

-I'll get off my soapbox now-

[edit on 16-10-2009 by mikerussellus]

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by j2000

Like the OP said those aren't scientific numbers.

It merely reflects what is being posted on line. I am certain if you had looked during the bush minor years you would find different numbers.

I don't remember being called a racists in the Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan years for fighting against big Govt.

This time around, the Govt expansion has gone crazy and so have the empty accussations of racisim. Of course along with other things like facists, etc.

The level of freedom that is being highjacked from us right now and since the Patriot Act is unbelievable.
Unless someone stands up to the Govt, most all will be given away and we will be in a bondage state of labor.
When the thought of getting away and living off the land, costs too much to think about, something is very wrong.

I want to work hard, save money, pay for things as I get them and not borrow. They keep coming for more and more and giving my money to the wealthy and the poor for things they either do not need, or won't work for.
Now I am a racists. How the hell does that figure?

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:21 AM
How many threads can we start on racism?

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
How many threads can we start on racism?

Well it was starting to die down some on ATS, until the whole Rush L. thing came about the last couple of days.

The big bad wolf "Al Sharpton" had to stick his nose into things again.
It's too bad he does not sit down and shut up for once.

Why does he not take some of that energy and make something with it?
Oh, that's right, he is making money for himself.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
How many threads can we start on racism?

As many as it takes until this stupid s### stops.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by grover

umm I do not think you are stated the truth there, Dixiecrats did not bolt to the Repiblican party.... Here is a Question what memeber of Congress use to be KKK member but is now a US Senator?

Answer Robery Byrd Democrat...

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by JJay55

And how many television series shows can we watch about racism?

CSI last night for example. A white cop guns down a black cop and the entire show examines racism. Sheesh, can't get away from the stuff! Social engineering at work. Watch and learn folks.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by Hazelnut

That was a good show, and go figure its the black CSI that shows he wasn’t a racists-)

I hate the fact that 40 years after the Civil rights act, that we still talk about this nonsense. I have been called a racists and just laugh and trot out my nieces and nephews, My dad and his three daughters, so hey if I am a racists then I guess I hate my family-) And after I point out this fact Liberals usually resort to more name calling-) God I love it.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by poedxsoldiervet

You are the one who is misinformed:

They (the parenthesis) remained in the Democratic fold, restive, until the candidacy of Republican conservative Barry Goldwater liberated them in 1964 by refreshing some of the Dixiecrat ideologies and therefore accelerated the transition from a solid South for the Democrats to one for the Republicans. Strom Thurmond switched to the Republican Party that year and remained there until his death in December 2003.

Other presidential candidates, such as Republican Richard M. Nixon in 1968, have effectively used the Southern strategy of "states' rights" and racial inequality to garner votes from the racially conservative electorate in the southern states.

Although the Dixiecrats immediately dissolved after the 1948 election, their impact lasted much longer. Many white voters who initially cast Dixiecrat ballots gravitated back toward the Democratic Party only grudgingly, and they remained nominal Democrats at best. Ultimately, the Dixiecrat movement paved the way for the rise of the modern Republican Party in the South. Many former Dixiecrat supporters eventually became Republicans, as was highlighted by Strom Thurmond's conversion in the 1960s.

In summary while what was known in 1948 as the Dixiecrat party returned to the Democratic fold over the course of the 60's many of its supporters followed Strom Thurmond to the Republican party paving the way for the rise of the GOP in the south and the decline of the Democratic party there...

and that migration paved the way for the GOP southern strategy which included using racially divisive rhetoric and propaganda.

posted on Oct, 16 2009 @ 08:29 AM
The white people who go running around making charges of reversed racism have no idea what they are talking about.

None of them have experienced the institutionalized racism that blacks, native Americans, Hispanics and Chinese (among others) have had to suffer in this country...and in some cases still do.

And if some members of another race are biased against them...well do you blame them for returning the compliment?

[edit on 16-10-2009 by grover]

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