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WAR: Video Shows Beheading of American Civilian Nick Berg by Al Qaeda Group

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posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 08:34 AM
Oh my people are still talking about this? I did see the video, and guesome is an understatement.

Let's see....Personally...

I have more respect for a person who, if he is going to take a life, has the balls to do it himself, and in a very hands on manner.

Unlike the "heroic" coalition forces that choose to bomb large sections of the populace in order to "soften" the targets for ground troops.

Murder is murder...whether you are sawing the head off of one person with a utility knife, or dropping bombs from heights that allow your conscience the comfort of not dealing with the fact that hundreds if not thousands are dying from your actions.

I find it hilarious that hands on murder that leads to the death of an individual is "wrong", but "surgical-precision" bombing that leads to the death of thousands is "heroic". Orwellian double speak at it's finest

Don't you just love living in a post-modern world?

[edited for spelling]

[edit on 13-7-2005 by phoenixhasrisin]

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 09:39 PM
Long Distance Views Of A Small World

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Don't you just love living in a post-modern world?

Indeed. Among other things, it permits us to pontificate on things from afar without the need to worry about being right, wrong or relevant.

Life is good.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Majic
Long Distance Views Of A Small World

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
Don't you just love living in a post-modern world?

Indeed. Among other things, it permits us to pontificate on things from afar without the need to worry about being right, wrong or relevant.

Life is good.

slavery is freedom, as we all know. let us enjoy our great freedom. i always look forward to spelunking the cavernous wells of info and disinfo.
freedom is, of course, only available to those who bi-bye the lye(pick up the soap).
james joyce could still save many from the newspeak spell. 'get' finnegan's wake. it ain't EZ.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by phoenixhasrisin
I find it hilarious that hands on murder that leads to the death of an individual is "wrong", but "surgical-precision" bombing that leads to the death of thousands is "heroic". Orwellian double speak at it's finest

Its just that the thought of surgical-precision bombing killing thousands doesn't cross one's mind, as the number of deaths is beyond one's imagination. For example Hiroshima didn't hit home until the after effects were witnessed by people through media.

But IMO if the media were all over the US bombings in Afghanistan, then the publics view would have been changed drammatically. There wouldn't be this PRO WAR on terror, Nuke everyone but the US, and other one dimensional views. But freedom of the press is not what it once was under Bush's totalitarian regime. Such examples can be found by browsing through other thread in ats.

Also for this war on terror the disadvantages seem to be outweighing the benefits, but only through controlling the media can this war on terror be continued. As long as the public agrees, and the public always agrees, since the government has the ability to perform terror by its own means and whether it does or not will linger on as a conspiracy or just a doubt in ones mind.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 09:52 AM
The beheading showed all signs of a sloppy American psy-ops operation. You must be blind to still believe that 'muslem extremists' were behind it.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 02:09 PM
Seeing The Signs

Originally posted by IlluSionS667
The beheading showed all signs of a sloppy American psy-ops operation.

For those of us without a list to refer to, what exactly are all signs of a sloppy American psy-ops operation?

posted on Aug, 7 2005 @ 05:04 PM
ogrish (place www. before it and .com after the word)

This site shows Nick Berg and the other unlucky intruders.

Warning: this site may make you throw up

[edit on 8/7/2005 by 39 drops of solder]

[edit on 8/7/2005 by 39 drops of solder]

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 10:40 AM
I watched the beheading vids, I want to vomit It is horrable. whoever was in charge of that needs to die. Makes me sick maybe the world should be destroyed.

If you havnt seen them maybe you shouldnt, ionly watched one and its bad.

[edit on 24-8-2005 by Michaeljp86]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 05:25 PM
I know a site that has I think 3 beheadings on it, makes me want to puke. Im worning you its bad and keep your kids away.

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by AceOfBase

Isn't that unusual for the news services to give out the persons name?
Didn't they withhold Hamill's name until after they notified his family?

[Edited on 11-5-2004 by AceOfBase]

not really. they're supposed to notify the family first, but it doesnt always happen that way. when my mom's brother died, she heard about it for the first time on the radio...
(sorry about the off topicness of this post, i really dont know what to say about the original topic...)

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 08:01 AM
i just saw that video.. it nearly made me sick.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 09:15 AM
And you think a thread is dead...........

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 04:50 AM
Warfare is never pretty. In any war scenario you must always be willing to accept the worse scenario, prepare for it, but hope for the best. This is especially true with contracting and the sorts. Warfare and its related fields has claimed Nick Berg. I am sorry that his loved ones and family must deal witht this matter... but they should know the truth of their son in the video.

I have information that will make this thread live again. How can all of you be so gullible? Remember, question all assumptions. Watch the video again, after I inform you of this...

-He was dead the entire time of footage and was extremely pale. His eyes also never blinked.

-The screaming started before the attackers jumped on him, and the voice was that of a woman's as well as another.

-The men in the video had a Western swagger and they did not resemble radical hadji idiots besides their clothing.

-The head was pre-cut, and the body was dead, hence blood not spewing out all over the entire room as would a beheading would cause... think aortal (spelling) artery and how much blood is constantly being sent to the brain.

-Only his shoulders moved (possibly by using sticks attached to his shoulders, and then two holes cut out leading to the bottom level floor of the video room, or muscle stimulaters if they went semi-high tech- and these work after death)

-His mouth was closed while "screaming" and the mouth was only seen open once the video changed scenes (pointing at the men opening his mouth to simulate screaming, this is the only possibility). The film was heavily edited...

-When a human is beheaded the body jerks kicks and uses up ALL energy in the muscles while the man did not move whatsoever. Even drugs designed to immobilize people AND offer them the ability to sit down still in a proper fashion would not hamper the person's unconscious ability to fight a beheading.

*This video is so flawed and stupid I can't believe these guys were so naive with making a fake beheading... these guys are retarded and need to go back to mili school (if they even were trained and not paid off the street).

Possible Counter-Viewpoints and Retorts:

"The man was scared to death and obviously could not move because of this." No, fear produces shaking, the man was still as death and never blinked once.

"But what about the shoulders moving, he was obviously alive." When was the last time you saw someone move their shoulders in such a fashion... never is the answer.

"The screaming though, what do you have to say about the screaming?" It was obviously dubbed and done terribly, my old highschool AV/video teacher could have done better.

"You're just crazy!" No, i'm highly aware and trained to be so. See it for yourself, be amazed, and DOUBT ALL ASSUMPTIONS ALWAYS.

[edit on 28-12-2005 by jaguarmike]

[edit on 28-12-2005 by jaguarmike]

[edit on 28-12-2005 by jaguarmike]

posted on Dec, 28 2005 @ 05:21 AM
, Jaguar.

I remember reading through this thread a while back and thinking, "Alright, any post now someone will point out the obvious with the fact that no blood spewed from that guy, and some big defense mechanism will kick in for half the guys here." I can't remember how many references there are to such oddities in this thread, but it was a startling low number if any real references at all. I think maybe someone pointed out the militaristic fashion in which the guys were standing in the back, and a couple other things.

This thing was propoganda, guys. And how many of you remember getting riled over it?

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 10:00 PM
This comes to mind... The geneva convention. What does it state? (google it up.)
I'm presuming you already know.

For no.1: Doesnt it state that the geneva convention applies to MILITARIES? (Or Governemts?)
For no.2: The terrorists are NEITHER a:Government or b: a military.

They are TERRORISTS! Plain and simple. Where do they show the geneva conventions with us? They utilize suicide bombers to "covertly" attack us.
They attack innocent citizens KNOWINGLY and they behead and torture our troops and other innocent civilians. (including reporters and the likes.)

I say that that the geneva convention does NOT apply to these people. And we should show them, "Do unto others, as you want others to do unto you."

If they want to act like barbarians, why not treat them like so?

We give an inch, they take several miles. No compassion will be given us, so why should we show compassion?

Hope I didnt offend anyone. This is just the way I see it.

Take care people.

Also, if this video is indeed faked (which I am going either way) they still do it to numerous others. What about the 28 year old reporter who was given 72 hours to live if the U.S. didnt let go all the female detainees?

Again, Take care.

[edit on 26-1-2006 by DeltaThreeEight]

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 10:57 PM
I have always thought that Berg was dead at the time his head was removed and yes, the film was used for propaganda. However, most of what has been posited about the video is baseless. There's another video of some young middle eastern types beheading what appears to be the body of their dead grandfather floating around here somewhere. Look it up and see what kind of paranoia can be attributed to it.

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 11:54 PM
thats why real warriors use swords as a sawing action is unhonorable
hence the term TERRORISTS sure we sure we're there fighting and killing them but we dont make a damn video about it "flauting it" as our foes do

posted on Jan, 26 2006 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Lamagraa
thats why real warriors use swords as a sawing action is unhonorable hence the term TERRORISTS sure we sure we're there fighting and killing them but we dont make a damn video about it "flauting it" as our foes do.

How very true. I dont condem the actions our government has taken on the bombings of Iraq and the innocent lives it took. But as far as I know, it was NOT on purpose! And if anything (it would seem anyways) we are ashamed of it. (Or at least on the media we are apologetic.)

We dont target civies on purpose as the "terrorists" do.

Thats the way I see it.

Take Care.

*edited for correction.*

[edit on 27-1-2006 by DeltaThreeEight]

posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 11:18 AM
Got news for ya Jaguarmike...

it was real video, but faked/added audio...

Nick seemed to be very somber, and I dont think he yelled until a certain amount of pain had occurred, and probably didn't yell much after, due to not having a connected windpipe... (trying to be strong)

but his face is most diffinatley changed from the pain of beheading and you can see how the grimace is there...

He just didn't give them the satisfaction of yelling enough, so they dubbed in some more... very unproffessionally...

he moved in small ways all during the boring statement part
his feet moved, his legs moved, his clothing moved as if he was making small shifts of his position... and yes, if you had your arms bound, you would "shrug" in such a way...

Maybe these were fake terrorists, but it was a REAL beheading...
now you know what to look for... and how much blood to expect...
good points, but they don't hold up under scrutiny.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 02:54 AM
here is more proof why george bush is a loonie bin! no one on the planet can change any one else, but mr. commander bush thinks he can change a whole country!!! more and more innocent americans will die unless they pull out of iraq because if its hard to change a normal human imagine how hard it is to change a country full of terrorists. either it will take DECADES or changing iraq to a better place as bush puts it will never happen... in some cases the war made iraq worse to live in.

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