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Why are so many people calling contrails, Chemtrails?

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posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:15 AM

Secret Planes Pulsing Above Desert? -- Strange Sounds, Doughnut Contrails Stir Speculation
By Earl Lane


WASHINGTON - From the deserts of California to the panhandle of Texas, civilian observers have reported intriguing hints that the Pentagon may be testing one or more super-secret aircraft, including perhaps one with a revolutionary form of propulsion.

They say they have photographed contrails shaped like "doughnuts on a rope," seen delta-shaped aircraft with unusual lights, and heard engines that pulse with enough force to make walls quiver and keep sleepers awake.
Analysts say the doughnuts-on-a-rope contrail that has been reported by observers is consistent with the possible exhaust pattern of an advanced propulsion design called the "pulse detonation wave engine.

So, here we have experts debating on whether these odd contrails are from pulse propulsion engines.

They don't even speculate that these are natural, because they know they aren't!

These days, I see them all the time. Usually the doughnut shaped contrails turn into "dripping" contrails and then "dripping" clouds, like these.

Also, the debunkers are putting contrails into older movies, older news in an attempt to lull the population into false security, as if nothing is happening.

Google Video Link

So ask yourself, are all these people who view chemtrails crazy, mistaken, or do they just remember what an actual blue sky looked like without chemtrails polluting it?

[edit on 14-3-2009 by doctordoom]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:49 AM
I dont.

I call em' Mana from heaven.


I'm serious.


posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:51 AM
Here is a really good time lapse sequence

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:53 AM
Why are so many people calling contrails, Chemtrails?

Because they are afraid.
They are afraid of the lies there government tell them.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:53 AM
Answer to OP:

I have no idea...but it just keeps happening.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by doctordoom
Also, the debunkers are putting contrails into older movies, older news in an attempt to lull the population into false security, as if nothing is happening.
[edit on 14-3-2009 by doctordoom]

Putting them there?

Don't be daft. They're into the old films contrails are something that has been occuring since planes reached the correct altitudes - and that roughly goes back to WW2 - there is nothing new about contrails at all.

[edit on 14/3/09 by neformore]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by neformore

Why do you insist on ignoring the entire question of the thread.

Why are there so many people who believe in chemtrails?

Do a Chemtrail Google search.


Results about 1,150,000 for chemtrails.

All those people are wrong?

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:04 AM
Why are people calling contrails chemtrails? Well, in the story posted by the OP they're not. They're calling contrails contrails. As does anyone who has the slightest bit of knowledge on the subject.

The only people calling them chemtrails are those who've been brainwashed by disinfo websites and have forgotten how to think for themselves.

Of course, there is the theory that in 1996 they discovered a way of preventing contrails from forming. Since then no aircraft has produced a persistent contrail. But in order to hide this fact, they built thousands of special aircraft which now take off from secret bases in the Antarctica every day, following the main commercial flight paths, spraying out chemtrails, so that no-one will notice that contrails have disappeared. This explains why all alleged chemtrails look and behave like contrails in every single respect

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by doctordoom

Of course your article points to contrails not being natural, because before aircraft flew they were exceedingly rare. If we didn't have planes, we wouldn't have nearly as many contrails. Contrails have been identified since at least 1751, usually trails from meteors but also forming as clouds.

The first known aircraft related contrail was seen in 1918, over France. The first known persistent contrail formed in 1921.

An altitude flight was made in the morning at McCook Field recently by Lieut. J. A. Macready in a La Pere with supercharged Liberty [engine]. When the airplane reached a height of 26,000-27,000 feet at 11:50 a.m., a long feathery white streamer was observed forming behind a rapidly moving dark speck. The cloud was of the cirrus variety, well defined at the edges and apparently 10 to 15 times the width of the plane. The sky behind the first portion was clear blue with no clouds in the near neighborhood. The first streamer seemed perhaps 2 miles long. Then a gap of one-quarter mile. The second streamer formed with a background of light cirrus cloud and after 2 or 3 miles the plane seemed to go into the cirrus background, for the streamer formation ceased while an apparent path of blue continued beyond for a way in the cirrus cloud. The whole streamer may have been 3 miles long. After 20 minutes the streamer had drifted and spread until it merged indistinguishably with the other cirrus clouds visible.

During WWII B-17 bombers returning to England from Germany had to fly different routes to get back to their airfields because of their own contrails. They left such a cloud on their way in towards their targets that they couldn't see each other or where they were going on the way back.

There are more planes flying now than there ever were in the past. The average number of planes over the US alone is 4-5000+ in a single day. When people see something they don't understand like the wingtip refueling pods on the KC-135, or the air sampling sensors on the DOE Gulfstream I, then they can jump to the wrong conclusions.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by doctordoom
Do a Chemtrail Google search.


Results about 1,150,000 for chemtrails.

All those people are wrong?

I did a Google search with the following: "Hillary Clinton will win 2008 presidential election". Result: 4.210.000 hits.

Seems many were wrong about that too.

[edit on 14/3/09 by ziggystar60]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Essan

The only people calling them chemtrails are those who've been brainwashed by disinfo websites and have forgotten how to think for themselves.

Are you calling me brainwashed? Pretty rude, don't ya think? You don't even know me.

You have been posting your disinfo on this site for a long time, viewing yourself as one of the resident experts.

Are you part of the brotherhood?

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by ziggystar60

I did a google search for Doctor Doom is Wrong and got 1,710,000 pages. Then I did one for Doctor Doom is Right and there were only 513,000 pages ..... so I guess that settles that

(seriously, as I sure DoctorDoom is well aware, the number of pages that come up for a given word or phrase on google has no bearing whatsoever on the validity of any theory concerning that word or phrase. It's taking non sequiter reasoning to a whole new level!)

[edit on 14-3-2009 by Essan]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by ziggystar60

Is Hillary a conspiracy?

Where is your logic?

I did a search of the "JFK conspiracy"

Results about 226,000 for JFK conspiracy.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by doctordoom
Why are there so many people who believe in chemtrails?

Because there is about 5% of the population who actually know and understand what contrails are, and how they form, and also have a working knowledge of aviation sciences.

The other 95% who don't understand that, drawn their own conclusions. Most are ambiguous about it and some are just plain....

All those people are wrong?

You said it.

[edit on 14/3/09 by neformore]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by doctordoom
reply to post by neformore

Why do you insist on ignoring the entire question of the thread.

Why are there so many people who believe in chemtrails?

Do a Chemtrail Google search.


Results about 1,150,000 for chemtrails.

All those people are wrong?

Hey! I can play this game too.
Google search for fairies!

Results about 13,800,000 for fairies. Does this mean fairies are real? Does this mean that they are 10 x more 'real' than chemtrails?

[edit on 14-3-2009 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:42 AM

The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some condensation trails (contrails) are actually toxic chemicals or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitude for a purpose undisclosed to the general public. Versions of the conspiracy theory circulating on the internet and on some radio talk shows theorize that this activity is directed by government officials, and federal agencies have received thousands of complaints from people who have demanded an explanation. The existence of chemtrails has been repeatedly denied by federal agencies and scientists

The Air Force has stated that the theory is a hoax which "has been investigated and refuted by many established and accredited universities, scientific organizations, and major media publications".

So they are all in on it?

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:51 AM
A report from the IPCC in 1999 stated this;

Contrails are composed of ice particles that mainly nucleate on exhaust soot and volatile aerosols formed in the exhaust jet.

They are saying that contrails are formed from exhaust soot and volatile aerosols.

The report goes on to say;

All these processes that control the formation and the evolution of
contrails remain unresolved and introduce significant uncertainty into assessment of
the environmental impact of aircraft emissions.

And I found this GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTER that states this;

Contrail formation: Homogeneous nucleation
of H2S04/H20 droplets
B. Kärcher,1 Th. Peter,2 R. Ottmann 3

Abstract. Homogeneous nucleation of sub-nanometer
H2SO4/H2O germs, their growth and freezing proba-
bility in the cooling wake of a subsonic jet aircraft at
tropopause altitude are investigated. Heteromolecular
condensation, water uptake, and coagulation cause a
small subset of the germs to grow into nm-sized solu-
tion droplets which overcome the Kelvin barrier. These
droplets efficiently take up water vapor from the gas
phase, dilute rapidly, and may eventually freeze as wa-
ter ice. However, results discussed for the case of a B 747
airliner suggest that under threshold conditions for the
onset of contrail formation, a visible contrail is not likely


So, the scientists are saying when conditions for formation of contrails from soot are likely, visible contrails are not likely.

Please explain that to the brainwashed.

[edit on 14-3-2009 by doctordoom]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by doctordoom

So, the scientists are saying when conditions for formation of contrails from soot are likely, visible contrails are not likely.

Please explain that to the brainwashed.

No, they're saying that:

...results discussed for the case of a B 747
airliner suggest that under threshold conditions for the
onset of contrail formation, a visible contrail is not likely
to be produced by this mechanism

You missed out a bit

(obviously, in such conditions, although they may not form from the homogeneous nucleation of H2SO4/H2O droplets, contrails may still form through other mechanisms)

[edit on 14-3-2009 by Essan]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Chemtrails Flights Exposed - Evergreen Aviation (A CIA Front)

Is possibly the largest Aviation and logistics company which is a major front for Government Black Ops. Also possibly the company responsible for the so-called Chemtrails Flights. Read what I have to say....

I have worked in a number or different aviation related jobs at a handful of airports over the past 15 years. I worked for FedEx for a few years as well as had direct contact with Evergreen Aviation and their employees.

The USPS (United States Postal Service) contracts all of the USPS Express mail, airmail, and overnight types of USPS services to FedEx because of the FedEx Express air logistics network which always has connecting overnight aircraft.

Evergreen Aviation is contracted by the USPS to pick-up the USPS shipments from FedEx. Evergreen Aviation then sorts the deliveries and USPS trucks pick-up the sorted deliveries and takes them to the individual post offices.

This system offers the perfect opportunity for a government run package logistics cover operation. Any airport which handles USPS can therefore be used to ship secret government shipments of ANYTHING (weapons, drugs, secret equipment, tech, documents, bombs, use your darkest imagination).

Also because the USPS is operated within the government the situation allows very easy financial back-scratching both ways and makes it easy to cover it up using and a combination of methods such as contracts, special accounts, and fake front companies to pay for the shipments. Just imagine how easy it would be for a guy in a suit to show up at a post office in Washington D.C. with a package and ship it overnight via the USPS and pays a huge amount for the service using a front-company government black-budget credit card to pay for it.

At my job with FedEx at two different airports, both times FedEx had this relationship with Evergreen Aviation. They would pick up the containers filled with USPS Express shipments from FedEx once we unloaded our FedEx aircraft. Then later, Evergreen would bring back outbound shipments for us to load on outbound FedEx aircraft.

I noticed a consistency with Evergreen Aviation at both locations: Their equipment and personnel were substandard. But from what I heard they were paid very well and had great benefits. This also sounds like a government operation: Contract work which is over-budgeted overpaid employees, equipment which is poorly maintained, and employees who don’t ask questions.

I had never been to the Evergreen Aviation website before today and found some very interesting things…

On Evergreen’s VERY OWN ‘about Evergreen’ webpage they write this… “Evergreen is recognized as a world leader in air freight and aviation services with a broad base of customers including other air carriers, aviation companies and GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES.”

Where does a company get the money and CONNECTIONS to use technology such as unmanned aerial vehicles? “Currently employing the Insitu A-20 Insight, Evergreen concentrates on commercial, Unmanned Aerial surveillance with both maritime and land-based applications.”

Evergreen Unmanned Systems (EUS)

The technology relationship Evergreen has with Boeing makes the evidence of government cover operation meddling overwhelming in this situation. This quote from the main webpage of Evergreen: “Boeing Trusts Evergreen with the 787”

Evergreen Aviation: 747 Supertanker Capabilites
"Response Time
The aircraft will be fully loaded and on alert status 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
I mean, where does a company get the money and ability to maintain loaded 747s tankers 24/7/365 for worldwide deployment? A big government contact?

After visiting the website I must say I am surprised how much this operation reeks of black-budget funding.

Another situation came to my realization.
I believe is the term CHEMTRAILS is a term which was coined by government counter intelligence operatives to misdirect and discredit the suspicions of conspiracy theorists with ideas about the suspicious white four-engine aircraft which criss-cross the US skies spraying tic-tac-toe formations which spread into a thin sky filling haze. These are NOT chemicals which are meant to affect people on the ground (both chemtrail points are popular misdirection arguments used by disinformants trying to discredit the investigation).

What I do know is that I have seen the spraying with my own eyes. The aircraft were white four-engine aircraft ‘mowing the lawn’ in the sky making repeated consecutive parallel lines numbering over 15 in a clear pattern across the sky to create a perfectly planned spread to fill the sky with a full haze in a few hours.

It is my belief that these spraying operations are intended to control the albedo and therefore the temperatures and weather. Whether or not the intent of the spraying is weather modification, to counteract global warming, to control precipitation, or even possibly to add elements to the atmosphere for the use of HAARP related technologies, I cannot say.

What does strike me is how Evergreen Aviation is: connected to Boeing and government agencies, has very advanced technology, a huge fleet of White 747 tanker aircraft, and the Global logistics to make it all happen under the guise of shipments and all paid for with blank government contract checks.

Even Evergreen boasts they are in the Weather Modification business HERE: on their own website.
• Firefighting
• Oil Spill Containment
• Weather Modification
• Biochemical Decontamination"

Evergreen Aviation would be the perfect cover for such a massive operation. Large numbers of repeated flights of 747s could be accounted for by saying they are being used for US military shipments of supplies or relief supplies. Just make up your own cover story from a huge list of cover stories…It would be so easy.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Evergreen no longer has the Supertanker concept plane. They were about to sign a contract to use the aircraft when the whole deal was killed. After the deal was killed they converted the plane back to a regular cargo aircraft again.

Firefighting planes are not designed to drop long trails like supposed chemtrails. They are designed to open the doors and drop the whole cargo at once.

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