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Prepare To Save Yourselves OR Prepare To DIE

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posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Raud
I can detect another flaw, one I actually had pointed out to myself once I was "jumping the gun" on this subject:

If NASA is tampering all evidence and won't let any photo material slip out; what about the thousands of private-owned telescopes scattered around the globe? It is not like NASA has monopoly on astronomy.

I have yet not seen one sigle picture of this planet.
If it moves so fast it has not been seen yet, but it is in fact closing in on us, how fast must it be travelling?

It could be passing through some inter-dimensional worm holes maybe, but that is one major "maybe".

Nah, I am sorry. Even though I would love for this concept to be true, I can not think more than this:
The entire idea of Nibiru is gathered from one sigle source only. And that source is...hmm...kind of debunked.

research. it is all over the place. just look an you will find.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:05 PM
But didn't they mention somewhere in the news that a pole shift is possible? I remember reading it somewhere online but i can't seem to find where.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Attention: Advanced landing party of my Anunnakian Brothers.
The time to retreat has come. We have been monitoring this board and others like it for years. They will not comply with our wishes for them to be quiet about this. Although we have rewarded the majority of the Terran governments for their compliance, we must abort the rendevous scheduled for 4/24/09 of the Earth calendar.

The One Who Hears has come out of the shadows and has used the key words "the sound you will know deep down in your scrotum". There are now too many that are aware and there are several of the Reptilians that plan to fight us off to protect their human cattle. You only have one earth week to report back to the mother ship, Nibiru, as we are going to make a u-turn out of this system. The total annhilation of this planet in 2012 has also been called off until, and if, we can regroup.

We will instead go after a planet of Greys - those little guys have very little fight left in them.

Until then - Nanu Nanu and live long and prosper.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Dark Jester
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

Your insane and no you can't hear the planet coming

how is it possible for you, the almighty nobody, to KNOW this?
why would you even say something like this? Is it really worth your time?
or can you just not think of anything intelligent to add?

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:13 PM
This guy is a quack. Read his posts.

"Dost thou?"
"Deny Denial"

I mean come on... I think someone is trying to have a little too much fun with people. Whatever floats your boat though.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
Planet X is a hoax --doesn't exist. If it would happen to make itself seen in the next couple years, it'll be a deception, like Wernher von Braun had anticipated and has expected the people in power would use to control the masses.

But some deception is coming, that's for sure. The awareness of Maitreya is growing stronger & appears to be lining up with the Garabandal Warning, which supposedly will be in April whether man made or other. If it really is from God, Maitreya will take the credit and pass himself off as Christ.

I think Planet X is a hoax. There can't be THAT many astronomers who are evil and in the circle if this conspiracy and saying they can't see it. Someone somewhere would come along and come out with the truth.

Like I said, it could be a deception. And what other way to pass off a 3D image than in space, where not a single soul can physically touch it --only see?

Overestimating your god(s) or underestimating TPTB can put you in a world of hurt. Just so we're clear.... 9/11 stands as the contradiction to the premise of your post. Oh and then there's the London Bombing, Oklahoma City, Columbine, Waco, and many many others. Ask yourself this: Where were TPTB and your god(s) on those days? Our current pre-engineered world economic crises cannot be ignored any longer and must be factored in.

All I'm saying is prepare yourself.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:21 PM
For a start even if this myth exists then the Reptile myth must also which makes this whole Planet X obsolete. The threat to earth with it's its reptile inhabitants mean they will always win the war regardless, and if they are cross bread with humans then they are even more powerful with the human matrix soul and would survive every threat the universe throws at them till the next level of higher conciousness. If both human and reptiles and cross breeds alike rule the earth then in theory no other planet can actually threaten earth even if it gets blown up, the reptiles will just go onto the next paraelle.

But humans once unleased out of the matrix will be the most powerful beings in the universe and we won't need to live on a planet rock, the power will be infinate and the rest can go on buying and selling and trading their way around. Which sounds even more Biblical than one imagines and the UFO alien myth will always fall into Biblcal realms of reality which means mankind will always stay on top, maybe that is why all these ''Theys'' want to try and stop our progress and fuel us with half myths.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
Have you been waiting for me?

How many of you have been waiting for this thread? You knew it was coming didn't you?

I suggest you see a psychiatrist. Paranoia is a rather common 'illness', but might cause harm to those around you.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

I respectfully asked you questions. Might I ask when you will respond?

Thanks in advance.

For your convenience, here is my latest round of questions

And when was the last time planet x passed and caused a pole shift???

I would greatly appreciate an answer.

Thank you in advance.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by jfj123]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:29 PM
This is not meant in an offensive way or as an attack.

Get help now.

Seriously. No offense, but you sound overly paranoid and delusional.

You can hear a planet? Either have your ears or mind checked out please... or both.

Only looking out for your wellbeing.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:47 PM
But....I don't have a, um... scrotum.
How will I know???
Where would I feel it?
T R U T H B E A U T Y G O O D N E S S transcends dimensions......
Hiding behind the sun is lame. Earth Rules!
I can not hear the sound you mention, but if it is real, how loud do you think its going to get? just wondering.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:50 PM
c'mon. who are we to say quack or get help? How many of you LOVE you computers and do things in your home you hope no one finds out about? How crazy are ALL of us. And why attack the way he talks? I have a little whimsy in me and it is delightful. I also have a lot of logic. We all have a lot of different things and I am not about to tell someone to go spend money when they are fine the way they are. Remember, everything happens for a reason and it is all how it should be. You are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing right now and always. The spring does not know why the machine was built or it's role in the functioning of it. It only does what a spring does. And that is all it is allowed to know. If it was taken out and shown the purpose for it all then the machine would cease to exist as it did before and would not function at all. Trust that everything is going according to plan and do everything in your power to be yourself and be happy about being that little, integral spring or screw or nut or bolt. Just do your job. Some things are not meant for you to know or understand because even if it were shown to you, you still wouldn't get it.

So go look at the sky and marvel at its beauty and majesty. Listen to whatever music that makes you smile. Touch whatever feels good to you and give as much pure love to as many things as you can. While you are busy with all that you won't have time to step on others in an attempt to elevate yourself.

To the person who started this thread, LIVE YOUR OWN TRUTH. It is for you and you alone. Be happy and content. There will come in all our lives a time for distress. Try not to egg it on or let the world's reaction to your truth hurt you in any way. It is yours. Hold it precious for no one else will.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

Time to put on the Nikes and drink the baaaad kool-aid.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

Recording and posting the sound would only create more ridicule. Since most of this thread is already cluttered with those posts, I do not wish to bring more upon myself. If you do not have ears, then you must seek out other methods to obtain the proof you purport to require.

Your entire thread is based on this sound you claim to hear. Sound can easily be recorded and posted on this thread.

You are unwilling to provide a recording as proof. I think that answers any questions anyone might have had about your voracity.

Is your true motive the sale of those books from the link in your OP? What is your relationship with Rand?

Moscow University has no connection to anything called the "Academy of Energy Informative Sciences" that supposedly gave him his "honorary" PhD. I just did a thorough search for what appears to not exist. Reminds me of all those so called Doctors who had degrees from that phony institution in Denver. I guess people are unaware that Russia is on the Internet

I wonder if Rand is connected to Sorcha Faal?

Does Rand give commissions for sales of his book?

Hi there Blaine. There are others here who have heard the sound, or at least they posted to that effect. This thread is based on much more than the sound, friend. I'm not going to purchase expensive recording equipment just to pacify you or anyone else. If you're really that skeptical, you're welcome to come to my house and I will personally present you with proof. How about that?

As far as my connection with Rand, there is none whatsoever. I have not purchased anything from him nor have I recommended any such thing. His credentials are the same as yours in my eyes. The only reason I used that link in this thread is because that is the most concise and accurate source that I have found.

Since you don't strike me as the ostrich type, everyone in this thread is a witness: I've extended a warm welcome to Blaine91555 to come into my home, with sensitive recording equipment or without, and report back. My U2U is always open.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 05:59 PM
I dont know about the rest of you .... but I want some of what he is smoking... that must be some good stuff...

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by catseyequeen
c'mon. who are we to say quack or get help? How many of you LOVE you computers and do things in your home you hope no one finds out about? How crazy are ALL of us. And why attack the way he talks? I have a little whimsy in me and it is delightful. I also have a lot of logic. We all have a lot of different things and I am not about to tell someone to go spend money when they are fine the way they are. Remember, everything happens for a reason and it is all how it should be. You are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing right now and always. The spring does not know why the machine was built or it's role in the functioning of it. It only does what a spring does. And that is all it is allowed to know. If it was taken out and shown the purpose for it all then the machine would cease to exist as it did before and would not function at all. Trust that everything is going according to plan and do everything in your power to be yourself and be happy about being that little, integral spring or screw or nut or bolt. Just do your job. Some things are not meant for you to know or understand because even if it were shown to you, you still wouldn't get it.

So go look at the sky and marvel at its beauty and majesty. Listen to whatever music that makes you smile. Touch whatever feels good to you and give as much pure love to as many things as you can. While you are busy with all that you won't have time to step on others in an attempt to elevate yourself.

To the person who started this thread, LIVE YOUR OWN TRUTH. It is for you and you alone. Be happy and content. There will come in all our lives a time for distress. Try not to egg it on or let the world's reaction to your truth hurt you in any way. It is yours. Hold it precious for no one else will.

Wow, I like your thinking alot.

My thought patterns have never created the scenario that you prompted me to envision. Very interesting frame of thought, once again I like it.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

sorry, maybe you missed my last post so for your convenience, I'll post if for you again.

when was the last time planet x passed and caused a pole shift???

I would greatly appreciate an answer.

Thank you in advance.

Also what is the "cycle" you are referring to?

Hope to hear your answer soon.

Thanks again.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by jfj123]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by catseyequeen

That's a strange way to look at things. It would mean that more than a million children are born every year with the PURPOSE of dying before the age of 5. that millions are SUPPOSED to be starving. It would also mean that the poster is supposed to call the OP crazy, because that's what he was inclined to do. And you're supposed to reply to that like you did, and I'm supposed to post this. How is it not living your own truth to call things like you see them?

Anyway, the OP doesn't type like your run-of-the-mill crazy person, which I greatly appreciate. I grow weary of people posting illucid blocks of text with no capitalization, punctuation, or sentence structure.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:16 PM
Like that other guy said... sound requires something to vibrate(air) to travel... space is empty therefore no sound can move through a vacume. How could a thread like this even exist... seriously dude. Have you been attending loud music events, maybe your loud music has given you Tinitis (ringing in the ears).

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
This information will no doubt be attacked enthusiastically. Your ears won't lie to you though. It's almost partytime and the party is coming to you. Put your dancing shoes on.

No doubt the self proclaimed *ecksbert* astronomers will crawl out of the woodwork and try to put you back asleep. Once you hear THE SOUND, sleep you will easily not. that you?

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