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MK-ULTRA Mind control

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posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Alright guys, just to get it out of the way, let us settle it promptly.

18 series has eight real MOS identifiers, the X ray is the candidate and is not an actual 18 series MOS, but a candidate id. Any one could temporarily have the X but to have the actual 18 identifier for your MOS, you have to finish. Simple as that, a recruiter or even easier, a search will prove this much.

Come on guys, enough is enough. Please stay on topic, and take any grudges and calling each other out to the u2u. There are many smart cookies on ATS, and they can figure out the bs on their own. The others, will believe what they want no matter what. The sun could be shining in their collective faces, and they would insist it is night time...

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:35 PM
There isn't an 18X enlistment option in the Marine Corps, that's for the army. The Marine Corps force recon enlistment option is UZ. I think you need to put down the meth.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Alright guys, just to get it out of the way, let us settle it promptly.

18 series has eight real MOS identifiers, the X ray is the candidate and is not an actual 18 series MOS, but a candidate id. Any one could temporarily have the X but to have the actual 18 identifier for your MOS, you have to finish. Simple as that, a recruiter or even easier, a search will prove this much.

That is exactly what I was trying to say. You go in, and its a 'backup' or 'dormant' MOS, its only activated if you complete all of your advanced individual training while you are INSIDE the military. Then they say "Oh yea, lets keep training this guy while funding him through a private organization". Thus you become the real 18X deal. It is always done with a 'rogue' a guy that was made to look like he dropped out of the program and did not finish. They do this to further them from the organization.

The Army's 18X is nothing more than the EASIEST way into Black Ops, the fastest way, the most direct route. But the field exists in the Marines, Navy, even the Air Force. Its nothing more than just an operator that can work on their own behind enemy lines. Thats it. Thats the most simplified definition. An Independant Operator that never leaves behind any target indicators. This IS a concept. Independant Operator = someone that successfully completed their 18X training.

Im done. I have work to do.

[edit to fix quote]

[edit on 31-1-2009 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:42 PM
1811, why is everyone acting like it does not exist?

Its like Naval Investigative Services, where they plant a spy.

Literally thats me. I served on the front lines of the Iraq Invasion. The first person to die in the invasion was Lt. Childers. When we got to baghdad all the Intel agents were saying "there are no WMD's" bla bla bla. But guess what, this was never revealed to the public. When I came back and tried to blow it open, I got brainwashed. They didnt want it public. I was a rogue operative like Valerie Plame, when she got leaked her entire team... including me, got brainwashed or murdered.

1811 is 18X, its the same damn thing. Its the concept, that there is a secret MOS. Its black ops. My cover was 0311, but I was really a National Security Criminal Investigator. I scored 98% in the nation on some week long testing my school was forced to take when I was a junior in Highschool. After looking at my results FBI Parapsychology came and started training me 2 years before I enlisted into the Marine Corps. Everything was going great until I found out there were no WMD's in Iraq. I came back, tried to get an investigation, I get brainwashed, plame is leaked, david kelly assassinated, and 6 years later I 'wake up' from my hypnosis.

Thats all I am trying to say. That I am one of Valerie Plames former team members, I was there in Iraq, I can prove this. Thats all I am trying to say guys. If there is any way I can help you to understand what I am trying to say... i will try to overcome the intellectual barrier as best I can.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by ADVISOR
Alright guys, just to get it out of the way, let us settle it promptly.

18 series has eight real MOS identifiers, the X ray is the candidate and is not an actual 18 series MOS, but a candidate id. Any one could temporarily have the X but to have the actual 18 identifier for your MOS, you have to finish. Simple as that, a recruiter or even easier, a search will prove this much.

Originally posted by Funshinez
There isn't an 18X enlistment option in the Marine Corps, that's for the army. The Marine Corps force recon enlistment option is UZ. I think you need to put down the meth.

Thank you.

Also, Illuminator, you might want to go to your local S1 and put in a pay inquiry- you're not even getting O-3 base pay.

Originally posted by Illuminator
1811, why is everyone acting like it does not exist?

So all the other 18s in the Marines work on assault vehicles but yours is for Delta Force....ooookay.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by SuperViking]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Illuminator911
1811 is 18X, its the same damn thing.

No it's not, a simple Google search will reveal that MOS 1811 in the Marines is a tank crewman whereas the 18X enlistment option for the army means only that a recruit will get a shot at training for special the army, not the Marine Corps.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 10:02 PM
I think it's time for him to make a new screen name, wait a few weeks, and try this topic again, after doing a little more research.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:29 PM
The history of Mk Ultra, wow this woman breaks it down.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Illuminator911

I found this page hope it helps you on your journey.
I also have some serious questions about this issue. For example, Since the mk ultra documents were released by the freedom of information act in the 70's. With subsequent congressional hearings to no avail thus access was denied. (Which tells me they have something to hide.) Who's to say that our very own government officials are not mind controlled. Who can trust any of them? Didn't this raise some serious questions with our government officials? Obviously NOT! I FOR ONE DO NOT TRUST THEM. This CBC broadcast movie was an account of the Canadian victims of mind control perpetrated by our deceitful government.
'The Sleep Room'

The US purchased the rights to this film, yet it was never aired in the US. Do Not Trust Them!!!
Wishing you well my friend.

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 12:27 PM


posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:32 AM

I feel like I walked into the back room of some restaurant by mistake and found a bunch of guys arguing about "business" I have never heard of before and thinking, "maybe I'm in the wrong place!"

We can call MK Ultra whatever we want. It's been there for, what? at least 50 or 60 years now. Here's a site put up by someone who ran across it while it was just getting started (though it seems to me like everyone involved had been doing it for hundreds of years).

This girl (an elderly lady now) has lots of evidence, seems to have gotten free of it, and writes eloquently about it.

I don't care who Illuminator911 really is. He's got something to say, and it doesn't violently disagree with any facts that I have, but these are very few.

Let's face the truth: men are capable of enormous evil. And with modern technologies, it just gets amplified. The people behind this operation are criminally insane. The real question is: how do we defuse this? How do we keep these guys from blowing the planet up (like they almost have before)?

The people under their control feel almost totally helpless. But the best among them find ways to survive and ways to get back into communication with the "rest" of humanity. At least we can give them their chance, without condemning them. It is really very possible that they have gone through exactly what they say they have gone through, and probably worse.

They are trying to tell us something. They are trying to get us to confront something. At least we could listen.

[edit on 22-5-2009 by l_e_cox]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 12:30 PM
I skipped your parenthesize in the beginning because I said to myself. Save that for later because, self you see that part of the story seems to be an after thought, a story in and of itself. As I was reading your post I started to think, damn the only part of this story missing is the rape. And then wam there it is.

posted on May, 26 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Throw the years Elites always used mind control technics to control
populations with fears and wounderful promisses, that was called religions
MK-ULTRA is just a advance Science tecnic with the same goal control
over populations

posted on Jun, 7 2009 @ 03:51 PM
I am worried about illuminator911. He has not logged in since Feb 1st of 09, though, not banned, which is a common culprit for not logging in.

I fear he may have been cleaned, jailed, or institutionalized. Or maybe just left with hurt feelings over the treatment of some. I do not know. Worried just the same.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:21 PM
I cannot confirm that I am Illuminator911 because I cannot remember the password for it nor the login name for the yahoo email that hosted the illuminator911 account. I cannot remember, because I was in a state of hysteria and mania when I created the accounts. I am going to tell you what happened that 'inspired' me to write what I wrote.

I cannot remember writing anything other than the initial post, and the one where I threatened to put General Eyes on my 'red list'.

Keep in mind that I am a Mentally Disabled Combat Veteran with 100% service connected PTSD. I developed Bi-Polar disorder in my early twenties after my honorable discharge. I have Dissociate Depersonalization Disorder, and Dissociate Fugue has also been observed by my psychologist after getting back from Iraq while I was still in the Marine Corps.

I had been taking steroids in Thailand, steroids are legal to take in Thailand. In fact doctors will give you the injection. I could not give myself the injection, I kept fainting... so I paid 100 baht (3 dollars) to get the doctor to do it. I had to go to two different doctors because neither would inject as much as I wanted injected... hint hint, I was taking more than the recommended dose.

I was completely ignorant to the fact that steroids can cause memory loss. Its not the steroids that do it actually, it is in the 'crash' that comes from dropping of the steroids without doing anything to counter the 'crash'.

I can remember everything now... I can remember most of what happened with just a few black out spots... of what happened in the time before writing those posts. Oh yea, I can't forget to verify that the 'crash' (which literally comes from having no testosterone in your body and an excess of estrogen) can cause Psychosis also.

I 'woke up' in my hotel room, everything was like deja-vu. The laptop computer in front of me, the swimming pool out the back sliding glass door... the girl lying on my bed. But I couldn't remember her name... I couldn't remember my middle name or what year it was, or my birthday. It felt surreal, it was like I was in a dream. I felt euphoric, detached, third person. I couldnt remember anything, and the problem with having lost your memory is that you dont know where to go to get it back.

I asked the woman I was with who I was, and at first she thought I was just playing a game. Eventually she went through some of the recent things we had done, and she showed me pictures in the camera. I couldn't really remember... its not like things clicked it is more like those pictures became my memories of the event. I kept having these 'black outs' they were like 'restarts' like when the computer crashes and starts up again. The girl I was with told me that for a matter of weeks I would forget everything and start from the beginning again. She also told me that there were 'several characters to my personality' and she once said I was like the man/men from the movie Fight Club. I asked her how much I was like the guy with split personality disorder from the movie... she said 98%.

I was writing my memories down on paper, so that when I 'restarted' I had something to work with. While I was writing things down the girl I was with whom was watching the news started yelling at the TV with disbelief on her face. I got up and looked and saw that people were getting beaten to death with battons and pipes... innocent people, old people. There was a mob that was killing several people.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:22 PM
I knew about the two different political factions, the red shirts and the yellow shirts. This is when the Psychosis kicked in and I started to hear voices. I heard a different voice than my own telling me that I needed to bomb the Red Shirts, then assassinate the Thai General. Here is the catch, I was completely opposed to the idea. I swore that someone had used a device to send me orders, long range. So I went to google and searched for devices that can 'give orders' from a long ways away, and I came across the LRAD (Long Range Accustic Device). Thats when I was 'convinced' I had been re-activated... my last position in the Marine Corps... Marine Corps Scout Sniper Program.

I was scared, I didn't know what was going on with me. I thought the government was playing mind games on me (typical PTSD Combat Vet Pararanoia). So I when my head stopped 'restarting' so rapidly I went to the internet and typed in the google search "Mind Control". There were results with CIA in it... so I typed in "CIA Mind Control" and BAM THERE IT WAS!!! HOLY # I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING TO ME. I went hysterical at that point. Even more so when I came across BLUEBIRD Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists By Colin A. Ross MD.
I had a sore on my anus. I don't know how it got there. I am a straight male. That sore lasted over a week, it was a cut, that was knotted like it had been torn. I started stressing out about it, thinking that I had been raped and that that was one of the causes for my mental state. I started having delusions/hallucinations about it. Oh, yea... I couldnt remember I had been taking steroids, and I forgot to tell you I had not been taking my medication either... at all. I substituted my meds with marijuana...
So I started having delusions/hallucinations about being raped in these manic episodes of never ending intrusive thoughts, of grotesque and bizarre content. I thought I was raped because I kept remember my pants down in the presense of another man. Because I forgot about taking the steroids I forgot about the getting injected and the majority of event except for pieces of it. This also explains why I thought I got a shot that made me mentally incapacitated... it was remembering getting injected by steroids... yet in a different tense. You have to remember that I had very few memories about who I was, and I could not tell these 'delusions' from reality... I thought the delusions were memories comming back to me.
Tell me this, how does a delusional individual tell reality apart from the delusions, especially when theres a tear on his anus, he is combat experienced infantryman that got training in the scout sniper platoon, theres a girl telling him he is 98% like the movie Fight Club, heard 'voices through the LRAD', theres a book linking rape and mind control for assassinations to MK-ULTRA in the book Bluebird... everything just stacked on top of each other, and I was not about to bomb or assassinate anyone period.
Oh yea, one of the things that really tipped me over the edge was the movie Zeitgeist, especially the Alex Jones and Aaron Russo testimony. That was 'the word of god' to me... literally, I thought god 'presented me with it'.
I thought that my families lives were in jeopardy if I didnt 'blow the whistle', so I got on ATS and did the best I could to explain what was happening to me. I didn't want to hurt anyone, I didn't want anyone to get hurt... I was smoking marijuana 5 times a day every single day, and had been doing that for at least a month before posting on ATS. I only posted on ATS when I was high out of my mind, which is why I cannot remember writing what was written.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:23 PM
I hope it isnt too hard to believe that nothing happened to me... it was all just because I didnt take my medication. I take my medication religiously now, and I dont smoke, I dont drink, I get exercise. Nobody did anything to me for what I said and did. The Secret Service went and talked to my mom, but once I got home they didnt come talk to me... so I called them and left a message saying I wanted to talk to them and they never called me back. I got put in a mental hospital against my will a few weeks after getting back... when I went in to tell them I never wanted to talk to them again because they made me sick... I really needed it actually, I was so out of my mind. I got a good medication plan now, Lithium... Mirtazipine... Abilify... cogenten.

I want to apologize to General Eyes, to everyone involved actually.

Every day I think something is going to happen to me... every day I get more and more desensitized to it... I just hope they have a little pitty on me being mentally insane and just shoot me in the head instead of the thousands of other ways to wack me.

I actually cant stop thinking that something did happen to me... but what if the terrorists did it to me to try and make it look like an American was a terrorist for a change. You know Ali Mohamed, that guy had a psychology degree and he was at a PSYOPS base and he DID STEAL MANUALS. Who is to say the 'enemy' does not have this MK-ULTRA technology and they tried to use it on me? But this of course is just part of those damn delusions that come up from time to time when I spend too much time thinking about 'it'. I don't want to get thrown in the hospital again so were official... NOTHING HAPPENED TO ME. Enough with the damn conspiracy theories.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by WarloriousCreed]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by WarloriousCreed

Don't give up too soon, this is real and you may be a target.

So you know, the US government has experimented on veterans in the past and have denied wrong-doing. Check out this article:

[edit on 25-1-2010 by tmk81]

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 11:36 PM
No, I am only a target to fear mongers... thats for sure.

It took me over a year but I can finally see that nobody messed with me that entire time. Nobody wanted to talk to me once I got back from Thailand, not a visit-nothing.

I think so many of you are so Paranoid about the government messing with you. Well, I dont think that the CIA, or the FBI, or NSA, or Secret Service, nor the Military are bad guys. You know, if anyone wanted to mess with me they could have... so easily. But nobody did. I wasnt in the mental hospital a year, I was in there 5 days. Nobody sent me to Behavioral Health, I went there to bitch them out for giving me 'bunk' medication that made me loose my mind.

Again, I am not a target... and I only stress out when I listen to people telling me I am a 'target'. No one is out to get me. Just a few more months, maybe a year... and I will believe that too. I just gotta keep saying it to myself.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by WarloriousCreed

OK didn't mean to offend you, maybe "target" is the wrong word although MKULTRA is real and certain people are "targeted" by the government.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by tmk81]

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