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Feel sick... Feel like i'm dealing with robots...

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posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:02 PM
How can people still take sides in a war that crushes the life out of innocents? How can people scream the word TERRORIST at a whole nation of people and ignore videos of children blown into pieces... Ignore a video that shows innocent people dying on the street (where are the suicide bombs and guns and rockets?)....

All i see is smoke and carnage and panic and shock and chaos.... all i see are dead civilians.....

Then I get accused of being anti-semetic, like people even know what that means....

All i'm saying is....

Go back to FOX news, you heartless, mindless, shallow people...

I feel sick... because i know that I cannot physically help the innocents on both sides.... because of the words and actions of a few, affect so many...

I feel sick that so many of my fellow members seem to revel in this vile destruction.

I feel sick that stupid people swallow every last drop of the programmed media and then absorb it and recreate those messages into 'their own opinions'.... like they even have a clue.

I'm defending no sides, but I wish to defend the innocents..... I wish to defend the mothers and children and innocents caught up in the violence... I wish I could so something...

I hope certain members of ATS would wake up.... otherwise my faith in humanity is fading...

Peace to Israel and Peace to Palestine and Peace to all those who have had their lives utterly destroyed in the last 24 hours.

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

What do I do when I see this kind of brutality?
I turn my head away.

What do I do when someone post filthy biased threads about this War?
I turn my head away, and I don't read the posts.

What would you have me do?
Am I in denial? No.
Am I pretending like the worlds peachy and the ugliness will all just go away? No.

But It’s not my war.
They’re not my people.
No matter how hard I try I can’t understand the culture that runs through their blood and the customs they fed on like mothers milk.

I’m not there.
My hands are tied even if I could do anything which I can’t.

No, I’m not a robot, I'm not heartless, I’m nothing but sympathetic to BOTH sides of the War!
Both (all) countries - both soldiers and civilians alike.
I'm not weak and I don't revel in this vile destruction.

But for the love of God - tell me - what I can do?


[edit on 4-1-2009 by silo13]

posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:17 PM
What can any of us do?

What does it mean to be a human being?

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:30 AM
Agreed with the OP.

This war turns people stupid and dogmaticaly into the 'Yes' crowd. All things Israel are good and all things happening to Palastinians are Their Own Fault with no room for sympathy.

No, shooting missiles into Israel is not a good, or even remotely smart, thing to do. But carpetbombing the crap out of a country because of it is too much. Way too much. It seems like a lot of people who are in general smart and open persons lock down into mindless emotionless robotmode when it comes to Isarel, it is spooky. This is overkill, plain and simple.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 10:28 AM
Fundamental muslim is a very difficult thing to understand in any form, and it is something archaic from the distant past. However, from what I've read, most of the countries were modernizing, and this movement started in Saudi Arabia and forced its way into the countries, immediately sending women back to the dark ages. Saudi Arabia has very close ties to the US. Anytime you see a repressive, fascist style system emerging, you're most likely safe to blame it on the cartel, the Bildenburg group, the Rothchild's, the Rockfellers, and the DuPont's. That is pretty much how I see it.

I don't condone any terrorism, any attacks on civilians, any harming of any children, anywhere in the world, including by starvation and lack of equalized living conditions.

In this case, Gaza is a nightmare. The maps have shown the shrinkage of the land mass accorded the Palestinians, Gaza is little more than a concentration camp with no food supplies getting in. I feel so strongly for them, for the children caught in this nightmare. It matters not to me if the child wounded or killed outright, or their needed parents, is Israeli or Palestinian.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Only the Devil can touch the Devil inside its confliction-type damnation.

It start out fake, but turn true when negative one is in prison, put against itself. How long will -one side lume?

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

I know what you mean, sometimes the people around me
just don't get it... the world's going to hell in a handbasket
and all they seem to see is shopping channels and 'chase
the dollar'.

Maybe it's time for somebody to come down and fix the place,
maybe it's time that the Aliens or God sorted it.

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