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*Serious Warnings* Alert * Earthquake* Postings* Please Read*

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posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Jomina


Russia, Armenia, Missouri, Yucatan Peninsula, Korea, looks like quite a shaking!

Am I reading them right? Should they be black with tracks?

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:44 AM
my father owns a small farm so i showed him this thread and he sent me an e-mail with his account of his animals acting odd.

"Dickson County, TN. My animals (Goats, Chickens, Guineas...) have been acting strange for the past couple of weeks or so. I. My goats have been very clingy. All will let you touch them, pet them, which nearly never happens. The sheep are similar and 99% of the time the sheep wont let you come within 10 feet of them. Also, all 6 of my nanny goats should have given birth by Dec 1, here it is, Dec. 10 and no babies yet. The chickens/guineas and our 5 cats act like they are starving all the time, except that they are given plenty of food/grain each day. I also have not seen the number of turkeys that we usually see and if I do see them, they are alone or maybe a couple. And the few I have seen lately have been near the roads, not fazed by cars or human presence. This time of year we are used to seeing hundreds in the fields around us and yet none. Where have they all gone? And the numerous deer around us have also seemingly disappeared lately. We have seen several young ones (less than a year old), but with no mother or others nearby - they are just walking. Also I hadn't seen a possum in weeks and then last night driving to and back from Clarksville I must have seen 8-9, several of which were dead, the others just walking around. Plus two red foxes were dead on the shoulder of the road last night. I only see a fox once or twice a year running at a fast clip close to house, but have seen two live foxes in the past month just meandering, like they are lost, not even searching for food. Also, I have noticed that our Great Pyernees has been sleeping a lot more throughout the day, even going to the barn to sleep, which he has never done until the past couple of weeks. He's used to sleeping during the day some (an hour or two at a time), but never 5-7 hours at a time. But he's up all night, and tends to bark much more than he ever has. Strange."

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Jomina
That one is just outrageous. Does that mean a pretty major activity is goin on? or could it be an error in the graph?

Have you checked past data on the same region? Say activity over the past 30 years? If you did that for example for the Aleutian Islands in Alaska you would see a trend of regular activity in cycles

The Earth moves, plate plate tectonics, you don't need to be a rocket scientist or a webbot to predict impending quakes on a fault line.

When that bot gives me a time date and location and is then correct more often than flipping a coin, I will look at it.. So far even people at Godlikeproductions are calling BS on it expressing their disappointment in its accuracy.

A flip of the coin at least has a 50% accuracy rate. Anything less than that is worse than bad guessing

Going back through a year of 'predictions' and finding something somewhere in the world that appears to match, then saying "See? It was right!" is just insane stupidity

Now since NO ONE here stepped up and gave me data I went looking...

Here is something to consider...

Webbot 'predictions'

2009 Global Coastal Event

*The bigger things are in modelspace, the more lead time
we get

*Collapse of the dollar has been in modelspace for 2 ½ years
or so. Even longer has been Global Coastal event.

*Global Coast Event likely in early to mid 2009

*Permanent loss of low lying territory globally but one
continent in particular get hit badly. We don’t know which
one, but we hope it’s like a Greenland or some not heavily
populated area. (*working on this now, but it’s at the limit
of our software)

*Places to avoid: anything at sea level (Bangladesh/Florida/

Okay so with that data we need to tell everyone in Florida, Netherlands and other places on the sea coast to pack up and move inland because MAYBE sometime in 2009... there MAYBE a "Global Coast Event" One continent in particular BUT they don't know which one, but HOPE its Greenland that has fewer people

So get on the phone... call everyone that lives below 20 feet above sea level and tell them to MOVE NOW Doom is imminent cause the webbot says so..

Don't really know what's going on with all the crazy fear mongering around the forums. Almost smells like a planned attack.

But if you want to 'help save people' post some real predictions of time, date and location early enough for it to be of use... NOT AFTER THE FACT...

And when you can do that at LEAST as accurately as a coin toss... people might pay attention.

If you cannot do that, you are doing worse than crying wolf...

PS Above 'you' is not addressed at anyone in particular... just any generic Gloom and Doom Merchant

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:09 PM
I'm on Ottawa Ontario Canada. My Cats have also been eating like there's no tomorrow. In fact I had this conversation with my wife last night. It seems that everyone in the house has been feeding them lately, but there bowls are always empty. They keep on going to their bowls and crying for more. This is not normal as they usually are fed only a 1/4 cup at 6 AM and another at 7:30 PM without any fuss.

Our two cats have gone through a 4 KG (8.8 lbs) bag in less than a week.

Very strange.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Maybe its a tapeworm.
I'm serious.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:30 PM
Our cats are still acting strange and my big Buddha cat has been curling up at my head at night getting as comfy in the down comforter as can be.
This is new behavior for him as like his name he is very much a loner.

I do have one 11 year old dog part coyote Kyesha, that is a predictor of weather anomolies and she is acting fine so far, when she starts freaking I will let you know.

I realize zorgon you are trying to be the voice of reason here and I respect that, yes there are EQ's everyday somewhere and even our current science can tell you that a major EQ along any of the known fault lines is eminent.

However, this thread is about the webot, and the more we mention it, the more we discuss dates, times and locations the more it predicts. Eventually it will be correct. Maybe people need a little stirring up for their souls, a little adrenaline to get the survival levels pumped up.

You have stated your case, you will most likely be validated for your efforts. But let the people have their fear of a natural catastrophe as it is much easier to tolerate than the true State of Global Affairs.

If one person has some water and food stored back because the web bots predict an EQ, and rolling blackouts happen instead because its winter, then maybe the predictions saved lives anyway.

It's all good zorgon, and everything will work out.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by TeeJay

Yould think, but mine are healthy, no worms and are just RAVENOUS. Crazy acting like they are going to starve, running in packs under my feet and jumping on counters ahead of me. They are not even going out catching field mice, which is another story, they are just frantic to be fed.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by unfamiliarpatterns2

Wow that was a great accounting. You know I called in to the Art Bell show 2 weeks prior to 911 to tell him about strange animal behavior. Remember tons of shark attacks, bear attacks and such, it was getting really intense before 911, so it is not always a natural disaster that animals are in tune with, it is something much deeper more profound than any web bot.

Thank your Dad for his great insights and contribution to this thread. If we all learn to take our cues from not only domestic animals but nature and wildlife, we can eventually have a science which is repeatable and documented.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:44 PM
Those graphs can't be right. Sensitivity could be high on some, picking up ocean surf, T-storms, eruptions, etc.

Quakes have a particular signature, S-wave, followed by P-wave, gentle trail off with aftershocks, right?

And don't get on Z's case. It is my understanding he has expertise in geology. If anything, we could all learn a thing or two from him.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:48 PM
Well I really do hope your wrong, but I say that in no disrespect. I posted in the animal behavior thread and was going to add something but forgot till now. The other day I was driving to work and saw a rabbit running in circles. i stopped and watched for about 5 mins. and the thing didn't stop once. I would have puked if i did that. Anyways....I live in Northern Illinois so I will post as soon as I feel this EQ. If it does happen. Thanks for the heads up either way.

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by questioningall
Well, How do I start?

First I hope everyone who is reading this, has gone or will go through the *Alert System* Odd Animal Behavior" thread.

The way I feel right now is something like this:

I am willing to be a "fool" I am willing to put myself out there for ridicule! I am sure many will do just that - right away.

It's getting close now. Looks like you've done it to yourself. Seen USGS lately?

Do a 30-day search. See what's going on in New Madrid and Pac. NW. Hell, even CA isn't any more active than usual and Indonesia still shake like a leaf on a tree.

Remind me Saturday the 13th to post: ITYS!

My dog has been peeing in the house, but then so do I

[edit on 10-12-2008 by jdub297]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:02 PM

so now urban survival is reporting a 5.6 quake of the north coast of Papua is "close but no cigar" and the 6.8 quake (originally reported as a 7) in the Kermedic Islands could 'remotely' possibly be it.

seems like they're back tracking and clutching at straws already. now THAT was predictable.

urban survival

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by TeeJay
Maybe its a tapeworm.
I'm serious.

I agree... wasn't a tape worm, just 'worms' but had the same with our cats... one treatment for worms... things went back to normal

This is what I was talking about... once people get scared they will look at anything 'unusual' and attach it to the gloom and doom predictions.

Funny thing? Webbot works by spidering the web seeking out what people are talking about...

So the more we talk gloom and doom, the more webbot picks up and predicts gloom and doom..

Self manifestation at its finest.

Go get the cats checked... its only a few bucks for worm medication...

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by antar
If one person has some water and food stored back because the web bots predict an EQ, and rolling blackouts happen instead because its winter, then maybe the predictions saved lives anyway.

It's all good zorgon, and everything will work out.

Ah well I have been in many threads 'preaching' being prepared... I have offered tons of ideas on what you need and how to do it on a budget...

Being prepared is a GOOD IDEA, whether for natural disater, high food prices shortages whatever.

You can also save tons of cash by doing this stock stuff when its on sale for example. We bought coffee Yuban Columbian went it was on sale for 3.89 at a new store promotion (the big cans) 60.00 say the world can go to Hades and I will have coffee

Teaching 'be prepared' is smart... if your Mormon its REQUIRED... but all the food stock pile in the world would have been useless if you lived in New Orleans during Katrina

Where was "Plan B"? You need a 72 hour bug out kit for everyone in the family... and several jerry cans of gas in the garage in case you need to move in a hurry.

Just try to get gas if you have to evacuate for ANY reason. The 72 hour kit for every member of the family that you can grab and go is the one thing the Mormons came up with that is a MUST

What if you need meds? Where will you get them when the info structure during a disaster hits your area?

Think smart... but think rationally

And when the SHTF and your neighbors all know you were prepared and have tons of food stock piled while they are starving...

NOW what will you do?

Your right all is good... it will all work out in the wash

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Just try to get gas if you have to evacuate for ANY reason. The 72 hour kit for every member of the family that you can grab and go is the one thing the Mormons came up with that is a MUST

What if you need meds? Where will you get them when the info structure during a disaster hits your area?

Think smart... but think rationally

And when the SHTF and your neighbors all know you were prepared and have tons of food stock piled while they are starving...

NOW what will you do?

Your right all is good... it will all work out in the wash

Kinda off topic, but THIS guy set up a how to prep site based on his Katrina experience....excellent resource overall...

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Has anyone been on that page:

According to this site the focus is on CA not New Madrid....

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:31 PM
Because of all these posts about EQs I'be been reading the past couple of days, I ended up having a dream about one last night. I believe I was in my hometown back in good ol' Oklahoma and there was quite a bit of rumbling. Then I was watching the news (in the dream still) and they were reporting a 9.4 on the Richter scale.

I dont know if it even goes that high. Lol

Besides making for some fun reading and dreams, I still believe this is just a what if scenario. Doubtful that it will happen. Still curious to see though!

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by thegreatobserver
Has anyone been on that page:

According to this site the focus is on CA not New Madrid....

Pretty cool site....lots of animal reaction info....He only focuses on Cali, though...

[edit on 10-12-2008 by RolandBrichter]

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Hey you're spot on to a point. I happen to live in the southwest gulf coast of Florida. I find it hard to ignore so much information posted here, but I am in no way gonna up and move. There is always the possibility of a sandbar of a state like Florida to just dissapear into the water. Ya I think about what I would do. Deffinately not the highways!!!! Atfer the the hurricanes and jammed evacuation routes that's a deffinate NO! However I do live realatively close to several sporting goods stores and boat/watercraft retailers. I look at it this way If I can get there I can get what I need to surrvive long enough to get to saftey, and deffend myself when needed.

Ya it could freak people out, but when people talk about a major earthquake in that area it scares me cuz a great leg could dump out and completely flood the great bread basket of the world. Awesome all the worst parts of humanity rise to the surface. People spaz when their comforts are taken from them. Ya know!

?ing girl has a great observation point. ya noticed she got the idea from the web bots and gathered other info on her own. Ya can't say she isn't right or wrong. she's trying to figure it would people please stop giving her crap so I can just read in peace! thx

posted on Dec, 10 2008 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by unfamiliarpatterns2

Thank you for getting this account from your father.

I find that very sad that 2 red foxes were killed on the road.

I am very familar with that area, there was a time I had a farm in Centerville - not far from there.

I have been wondering what it was like right now around there.

Hickman county - when I had the farm had the biggest population of deer at that time, I don't know if it is still the same.

I hope your father has stocked up and taken precautions, which is good for everyone to do anyway.

I am really hoping that Monday comes and no huge event has happened.

Tell your father to take care, and lets just hope that animals are gone for some other bizarre reason right now.

I have to say: my ears have been killing me all day and my daughters ears have been hurting along with both our heads (huge headaches). It hits us, then goes away. My daughter had to stay home from school, it is bothering her so bad.
Funny thing about it, is I don't say anything, when my comes on real bad in an instant, but then she says: all of a sudden her head and ears are hurting again. No, I don't have sinus problems, cold or anything like that.

Maybe it is just this low/high pressure system going by.

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