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Jesus was a Hebrew Israelite fom the tribe of Judah (Black)

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posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:54 AM
I'm putting up this topic because I see everyone saying jesus is black and jesus is white or jesus was middle eastern. I'm here to crush all this non-sense with the scriptures (God's Word). I"m not here to start racial tension or anything I'm just here to tell you the truth. If you don't believe in God or the bible this isn't for you.

"For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah; of which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood." - Hebrews 7:14

So we all can agree with this scripture since it is of the bible right. Christ came for the tribe fo Judah which was one of Jacob's twelve sons.

"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters." - Revelations 1:14,15

His head was white showing that he was a very wise man. But it was white like wool. Now wool who has hair like wool, the so-called black man. Okay there's more, his feet was like fine brass as if it were burned in a furnace. Now that should make it clear that Christ was a very dark-skinned man. When i say black no one one black but that is how we are classified in the world today. No one is white or black but so called black people are shades of brown and so called white people are shades of red. But this should make it clear Christ was black. And i want to clear this up just because your black doesn't mean you come from Africa. Noah had three sons which populated the whole world aftre the flood. Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Out of Shem were the Hebrews (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob[Israel]), out of Japheth were the Asians, out of Ham were the Africans but not the Negro, which is the so-called Black, African American, Africans, Original Man, etc. Look up Ham in a Zondervan Bible Dictionary. People try and say the so-called black race all came from Ham which is not true. Just because of your skin color doesn't mean you come from the same place. Christ was not African he was a Hebrew Israelite meaning he came out from Jacob (Israel). Why is it that so-called Jewish people don't believe in Christ, shouldn't that let you know something is wrong.

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." Revelation 2:9

Christ says I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but you are rich. Who is Christ talking to. He's talking to the reals which are not recognized which are th so-called Black, Latino, West Indians, and South Americans. They are rich by heritage and spirit not money. Christ says I know the curses and lies of you who say they are Jews but are not WHAT but are not but are the synagogue os Satan. Who worship in synagogues. Its not anyone else its your so-called Jews. Even though Blacks, Latinos, West Indians, and South Americans are the real Jews. The scriptures speak that the real Jews would be in mourning not rich.

"And Moses said unto the people, Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out from this place: there shall no leavened bread be eaten." - Exodus 13:3

When the Israelites were in slavery Egypt was a sign of hard bondage. They had the slave erect pyramids up to the worship of pharoah and egyptian deities. The conditions of slavery in America were alot worse because no only were they slaves they lost their identities and heritage.

"And the Lord shall bring thee again into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again: and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall save you." - Deuteronomy 28:68

The Lord said he will bring you in Egypt again. Not literally Egypt but hard bondage. And you will sold as slaves and no man shall save you. This is talking about American slavery.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:56 AM
Undoubtedly middle eastern. Probably looked like a modern day syrian/ lebanese chap.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by ahrayah

' God's word ' ?

GOD's word ?

You're citing MAN's word.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by 44soulslayer
Undoubtedly middle eastern. Probably looked like a modern day syrian/ lebanese chap.

That assumes that people of that region have always conformed to

your stereotypical notions of what middle eastern people are

"supposed" to look like...! e-of-koreysh-black-prophet-mohammed/

[edit on 30-9-2008 by cosmokatt7]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:38 PM
Sorry but I find this whole thing with god being a black skinned Isrealite is intoning something that you want to believe.

I'm glad someone brought up the Syrian/Lebanese because I am half Lebanese and I can absolutely assure you that a lot of Lebanese man and women and Arabs in general have some extremely wooly hair.

Here's some pictures of brass:

Jesus was a tan skinned Mediterranean Jew. And by your own posting, he's described as white with white hair and having golden tanned feet. Doesn't sound like a nubian at all. Keep in mind a lot of the blacks today have white admixture and most blacks back then were truly black.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 04:08 PM

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 04:25 PM
I knew that. I watched the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar"...

EDIT: I jumped to conclusions. I misread Jesus for Judas. Tar and feather me!

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Benarius]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by ahrayah
I'm putting up this topic because I see everyone saying jesus is black and jesus is white or jesus was middle eastern. I'm here to crush all this non-sense with the scriptures (God's Word). I"m not here to start racial tension or anything I'm just here to tell you the truth. If you don't believe in God or the bible this isn't for you.

If it makes one personally feel better or makes one's faith stronger to believe that when the Son of God walked the earth He was black or white or tan, then let no one prevent you
However we should not forget that He was born of a virgin, conceived of the Holy Spirit and it isn't about what color His skin is or was, it is what He did for you and me that matters above all.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by ahrayah
When the Israelites were in slavery Egypt was a sign of hard bondage. They had the slave erect pyramids up to the worship of pharoah and egyptian deities.

Outside the Bible there is not one shred of concrete proof that this is true.


Many contemporary Israeli teachers/scholars agree that this is probably fiction since there is no evidence to support the fact that the Israelites were slaves in Egypt for a extended time or that they wandered for decades thereafter.

Beyond that though, I do agree that if Jesus did exist as claimed in that region he would not even look close to the fair skinned, blond, blue-eyed handsome man we have passed off as the image of our savior.

He would have looked a lot like this digital man featured in Popular Mechanics Magazine, and created by Israeli and British forensic anthropologists and computer programmers:

From science and computers, a new face of Jesus

CNN) -- The Jesus pictured on the cover of this month's Popular Mechanics has a broad peasant's face, dark olive skin, short curly hair and a prominent nose. He would have stood 5-foot-1-inch tall and weighed 110 pounds, if the magazine is to be believed.

This representation is quite different from the typical lithe, long-haired, light-skinned and delicate-featured depiction of the man Christians consider the son of God. CNN

Now I know some say his color doesn't matter in the case with Jesus but if it didn't then why would those who branded his image pick the very Nordic look over the more logical one of people in that region? Clearly they new of where he came.

Is this deception intentional?

We live in a very prejudiced world that would not accept a savior with such looks or of a darker skin tone. It's no coincidence that the popular image used as Jesus is the one chosen and cemented in our society.

- Lee

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 02:58 AM
The depictions of Jesus have changed a fair amount over time.

Pretty interesting read, I think. Jesus being depicted with a wand performing miracles.

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by ahrayah

"His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters." - Revelations 1:14,15

His head was white showing that he was a very wise man. But it was white like wool. Now wool who has hair like wool, the so-called black man. Okay there's more, his feet was like fine brass as if it were burned in a furnace. Now that should make it clear that Christ was a very dark-skinned man.

Your whole foundation... is based on John's 'vision' of 'the Lord'
some 50-70 years after the ressurrection of Jesus.

it could very well be explained by Ancient Astronaut believers,
that the "person" described in the Rev. 1:14-15...
was showing the effects of faster-than-light speed travel, and possibly effects from the radiation of the spacecraft drive...
the snow-white hair, the radiation burnt skin especially to the face and feet, the eyes which were described as the red-yellow of a furnace fire...
and the voice amplifier perhaps replacing a damaged larnyx.

John the revelator was either describing an inner vision...or was reporting a 'remote viewing' episode...
but John, at around 90AD, as an exiled prisoner was not recalling what the log since crucified Prophet, and Nazorean Rabbi, 'Jesus' looked like---> while on earth.

the whole premis of the thread is misleading, imho

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by ahrayah



posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:00 PM
There really is no way for any one to definatively say they know the origins of Jesus, what tribe he was from (if he even was), and/or his color when his existence can't even be validated. Let's just assume for arguement sake that we knew for a fact he did exist....

1. The genealogy is in great dispute even concerning the genealogy given in Matthew and Luke. They don't line up.

2. Even if the genealogies lined up in the NT, they do not line up with the old testament.

Hebrew Bible ........ New Testament
I Chr. 3:10-16...... Matthew 1:6-11
Solomon...... Solomon
Rehoboam...... Roboam
Abia...... Abia
Asa...... Asa
Jehoshaphat ...... Josaphat
Joram...... Joram
Ahazia...... ----
Joash....../ ---- ?
Amazia....../ ----
Azaria...... Ozias
Jotham...... Joatham
Ahaz...... Achaz
Hezekia...... Ezekias
Manasseh...... Manasses
Amon...... Amon
Josia...... Josias
Jehoiakim....../ ---- ?
Jeconia...... Jechonias

There are four names clearly missing from the Greek text (new testament) that are in the Hebrew text (old testament).

3. Also, during that time, Romans (who had come in and set up "military might" much the same way that America does around the world these days *ahem*) were raping the Jewish women. When a jewish woman conceived from one of these rapes, because of the compassion that the jewish ppl had (which is often overlooked and understandably so), they would keep and raise these children and label them "the sons of god" which could explain why ppl referred to him as the son of god if Mary was indeed raped.

4. It certainly wasn't a virgin birth as most assume and there was no prophecy that predicted a virgin birth that would bring forth a messiah as so many assume. In fact, virgin births were the myths of the pagan gods.

So, as you see... to contemplate and especially to argue over such things is kind of silly since there is no way anyone has any way of knowing where this "jesus" came from or if he even existed; and if he did, his line of genealogy since the new testament can't agree w/ itself on it let alone the old testament. All sounds kind of suspicious to me. *shrugs*

[edit on 28-11-2008 by justamomma]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by ahrayah

well the 'black' poeple were of the Tribe of Ham not Judah IIRC...
and Latino is an improper racial designation for phenotypic characterization.
Latino/Hispanic is a CULTURAL grouping... the predominant racial characteristics of this 'demographic' is an amalgam of the Native Amrican and Spanish Conquistador (the majority of Mexico through central america and much of South America-and/or a mix of former slave populations mixed with those people or new African immigrants (much of the Caribbean.)
The characteristics found to group these people as a "race" is ridiculous, as it is such a chimera of different groups.
after all a Black guy who speaks spanish in Cartagena,Colombia would be called a Black man not a latino or Hispanic in that country- so why does it change when that man moves to the US? because he is Culturally Latino- and hence a new categorization...

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:18 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble there guy but Jesus had auburn hair and also had freckles.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by cerberusxp
Sorry to burst your bubble there guy but Jesus had auburn hair and also had freckles.

whoo hoo! so, he was irish? The irish are pretty damn special

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by ahrayah

Very good my friend. Scriptually sound!!

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 06:40 PM
So, are you saying that Bethany is part black?

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by ahrayah

Jesus as you call him was from the tribe of Levi, the priest tribe except under the law then. Joseph was the Adopted father for all purposes and gave no sperm but was considered his father and Joseph was from Judah, legally speaking Jesus was 1/2 Judah and 1/2 Levi which fulfills a prophecy. He would be King of Kings and High Priests of Priests.

Levi is the Priest tribe and Judah the King tribe. His actual blood was only from his mother though who was 100% Levite as he had no sperm donor...

There are some that claim Mary carried 1/2 and 1/2 of Judah and Levi too, and the Bible isn't clear so we can't say for sure, but we do know forsure that Mary's mother was of Levi, Read Luke 1.

[edit on 12/5/2008 by theindependentjournal]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 07:19 PM
As if the color of his skin makes any difference whatsoever. Maybe if you focused more on his teachings than on the color of his skin you'd be a better person for it?

Just a thought.


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