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Terra Papers - I was there

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posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by kshaund

oh say it's time-related, please!
you'll make my day!

i gots a hunch, ya know....

Time related? As in how?? Like it will turn on and off at specific time(s)?

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by kshaund

no. the net is a trap yes? an electromagnetic time trap. flesh (third dimensional stuff) is time-constranied...err, the dna of everything 3d is on a timer, self-destruct code built-in. Enki, god of the fates. fate is a time function.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by kshaund

no. the net is a trap yes? an electromagnetic time trap. flesh (third dimensional stuff) is time-constranied...err, the dna of everything 3d is on a timer, self-destruct code built-in. Enki, god of the fates. fate is a time function.

I dunno - I've never thought of it that way. But I'm quite literal too. It's possible that 'net' is what's responsible for the soul catching as well as all the other stuff (mind control, weather control, total control really). I just presumed it was made from machinery in the here and now - but they could have time technology too that fits in somehow. I don't know that we're programmed to self destruct per se, but I can see how our dna was manipulated to affect our longevity one way or another.

posted on Apr, 11 2009 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by kshaund
My guess is its the electromagnet field(s) that are the net - I think they keep us sealed in and off besides mind warping us...

Precisely. This sort of thing had already been mentioned in this thread, so I did not think I was being quite as obtuse as I apparently was.

Originally posted by undo
no. the net is a trap yes? an electromagnetic time trap. flesh (third dimensional stuff) is time-constranied...err, the dna of everything 3d is on a timer, self-destruct code built-in. Enki, god of the fates. fate is a time function.

Yes! The seven heads of the scarlet covered beast (Revelation 17:3) are the seven Rulers of Fate. This is the Sphere of Generation, typified by the watery element. Plato (who seemed to know exactly what he was talking about) differentiated between the eternal world of Ideas, which exists outside of time, and the Protean world of the senses, which is inherently false and delusive:

The central concept is the Theory of Forms. The only true being is founded upon the forms, the eternal, unchangeable, perfect types, of which particular objects of sense are imperfect copies. The multitude of objects of sense, being involved in perpetual change, are thereby deprived of all genuine existence. The number of the forms is defined by the number of universal concepts which can be derived from the particular objects of sense.

"For now we see through a glass, darkly..."

What you are talking about is also perfectly Hermetic, by the way. You should at least check out the Poemandres, as it offers the best insight into these various creation myths (with the least amount of specious allegorization). Despite your aversion to esoterica, rest assured they will not indoctrinate you into Satanism; the early Fathers of the Church actually considered them the most valuable adjuncts to Christianity.

You should also read up on the Æon of Kronos, or Boundless Time, in the Mysteries of Mithras:

At the pinnacle of the divine hierarchy and at the origin of things, the Mithraic theology, the heir of that of the Zervanitic Magi, placed boundless Time. Sometimes they would call it Αἰών or Sæculum, Κρόνος or Saturnus; but these appellations were conventional and contingent, for he was considered ineffable, bereft alike of name, sex, and passions. In imitation of his Oriental prototype, he was represented in the likeness of a human monster with the head of a lion and his body enveloped by a serpent. The multiplicity of attributes with which his statues are loaded is in keeping with the kaleidoscopic nature of his character. He bears the scepter and the bolts of divine sovereignty and holds in each hand a key as the monarch of the heavens whose portals he opens. His wings are symbolic of the rapidity of his flight. The reptile whose sinuous folds enwrap him, typifies the tortuous course of the Sun on the ecliptic; the signs of the zodiac engraved on his body and the emblems of the seasons that accompany them, are meant to represent the celestial and terrestrial phenomena that signalize the eternal flight of the years. He creates and destroys all things; he is the Lord and master of the four elements that compose the universe, he virtually unites in his person the power of all the gods, whom he alone has begotten. Sometimes he is identified with Destiny, at others with the primitive light or the primitive fire; while both conceptions rendered it possible for him to be compared with the Supreme Cause of the Stoics,--the heat which pervades all things, which has shaped all things, and which under another aspect was Fatality (Εἱμαρμένη).

See also: Concerning the Æon-Doctrine

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by kshaund

well the idea came to me while reading about chronos/saturn/father time, etc. how do we measure time? if einstein is correct, time is intimately entangled with gravity and is relative to your position. the lighter(gravity issue) an object is and the faster it moves, the bigger the time discrepancy between the object and people experiencing a different gravity. thus an object on earth, experiences time differently than an object in zero g, due to gravity being connected somehow to time.

since we (that is our flesh) are composed of mass (being physical), time and gravity impact us in several ways, one of them being aging and various limitations related to "space" in the physical universe. if we were composed of energy only, it would be a whole different scenario.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by Eleleth

are you familar with enki's "ME" (pronounced "may")? the texts claim these powers (the me) are how he exercises authority over civilization and humankind. they are part of determining "fate", it says. now i think, personally, this is related (in a parallel sort of way) with the planets. from this lore was formed astrology as a means of determining a person's future (fate) by the planets movements against the backdrop of stars. i do not think this was how it originally was intended. i could be wrong, but i think it's related to gravity and time, and ...the stargates/wormholes.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 06:09 AM
ah yes, gnosticism.

well, the issue i have with "chaos" as a first state of being is, i believe that word is intimately connected with the gate and has nothing to do with the "formation of the universe" concept. the opening passages of genesis reference the planet in a chaotic state because it had just undergone an ice age following an intersolar, possibly even galactic, war. i'm not convinced that the universe had a beginning in the sense of // wasn't here and then pow // big bang. i know that's one area where some theologians and scientists agree but i'm not so sure.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 03:34 PM
I think you guys will find this verrrry interesting - a few weeks ago I came across lyrics written by Canibus called "Lucifer Project"... supposedly he wrote the lyrics and they were banned and then he rewrote them as the ones heard now. Please read them to the end - you'll find the banned ones very much relate to what you're both talking about !

The released lyrics have phrases like,

"I'm talking about the
grand deception
of 1947
when our souls
were sold to the heavens
for technologically
weapons" and

"You can accept it
or be stupid and
be a skeptic
and fail to
recognize the
secret society's
death wish" and

"A hundred and
fifty stories below
a basement
with knowledge of
information, you
need to fear
science not Satan"

So - that was the accepted version - I was going to do excerpts of the banned version, but its just too interesting !

"Yo, the holy script
from Genesis 1-26
says, "Let us make man in our
image under our
First of all who's
THEY? You see if
was truly a single
entity that's not
what he would say
We as the Elohim,
Gods and
possess a
Life forms that
speak, in very
high pitched
sounds and
Short staccato
clicks and beeps
A highly advanced
form of speech
Even though to us
it seems like they
only chatterin they
They used to
swim deep in the
oceans beneath
Til they fins
transformed into
limbs and they
started to creep
Then they evolved
into mammals
with feet
And walked right
from the shorelines onto
the beach
They used gravit,
cause it's actually
the only force
that could slow
time and the
speed of light
The energy grid
network, opened
the gateway from
to any point in the
Livin organisms and
anomaly areas
Space expedition
teams in the lunar regions
reported seein'
decapyramids and
Liquid filled shoes,
is what they used
to walk across the
moon without
leavin a clue
of where they
been for the past
billion years
Before life on the
surface even
I hope you
become aware
what I'm spittin in
your ear
was intended to
stimulate your left-
I know it sounds
weird, all these
and questions to
the grand

the information
it is
the information

The location is
planet Earth
The time and date
is nineteen, ninety
nine, December
Eleven fifty-nine
The anticipation of
what I think's
about to happen
got my heart
We got less than
a minute left,
the planet Jupiter
is ignited into a star
I know it sounds
bizarre, but its
A specific sign for
some of the planet's
Those who
understand know
what I'm saying is
Our country is
corrupt, from the
president to the
In the year two,
followed by three o's
the space
Will welcome us
all to channel zero"

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 05:02 PM
here's a rap music video made by a guy who apparently agrees with my gate theory. ..

he apparently also did a video with canibus here. he's on about the reptilian concept... you can hear canibus in the second half i think

[edit on 12-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 05:15 PM
I have so much trouble understanding them when they're singing! The Canibus stuff I came across in writing otherwise I never would have glistened a thing from either of those songs! I listened to Rip the Reptilian and could only pick out bits and pieces - the whole story is just so big, hard to cover even most of it.

I've just been looking up lots of stuff on music and its influence, and it includes rap too, even if they're rapping out current stuff, doesn't mean it's not getting into our subconscious and mucking around - I love music so now I'm rethinking/feeling all that stuff too.

But I found it interesting in those lyrics he was talking about gravity slowing down time - never ever heard of that one before - and think it ties in nicely with your time question and the net, etc. At least it makes sense to me- seems like so many have pieces of the picture.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by kshaund

well it does say in the prophetical texts of the bible, that the last days of this particular dispensation would be marked by a massive increase in knowledge, including but not limited to, dreams, prophecies, visions. i think visions may be a form of abduction in a sense, but only those you remember without having them dug out of your subconscious mind against your will. the kind they have to wrench from your head, i believe, are more suspect.

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 05:57 PM
oh and another thought just crossed my mind. what do the terra papers say about the etymology of anubis? i mean, if you look at it, it says LORD OF THE ABYSS. : ) does he believe enki was a sirian? (spelling?)

[edit on 12-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 07:57 PM
here's an interesting quote from wiki

At this time, Anubis was the most important god of the Dead but he was replaced during the Middle Kingdom by Osiris.[4]

one of my wacky theories is that enki didn't vacate earth permanently, but had various physical bodies cloned for him to interface with the physical universe. my theory was the first clue is when the serpent is deprived of his legs, which i took to mean he was removed from that cloned body.. then later, he shows up again, in gilgamesh when the enkidu clone fails. he also surfaces as enmerkar, who is narmer, nimrod and osiris (gilgamesh may be the same guy, just having his story retold at a later date or incorporated some of the data pertaining to enmerkar into his own story).

from here, he develops dynastic egypt, and you see him as both EA in mesopotamia and RA in egypt.

at some point he has a stint as the king of tyre, which you read about in ezekiel 28: 12-17

[12] Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: `This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "`You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

[13] You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.

[14] You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones.

[15] You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you.

[16] Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.

[17] Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by undo
ah yes, gnosticism.

well, the issue i have with "chaos" as a first state of being is, i believe that word is intimately connected with the gate and has nothing to do with the "formation of the universe" concept. the opening passages of genesis reference the planet in a chaotic state because it had just undergone an ice age following an intersolar, possibly even galactic, war. i'm not convinced that the universe had a beginning in the sense of // wasn't here and then pow // big bang. i know that's one area where some theologians and scientists agree but i'm not so sure.

No—not gnosticism! It is a mythology, expressed in an infinite variety of symbols and expressions—the Devil lies in the interpretation. And that all of this is inextricably linked to the "tohu va bohu" of Genesis, this page speaks for itself:

Raphael Patai cites Hermann Gunkel’s explanation in Schopfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit (1895) that Tiamat is an early cognate of the biblical Hebrew words, T’hom and Tohu. The important premise is thus that the creatures alternately known as Tiamat, Leviathan, Rachab, and Behemoth are mythic incarnations and equivalents of important aspects of the cosmos, central to the worldview of our ancestors (and which is now almost entirely forgotten…) — the Lower Waters and the Upper Waters. (By the end of the d’var we hope that the relationship between the two will seem clear and obvious. And the ramifications for understanding apocryphal events such as the flood and cosmic reconciliations such as the Age of the Messiah, will be made clearer (from a mythic perspective).

“Depth”, Tohu, is referred to as Tehom — the abyss, its destiny within a few verses is to become the Lower Waters. Expanse is called, Bohu becomes the Upper Waters. Alternately, depending on the midrash or the myth, the two, Tohu and Bohu were allies or lovers. Whichever, the important lesson, the iqar, is that Tohu and Bohu were so closely linked that creation was impossible unless they could be divided.

Tehom, in midrash is described as the sweet Underground Waters, the Lower Waters forbidden to rise and unite again with the Upper Waters. In Sumerian myth, Enki/Ea, god of Wisdom, emerges out of the sweet water abyss, called the Abzu. (The “begetter” ur-god in the sumerian pantheon, is Apsu the beloved of Tiamat. Apsu is killed by Ea.) Graves and Pattai, speculate that for doctrinal reasons, these details are washed over in B’resihit and the abstract concepts of Tehom, Tohu and Bohu, stand in for what in these other myths are cosmogonic battles of creation.

But with these things I only wish to point in the direction of certain passages and ideas, with no desire to inculcate any particular philosophy. Astrology is a subject I do not know much about, but I can note this quotation, from a book I have already referenced more times than I can count:

“[According to Pythagoras] when the Soul descends from the Boundary where the Zodiac and Galaxy [or Milky Way] meet, from a spherical form, which is the only divine one, it is elongated into a conical one by its downward tendency.
“The soul, therefore, having by means of this first weight [of matter] fallen down from the Zodiac and Galaxy into the series of spheres that lie below them, in continuing its descent through them, is not only enwrapped in the envelope of a luminous body, 2 but also develops the separate motions which it is to exercise.

“In the sphere of Saturn [it develops] the powers of reasoning and theorizing 3—which [the Greeks] call τὸ λογιστικὸν and τὸ θεωρητικόν; in that of Jupiter, the power of putting into practice—which they call τὸ πρακτικόν; in that of Mars, the power of ardent vehemence—which they call τὸ θυμικόν; in that of the Sun, the nature of sensing and imagining—which they call τὸ αἰσθητικὸν and τὸ φανταστικόν; in that of Venus, the motion of desire—which they call τὸ ἐπιθυμητικόν, in the sphere of Mercury, the power of giving expression to and interpretation of feelings—which they call τὸ ἑρμη νευτικόν; on its entrance into the sphere of the Moon it brings into activity τὸ φυτικόν—that is, the nature of making bodies grow and of moving them.

A very sci-fi concept, no? (And these "spheres" were not the physical planets, but "zones" or, yes, gates stretching from Earth to the Moon. So here we have, possibly, some insight into Inanna's Descent into the Underworld.)

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by undo
one of my wacky theories is that enki didn't vacate earth permanently, but had various physical bodies cloned for him to interface with the physical universe. my theory was the first clue is when the serpent is deprived of his legs, which i took to mean he was removed from that cloned body.. then later, he shows up again, in gilgamesh when the enkidu clone fails. he also surfaces as enmerkar, who is narmer, nimrod and osiris (gilgamesh may be the same guy, just having his story retold at a later date or incorporated some of the data pertaining to enmerkar into his own story).

Did you read that Questions for Reconpilot thread? That dude had the same theory, and even claimed that Xerxes was Enki.

But Enkidu is, I believe, Adam:

The introduction of Ukhat, however, as an aid to carry out the designs of Gilgamesh is devoid of religious significance, and one is inclined to regard the Eabani episode, or at least certain portions of it, as having had at one time an existence quite independent of Gilgamesh's adventures. The description of Eabani is, as we have seen, based upon mythological ideas. The creation of Eabani recalls the Biblical tradition of the formation of the first man, and Ukhat appears to be the Babylonian equivalent to the Biblical Eve, who through her charms entices Eabani away from the gazelles and cattle,[879] and brings him to Uruk, the symbol of civilized existence.

It is significant that in the Biblical narrative, the sexual instinct and the beginnings of culture as symbolized by the tree[Pg 477] of knowledge are closely associated. According to rabbinical traditions, the serpent is the symbol of the sexual passion.[880]

Eve obtains control of Adam with the aid of this passion. In the episode of Eabani, Ukhat, and the hunter—who, be it noted, plays the part of the tempter—we seem to have an ancient legend forming part of some tradition regarding the beginnings of man's history, and which has been brought into connection with the Gilgamesh epic,—when and how, it is impossible, of course, to say.

Footnote: It is to be noted that in the Yahwistic narrative, Adam is in close communication with the animals about him (Gen. ii. 20). It is tempting also to connect the Hebrew form of Eve, Khauwâ (or Khauwat) in some way with Ukhat, not etymologically of course, but as suggestive of a dependence of one upon the other,—the Hebrew upon the Babylonian term. Professor Stade (Zeits. f. Alttest. Wiss., 1897, p. 210) commenting upon Gen. ii. 20, points out that Yahwe's motive for asking Adam to name the animals was the hope that he would find a 'helpmate' among them. In the light of the Babylonian story of Eabani living with animals, Stade's suggestion receives a striking illustration.

It also seems to recall the story of the Olympian gods sending Pandora to Epimetheus:

As punishment to Man, Zeus created Pandora, the first woman, for Epimetheus, knowing that he would fall in love with her despite the warnings of his brother, the embodiment of foresight, who told him never to accept a gift from the Olympian gods, with whom the primordial Titans, sprung from Mother Earth, were ever at odds.

As Pandora's name means "all-giver," it's natural that Shamhat would likewise be a prostitute.

[edit on 12-4-2009 by Eleleth]

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:30 PM
that's relying on the old concept that knowledge in the biblical sense was sexual congress. i don't think it was sex. i think it was genetic modification.. back to the meat bag materializer.

let's take for example, the visions of various old testament prophets, who are given tiny scrolls to eat before they experience a vision of the future. it's like they are being downloaded with information in escapsulated form, especially considering how precisely mathematical and complex, biblical prophecy tends to be. how would one remember the visions in such striking detail, unless of course they were prophets because they had photographic memories! in the event they did not, those pieces of data are permanently etched upon their memories and they recall them in very exacting detail. (just read revelation and you'll see what i mean!)

i should mention, i've seen examples of this in modern people as well. my husband doesn't have a photographic memory, but one day while contemplating the meaning of the virgin birth, he received a vision of sorts. he said, the words on the page regarding the birth of christ, lifted off the page, floated in the air and went...smack..into his head. at this point, he began to understand thousands of years of data regarding this one event, as if he were downloading an akashic type of library on that single topic and everything related to it. after that experience, he could remember all kinds of details about both old and new testaments. i can ask him about all kinds of info from the bible and he just knows it... in's oddly cool!

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:35 PM
(addendum to above: btw, he was told the virgin birth was similar to artificial insemination! when he told me that, i was still on the mainstream belief that it was simply an unexplainable miracle. i had to ask him to repeat that a few times lol)

posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Eleleth

reconpilot and i have had many discussions but he was very angry with me for defending "enlil." he said enlil and enki are the same guy, though, so i was in essence (as far as he was concerned) defending a god capable of being as evil, cunning and deceitful as satan and as destructive, short-tempered and judgmental as jehovah, who, according to him, are the same guy. and when i say he was mad, i mean HE WAS MAD. and this all happened in one of my threads, so i started avoiding him in effect to keep from having another lengthy session of him condemning me for not agreeing with him on the topic

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:18 AM
I still believe there are many translations of our hidden history, hence confusion and discrepancies.

Too many histories speak of Ea and Enlil as half brothers, their father being Anu.

I have re-read the Terra Papers at least five, maybe seven times. Every time I realize how much of it I've forgotten. I'd really encourage anyone reading these posts to re-read it.

Ea is Sirian - the dog star, the wolf type beings. I'd have to recheck if Enlil was half Sirian or not, don't recall off hand. Orion is the other race, the dominant reptilians.

What's interesting is that the females of all these histories aren't spoken about much - like Ea's half-sister, also a genetic scientist who according to some sources was the 'real' creator of us, not Ea - making our Creator a Goddess, not a God

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Eleleth

reconpilot and i have had many discussions but he was very angry with me for defending "enlil." he said enlil and enki are the same guy, though, so i was in essence (as far as he was concerned) defending a god capable of being as evil, cunning and deceitful as satan and as destructive, short-tempered and judgmental as jehovah, who, according to him, are the same guy. and when i say he was mad, i mean HE WAS MAD. and this all happened in one of my threads, so i started avoiding him in effect to keep from having another lengthy session of him condemning me for not agreeing with him on the topic
I have to agree with reconpilot on this. It really doesn't matter if they are separate entities, they have the same blood, the same DNA. I dont mean to be "Raciest", but the chances are, they both will have the same orientation concerning, what they perceive to be, creations that belong to them, that being us. They will never view us as equals, or worthy of the truth.
Just my two cents.

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