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Terra Papers - I was there

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posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 07:47 AM
Yes, I thought it was a great interview also - I was really excited to hear they are doing field trips to the volcanoes too. It is great he is again public and putting out his work

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 12:16 PM
i have just found the terra papers last week. since then i have thouroughly read, took notes and researched a little. i have a couple questions.

-prince ea is obviosly our creator, but in our creation was our soul born at the same time, or was that something created later when ea taught us the forbidden knowledge. maybe created wasn't a good word rather was it something that over time by us gaining spirituality did our soul slowly develop.
-i've never personally beleived that organized religion was the way to go, but these papers and other research leave me with a ton of questions. does our soul derive from the portion of our being that came from ea. and if so where does our soul reside when we die.our physical body of course i know our soul doesn't perish it just transitions.

sorry for no caps i know i have bad grammer

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by kshaundell

Enki/Ea is the one to whom we should be grateful for our existance and freedom, albeit tenuous. For true seekers, Robert's work is worthy of a second and even third look. Regards - Karyn.

This is something that we need to understand right now and clearly. The terra papers is depicting the renegade ets that have set up camp here on terra, the enki/enlil group. The bloodlines and leaders are connected to this. They have fought wars, in our solar system, when atlantis and lemuria went down and mars and earth suffered great casualties, against ets and others that had better agendas for this planet. They have no massive contact, non-interference contracts which aren't even legal, but are crimes. Their wars went into a larger scale effort as they attack other races in their own systems, and they are the bad guys here.

We have many groups, including greys, nordics and positive reptilians, including forces from altair, that are countering these guys.

We have been subjected to ownership by this group and they keep us living in the most primitive barbaric conditions for billions, and fighting countless wars for to divide us and profit them.

This thread explains it nicely
I've heard the enki machine that wipes us clean and reuses us called "the living game" and in connection with someone connected to montaulk. The superman project seemed to be about finding a dna match to reactiveate it as its losing its powers.

This is our best way of getting the help we need:

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 01:27 PM
So, show some pics or video or it didn't happenl.

That's the way it gous nowadays.

posted on Mar, 31 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by digginforthetruth

Hey diggin - I can offer my interpretation re souls - its my understanding that Aku offered a strand of their DNA and it is from that our souls come from. And we're trapped here, every time we die getting our minds wiped. There's different versions, a soul catcher on the moon, perhaps in the inner earth. But I'm sure they have the technology to even capture that.

Mystiq - I never could quite understand reconpilot's take on all this - I tried a few times to get clarification but it never worked for me - but his take on Ea is quite different than my understanding. Probably a good idea to trust none of them

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:27 AM
there are terra papers videos on ats' media site now. it's a series of 11 or so videos, posted by nephratari (spelling?). i believe the gentleman in the video is robert morningsky?

i have a few comments and a brief review of the videos.

the man is a luciferian. hermeticism is a branch of free masonry. in brief, he's from an order of shetu (his word for freemasons) that are like shetu on steroids. he fusses about freemasonry, all the while being a freemason himself. it's a head scratcher.

he makes several leaps of logic that i found nowhere in the terra papers, and he doesn't inform you that those leaps are his theories regarding the terra papers. you're just supposed to believe the things he's saying are part of the knowledge his grandfather passed on.

and i still contend that RA is EA. that he was EA's E.Abzu, deified. (bones like silver, the e.abzu was silver inside, skin like gold, the e.abzu was gold on the outside. hair like lapis lazuli, the e.abzu had lapis lazuli decorations)

what part of TRICKY GOD, doesn't he get?

[edit on 3-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by undo
there are terra papers videos on ats' media site now. it's a series of 11 or so videos, posted by nephratari (spelling?). i believe the gentleman in the video is robert morningsky?

i have a few comments and a brief review of the videos.

the man is a luciferian. hermeticism is a branch of free masonry. in brief, he's from an order of shetu (his word for freemasons) that are like shetu on steroids. he fusses about freemasonry, all the while being a freemason himself. it's a head scratcher.

he makes several leaps of logic that i found nowhere in the terra papers, and he doesn't inform you that those leaps are his theories regarding the terra papers. you're just supposed to believe the things he's saying are part of the knowledge his grandfather passed on.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by undo]

Robert Morning Sky... a freemason???

Can't imagine how on earth you came up with that one. The videos here are probably from the early 90's - I don't recognize the video - its one of his I've never seen.

If you don't have the entire story, it sounds like leaps, but he can bridge everything he says, piece by piece.

Also have no idea where you come up with luciferian?!? In my opinion these conclusions are leaps on your part.

Robert has said always, always, always, ALWAYS - DON'T BELIEVE A WORD I SAY - followed with - GO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND CHECK IT OUT. He had his grandfathers story AND HIS OWN RESEARCH.

His library when I last saw it more than ten years ago was around 3,000 non-fiction books - history - mythology - religion - science - etc. etc. etc. He is the most thorough researcher I've met and if you had any of his other works you would see his logic is pieced together by the hard works of others he always gives credit to.

Please do not throw the baby out with the bathwater - I spent two years with Robert and his family and saw him 214/7/365 and exactly what you see is exactly what you get.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:08 AM


that's the problem. i DID my research.

enki (ea) is lucifer. the guy says at the end of the video, that he's a devil worshipper ( because he knows enki (ea) is the biblical serpent,, the devil,, lucifer) - then he laughs and gives a wry expression, cause he appreciates (i guess?) the ingenuity of enki (ea). in short, he's a luciferian, admittedly. and hermeticism is a branch of study specifically promoted and founded by a sect of freemasonry. ever hear of the golden dawn? think of aleister crowley. like the OTO, these guys are heavy duty.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by undo

I think you've mistaken saracasm for something else.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:21 AM
Ea isn't literally what we think of as Lucifer - it's all been bastardized and completely confused and difficult to straighten out even a little -

Lucifer/Satan/Devil/Hell from the Bible infers the antithesis of God

Ea/Enki/Bringer of Light/Fallen Angel has fallen into this description in religion as its convenient for the powers that be to keep us all in the dark.

I don't equate Ea literally as Lucifer, never have and don't believe that's the point. It's easy to perturb and poke fun at religious people by joking about Ea's role in religion.

I know you do a lot of research - most people don't do any!

It would be interesting if there was time and space to actually lay out all the research side by side and compare it to see where it differs. More importantly, do these differences really make any difference to the overall story? (In my opinion they do not) - it's the overall story that's most important to me, trying to grasp what exactly this toilet is that we're all being flushed down!

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by kshaund

i know he was being sarcastic but he's also aware that this is the textual identity of Enki.. he's the biblical "Serpent". he knows this. the light bringer, the one who supposedly freed us from mindless slavery by sticking us in human bodies... he leaves out the part that if there's any re-cycling, it's most likely enki since it was enki who was tasked with finding slaves in the first place. unless he's doing like the evolutionists do, and tossing out 5000 years of written history.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by kshaund

i know he was being sarcastic but he's also aware that this is the textual identity of Enki.. he's the biblical "Serpent". he knows this. the light bringer, the one who supposedly freed us from mindless slavery by sticking us in human bodies... he leaves out the part that if there's any re-cycling, it's most likely enki since it was enki who was tasked with finding slaves in the first place. unless he's doing like the evolutionists do, and tossing out 5000 years of written history.

As I recall, for the most part Robert didn't speak publicly much (if at all) about recycling - that was brought in by other aspects. I don't know what he would say today as the video here is probably 15 years old.

As for recycling "most likely Enki"? I think what's happened behind the scenes (as in behind the alien scenes) is their internal war which we know little if anything about, has left earth in shambles and kind of a free for all - my understanding of the past umpteen years is the greys/reptilians (not specifically Ea/Enki at all), have the technology to capture the essence/soul so that it is literally their prisoner condemned to recycle until it either escapes or is freed.

My understanding is this likely came about when Ra/Marduk came into power around 2000 BC as that's approximately when the defacing of many Egyptian statues occurred (wiping out the previous "female" lineage) and patriarchal society came to be.

So I don't believe it is Ea at all doing the recycling - apparently he's not even here but the greys/reptilians are. And that is where my focus is... saving our soul from recycling here without choice or freedom - the ultimate crime in my opinion...

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:41 AM
but that's ignoring the texts such as the namshub of enki text, in wihch it describes enki (this is the reprogramming center terra papers claim, where people go in, and come out the other side not knowing who they are... his idea of the tower of babel) confusing the languages of the people.

really, the tower of babel wasn't a reprogramming center, it was a stargate. nimrod (enmerkar/osiris/narmer, founder of dynastic egypt) reopened it and brought a bunch of new races (slaves) here. that's why people didn't understand each other. the confusion of the languages was the influx of new races with new languages from who knows where. might've been from the other side of the planet or a different planet altogether.... that's my theory anyway and at least it's supported by the ancient texts, many of which we were not even aware of for thousands of years because they were buried under 8 feet of flood silt.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by undo
but that's ignoring the texts such as the namshub of enki text, in wihch it describes enki (this is the reprogramming center terra papers claim, where people go in, and come out the other side not knowing who they are... his idea of the tower of babel) confusing the languages of the people.

really, the tower of babel wasn't a reprogramming center, it was a stargate. nimrod (enmerkar/osiris/narmer, founder of dynastic egypt) reopened it and brought a bunch of new races (slaves) here. that's why people didn't understand each other. the confusion of the languages was the influx of new races with new languages from who knows where. might've been from the other side of the planet or a different planet altogether.... that's my theory anyway and at least it's supported by the ancient texts, many of which we were not even aware of for thousands of years because they were buried under 8 feet of flood silt.

I'd never thought of the tower of Babel as a recycling center - I don't think any 'recycling center' was ever discussed (as in "where" it would be). Lately I've heard the moon, or subterranean vaults control our essences when we die - but for me I just take it as there's technology out there that's beyond frightening when they do that.... where and how are details... that they can do it is way beyond evil....

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:49 AM
it wouldn't do any good to compare our research because he could just claim the position that all the ancient texts (such as you just did) are bastardized, mixed up falsehoods and not worth the paper or stone they were printed on. that's a pretty comfortable position.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by kshaund

yes when he says don't go into the light...that's the recycling center. where you get recycled into a new body or whatever (according to mr. morningsky, anyway). pardon me for using the word "recycled", it means the same thing essentially, since he claims if you go into the light, you get a mind wipe and recycled back into a new body on the planet. he says, anyway

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by undo
it wouldn't do any good to compare our research because he could just claim the position that all the ancient texts (such as you just did) are bastardized, mixed up falsehoods and not worth the paper or stone they were printed on. that's a pretty comfortable position.

The key to being a "real" researcher is that they follow the research to wherever it goes and not just pick out the pieces that conveniently fit personal beliefs and paradigms and make them fit .... So I would respectfully suggest that your assumption above is erroneous....

Indeed, the only way to really get ahead is to consider everything available.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by kshaund

i do consider everything available, that's also the problem here.
i take them pretty much at their word.

remember when he's talking about the building where people's memories are erased? that's the tower of babel, he's referring to. problem is, the tower of babel is just enki's e.abzu revisited. so who's brain wiping who? it's really not a tower, either. that's just an english translation faux pas.

babel is the gate of god, the stairway to heaven, that mr. morningsky sr. picked on and assumed was a tunnel with light at end of it in the reprogramming center. it's a stargate. now it may go to a not so nice place, i'm not arguing that. all i'm saying is, the idea needs to be fleshed out more. he's not carrying threw and as a result, his data can be interpreted almost anyway he chooses.

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 11:19 AM
babel comes from bab-ilu
bab-ilu comes from ka.dingir.ra (language change, tower of babel incident, also known as the namshub of enki)
ka.dingir.ra is from e.abzu

ilu is from il.
il is from lil
lil is from enlil.
who's name "lil" is the etymological source of "god" and was later adopted to refer to any anunnaki or elohim type being
bab is from ab.
ab is water, the abyss, the abzu.

thus bab-ilu is more specifically, the gate of the water god (enki-ea) and if you carry it forward to the enuma elish, it's the gate of the chaos (tiamat) water (abzu) god (ea), the addition of tiamat (chaos) is the source of the "confusion" translation. he confused the languages of the people.

thus the "reprogramming center" was EA's contraption. one person on my stargates are real thread suggested the gate was a "meatbag" materializer. this makes sense somehow. a spirit being enters the gate at one end and when it arrives at this end, it's placed in an encounter suit for exploring or experiencing the planet. but when our ancestors entered it (back in the garden of eden scenario), and came out the other end as flesh people, the gate was locked up and we weren't allowed back through it. the texts even say that for human flesh (mortals), the gate is a one way trip.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by undo]

posted on Apr, 3 2009 @ 11:51 AM
oh and yet more on the video. at one point a lady speaks up and says that a friend of hers had a near death experience and didn't go to the light, but instead wandered around and found parts of his light body all over the place. morningsky agreed with her wholeheartedly, that this was the thing to do. it is clearly a hermetic reference to putting osiris back together (something isis supposedly does in the anicent egyptian texts). he's knee deep in esoterica, ceremonial magic and is no doubt espousing hard core freemasonry. but he does so in a most peculiar denouncing it, drawing the eye over yander and having you do the exact same thing anyway.

[edit on 3-4-2009 by undo]

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