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Chemtrails Publicly Acknowledged: Winter Of Cloud Seeding Flights

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posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 06:01 AM

Chemtrails Publicly Acknowledged: Winter Of Cloud Seeding Flights

A company experimenting with ways to boost snowfall says it dropped about 23 pounds of silver iodide during airplane flights over the Wind River Range.

Weather Modification, Inc., has undertaken a 5-year weather modification study in conjunction with the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The state has provided $9 million for the program, which will be entering its fourth year.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related Discussion Threads:
Barium Containing Material Collected From Chemtrails Nov 2007
Chemtrails Vs Contrails... There's a MASSIVE Difference!!! Check these out...
Germany becomes First Country to admit Chemtrails Operation
Chemtrails: Debunking the Peristent Contrail myth

[edit on (4/17/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 06:01 AM
Silver Iodide
Weather Modification, Inc
National Center for Atmospheric Research

This public acknowledgement of US cloud-seeding by aircraft may finally explain the commonly argued about and often seen chemtrail/contrails debate.

There IS a difference between normal aircraft contrails and the so called 'chem-trails' which may be cloud-seeding programs like this one.

Forget what the small cadre of fierce opponents to the chemtrail question will try to shove down your throats. TOO MANY OF US KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING GOING ON UP THERE. Enough of us know what suspicious contrails look like.

A small group of ATSers goes around from thread to thread patting eachother on the back, giving each others stars and kudos while commonly denouncing the Chemtrail OP. This devious strategy works to build an overwhelming consensus on the thread which will be seen by the majority of ATSers (lurkers/watchers/infrequent posters) and the visiting public, that the general opinion of the informed ATS conspiracy community is in-line with these DISINFO AGENTS; these people are easily identified by having an UNUSAL focus on a certain topic and will go to great lengths to prove it wronge. All the while arguing with the same straw-man tactics Ad nauseam.
ATS:25 Rules of Disinformation implemented on forums

I have studied meteorology, weather, and aeronautics at college as well as being an experienced pilot. BUT WHAT I TELL YOU ABOUT MY CREDENTIALS IS MEANINGLESS. Just like the so-called meteorology experts and airlines pilots who religiously line-up against the chemtrail question. Just because they say they are experts doesn’t mean they are. In fact it is most likely just a way to boost credibility for their chemtrail disinfo agenda.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on (4/17/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 06:07 AM
if it was just cloud seeding why would they take so long to finaly say something about it? maby it just took them this long to think of an excuse, kind of suspicious to me.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by tylerc25211

VERY suspicious to me too. That is why I am spreading the news to the ATS community.

They were keeping it under wraps for a reason. Perhaps the situation is bad and the need for cloud-seeding is so great that to expose the dire need, they fear, would invoke panic.

Or perhaps the compounds in the seeding formula have some adverse health effects.

[edit on (4/17/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 07:49 AM
While I do believe that the chemtrail issue is legitimate, I think your post heading is misleading. This news item does absolutely nothing in the way of "publicly acknowledging chemtrails". It does however, detail a company which is involved in weather modification experiments via cloud seeding. What is so suspicious here? Cloud seeding has been going on since 1946.

Sorry, but I fail to see this as furthering the actual chemtrail issue in any way.


posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 07:58 AM
Cloud seeding is done on existing clouds at low altitude to induce precipitation. They usually fly directly into the cloud and drop the seed (salt, silver, etc). Trying to seed clouds that aren't there doesn't do anything. So if you see the trail and its waaaaaay up in the sky without any great big clouds around it, sorry... it's still just a regular old contrail.

Nobody hides cloud seeding. There's no reason to. China does it all the time to try and fight dust and smog. It's how they're promising clear skies for the Olympics.

Before calling me names, I suggest a review of Weather Modification, Inc's website. Particularly the aircraft section. Also note they have a page for their projects.

I'm convinced the only disinformation being spread is the chemtrail theory. As if there's anything anybody could do about it if it were true. Just more garbage to keep people looking up to the sky while somebody steals their wallet and liberty.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by apc

A star from me for having a clear head!
Well said and very true!

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI

This public acknowledgement of US cloud-seeding by aircraft may finally explain the commonly argued about and often seen chemtrail/contrails debate.

Cloud seeding in the US is hardly a secret?

There IS a difference between normal aircraft contrails and the so called 'chem-trails' which may be cloud-seeding programs like this one.

Well, since cloud seeding works by spraying silver iodide over existing low level clouds we can be quite sure no-one would ever mistake a cloud seeding operation for normal contrails

And since 'chemtrails' supposedly occur at high altitude (miles higher than any rain bearing clouds form) and in mostly clear skies I fail to see how anyone could connect them with cloud seeding either?

edit: largely as already said by apc
Although IMO the chemtrail hoax is more likely intended to divert attention from the real environmental effects of air travel ...

[edit on 17-4-2008 by Essan]

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 10:48 AM

ATS conspiracy community is in-line with these DISINFO AGENTS; these people are easily identified by having an UNUSAL focus on a certain topic and will go to great lengths to prove it wronge. All the while arguing with the same straw-man tactics Ad nauseam.

Ok.........I am responding to that comment because it appears you think ANYONE who challenges something and doesnt believe blindly is a government dis-info agent?????I for one am 50-50 on the "chemtrail"issue,but calling anyone who doesnt readily believe a disinfo agent is writing without logic.


posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by apc

HAhaha.....I like you "boom"for your mood..................yea I made a thread about that awhile backit is no secret...........but you get a star from me for bringing it up first in this thread.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 10:58 AM
I read yesterday that Yellowstone had a record snowfall this season, at 109", and the season isn't over yet. I wish the government would stop messing around. I think they've screwed up enough stuff.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 03:03 PM
I think we should be suing Mother Nature for daring to produce weather other than that which we, as superior humans, deserve and expect .....

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 05:22 PM
Some additional information:

Is Cloud Seeding Harmful?
"Chronic ingestion of iodides may produce “iodism”, which may be manifested by skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of the mucous membranes. Weakness, anemia, loss of weight and general depression may also occur. Chronic inhalation or ingestion may cause argyria characterized by blue-gray discoloration of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic skin contact may cause permanent discoloration of the skin.(10)

Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the EPA, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and as a toxic pollutant.(10) Some industries have learned this all too well."

Silver: Chemical Properties, Health, and Environmental Effects
"Eye contact: may cause severe corneal injury if liquid comes in contact with the eyes. Skin contact: may cause skin irritation. Repeated and prolonged contact with skin may cause allergic dermatitis. Inhalation hazards: exposure to high concentrations of vapors may cause dizziness, breathing difficulty, headaches or respiratory irritation. Extremely high concentrations may cause drowsiness, staggering, confusion, unconsciousness, coma or death."


posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 05:41 PM
According the United States Fire Protection Association Guidelines, Silver Iodide is only hazardous to health from intense or continued exposure (but not chronic exposure). As it is mixed with water vapour, the concentration in cloud seeding is very low, its even used in antiseptic....for example betadine

So unless you go directly drinking large amounts of silver iodide from the bottle, you shouldnt have too much problems with it

(Yeah I know, I used Wiki

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 04:59 AM
This is hilarious.

You mention there is a difference between what you say are 'chemtrails' and what are contrails. What is the difference? I cannot ever understand this one, as I have always ask this question, yet never get a reply. You mentions the disinfo tactics, well, here's one.

You are avoiding the issue with disinformation tactics. Your imply guilt as a means of attacking the messenger or his credentials, but cowardly fail to offer any concrete evidence that this is so. If you think what has been presented are 'lies', why not simply so illustrate? Why do you refuse to address the issues by use of such disinformation tactics

Why can you never answer the question? How are Contrails and Chemtrails diferant? Why cannot Contrails persist? And just so you know, pictures do not count - the variations with altitude are enormous. Why do you avoid the issue and attack the messengers credentials?

Why is it you are afraid of answering a question? Why cannot you arguement without insulting and calling people disinfo agents - even though you display the same tactics you accuse others of doing? Where are the straw man arguements that you are accusing people of?

[edit on 18/4/2008 by C0bzz]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by C0bzz

The difference between contrails and chemtrails.

Chemtrails (be they actual chemicals or something else) are put into the air by aircraft that fly “lawnmowing” grid patterns to crisscross the sky. These trails do not dissipate. They grow until they fill a once clear blue sky to a day of summer haze. These aircraft spewing chemtrails which I have seen with my own eyes, have always been large white four engine aircraft. The pattern they fly is like mowing the lawn.... it is the most efficient way to cover the whole sky.

I can tell a chemtrail aircraft by its trail and its behavior. I have seen them with my own eyes and with my aviation experience I know these are not normal air operations. I know what I saw and nobody can convince me otherwise because they weren’t there.

Regular contrails fade away. You can watch as the distant trail slowly evaporates away the farther from the source aircraft.

Wiki: A Straw Man Argument to describe a position that superficially resembles an opponent's actual view but is easier to refute, then attribute that position to the opponent (for example, deliberately overstating the opponent's position.

Some folks here misunderstand what I mean when I say disinfo agent. They think I am accusing them of being in the CIA or NSA just because they disagree with me.

Someone spreading false logic and exhibiting factors of disinformation can be called a disinfo agent. Like you will find here: 25 Rules of Disinformation implemented on forums.
There is no clearcut point at which you become an agent of disinfo and you dont have to work for the government to be a disinfo agent. You simply mirror their rhetoric and cover story spin and when you reproduce that kinda BS it is dangerous because unfortunately many people are not awake enough or smart enough to see whats really going down. A disinfo agents distract from the truth, they impede the progress of truth, and, knowingly or not, serve the purpose of an evil secrecy.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 05:55 AM
Can you please produce a reason that a condensation trail cannot persist? How long does a condensation trail last? Can you explain that process?

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by C0bzz

Your imply guilt as a means of attacking the messenger or his credentials.

What credentials?! just because someone puts in their profile that they are an airline pilot, or meteorologist supreme commander, or whatever... doesnt make it legit.

This is the internet, anything can be made up.

A disinfo agent trying to get a bunch of sheep to believe some BS spin would:
1. Beef up his so-called credentials.
2. Get a group of other guys to religiously back each other up with stars and flags.
3. Spend an inordinate amount of time on the topic he was spreading disinfo about

These are some signs of disinfo tactics which can be seen frequently in chemtrail threads by the same ol gang.

[edit on (4/19/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by _Del_
Can you please produce a reason that a condensation trail cannot persist? How long does a condensation trail last? Can you explain that process?

A condensation trail CAN persist for a long time if the conditions are right.

Persist, but not spread out to cover a large amount of sky in a haze. This would be the sign of a chemtrail.

A normal contrail could persist but it would remain in its general shape blowing with the winds and not expanding.

"chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of X's, tic-tac-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mares' tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a 'fake cirrus-type cloud' that persists for hours."

[edit on (4/19/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI

Originally posted by _Del_
Can you please produce a reason that a condensation trail cannot persist? How long does a condensation trail last? Can you explain that process?

A condensation trail CAN persist for a long time if the conditions are right.

Persist, but not spread out to cover a large amount of sky in a haze. This would be the sign of a chemtrail.

A normal contrail could persist but it would remain in its general shape blowing with the winds and not expanding.

"chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of X's, tic-tac-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mares' tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a 'fake cirrus-type cloud' that persists for hours."

[edit on (4/19/08) by AllSeeingI]

Just one question

Do you know what cirrostratus is?

Its a high level cloud thats formed when cirrus spreads across the sky. It has been around a lot longer then air travel. Contrails in meteorological terms are considered as cirrus clouds, and wind can spread them into cirrostratus layers as long as the conditions are right

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