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Heads up.... Ammo

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posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 08:06 PM
I got a e-mail form a Natchez shooting supply Co. and they received letters form ammo makers and there will be an increase of 10 to 15 % on ammo starting Sept 1.

So know you know.


posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 09:16 PM
Gun control option #2, control the ammo. Fed control would cause an uprising; tax/corp control will just push the prices up so high that it will simply be unaffordable.

Remember California initiative to laser tag both the casing bullet of every round?

That proved to be too expensive. By forcing prices up, feds get what they want and corp’s get to keep making profits while manufacturing less ammo.

posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 09:43 PM
And, meanwhile the black market/cash-only (untaxable) market thrives...

Good job, Feds.


posted on Aug, 2 2007 @ 10:30 PM
hahah yeah you sound like Chris Rock, he goes off about bullet control, but yeah all that would do is make a thriving black market for bullets.

And what about people who target shoot, or hunt, will guns become an elitist thing?

posted on Aug, 3 2007 @ 12:46 AM
The only thing they have to do is to ban possession of gun powder with out federally issued license.

Currently any legal resident can buy, store, and use gun powder in home based manufacturing of his own ammunition.

By forcing ammo reloading enthusiasts to license their powder use, fed will use the database of all ammo reloaders to control bush ammo manufacturing after taxing/hiking up the price of commercially manufactured ammo.

Currently, private individuals that own 1000+ rounds of ammo have to register such possession, since legally it’s considered as an arsenal.

Also, possession of individual parts that in combination can produce 1000 rounds, also have to be registered.

Casings, bullets, priers, all can be easily manufactured in any garage shop given proper tooling, but manufacturing of modern, high pressure smokeless gun powder requires industrial chemicals and equipment.

Black powder can be easily mixed, but it’s completely useless in modern weapons. Its burn rate is to slow, pressure is to low, and burn residue will fowl operating mechanisms.

A .50 cal breach loading black powder rifle is an option though.

With properly made projectile, such a rifle is still potentially capable of defeating various armored targets (aluminum/titanium/ceramic/steel etc.) out to 200 yards, depending on the thickness of the plate and angle of the shot.

posted on Aug, 6 2007 @ 01:49 PM
I was told this at my local gun shop when purchasing some 7.62x39mm ammo. They told me I would be wise to purchase 1000 rounds before the end of August. After that time window the prices for ammo and firearms would be going up as much as 25%.

I think what some of you dont follow closely is that the value or purchasing power of the US Dollar is declining rapidly. IT will take more of these weak dollars to purchase the same goods and services after the next cycle of value loss. The various citys of this country are acutely aware of this event going on ..they just are not inclined to let the public know. Why do you think your property taxes are going up so rapidly in most citys and countys. They are anticipating the advent of the weaker dollar.

Buisnesses and manufacturers are becoming aware of this too. Hence the rising costs of which so many are concerned.

THere has never in the history of the world been falling prices with a phoney fiat money system. It has always tended twords increase.

So if you plan to purchase large quantitys of ammo or a might want to get it in before the end of August.

THanks and keep them in the X ring,

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 05:27 PM
Ahhh... Not for nothing but...1000 rounds is considered an "Arsenal" and a special permit is req. Yup even for the lowly .22.....BATF will be eating YOUR lunch... So keep it close but no cigar.......Another Glorious day to Excel...

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by Oneshot1
Ahhh... Not for nothing but...1000 rounds is considered an "Arsenal" and a special permit is req. Yup even for the lowly .22.....BATF will be eating YOUR lunch... So keep it close but no cigar.......Another Glorious day to Excel...

Your joking about this right?? What you live in Mass. or Cali or such.

Ive ordered through the mail...1000 rounds sent to my door...twice. Not a blink or a bat of the eyes.

Ive bought a thousand rounds of .22 ammo also..not a bat of the eyes.

There is something kind of stupid about a government who will trust me to load fuel rods in thier reactors..but wont trust me with 1000 rounds of ammo...dont you think? That is precisely what I do for my living..load fuel rods.

However quantify...there are government people that stupid in service.

Must be in the water!!

LOL LOL..I am going to the liquior store this weekend to buy another bottle of 151 Bacardis Rum. Do I need to register for something this dangerous??
This makes two bottles in two weeks.!!

By the way...Tenebrous...yes guns will become a elitist thing. Definitely. You can tell that by the dumbness of people like Diane Fienstein in California. They dont want anyone to own a handgun in San Francisco or a concealed carry permit...but she has one. That is how elitism works.
Another name for elitism is Feudalism. Royalty.


posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 11:25 AM
New York, and Yes I can and have bought 1000 rounds at a time is still classed as an " Arsenal " to have 1000+ rounds without a special permit, and I believe that is a BAFT law so it's Country wide... Another Glorious Day to Excel...

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Ahhh..ok..New York...that explains it..thanks. New folks are so helpless you have to be taken care of by your government.

I ride around with a rifle/shotgun in the window of my truck and no one gets excited down here. Same with CCW one gets excited. We can even carry our handguns openly and loaded. Perfectly within the law.

Up there , in Mass and California...the sky is falling if you own a gun...especially a handgun.

I have the stuff to reload 1000 rounds right now.

But that is what happens when you get "Civilized." IT means we are not trustworthy and .....In Governement We trust."

No thanks. Not for me.

I dont think it is nationwide about the arsenel/ammo....Thank God. There are still states and countys where they trust thier people.

By the time these "untrustworthy " Government people get done ..if you have slingshot or blow gun/potato gun will have an arsenel. This is obvious to some of us.

I am glad I dont live in these aforementioned states.


posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 05:32 PM
Believe it or not, New York City is not the entire state. NY's total population is about 19,000,000 and only about 8,000,000 of them live in New York City.

Outside of the city and its suburbs (and even some parts of the suburbs like Long Island's South Shore or the rural East End's year round population) are very conservative and gun ownership is not uncommon.

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 09:12 PM

You are of course correct. I have been through the state of New York several times. The city by that name I have been through to many times. Once was more than enough. I do not particularly pick on New York City itself because right here...Richmond is the pits to me. Been to LA and San Diego thanks.

I am well aware that outside of New York city people are different and the State iteslf is different. It is actually a very lovely state outside of the city.
I think they call this western and upstate New York..very beautiful and scenic there outside the city.

I do not however appreciate it when the news , education or the media by silent default imply that New York, Mass , and or California represent all of the United States by such silent default. I think this tack or lack there of is an attempted hijacking of American thought. A phoney, an insult. IT is as if what is going on in these few states automatically represents all of America. I resent this type of silent institutional dumbness attempting to pass off as the high ground to be emulated or thanks.
I have no intrest in going to Times Square for anything ever and I have had several invitations.

These few states no matter what their populations do not represent all of America. What ever trends are happening there ..the rest of the states are not obligated to follow suit.

I pray for the day that more Americans come to understand such a concept. It is called individual and states rights.


[edit on 25-8-2007 by orangetom1999]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:36 PM
.223 is not going to be shipped to PA again this year, at least to a specific locality....says gun store employee. And this came down from federal sources.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by xenya
.223 is not going to be shipped to PA again this year, at least to a specific locality....says gun store employee. And this came down from federal sources.

You mean " no .223 to PA at all??? Not even Wally World???? Also explain " specified locality".


posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Oneshot1
New York, and Yes I can and have bought 1000 rounds at a time is still classed as an " Arsenal " to have 1000+ rounds without a special permit, and I believe that is a BAFT law so it's Country wide... Another Glorious Day to Excel...

I live in nyc and have a gun permit, there is a 250 round limit I believe per household, "fire hazard" I believe it to be one of the main reasons given or some other, I initially got my permit for work (security) requirement which believe it or not gave me a bit of a leg up in getting my permit and it took me 8 months to get my home pistol permit, and u can't handle a handgun in NYC with out a handgun permit so to finish my security training took another 4 months (a whole year) to get all my certifications for work. I started all my paperwork the last week of july 06 and got all my licenses and certifications by late june or early july.

from what I gather from people working in the liscensing division at one police plaza here it's technically a 2 to 4 week process for all their background checks and so and it took me like 7 months to go into my interview after my back ground check and to get my permit sent to me which they told me would take 4 to 6 weeks a little over 2 months. everything is upside down here in NYC and 2 or 3 suburbs directly next to it, I mean go out to long Island and upstate and u can get a civilian HK SL-8 and other civilian riffles but here it's a different stor, I looked into getting one here, then I find out riffles and shotguns have a 5 round limit here in the city and almost anything currently produce is illegal here in the city, there is a small list of riffles and shotguns that your are permited to posses here in the city, think it all fits in a page while there is a virtual of ones that are banned here.

[edit on 9/5/2007 by Oblivions void]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:57 PM
I heard that due to the war, ammo is beginning to become scarce. There are some police departments that are unable to get ammo due to the shortage. Could the price increases be to limit civilian purchases to increase supply for federal and state needs?

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