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Nobody doubts that 9-11 was commited by government insiders anymore, right?

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:20 PM
God damn it. I hate baits.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:21 PM
Good post GrassyKnoll.

Remember Condiliar's testimony to the 9/11 commission?

This is a paraphraze. No one ever imagined that a plane would have been used as a missle.

Oh really Condi? Then why was NORAD running tests that same day that involved planes being highjacked and flown into buildings?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by grassyknoll7
God damn it. I hate baits.

They usually suck me in also. I can't help myself sometimes.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Nope, I don't believe that 9-11 was an inside job.

I remain unconvinced. But still open to some hard evidence.

Its true. go read.
watch this

[edit on 2-6-2007 by mastermind77]

[edit on 2-6-2007 by mastermind77]

I'm using my backup computer, with no sound, at the moment.
But, I promise to watch, and listen to the vid in the next day or two.
I'll respond here.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by piacenza

I could use the money. What meteorite was created on 9/11? What do you mean "following OCT?"

Here it is and please don't run away I will gladly listen to any explanation:

Ok, I saw the video about the "meteorite" looking thing. What exactly is it that needs explained? And what do you mean by "following OCT?"

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by nick7261
Ok, I saw the video about the "meteorite" looking thing. What exactly is it that needs explained? And what do you mean by "following OCT?"

What needs to be claryfied is the statement that the meteorite is a fusion of these materials. That is not just molten steel that has solidified around concrete. The concrete and steel have been fused together to create a new material. How does that happen from jet fuel fire?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:45 PM
ooo that video is..interesting...there's a theory I've never heard.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:52 PM
Thnx Griff, anyway I am quite sure he wont be able to provide a reasonable explanation because it does not exist. Actually I would love to paypal you those 100usd.
Thermite does not create things like that...jetfuel? lol

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by hikix

Originally posted by hikix
The reality is a thread comes up like this about every week... this will eventually turn into a war, and you will get a good 4 pages of replies. The people who believe in the official story (yes, they exist on this site) will never give in, no matter how much evidence you provide, and vice-versa.

It is a good thing we have members that believe different sides of this story, but time and time again when this issue comes up the thread turns into a war.

......and its already starting

well 5 pages and counting... i guess if you wanna rack up points on ATS, all u gotta do is mention 9/11 and you'll get tons of replies from people arguing with eachother. Ok, im done.... carry on

lol yeah I said "I'm done" like 5 times and I keep I'm REALLY done.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 04:55 PM
I don't believe government insiders did this. The bush minor administration simply does not have the imagination to envision an action like this or to pull it off.

They are guilty of many things though including either disbelieving the warnings, or letting it happen for political gain.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by nick7261
Ok, I saw the video about the "meteorite" looking thing. What exactly is it that needs explained? And what do you mean by "following OCT?"

What needs to be claryfied is the statement that the meteorite is a fusion of these materials. That is not just molten steel that has solidified around concrete. The concrete and steel have been fused together to create a new material. How does that happen from jet fuel fire?

How can you make any conclusion about the composition of the "meteorite" from watching the news video? Can you really say that the steel and concrete fused together to make a new material from watching the video?

Again, I'm not sure what specifically is inexplicable about this "meteorite."

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:51 PM
About the meteorite plenty of videos on the Net with interviews from experts about the composition of this thing.
The question is simple what fused concrete and steel togheter??
Now you started to derail the question. So do you want the 100usd or not?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Griff

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Um, i understand where you are coming from. This is as far fetched as the Judy Woods theories. Sorry Griff, all respect to you, but I don't see it going that way.

We'll just have to agree to disagree then. No problem. Take care.

But please, don't lump me in with Judy Wood. Thanks.

Sorry about that... I'll remember to do that ! Her students don't think very fondly of her either. there is a rate your professor . com... some interesting comments about her.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:46 PM
The "meteorite" doesn't look to me to match that guy's discription of it. I see patches of different substances, not a homogenous new substance.

Does anybody know who that guy in the clip is? And what his qualifications are for making the claim he makes?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:53 PM
hey my apologies if anyone was offended by any of my previous posts, I didn't mean to insult anyone, this subject just gets me riled up. I should know better to even get in one of these threads..

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 09:50 PM
This thread has been enlightening. I can see there exists much discord regarding the events of 911. Is there anything the two factions will agree on? How about a new investigation?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by piacenza
About the meteorite plenty of videos on the Net with interviews from experts about the composition of this thing.
The question is simple what fused concrete and steel togheter??
Now you started to derail the question. So do you want the 100usd or not?

Yes I want the $100!! This whole meteor subject is news to me. I just heard about it today, and I wasn't sure what you were talking about. I still don't know what you mean by "after OCT."

Getting back to the subject of the meteor, what about it is inexplicable? What fused concrete and steel together?

If this is true, I have no idea. I could only guess that the compression of 1000's of tons of materials at high temperatures created the meteor. But I guess that's obvious.

The question really is how can you explain that the meteor is evidence of a government conspiracy? Obviously the total mass of the building came down and compressed the materials beneath it. So that part of the meteor creation isn't in question.

So what then is in question? If heat was needed to create the meteor? And if so, how much heat was needed? And whether or not the heat from the fires would have been enough to create the meteor?

Do you know how much heat and pressure were needed to create the meteor? Or do you just think it couldn't have been created at the WTCs without some sort of energy beam or micro-nuke?

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:07 AM
in answer to the OP, yes, i doubt the USG attacked us on 9-11. now, thats not to say i buy the 911 commission reports or the nist reports, honestly i could believe that most of what they published is a case of "well hell, we gotta tell them SOMETHING" which is why NIST keeps changing its theories. i dont think NIST monitors CT sites and says "oh hell, what do we say to that?" i think their theories evolve as the research and they just havnt gotten it right yet, but lets face it, theres a LOT that NO ONE will be able to figure out just by watching the replays ad nauseum.

but as to why i dont believe the govt did it...thats pretty easy. MOST of the CT's are based off the way the towers collapsed and in absense of a real explaination that actually makes sense, people assume "well, they cant explain it correctly so it MUST have been a controlled demolition" well, the problem is that most people jump to that conclusion wihtout knowing any more about explosives than they see in hollywood movies. thats a handicap to them. but, since i DO know a few things about explosives (sarcastic understatment intentional) i cant fit the collapses into a theory that would allow for high explosives to be the culprit.

so, if it wasnt HE then it to me anyway likely wasnt the USG. sorry but i dont buy into the mini nuke theories, death rays or even thermite/mate.

for a detailed explaination of why i dont think it was HE go here. whether you think it was a CD or not, i put a lot of factual data into that debate and i think i made a good case. if there are any parts of it that youre unsure of or just have additional questions on HE etc feel free to ask and ill answer as unbiasedly as i can or if i cant answer without bias ill show you where to find unbiased answers to your questions on HE. (plz feel free to do this via u2u unless its relevant to this thread)

now, can i explain WHY the buildings did fall? nope, cant say i can nor will i try unless its clear im hypothesising. but, knowing what i do about explosives, its hard for me to fit a CD into what i witnessed happening that day. (and before you bombard me with questions like "well what about the squibs?" etc, PLEASE read that thread as i addressed most of those issues) but, its not my job to say WHY they DID fall, im only offering explainations as to why i dont think they did based on my own experiences. not trying to "debunk" anything just offering what i can in the hope that maybe we wont keep chaising our tales on EVERY theory that comes along.

but what i find most odd, on both sides is that people tend to CLING to parital questions and take them as "proof" or "evidence".

lets take the put options angle. were those the ONLY airlines that had put options taken out that day? how often do those airlines have large numbers of put options placed? was this the only time or do people like to gamble and take out said options regularly?

prof. jones "proof" of thermate. what other materials present that day could have contaminated his sample with the substances he found? what was the chain of custody like on his sample? i had read that he got it from (sumarizing/paraphrasing) "a guy who knew a guy that got it from a guy who got it from an unguarded peiece of steel from the 'wtc'" and no one found that odd? then out of no where didnt he "miraculously" find a piece of steel on his own to retest?

why do people believe reports from govt agencies when it backs their theory but only then? (ie epa air samples?) so one govt agency is goign to release damning info on their own and no one who planned this thought to cover that base?

FEMA and military excersises. any ideas just how often in how many cities that govt agencies do drills in a year? i can tell ya'll right now that in the two years i worked with a WMD response team we did drills involving large cities and state level organizations (often with federal support as well) pretty had their been a WMD attack in a city we were training in would that have been proof that we were in on it?

the muhajadeen (of which OBL was a part before he formed al queda)used to get money from the CIA so they were put up to it. well, riddle me this: ever date someone who had more money than you did and they were always happy to spend it on you? did you guys marry or break up at some point? if you broke up, did she continue to give you money? if not then why would it be a stretch to imagine that once the russians pulled out of afghanistan that we cut them off and that may have pissed a few of them off enough to want to hurt us? (along with all of our other insane foreign policies in regards to the middle east and isreal?)

the USG couldnt do this but a few guys planning in caves could? sure why not? element of suprise (well, not really if you believe that we DID have warning before hand). AQ could have done this with less than 30 ppl less if you figure that the actual hijackers didnt have much hand in the actual planning, yet for the USG to: lower the defenses, develop holograms, plant explosives, place mini nukes, give instructions to the various agencies (fema etc) and so on and so forth, where would it be easier to plan this in secret? in a cave cut off from the world more or less or in a city where secrets are only as safe as the highest bidder?

the list really really really could go on forever.

and i cant really answer these questions, the only ones i feel qualified to answer are on explosives and ill admit yet again, i could be flat wrong. i dont think i am but as no one has pointed out errors big enough to negate my whole stance on it...ill continue right along with my opinions. but the thing is, while i cant answer these questions im at least asking the follow up questions i dont see many others asking. some people may take a single question and in absense of an answer assume its proof of something sinister but as a long time listener to paul harvey i WANT the rest of the story. and that does go for the official story too.

Originally posted by wingman77
Is there anything the two factions will agree on? How about a new investigation?

personally ill WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with you on this one. while i may not feel our govt did this one, ill freely admit there ARE lingering questions that have yet to be answered satisfactoraly. not to mention, there are enough people in the US that think something is hinky that as taxpayers i do believe it is their RIGHT to have their questions answered to their satisfaction. conversly if it was a truely independant investigation, tehres a chance that if it WAS a USG op then those questions could be laid to rest and the guilty could be hanging from a tree out in public for us all to go throw rocks at.

i could go on, but much to the delight of those of you that actually read this diatrabe, i wont. the questions for the most part are rhetorical, just food for thought. im sure the OST's will point and agree with some of this and the CT's will just assume im taking my pay from the govt still (im not though, punks wont even pay out my disability after i gave them 12 years so im CERTAINLY no fan of the USG these days) but the important thing no matter what you believe is to ask the tough questions and KEEP thinking, but, with an open mind.


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:18 AM
The "government" did not attack us.

We are talking a small handful of perps at some very important positions within the government, yes, but the actual brains and logistical setup would have been carried out by people with the expertise in the required fields.

I have no doubts that Israelis were involved, specifically with the actual setup of "explosives" in the WTC. They are one of the only countries on this planet to possess the hightech nuclear weaponary IMO was used on 9.11.

Afterall, who gained the most from 9/11? Who is really pushing for the war on terror, more specifically, the war against the Middle East.

Israel has ALWAYS been at the centre of this Kabbalistic ritual that is 9/11

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by wingman77
This thread has been enlightening. I can see there exists much discord regarding the events of 911. Is there anything the two factions will agree on? How about a new investigation?

I would love that..but it would have to be done by someone other than the USG, maybe the United Nations, or the europeans could put a team together. The bush admin would never let it happen while they're in office though..hell, they didn't want our own 9/11 commision to investigate. That's the only way to settle this, barring a confession from some of the perps.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by dragonseeker]

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