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How is TWATS decided each month?

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posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 03:42 AM
First of all thanks all you rebels for replying and then telling me how you will follow the party line on this.

Why do you bother to care about conspiracy anyways?

Now back to business:

How are people voted for in TWATS, I would as a member like an explanation not just for me but other members.

Secondly, how does management plan to prevent groups of people from hi-jacking the vote every month?

Lastly, if you are all convinced that Gazroks work was so great in December than please put up his wonderful posts for me to read. I said before and I say again that I am not impressed.

Lastly, those of you attacking me I cannot believe your vileness, it is one thing to say that you disagree with my complaint, but it is a whole other to say that I have not made good posts here. That is lying, frankly!

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Lemme look at the query... manual queries are hard on the new server.

Just curious what did you find?

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Gryffen

For the love of all things holy...SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!!

What is the point of u bickering on about this....spamming the board with ur misery posts aint doing u any intelligent and post something worthwhile that will make people say "hey...not bad...full of interesting detail..i'll vote for him"

Just drop it...u lost accept it.

I dont mean to be bad and i apologise to anyone right now but why all the big hassle???

And your contributions have been what...?

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Originally posted by THENEO

My opinion is that ATS management only influences the votes because as members they have the same three votes per month as anyone else, and would no doubt use them!

Sorry old chum case not closed (P.S. why the same mask as used in 'Eyes Wide Shut,' MA? just wondering, see I have you all figured out mate).

So managment being 26 individuals with 3 votes have no power? when there is only 100 members that actively vote here? when there is a definite left wing bias to this site and a group of people that management favours over all other members?

See I think it is like this as I first accused this site of doing:

Management decides who wins TWATS but in the case where they don't care or have an agenda to pick someone for any particular month, then they defer to what I call the ATS groupies' a partial listing of which is those members associated with this new ATSNN.

Ooops I didn't notice that you were one of them too...

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by THENEO

Sorry old chum case not closed (P.S. why the same mask as used in 'Eyes Wide Shut,' MA? just wondering, see I have you all figured out mate).

So managment being 26 individuals with 3 votes have

I saw Kano saying that no staff get a TWATS vote. Now I am uncertain who has the right to vote, it is less clear to me. I was more concerned originally about the same user with multiple accounts being able to vote as a self-managed 'bloc'. None of that is really all that interesting to me though, because the voting is imperfect and has only a part to do with quality as I mentioned before.

I have a collection of masks. The mask in my avatar is not from Eyes Wide Shut at all. Kubrick's designers happened to copy Venetian masks which are the world's finest, by far, and not much to do with the Illuminati except by loose association.

Go figure again!

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 07:48 AM

thanks for the above board response for which you are famous in these parts.

yeah the voting is still an issue isn't it.

interesting about the masks though, have you seen Eyes Wide Shut at all? There is a central character that wears a mask just like that, quite distinctive.

I'm sure you are aware of the strong connections of Illuminati with Venice, Florence and Medici et all. If I didn't know better I would say that Illuminati is an Italian word.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by THENEO yeah the voting is still an issue isn't it.
No... the voiting is not an issue. Members vote... the most votes get the award. Certainly there has been some "vote fraud" with people creating multiple accounts, but the system makes that difficult as the same IP can only register once in 24 hours and you can only vote for the same person once in a month. The last time this was a "supposed" concern, I did a check and found that over 80% of the members voting had more than 10 posts... hardly an indication of fraud attempts. You didn't get the votes. Get over it.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:19 AM
What was the talk about admin and mods having a vote then, that was just fantasy?

Secondly, no one here has addressed my concern about groups monopolizing the vote which I believe is happening here.

You still ignore this issue.

Most of the people that attacked me vociferously when I raised this issue just happen to be associated with the new news service here at ATS. Why is that for example?

Sorry but you have done nothing to convince me or other people here that you are concerned with fairness on this website.

Furthermore I do not think that the last warning you gave me was fair and I would like to know the procedure to appeal it.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by THENEO What was the talk about admin and mods having a vote then, that was just fantasy?
Yes... fantasy. Staff have no ability to vote.

Secondly, no one here has addressed my concern about groups monopolizing the vote which I believe is happening here.
Such is the nature of any community. Online or offline.

You still ignore this issue. Most of the people that attacked me vociferously when I raised this issue just happen to be associated with the new news service here at ATS. Why is that for example?
I thought the "issue" was your disatisfaction for not receiving the Way Above award? As for your issues with ATSNN... you're complaining about a new aspect of ATS that is a work-in-progress and only days old. Give it some time man.

Sorry but you have done nothing to convince me or other people here that you are concerned with fairness on this website.
That's too bad. I'm not sure what else I can do.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:42 AM

Lastly, if you are all convinced that Gazroks work was so great in December than please put up his wonderful posts for me to read. I said before and I say again that I am not impressed.

Lastly, those of you attacking me I cannot believe your vileness, it is one thing to say that you disagree with my complaint, but it is a whole other to say that I have not made good posts here. That is lying, frankly!

Sorry, I've been away from the board during the holiday... I must admit, I'm a bit surprised to get TWATS again.... Thanks all! But I'm not so sure others weren't more deserving....obviously many disagree...

THENEO, you've gotten more than a couple of my votes in the past, including one of my december votes. However, I'm surprised at such outrage. It means more to me to see an APPLAUSE! in my U2U's, or a private U2U from a member saying they enjoyed a post, than any TWATS award.

If it means that much to you, I gladly decline the TWATS award for December. That's right, I am officially stating right here, right now, that the ATS staff can feel free to remove the TWATS icon, including any points derived from it... Hell, I would further recommend a point deduction of...oh I don't know...5000 points from me, just for the confusion. (Yes, I'm serious, any ATS staff member should feel free to do this, and it won't upset me in the least).

Somehow though, even if they were to do this, and if you received the award, I doubt it would really mean as much to you... Personally, I'm planning on forgetting completely about this thread, even when placing my votes for January. If you continue your quality posting THENEO (minus this thread of course), I have no doubt that you will get one of my votes for January as well.... Unfortunately, this is all I can offer you....

As for quality postings, most of my "quality" postings (at least what I consider them to be) are mostly in the Religion, Paranormal, etc. forums, and occassionally the Terrorism forum. I prefer to lighten up the mood, but occassionally (as in debates, etc.), I'll get serious as well.

Again, sorry you feel this way, but other than publicly declining the award, and forgetting this thread ever happened, not sure what else I can do.....

[Edited on 5-1-2004 by Gazrok]

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by THENEO

interesting about the masks though, have you seen Eyes Wide Shut at all? There is a central character that wears a mask just like that, quite distinctive.

I'm sure you are aware of the strong connections of Illuminati with Venice, Florence and Medici et all. If I didn't know better I would say that Illuminati is an Italian word.

Yes it is all very interesting. Notice benjj referencing this in a recent Masonic topic.

I've seen every Kubrick film at least a dozen times (including the 50s stuff before Paths Of Glory) and I even liked A.I. whereas I usually don't like Spielberg at all.

Also I know that some TWATS don't have the TWATS password for TWATS meetings. No staff are allowed at those, except Johnbull1 and Byrd.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:53 AM
When did I say that I thought I was the person that should have won TWATS in December? I have no idea where you got that idea from and frankly if one reads the threads here there is no evidence of that being said.

I believe that I should have been a good candidate but there were others also. I stated this in a few posts that have subsequently been deleted. I even mentioned other names of people that were worthy candidates too. I will state again here that the member that won for December was not the best choice and it was unfortunate for ATS that someone else more deserving did not win. For some reason a lot of people around here have a great deal of difficulty admitting that. Why?

Also in the realm of weird there were people trying to tell me that I wanted to be involved in the news service because I had a criticism of it too. Where is the logic in that? I never said that nor did I even imply it?

Again I do not understand why the pack animal attitude at this site? Why did those people attack me that are associated so closely with you and why did several of them take it upon themselves to answer for you? They are not admin here? You need a bunch of people to fight for you?

Also I am troubled by the attitude around here where everyone connected to ATS is 'perfect' but I have to take a ton of criticism from you people because every little thing that I can be attacked on I am by people connected to this website. I am taking it but you are not. For a website concerned with fairness and justice in the world you do not practice what you preach from what I can see.

What is the point here anyways?

That I am insane and a troublemaker and a threat to ATS according to you? IS that your problem with me?

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:58 AM

The members decide who wins.Staff have no vote nor any influence.

Scouts honour.

Signing off. Dib dib dib.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
What is the point here anyways?

Precisely. I think your original question has been answered. Beyond that it just seems to be trouble making and sour-grapes. Do you have any further legitimate questions?

[Edited on 5-1-2004 by Kano]

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 09:03 AM

I will state again here that the member that won for December was not the best choice and it was unfortunate for ATS that someone else more deserving did not win. For some reason a lot of people around here have a great deal of difficulty admitting that. Why?

Oddly enough, you seemed to have missed that I agreed with you, and have publicly declined the award....

I see that Seekerof also is sporting the icon (and he also received one of my votes for December I believe...or maybe not, as I do like to avoid picking the same people as those winning it in the past), and I certainly agree that he deserves it...

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 09:11 AM
I think Seekerof's is for the year.

I think the votes over the year were totalled hence his is Silver.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 09:22 AM
I just wanted to congratulate Gazrok for winning the award again.

And Happy New Year to everyone. This is my 1st post of the new year.

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 09:22 AM
I am NOT associated with ATSNN or anyother "non standard" part of this website.

I have read this whole thread and beleive I understand your querry.

You are concerned that management has the potential to cast 100 votes in TWATS. They can't they don't have voting ability. According to what I have been told by more than one MOD they have zero say in this process.

TWATS is purely a member vote system from everything I have ever seen, read or heard about it.

The fact that "groups" may huddle to vote for one specific person is PURE Human nature.

Every "group" of Humans I have ever been involved with ends up with sub-groups or cliques within its ranks that are usually like-minded indeviduals who enjoy eachother's company or points of view.

To think that ATS could possibly avoid such organizing is unrealistic in my humble opinion.

That being said, I can honestly say I have NEVER been asked who I have voted for or who I am going to vote for. If there is any "organized" voting going on I have certainly been left out of it.

Regardless, it is not "unfair" for people to rally around a poster they feel is deserving of the award if that's what they want to do. If someone can convince enough members to vote for "CommieTinCup" because of his remarkable series of posts about the tse tse flies utilization in boardroom politics then so be it.

I hope my observations helped.


posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 09:29 AM
Good points......

I think Seekerof's is for the year.

I think the votes over the year were totalled hence his is Silver. to be colorblind...
(and to have a dark monitor)...

posted on Jan, 5 2004 @ 09:30 AM
I give springer a member based applaud
I did vote fro CommieTinCup, though.

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