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NWO in Australia

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posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 05:35 PM
Where abouts in Aussie do you live,
ID be interested to find out how your city can be so different from
Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Sydney.. where I have spent much time.

Ill take one of your comments which I know to be a load of shrimp [Mod Edit: Please do not circumvent the automatic censors, thank you.]

'the most chemtrailed country'

excuse me for being a bit niave here..
but how exactly are we the most chemtrailed country?

One of our friggen national airlines wents bankrupt because they wernt flying enough to cover costs.
we now have.. what.. qantas, virgin.. ?
and a handful of other minor companies?

what exactly are you comparing aussie to in this particular casE?

[edit on 2006-11-21 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 02:09 AM
I was reading the newspaper today and came across this Advertisement, i know its old news which came about several months ago, but as the days progressed i noticed alot more advertisement for these "1 for all Acess cards" I for one am not going to accept this card, its reasuring that JOHN HOWARD said that "These cards will not be compulsory ". But how many times have the government made comments which were not intirely true? to many times.
Are you going to accept this card? It almost seems like the days of the NWO are getting closer and closer as our freedom slowly becomes restricted, or is it just one big tell me.

The below photo was advertised on the sunday telegraph.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 03:52 AM

I live in Sydney and as I’ve posted before, we are being buried in Chemtrails, around the clock.

HAHAHHAHAHHA! I have been in Sydney for the past month and what are you talking about?

Right this moment, for instance, there are rain clouds heavy overhead. They’ve were hanging heavy over Sydney most of last week also. But they’re not allowed to fall. Those with investment in privatised water are desperate to start reaping dividends.

For the last week? What are you talking about? LMAO!

Anyone claiming Chemtrails do not exist, or that Australia is not being murdered by Chemtrails, is either blind, abysmally ignorant, in denial --- or in the employ of those responsible for the man-made ‘drought’ that’s deliberately and systematically killing this country.

Chemtrails do not exist, Australia isn't being murdered by Chemtrails.

Tell me, what are chemtrails? And what stops contrails from persisting?

Tragically, each week more than 40 Australians take their own life and our young male suicide rate is the fourth highest among Western countries.

WHY is that? Also, your 'facts' were from over 8 years ago.

[edit on 22-11-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 04:01 AM

Dude the city is covered in smoke because of a bush fire... not because the NWO is trying to kill us all.

I haven't seen anything resembling "NWO" activity in Australia. We've got a few new terror laws, a few new road rules but nothing even close enough to lay the smack down on 20,000,000 people.

I've met John Howard. He's a nice guy. I can't say I talked to him long enough to get to know him though.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by tormentor
Its better to attack the words he/she just said instead of the person who said it.We can have conflicts over information,but conflicts over people can lead to something messy.
I wonder,do people attack other people because it feels easier and that attacking information seems messy?

Dock6 where did you get this information?

LOL, he provides no information, just a ranting piece of garbage - attacking myself and the 20 million other Australians. There is nothing to attack in his post, it is all just utterly ridiulous, therefore we have to conentrate on the unbalanced mental state of this poster.
I stand by everything I said - he is a MORON.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 10:55 AM
While I realize Dock6's comments are the kind that will stir an emotional response in some of the more sensitive types, may I suggest you channel that emotional energy into passionate rebuttal instead of outright insults. Thanks.

Crack a VB tinnie and take it easy, mate.

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 02:39 PM
Anyhoo, on to a new topic.
What do you think of the bid by the Maquarie Bank and Texas Pacific to take over Qantas?

Maquarie Bank owns approx. half of Sydney Airport, and Texas Pacific are no strangers to the airline iindustry. NWO at work again?

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
While I realize Dock6's comments are the kind that will stir an emotional response in some of the more sensitive types, may I suggest you channel that emotional energy into passionate rebuttal instead of outright insults. Thanks.

Crack a VB tinnie and take it easy, mate.

Can you atleast tell her not to do it. Its very offensive. You won't get offensive replies if you don't be offensive in the first place.

If I did it to your country I would be warned.

[edit on 22-11-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Nov, 22 2006 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by PisTonZOR
So it's ok to insult people?


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posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 01:46 AM
has anyone read a book called warning by barry smith, he also wrote two othe books called 2nd warning and final notice, they are about NWO plans for the world and details Australia and New Zealands roles as test nations for the new system, he prophasied (sorry if i spelt this wrong, and he is a christian btw) that the Australian govt. will end up selling its assets off to private ownership. It details all saughts of evidence for his argument and other books to read on the subject, including one by a former US govt. employie who worked on black projects explaning the ins and outs of anit-grav related stuff.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 02:23 AM
I haven't read his books, but what you've said makes sense.
In the early nineties the Australian government sold off the Commonwealth Bank to private owners, and is currently doing the same thing with Telstra(Australia's largest telocommnunications company). And I believe that they have already sold off quite a large chunk of electricity companies(not too sure on that one though)

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
The Australian public would not stand for it.

John Howard is only in power, because there's no one ne where near the scale he is.

he may be a lying pathetic weasel..

but Beazley?

Add some incompitence, and lack of experience to that mix.. youve got major problems.

so we'd rather stick with howard.. he may be screwing us.. he maybe lying to us.. but he's better than the rest.

Add some NWO into their government.. maybe some international crisis, consisting of a large quanitity of aussie troops... the yobbo's would go nuts!

we'd stop buying beer, n start buying cricket bats, and wickets..
them wickets are the best weapon.. ya know?

I mean c'mon.. really

can you see Downer, Costello and Howard making decisions that affect the world?

They squablle so much over promises between each other... and THATS FRONT PAGE NEWS!

NWO in Australia..

dream on.. .mate!

I agree with you there Agit8dChop John Howard may not be the best prime minister Australia has ever had, but i would rather have him than the other who are runn at the moment

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by moonsdescend
I haven't read his books, but what you've said makes sense.
In the early nineties the Australian government sold off the Commonwealth Bank to private owners, and is currently doing the same thing with Telstra(Australia's largest telocommnunications company). And I believe that they have already sold off quite a large chunk of electricity companies(not too sure on that one though)

Sorry for the one liner, but there is a reason for selling Telstra. Selling it would probably help Australian communications.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by PisTonZOR

Sorry for the one liner, but there is a reason for selling Telstra. Selling it would probably help Australian communications.


Only prob is 90% of other Telco's wholesale off Telstra... I work for one of em

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by moonsdescend
I haven't read his books, but what you've said makes sense.
In the early nineties the Australian government sold off the Commonwealth Bank to private owners, and is currently doing the same thing with Telstra(Australia's largest telocommnunications company). And I believe that they have already sold off quite a large chunk of electricity companies(not too sure on that one though)

im not sure where to find his books, but i think i saw them on Amazon once, but they are quite old. I think that Final Notice came out 1989 or there abouts

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by moonsdescend

Originally posted by PisTonZOR

Sorry for the one liner, but there is a reason for selling Telstra. Selling it would probably help Australian communications.


Only prob is 90% of other Telco's wholesale off Telstra... I work for one of em

Again sorry for the one liner.

Yeah my dad is high up in Telstra. I donno if I can say his position as that may breach privacy and stuff...

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by funky monk
has anyone read a book called warning by barry smith, he also wrote two othe books called 2nd warning and final notice, they are about NWO plans for the world and details Australia and New Zealands .......

...I had all 3 of those books in the 90's, sorry I have no idea where they are now.
He also had a 4th book too I believe, the name of which I'm not sure.

He did have some good information at the time and I guess a lot of it has come true, it was from a relgious point of view though, not that I think that matters in any way at all...who cares where the info comes from right?

There's also a couple of video's floating around the net too of a couple of his sermons if you like. Not my cup of tea, but someone else may find them interesting.(Personally I thought he came across as a bit of a nutjob, others may disagree)

....back to the original post: I read somewhere that Australia would be a perfect place to begin the NWO, due to our laid back attitude and easy lifestyle.

We're too interested in sport and the like to notice what is going on around us, which is probably not too far from the truth.
Although now thanks to the internet, I think some of Australia is getting the
message......we don't have an Alex Jones or anyone like that over here.

posted on Nov, 23 2006 @ 11:13 PM
I joined ATS after months of lurking because of this thread.

I can see where Dock9 is coming from though she put her case forth in the most horrific manner..

Some points I'd like to make:

- I am 22 and have lived in Sydney pretty much all my life, bar 4 years abroad, and I have never seen a Chemtrail.

- Who REALLY gives two ****'s about the price of bananas ? Most Australians know that most of our banana crops were destroyed by hurricane larry, did you really think this wouldnt affect the price ? It is a business, afterall..

- I own a mobile phone, though I own one so I can effortlessly communicate with friends, family and colleagues, I don't walk around holding it above my head so the general public can assume my 'status' in society, nor do I see anybody else doing the same. Though on that note I do concur that alot of Australians in the metropolitan centres of the country do tend to be overtly materialistic, though not to the point of say the UK or America. I don't think they are a majority, but they are definately the most obnoxious and the loudest so it really isnt hard to miss them, as unfortunate as that may be.

- I agree 100% that mainstream Australia is much to complacent and docile to create any kind of political movement and I find it very dissapointing. If only we had the Germaine Greer of politcs amongst us, the climate would be very different, so to speak.

I work in the media and I would say that about 85% of all media outlets and distribution are operated and owned by around 4 individuals, so where, pray tell, is the 'ordinary' Australian supposed to get an honest and accurate opinion ?
False opinions of our leaders are regurgitated on a daily basis by the print and television media (or "news" as they so smugly call it) and the lambs of Australia are only all too happy to agree so they can get on with their lives.
Only the other day did I had the displeasure of overhearing Kerry Anne Kennerly saying "what a great man" John Howard was and "what a natural leader and stong public speaker" he was... ahem, only 10 years ago the man was the LAUGHING STOCK of Australia - It only takes a few seconds to realise why he is still Prime Minister when you see him joking around with Rupert Murdoch on national television.

The Australian Government's sickening love affair with the US Government is another thread unto itself.

I know of many people my age and older who are sick and tired of being treated like foolish cannon fodder by the Federal Government, but there is no outlet or social consciousness in which to tap into and express our opinions because the only grass roots political movements people are exposed to in Australia are teenaged Socialists or 27 year old anarchists, both of which are too radical for people to embrace.

I feel that Australia is will be at a cross roads for the next decade. John Howards "Liberal" (the CHEEK!) Government have done nothing but run us into the ground for the sake of economic gain and operate this country as if it were a business. I wouldnt blink twice if somebody nukes Canberra, I mean REALLY, it was a HOLE in the FIRST PLACE...

posted on Nov, 24 2006 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by ManEater
Only the other day did I had the displeasure of overhearing Kerry Anne Kennerly saying "what a great man" John Howard was and "what a natural leader and stong public speaker" he was... ahem, only 10 years ago the man was the LAUGHING STOCK of Australia - It only takes a few seconds to realise why he is still Prime Minister when you see him joking around with Rupert Murdoch on national television.

I have ahd the pleasure of knowing John Howard before and after he was Prime Minister. Please tell my why he was a laughing stock ? I would be very interested to hear this.
As a person who seems to consider himself enlightened your opinion doesn't seem to be well informed. You seem to be regurgitating a false stereotype placed on him.

posted on Nov, 24 2006 @ 11:24 AM
I almost didn't reply until I read ManEater's post (no offence to anybody else, I just saw this becoming a slug-fest and I don't partake in those), which I have to agree with mostly about everything said on the whole thread (especially about Canberra lol just kidding!).

But banana's, really ? THAT is one of Australia's big problems ? Because they were being sold at $12 a kilo due to Larry wiping them all out ? Does anybody else notice them selling like hotcakes ? Mmmmm no, I was back home in Melbourne for a couple of months (Aug-Oct) and nobody I knew felt compelled to buy them.

Limes were selling for $20 a kilo at the same time, but they mustn't be as important as bananas


I must say Dock9's rant at first upset me. cause uhhh wow such hostility lady

But I believe I understand where she is coming from although I find it hard to believe the NWO will begin there but this is giving me information to ponder so I shall.

I spent most of my teen and adult life trying to leave Australia, all the points made in the above posts regarding how materialistic and self indugled Aussies are, with no apparent interest in what our governments are up to, do ring true to me.

However travelling to the US, UK and now Japan just makes me homesick.
Australia has NOTHING on any of these countries in terms of lifestyle and what we're discussing here. Seriously.
I hadn't watched TV in Australia for about 5 years before I left at the beginning of this year. It sucks! The news and the 'entertainment' (which is all just a rip off of American shows just done very badly) but not as badly as what I am being subjected to now, overseas *sigh* That's another topic though.

I am going to look into this chemtrail thing though, I never did buy the hype of us being in a drought when it rains every other day (well in Melbourne I know it does) and well, it's a huge Island
... so I just always wondered although admit I am no expert on it.

I'll be back I am sure. In the meantime pls behave and let's discuss this in a civil manner
beer's on me, but it's Japanese which they actually do good along with electronics. That's all they do good though which is yet another topic *sigh* ... I'm off!

[edit on 24-11-2006 by ImJaded]

[edit on 24-11-2006 by ImJaded]

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