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NWO in Australia

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posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 12:51 AM
I think its a whole lot of BS.

Although latley our freedom has slowly been restricted, due to new terrorism laws. But other then that i think its a coincidence, and who ever wrote that article on the annunaki involvment with the NWO to start in australia, has seriously got to do more research.

what do you people think? any ideas

(this was the article )

[edit on 20-11-2006 by gtirlad]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 12:58 AM
the green background just doesn't convince me.
i am also an Australian and i doubt taht the NWO will begin in Australia because we don't ahve enough influence on other countries.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by purplemonkey
the green background just doesn't convince me.
i am also an Australian and i doubt taht the NWO will begin in Australia because we don't ahve enough influence on other countries.

Australia is the perfect target, it is the most unnoticed part of the world, you barly hear anything about Australia.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 01:25 AM
I wonder if something is going on in Australia.Maybe we should take a much closer look at it.
Whats their government like?What policies do they have?

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 01:27 AM
Australia blind to new world order, EU warns yres....pdf

[edit on 20-11-2006 by gtirlad]

[edit on 2006-11-20 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 03:47 AM
There are somethings that are interesting, for example new powers given to police for both terror and race riots. And not to mention that we pretty much lost our right to bear arms after the Port Arthur Massacre.

If ever there was legislation, which tempts the police to ask for “more” it is the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002. The so-called Cronulla race riots in late 2005 however were too good an opportunity for the police and Parliament to resist. Within days of the Act commencing it was amended to give police extensive additional powers: Powers that police had initially denied been denied despite their lobbying for them in to be included in the original Act.

In addition to these new powers, there are a number hidden “extras” in the Act about which I have of specific concerns. The Act is said to be a consolidation of pre-existing laws and “balanced”. “With power comes responsibility. This Bill represents ideals of transparency, accountability, and legitimacy. This Parliament, as representatives of the community, and the Courts have over time given Police certain powers required to fulfil their role in law enforcement effectively. In return for these powers, however, police are required to exercise them responsibly, particularly where these powers affect the civil liberties of members of the community whom police serve. The Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Bill 2002 balances these two ideals admirably.”

Under the new measures, police will have the power to:

- declare lock-down zones

- confiscate vehicles

- shut down licensed premises

- impose temporary alcohol-free zones

- remove the presumption of bail for the offences of riot and disorder

- increase the penalty for riot by five years to 15 years in jail

- double the penalty for affray to 10 years in jail.

The Cronulla riots were definitely an advantage for Police to gain more power, and the new terror laws tend to be very much against the muslim faith.

The right-wing government of John Howard proposes to introduce through Federal Parliament a draconian anti-terror legislation, the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005. If passed, the Bill would make it easy for the government and the police to arrest and detain without charge Australians from Muslim and Arab backgrounds on suspicion of planning to commit act of terrorism. The Bill would abolish the fundamental right of Australian citizens, the right to personal liberty in peacetime. It is the end of justice for those deemed ‘Un-Australian’ by the Howard Government.

Theres also been a rise in kidnappings and gang violence recently as well.

For all I know none of this may be related, but who knows?
I didn't find anything about the massive prison talked about at the top of the thread, but I'll ask my father in law(who's a QLD Police Officer) if he knows anything about it.

I do agree that Australia would be a probable place to start. When I travelled overseas I never heard anything about Australia on the news. Most of the world knows nothing, or not much, about us. The only link we had to home was watching the wiggles on free to air tv!

[edit on 20-11-2006 by moonsdescend]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 04:50 AM
great thread gtir and great post moonsdescend

Il read up on those sources thanks moonsdescend

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:09 AM
ON top of all the laws that seem to be in preparation for some kind of trouble,
I also heard on 2gb news about 2 weeks ago that the FBI are opening up an office at the American embassy in Sydney.
What this has to with the NWO I dont know, but thought I'd mention it.
Maybe they are here to help with the NWO programme, who knows.....

We've never had the FBI have a permanent base here before. I'm also suprised that this never got more media coverage than it did.
It was reported in the wee hours of the morning on the radio and I never heard
anything about it again.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:44 AM
The Australian public would not stand for it.

John Howard is only in power, because there's no one ne where near the scale he is.

he may be a lying pathetic weasel..

but Beazley?

Add some incompitence, and lack of experience to that mix.. youve got major problems.

so we'd rather stick with howard.. he may be screwing us.. he maybe lying to us.. but he's better than the rest.

Add some NWO into their government.. maybe some international crisis, consisting of a large quanitity of aussie troops... the yobbo's would go nuts!

we'd stop buying beer, n start buying cricket bats, and wickets..
them wickets are the best weapon.. ya know?

I mean c'mon.. really

can you see Downer, Costello and Howard making decisions that affect the world?

They squablle so much over promises between each other... and THATS FRONT PAGE NEWS!

NWO in Australia..

dream on.. .mate!

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:48 AM
But I will say this..

If Their ever is a World war..

Perth, Western Australia would be prime target number 1 for another country to invade and occupy./


Look at the resources and infrastrucutre we have, to provide the materials needed to create machines of war?
Look at how Isolated we are from the rest of the world.
We've got guns and bases setup of our coast on garden island and rottnest island.
WA has f'all of a formidable military, especialyl enough to defend against a major nations invasion

And the big dinger...
Should someone get into Perth, and occupy it..
how long would it take for troops, and machinery to get over here from the east coast..
across the desert..

all that time to setup shop and defend against the army marching across the desert..

IF there's every a world war.. Perth is the one city I will not want to be in.
Ill be heading back home to NZ, and joining them.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
ON top of all the laws that seem to be in preparation for some kind of trouble,
I also heard on 2gb news about 2 weeks ago that the FBI are opening up an office at the American embassy in Sydney.
What this has to with the NWO I dont know, but thought I'd mention it.
Maybe they are here to help with the NWO programme, who knows.....

We've never had the FBI have a permanent base here before. I'm also suprised that this never got more media coverage than it did.
It was reported in the wee hours of the morning on the radio and I never heard
anything about it again.

I remember the Sunrise crew mentioning the FBI setting up a permanent base in Sydney, but, as you said, it wasn't mentioned again.

I completely agree with what Agit8dChop said about Howard.
At the moment there is no other choice for the Australian public to get behind.
The Labor party bicker too much amongst themselves, and my impression is that they'll just say the opposite of what Howard says.
According to this link, in which he confuses television personality Rove McManus for White House Strategist Karl Rove, Kim Beazleys leadership is still in question, and his popularity has never been anywhere near John Howards.

And don't forget that Australia's head of state is still Queen Elizabeth ][, who is, as most of you would probably know, allegedly one of the Illuminati, which would make their presence here that much more likely. And little Johnny wouldn't do anything to upset the Queen.

[edit on 20-11-2006 by moonsdescend]

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 08:50 AM
The alleged Port Arthur was orchestrated from start to finish. Result: Aussies handed over their guns pretty much without a whimper

The alleged Cronulla Riots were orchestrated from start to finish. Result: The world was laughably informed Australia has a 'race' problem and Parliament was able to push through further repressive legislation curtailing the few 'rights' Aussies had left.

Someone above claimed that 'Aussies wouldn't stand for it ', meaning wouldn't tolerate a NWO, lol. Hilarious. Aussies will tolerate anything, as long as they can keep their mobile phones, alcohol, drugs, long-weekends and the illusion of being bronzed sporting types.

Aussies will put up with anything. They're paying $12.00 per kilo for bananas for petes sake ! They tolerate having to pay through the nose for everything they consume. They are one of the most highly taxed nations on earth. Half of their tiny 20 million population has been brought in from overseas in the past couple of decades. Australia is one of, if not THE most Chemtrailed nations on the planet. Australia has one of, if not THE most monopolistic media systems in the world and the most monopolistic commercial environment.

Australia is supposed to have a two-party political system but Aussies are so disinterested in the forces that shape their lives and futures that they happily tolerate the complete sham and pretend they really have a choice at election time.

Beasley is VERY careful not to get in Howard's way. Just lead Beasley to the cafeteria and he's happy.

Debnam (like Brogden) plays the invisible 'Opposition Leader' role to perfection. Aussies PAY him not to 'oppose'.

Australian politics, business, media, everything, are utterly and completely jew dominated.

Downer, Howard, Beasley, Ruddock, et all are on the jew payroll as well as collecting pay from the overtaxed Aussie public.

Australia is Little Zion or Little Israel if you like.

Australia is a laboratory where zionist devils experiment with just how much blood can be squeezed from stones.

Aussies tolerate having their life blood and spirit squeezed out of them. They've tolerated desecration of their heritage, their todays and their future.

Australians aren't even a challenge. The zionists are bored. Aussies have no kick. They take it all in the teeth. No fight. Nothing.

They are DUMB and dumber. At least 50% of the time, grey rain clouds hang over their heads. Yet the dumb Aussies don't question the whore media's assertions that Australia is in the grip of a relentless drought !

Aussies can't be bothered looking up at the sky above their heads. So they don't see the Chemtrails being spread in grid shapes day after day until there's total Chemtrail coverage which in turn dissipates that rain.

Aussies are too busy staring at each other --- to see if others are noticing them.

Aussies still believe mobile phones are a rare status symbol. This motivates them to walk around importantly, brandishing the mobile phones they can't afford and hoping to impress each other. Aussies have more mobile phones per head of population than virtually any country in the world. Even tiny kids have them. Aussies live on budget pizzas in order to pay for their mobile phone accounts and petrol for the 4 x wheel drives which they also believe make them the envy of everyone else.

Aussies consume more alcohol than any other nation, with the exception of Finland, apparently.

Aussies have an extremely high suicide rate.

Aussies will accept any insult or untruth.

Aussies still believe John Howard actually makes some of the decisions that have wrecked and are wrecking their lives.

Aussies still believe their politicians will take care of them.

Aussies still believe their votes count for something.

Even when they don't believe any of the lies, they still tolerate those lies and obey them. It's so much easier than having to think or actually make a decision of their own.

Aussies have been taken over and don't even realise it or care.

Aussies haven't a clue what is going on around them. If someone tries to inform them, Aussies blame the messenger. They don't want to know ! They don't want to have to worry about their future or those of their kids.

Instead, they want to polish their four wheel drives and hop behind the wheel and drive around with a mobile phone stuck to their heads in the hope someone will notice them and envy and admire them.

Aussies are like four year olds.

If Australia hadn't already been taken over decades ago by zionist ghouls, it would take only a mediocre outside force a couple of hours to shut down the entire country.

The zionist controlled Aussie government has systematically driven 90 plus percent of the population into a handful of towns and cities. Everything has been deliberately centralised. A handful of operatives could shut down vital services very easily and swiftly ----- and Aussies would only begin to suspect something was wrong when they lost power, water, tv reception and their internet connection.

Then they'd eventually wander out into the road, beer in hand, and say to each other: ' Gee mate, wonder what's going on? The toilet's on the blink and Home and Away cut out half way through. Ah well, she'll be right termorra I suppose. Wanna come in fer a beer ? ' They'd still be standing there, squashing cockroaches with their thongs, when the Indonesian troops started firing on them. The last word you'd hear from most Aussies at that time would be: ' # mate -- what's goin on ? "

And that pretty much sums up the deliberate Aussie cluelessness: ' # mate, what's goin on ? "

Aussies are like kids with their heads under their pillows. They don't want to know. They want someone else to take care of 'it' and themselves. They want someone to tell them what to think and what to do. To an Aussie, everything is someone else's responsibility and someone else's fault.

Aussies will tolerate ANYthing -- for as long as they can get away with it. Elly May Clampert has more clue.

The NWO could be installed on every Aussie street corner, and Aussies would give it a wave as they headed home for a beer and a sprawl in front of the tv and another episode of The Simpsons.

Aussies would probably VOTE for installation of NSW headquarters in Australia.
It would save Aussies from having to think at all !

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
Downer, Howard, Beasley, Ruddock, et all are on the jew payroll as well as collecting pay from the overtaxed Aussie public.

Australia is Little Zion or Little Israel if you like.

Australia is a laboratory where zionist devils experiment with just how much blood can be squeezed from stones.

Aussies tolerate having their life blood and spirit squeezed out of them. They've tolerated desecration of their heritage, their todays and their future.

Australians aren't even a challenge. The zionists are bored. Aussies have no kick. They take it all in the teeth. No fight. Nothing.

They are DUMB and dumber. At least 50% of the time, grey rain clouds hang over their heads. Yet the dumb Aussies don't question the whore media's assertions that Australia is in the grip of a relentless drought !

LOL, these have to be the ravings of a babbling idiot, I would laugh except that I suspect this idiot is Australian, if not he's just a simple moron.If people think that this is the typical intelligence of an Uatrlian then no wonder some don't think they take Australia seriously, they would think we're a nation of twits. Luckily this is the poorest example of the Australian education system I've ever come across - of course that's if this idiot is Australian. If not then I fear for the future of any country producing a raving moron such as this.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 12:59 PM

All I can say is that you have no idea what you are talking about and I concur with rogue1:

You are a simple moron and a waste of space.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by rogue1

Originally posted by Dock6
Downer, Howard, Beasley, Ruddock, et all are on the jew payroll as well as collecting pay from the overtaxed Aussie public.

Australia is Little Zion or Little Israel if you like.

Australia is a laboratory where zionist devils experiment with just how much blood can be squeezed from stones.

Aussies tolerate having their life blood and spirit squeezed out of them. They've tolerated desecration of their heritage, their todays and their future.

Australians aren't even a challenge. The zionists are bored. Aussies have no kick. They take it all in the teeth. No fight. Nothing.

They are DUMB and dumber. At least 50% of the time, grey rain clouds hang over their heads. Yet the dumb Aussies don't question the whore media's assertions that Australia is in the grip of a relentless drought !

LOL, these have to be the ravings of a babbling idiot, I would laugh except that I suspect this idiot is Australian, if not he's just a simple moron.If people think that this is the typical intelligence of an Uatrlian then no wonder some don't think they take Australia seriously, they would think we're a nation of twits. Luckily this is the poorest example of the Australian education system I've ever come across - of course that's if this idiot is Australian. If not then I fear for the future of any country producing a raving moron such as this.

That is the longest person attack i have seen on this forum, did you waste so much time just telling how much of an idiot that guy was? Very unfriendly.

posted on Nov, 20 2006 @ 05:40 PM
Its better to attack the words he/she just said instead of the person who said it.We can have conflicts over information,but conflicts over people can lead to something messy.
I wonder,do people attack other people because it feels easier and that attacking information seems messy?

Dock6 where did you get this information?

[edit on 20-11-2006 by tormentor]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 04:23 AM

They're paying $12.00 per kilo for bananas for petes sake !

Is that a joke Strawman?

Australia is one of, if not THE most Chemtrailed nations on the planet.

BS. Do you live here? If you don't you have no idea. And if you do, your a blind strawman.

Australia has one of, if not THE most monopolistic media systems

Who cares? We don't have BS "SEAGUL DIED" headlines like the UK does.

They are DUMB and dumber. At least 50% of the time, grey rain clouds hang over their heads. Yet the dumb Aussies don't question the whore media's assertions that Australia is in the grip of a relentless drought !

What the hell are you talking about?

Aussies can't be bothered looking up at the sky above their heads. So they don't see the Chemtrails being spread in grid shapes day after day until there's total Chemtrail coverage which in turn dissipates that rain.

There are no chemtrails. Maybe if you came here you would learn the first thing about it.

Aussies have an extremely high suicide rate.

Uh. No Strawman, it's on average lower than most Western countries.

You're like a 6 year old making up straw man arguments, Strawman.

[edit on 21-11-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 04:50 AM
Storm clouds?

so what , the drought is alie?


Man, come back to reality..

Id practically never seen one until i travelled.
sure I came home and noticed one now and then..
but the most chemtrailed place on the earth?

not bloody likely.

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 06:36 AM
Everybody chill out, please. There are a couple of warnable posts here which I will let slide once. Blanket aspersions concerning entire nations are given more leeway than directly insulting other members. If you disagree with the poster's claims, then please express such without resorting to personal attacks.

And FYI I'm an Aussie.

[edit on 2006-11-21 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Nov, 21 2006 @ 12:31 PM
Obviously my post said too much, contained too much of the truth.

As evidence, below is a U2U I received, unsolicited, from one of the posters in this thread.

As is obvious, the sender was incoherent with rage, as illustrated by the numerous mistakes.

The message, below, is cut and pasted and is exactly as sent to me.

“ LMAO, you have goit to be one of the stupideiest people I hvae ever come across - I thiough people with your low IQ and still being sentient were a myth. We should start a thread about you " Man has IQ less than an ant and still is able to write ".
Anyway, I feel sorry for any children you may father - probably through rape.”

Ok. Yes, I live in Australia and have done so for many decades.

No, I do not rape people. I am a woman and mother.

Below is a smattering of information cut and pasted: Those interested may easily find more via search.

•When countries for which suicide data are published by the World Health Organization are ranked according to rates for young males, Australia ranks in the highest third.
Source: (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia )

Tragically, each week more than 40 Australians take their own life and our young male suicide rate is the fourth highest among Western countries.
Source: ( Lifeline Australia )

Summary Suicide Fact Sheet
• 2,683 people took their own lives in Australia during 1998.8
• Which means an average of seven suicides per day.9
• For every completed suicide there are over 30 attempts.10
• Therefore there are over 210 people a day attempting suicide.
• There are 8.5 times more deaths by suicide in Australia than by homicide (2683 suicides compared to 307 homicides).
• There are 1.5 times more deaths by suicide in Australia than by road accidents (2683 suicides compared to 1713 road accidents).

Males Females Persons
Suicide 2,150 533 2683
Motor Vehicle Accidents 1,224 507 1,731
Homicide 203 104 307
Accidental drowning and submersion 187 58 245

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (1999), Causes of Death Australia 1998. Canberra

SYDNEY (Reuters) - ' The rate of rural suicide in Australia is among the highest in the world as farmers battle the stress of years of drought, failed crops, mounting debt and slowly decaying towns. '

Banana prices have risen as high as $16 a kilogram since Larry wiped 80 per cent of the national crop, compared with a pre-cyclone average of $2.50 to $3.
SIMON LAUDER: After months of paying up to $15 a kilo or more for bananas, shoppers will soon be able to afford to buy them in bunches once more.

When Larry devastated the vast majority of Australia’s banana plantations in March this year, the price of the much-loved fruit escalated from as low as $2.00 per kilo to anywhere up to $14.00 per kilo,

"We are particularly interested in mobile phone safety, with Australians being among the highest users of mobile phones in the world," Dr Roy said.

If I have time I’ll post more at a later date. The Chemtrailing of Australia leading to the phoney drought we’re alleged to be having, for example. There’s a wealth of information about Chemtrails on the web including Chemtrails in Australia. I live in Sydney and as I’ve posted before, we are being buried in Chemtrails, around the clock.

Right this moment, for instance, there are rain clouds heavy overhead. They’ve were hanging heavy over Sydney most of last week also. But they’re not allowed to fall. Those with investment in privatised water are desperate to start reaping dividends. They use HARP technology and Chemtrails as blunt instruments to ensure that Sydney is starved of rainfall. The Chemtrail planes blatantly spray the stuff in broad daylight as well as through the night. It results in Sydney being buried beneath a heavy blanket of Chemtrail gunk combined with smog and humidity from the rain that isn’t allowed to fall.

Anyone claiming Chemtrails do not exist, or that Australia is not being murdered by Chemtrails, is either blind, abysmally ignorant, in denial --- or in the employ of those responsible for the man-made ‘drought’ that’s deliberately and systematically killing this country.

The whore media in Australia blasts its lying filth news every half hour and at the moment it’s crowing about the bushfires raging west of Sydney. They pretend concern. Yet that same whoring media says not ONE word about the blatant and obvious Chemtrails which CAUSE the bushfires. If the Chemtraling stopped, the rain would fall and the bushfires would be extinguished – would not have commenced in fact.

The posters who attempted so hysterically to discredit me in their above posts are obviously terrified that even one person will reveal the truth of what’s happening in Australia. I didn’t realise, until I read their rant, just how desperate they are. I’m amazed by their reaction.

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