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Red & Blue Lists - Targets for Termination

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posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 06:03 AM
I only stumbled across this yesterday, but apparently the infomation has been around for quite a few years. In fact, in my curious Google searching over it, I found the following old thread about it on ATS:

At the time, it was pretty much blown off for quite a few reasons, I quite frankly agree with.

The premise of these lists is that they are already existing lists of people targeted for "disposal" if and when the NWO makes their move. If you are on the Red list, you will be scooped up prior to any real action and disposed of immediately. If you are on the Blue list, your fate is the same, but you will not be targeted till after martial law takes affect.

The rest of my search resulted in the two following references repeatedly posted around the internet. Both of these are suppossed interviews from high ranking officials that cannot actually be identified.

The above link is suppossedly information from an FBI agent who was handed a copy of the list and found his name on it. From what I have found this is the only report of anyone actually seeing an existing list.

"When you get picked up on a RED pick-up, they'll take you from your home at night...probably around 4 a.m. and put you in a black van, then drive you to a helicopter waiting to fly you to an intermediate point. There, you'll be loaded onto a big 64-passenger CH-47 Chinook helicopter...all black, unmarked and illegally operating under the Treaty on Open Skies.

"Then they'll fly you to one of 38 cities where you'll board a 747, 737, or 727. "You may be taken straight to a temporary detention facility. When you're RED listed, you'll be taken to a red camp. Then you'll be executed.

"At some point, martial law will be declared. (Martial law is when the writ of Habeas Corpus to have a trial by jury is suspended. Instead, of going to the judge, you go straight to jail for a limited time,) I suspect there will be a major outage, or some other crisis which will be the reason to declare martial law. At this point, the BLUE listed people will be picked up. At that time, the country will be regionalized into ten regions, which are already designated by FEMA.

FEMA is who is suppossed to be behind the implementation of all this.

First problem of course is that these sources are somewhat old (a few years) and nothing has happened yet, although one of the sites said that the Red list people were already being gathered up.

Problem number two for me is that these reports are showing on what I would refer to as religious conspiracy sources (apparently being Christian is one of the criteria that can land you on the lists, outside of obvious agitator behavior and gun ownership).

Problem number three is that it makes no sense logically for me, that for such a thing to be real, as in an NWO takeover, it would have to be going on in a lot more countries than just the US. I would also think something like this would have taken off more than say chemtrail conspiracy and I find it odd the lack of proliferation on this.

Anyway, the only recent info posted out there I could find was this:

This one is posted just last month and clearly puts the enforcement on FEMA. All links have additional information on these sites, but of course, all links are probably questionable resources.

So what do the rest of you think? A lot is left unsaid. What happens to the rest of you once this were to occur? (I am assuming I'll be out by the Blue list phase if not the Red:lol
I also think this woman (current ATSNN Submission) just bought herself a spot on the lists if they are real.

A woman commuting to work in a public bus was arrested after declining to show her ID. The bus stopped at the gates of the Denver Federal Center, which is not a high security facility unlike Area 51, a security guard boarded the bus and demanded that all the bus passengers show their identifications. Deborah Davis persisted that there are no laws requiring her to carry ID or any papers, so the cops shoved her out of the bus, handcuffed her, and she was charged with federal criminal misdemeanors.

There are definitive signs of a police state of some sort all over the place. How far will it go?

All speculation, information, and interpretation welcome. I just thought this would make an interesting jump into Skunkworks, so skunk away.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 06:48 AM
I live in Victoria, Australia, and I have seen signs of a heightened police alert. Take two days ago, for instance. Just driving home up the great ocean road, in our white Transporter van. Got flashed by the police, and pulled over, wondering what I had done wrong. Turns out they were conducting a "routine" vehicle inspection. I was made to make my car available for inspection, and to show personal ID and a drivers licence. I have never heard of anything like this happening anywhere, let alone in a place like I live, nice and quiet. I'm sure if I was drive a Porsche or something they would have totally ignored me.

This Red/Blue list thing is totally new to me. Who actually goes on the list? Suspected terrorists, suspected informers? So what would an FBI agent be doing on the list? And obviously there is pretty low security surrounding the whole thing, if this agent was able to see the document that contained the names of the accused people.
In fact, it all sounds like a load of bravo sierra to me.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by watch_the_rocks
This Red/Blue list thing is totally new to me. Who actually goes on the list? Suspected terrorists, suspected informers? So what would an FBI agent be doing on the list?

Apparently, from what I can gather it is to remove "obstacles" such as those who are likely to not give up their guns, and cause resistance.

And obviously there is pretty low security surrounding the whole thing, if this agent was able to see the document that contained the names of the accused people.

Actually, this is what I find bizarre, it does not seem to me that there is low security as there is only one person (and this goes back a few years) even reporting "seeing" this list. Even with high security, I would expect a little more than one person to come forward, even it was a few wacko hoaxers.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by watch_the_rocks
I live in Victoria, Australia, and I have seen signs of a heightened police alert. Take two days ago, for instance. Just driving home up the great ocean road, in our white Transporter van. Got flashed by the police, and pulled over, wondering what I had done wrong. Turns out they were conducting a "routine" vehicle inspection. I was made to make my car available for inspection, and to show personal ID and a drivers licence. I have never heard of anything like this happening anywhere, let alone in a place like I live, nice and quiet. I'm sure if I was drive a Porsche or something they would have totally ignored me.

Nothing unusual here. Australian police regularly stop drivers for vehicle inspections or license checks. As you were told, such inspections are indeed quite regular and have been occurring for many years. I have been stopped many times for random license checks and vehicle inspections. This is a fairly minor exercise of police power and nothing to really get upset about. The reason you are asked to disclose private information, such as your driver's license, is simply to check that you do indeed possess a license and are not operating the vehicle illegally. The reason for vehicle inspections is to ensure that non-roadworthy cars are kept off the streets, thereby reducing the potential for avoidable accidents.

That you have noticed a heightened police presence has probably more to do with our appalling road fatality figures and a police blitz on the roads in the lead-up to Christmas in an effort to forestall the number of road-related fatalities experienced this year. As I said, these inspections have been ongoing for many years and do not indicate a heightened police presence.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
Nothing unusual here. Australian police regularly stop drivers for vehicle inspections or license checks. As you were told, such inspections are indeed quite regular and have been occurring for many years.

Here in the US there are occassional stops to confirm license and registration, but they do not require getting out of the vehicle unless something is wrong from there.

If I were ever asked to leave my vehicle at a routine traffic check point it would wig me out big time, but there would be no reason not to do it at a routine check point with other vehicles involved.

On the other hand, since there have been incidents in the past of people posing as police on dark lonely roads pulling over women traveling alone, it is never advisable to do anything other than roll down the window far enough to hand your documents through, with all doors locked. It is my understanding that you have the right to request another unit arrive if anything further were to be requested in a situation like that.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 06:30 PM
So no one has any further info on this - specualtion....imagination...?

What a dull weekend

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 08:25 PM
Don't worry about roadside checks in Australia but our now infamous, horrific record with detainees and illegally deported people should have caused an undieing outrage to be reflected in the media if it wasn't a tool against the people.

More than a decade before common citizens bacame aware of these issues my Ukrainian, nearly 40 year permanant resident mother, finally took up full citizenship based on the same network of knowledge that got our family out of the Ukrain a year before the # hit the fan and the population was starved to death. Throughout both world wars my families "Titled Blood" got them out of harm and ultimately to the safety of Australia yet in recent times they've come to accept that soon, nowhere will be 'safe'.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 08:28 PM
Very possible that I'm on one of those lists. I first heard about it via former head of FBI, Ted Gunderson in the early 1990's. He spoke about the Martial law and the coming police state inciting "terror" attacks in the US. Of course he says it's local terrorists working toward the NWO agenda.

The scenario as outlined by Ted in a nutshell:

1) Make a list of all the troublemakers. They include annoyances like me but most important are the loyal policeman, war vets and militia.

2) Arm up mobs and provide them the means to strike fear into the general public. They will use these scumbags to kill off as many of the good guys (also using, war, vaccines, and any other way to bring them to complete de-moralization) While the arming of the criminals begin, they will chant slogans to the uneducated masses that we must give up our firearms to ensure lasting peace and all that crap.

3) Use the UN troops by picking from all the statistics of which people are willing to shoot Americans, unarmed or otherwise. This large group will become the military police, to be used while most of the loyal American troops are dying from poisoning and are abandoned by the US.

4) Once the mobs have killed off most of the "good guys" and terrorized the general public, the military police will be brought in as the Great hero's, by killing off the mobs.

5) Any resistance to the martial law and those caught off guard will be taken to prison camps, which will be filled with innocent people. This will also increase the stocks of Waken hut and PCA to which they have no objection. Helpless, we will be round up in the middle of the night and taken to the camps via rail and air and automobile.

And just when I hoped he was wrong..... I had to listen to Ron Paul basically confirm it!

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 09:48 PM
Here is the realisation of the problem I have with people's claims that the NWO is coming to power sometime soon: they keep saying it, and it keeps not happening. Surely this shadowy organisation has had ample opportunity to institute its plans for global domination? Looking purely at America, I can think of at least two occurrences within the last five years in which the NWO could have exerted its control, if it in fact existed.

9/11 seems to me to fulfill many of the requirements people have cited for a "major event" that would enable the NWO to seize control. It was a major disaster, it evoked a sense of outrage and patriotism, it presented a specific target and it moved people to consider exchanging civil rights for protection. Surely if the NWO were waiting for an event of significance in which to make its move, this would have been it? The fact that we are not, as yet, being rounded up and thrown in detention camps would seem to indicate that the NWO is either far less effective and omnipresent than has been imagined or, more likely, there simply is no NWO.

Another example, and one far closer to the scenario presented by markusjharper, was the series of events that followed the devastation of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina. Here was an event in which a major American city was essentially annihilated and in the wake of which armed mobs ran riot throughout the city. This event even involved FEMA, who are frequently cited as a key element in the NWO's plans. And yet, we saw no prison camps, no overthrow of the government, no detention of "troublemakers" and ultimately no NWO. How big an event do they need before they attempt to wrest control from the hands of the governments of the world? How many major events of this kind have to occur before we accept the notion that perhaps there is no NWO after all?

Why didn't we see evidence of the NWO in other disaster zones, such as the recent earthquake in Pakistan, or the Boxing Day Tsunami? It's very easy to hold to the belief in the NWO. It's almost comforting, in a way, to believe that there exists some secretive, all-powerful organisation working behind the scenes pulling the strings and making the real decisions. Because if there isn't, then the War on Terror really is just about terrorism, and Bush really is the most powerful man in the world, and this may be more depressing than the alternative.

You see, if the NWO did exist, then there exists with it the potential for righteous change. If the NWO suddenly, violently came to power, people would be justified in arming themselves and attempting to resist their control, as futile as such efforts would probably prove. But if there is no NWO, if the government really is running the country, then there is no avenue for righteous change. Change must occur slowly, in a far less dramtic fashion. The NWO gives people hope, in a way, that its illegal rise to power will serve as a catalyst for change in which people would be justified in overthrowing its power and establishing the kind of changes and the kind of government that they want. It's presence, or the belief in it's presence, reassures people that things will not always be as bad as they are now, that there is hope for positive change in our lifetime. Because without the NWO, things are likely to stay the way they are, and people are increasingly uncomfortable with this thought and yet unwilling or unable to react to it.

The fact that the NWO has not made a grasp for power, and the fact that every year people reiterate that "It's going to happen soon ... any day now" leads me to believe that the NWO is less a genuine organisation and more an archetype of righteous change that people cling to in the face of an overwhelming sense of helplessness at changing those things which they perceive to be wrong in their society.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 10:42 PM
It's a God thing, Jeremiah.

Only when things get So terrible, Everywhere, that man realizes we can't save ourselves, will people all over the world accept the NWO solution offered by the false prophet and false christ.

In the mean time, the ground work is being laid to have those stubbournly faithfull Christians and those who aren't an enemy to their faith, blamed for all the worlds woes and "delt with".

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
In the mean time, the ground work is being laid to have those stubbournly faithfull Christians and those who aren't an enemy to their faith, blamed for all the worlds woes and "delt with".

Except that I have never seen any evidence of Christians being persecuted for their faith or being blamed for any of the world's woes. I have never seen a Christian arrested for professing any aspect of their faith, nor have I heard people openly blaming Christians for any of the world's problems. Surely if any religious group were being targetted as the cause of the world's problems at the moment, it is Muslims.

The persecution of Christians has often been associated with the advent of the NWO, but I just cannot see it happening. Christianity is an accepted aspect of Western cultures and there have been, to my knowledge, no moves towards "dealing with" Christians and no moves to have Christians labelled as troublemakers or any kind of enemy. To me, it seems more likely that this aspect of NWO mythology is based on an interpretation of the Book of Revelation and refers to a time when Christians may indeed have been persecuted for their faith. But those days are long gone. I see no evidence of Christian persecution in this day and age.

posted on Nov, 26 2005 @ 11:36 PM
Have no fear, we've all recently seen FEMA in action. They couldn't effectively EVAC a city, let alone a nation.

Really, you have nothing to fear.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 12:13 AM
I don't want to start a debate on the difference between those who claim to be Christians and those who are faithfull Christians, lest well meaning, honest people, who have been mislead, feel offended but it is already happening.

[edit on 27-11-2005 by suzy ryan]

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 12:19 AM

" ...............the NWO is less a genuine organisation and more an archetype of righteous change that people cling to in the face of an overwhelming sense of helplessness at changing those things which they perceive to be wrong in their society."

How many things does it take to go wrong to get an overwhelming sense of helplessness at changing those things which we perceive to be wrong in our society? Who should wait for it, G. Orwell must be rolling in his grave by now.

You make a good point when looking at it from the standpoint that 9-11 went exactly as planned. What would have happened if that plane hit the white house and killed more officials? May be that fighter pilot did something great for us by shooting it down? Perhaps, a little divine intervention.

Until now, when was the last Reichstag fire in the USA? Was it 9-11?
The same people who helped ferment or support the rise to Hitler, Stalin and Mao se’dung are now in the white house. Yes, lots of reason to be concerned today but I would not rest the NWO on people's feelings of helplessness alone.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 12:30 AM

Have no fear, we've all recently seen FEMA in action. They couldn't effectively EVAC a city, let alone a nation.

Really, you have nothing to fear.

Those idiots were just following orders to kill as many people by interfering with help.

The only thing I fear is my own temper, if they ever so much as set foot in my town. We promise FEMA that our guns will not leave our hands so easily and there will be no exceptions; there shall be nor compromises to what we would do to pathetic, little degenerates who sell thier country men out. Of course, how many are "really" Americans anyhow?

I know people who wouid love to hang those traitors in public.

[edit on 27-11-2005 by markusjharper]

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 05:53 AM
Okay, so it seems that there are people in countries other than the US seeing "worrying signs". But is anyone seeing evidence of the suppossed "death camps" being claimed to exist in the US in other countries? Is anyone aware of the Red & Blue lists for other countries?

Most of the information I am finding regarding these things in the US is coming from what I would deem Christian fundamentalist sites and being related to the bibcal persecution of Christians at the end times. But this seems to me to be in direct conflict with the masses of people fearing the far right Christian fundamentalists taking over. Which is it? Which if either is the "red herring"? Or are they both.

In my perspective I have been seeing things (rights) deteriorating faster and farther in countries other than the US. Some of what I read coming out of the UK and Australia seem far more worrisome than what is going on in the US. Are other countries being used as a "testing ground" for the errossion of freedoms?

How do you explain the two widely differing takes on the Bush adminstration? One being the fear of liberals over the infiltration of the Christian Right into our government and the other being the Christian groups fearing the exact opposite, both blaming Bush. Are we just seeing a mass culture of (irrational?) fear coming from all sides?

Either way - are these lists real? Some sites actually have older articles showing when these things will occur, yet the times stated have already passed. Are some of our fates already set in stone? Some of these articles flat out name where these suppossed death camps are. Some even go so far as to say places where the foreign forces are already in place on our soil (forces we would not expect to see on our soil). Where are the reports to confirm?

Quite frankly I am torn on this, but IF it's real the only reason I am discussing it is because I would expect from my past I would have to be on the lists already, so I have nothing to lose. I say that tongue in cheek, yet .......

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 06:33 AM
Confussion is a tool of control. It could help you to understand there is a difference between pacifistic, non Christmass and Easter observing Christians and those tied to or supportive of the World Council of Churches which includes many (if not most) of those politicaly active, abortionist bombing, money begging, 'prosperity now', types that are so upsetting America today.

The latter group are already accepting of a 'Universal', One World Church concept. They are also successfully spreading their political influence in Australia. We are now getting a taste of what hurt the standing of Christianity among the secular population in the U.S.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by Relentless
"... There, you'll be loaded onto a big 64-passenger CH-47 Chinook
helicopter...all black, unmarked and illegally operating under the Treaty on
Open Skies."

This is a clue. As far as I know, the military can fly Chinooks anytiime
they want to, and in just about any place. Also, I don't think that the
Open Skies Treaty would have anything to do with our own Chinooks
flying around America. I'm pretty sure that Open Skies is for OTHER
countries to be able to fly over and look down at us.

I think this article is a hoax. What he said may actually happen,
but he didn't see any lists and he made it up. IMHO

[edit on 11/27/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 11:20 AM
Think of the Blue list this way. Hitler and the Jews. When Hitler began taking the jews out, he gathered them into camps to labor until death.

For the Red list, more likely to be viewed as the America's Most Wanted list. Except Bounty Hunters and Police have pretty much no authority on capturing the Reds. Reds are dealth with by a NWO Secret Service like agency, of course, this is based on observations.

posted on Nov, 27 2005 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
It's a God thing, Jeremiah.

Only when things get So terrible, Everywhere, that man realizes we can't save ourselves, will people all over the world accept the NWO solution offered by the false prophet and false christ.

In the mean time, the ground work is being laid to have those stubbournly faithfull Christians and those who aren't an enemy to their faith, blamed for all the worlds woes and "delt with".

That is a great point, and unfortunately possibly right.
To use a slightly cruel term, the proles will believe anything a government which seems to be true says. Those might include those who believe that this life is pointless and there is no greater purpose to it. I don't come under that category.

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