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Another 9/11...

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posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:09 AM
Here's a scenario I almost hesitant to post...

Should the "terrorists" strike today, it would most assuredly be called a Black Operation by many. Perpetrated to get the Katrina debacle OFF the front page and OFF the WWW...

That's a scary thought.


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:12 AM
Nah...then they'd be talking about the dual tragedies, etc. etc....

I think it would only emphasize Katrina if anything.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:13 AM
I agree and there would be people lining up to say Bush planned it...

At least we would probably get some more good quotes from the Rev. Jessie Jackson


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:14 AM
any sort of strike today would be way too anticipated, expect some sort of big crisis to be manufactured by the white house closer to the point where a Katrina death toll has been established.

Even though the final death toll will undoubtably heavily doctored.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:14 AM
Here's something more scary...

Eventually, sooner or later, some retail chain somewhere is going to have a 9/11 sale.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:16 AM
It would be an 'ideal' time right now, wherever you look at it as an 'inside' job or by the official enemy.

If another attack occurs now then it would be doubly kicking everyone when their down emotionally becasue of it being the anniversary and also the Hurricane aftermath.
The resources are also stretched in coping with the aftermath of Katrina which would make dealing with the situation more difficult.

I think not matter when anything occurs though, people will always see it as a possible Black Operation, there is no escaping that.

[edit on 11-9-2005 by AgentSmith]


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:20 AM
i gotta say......

I have been expecting some sort of 'incident' that the White House will link to Iran, it will come eventually. Its even more likely now that Iran has said its opening 2 more Nuclear power stations.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Here's something more scary...

Eventually, sooner or later, some retail chain somewhere is going to have a 9/11 sale.

I've never participated in boycotts before...but I'd be at the front of the "i aint dealin' with your tacky-arse" line if this happens.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Here's something more scary...

Eventually, sooner or later, some retail chain somewhere is going to have a 9/11 sale.

You know I had a great comment for that but I think I wont be so crude so early on a sunday

I feel 9-11 is secure for awhile atleast.

but really it all comes down to

Do you believe there was a conspiracy behind the wtc attack or do you believe it was soley osama bin laden / al qaeda-whoever they blame these days.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:28 AM
I absolutely agree now is the perfect time for another attack (God forbid).

They could throw America under Marshal Law, but wait there is not enough US troops to curfew all of America you say, to many of them are out of country.

No problem says Dick, George and Rummy we will call in the United Nations to help with all their Chinese soldiers to help. Welcome to one world government.

Not that I think a one world government would be a bad thing, it just the bloody criminal element that is spread through the political systems over the world like cancer.


posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 09:31 AM
well Hurricane Ophelia is heading toward land nxt week, a well placed earthquake nxt weekend would clinch it.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 11:10 AM
There won't be an attack today, unless its at a football stadium. Otherwise, it's pointless to launch any major attack on a Sunday when everyone is home. The time to do it, as has been done over and over by al Qaida, is during the weekdays when people are on their way to or are already at work. The population in major cities during the weekdays sometimes doubles with everyone driving in from the suburbs for work.

Now, I don't think it would be hard to link Iran to a major terror attack against the United States. They've been committing such acts for the past 25 years, since the Iranian Revolution. Anyone remember the marine barracks in Beiruit? The Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia? I hate to break it to everyone, but Iran is our enemy. I know it's hard to notice for most of you, what with them chanting "Death to America" all day, everyday.

Just remember... the first suicide bomber was a 13 year-old Iranian. And it's snowballed from there, with no end in sight. I can't understand how any of you feel comfortable with nuclear technology in the hands of those radical Islamofascist mullahs.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 11:18 AM
Looking at Bush's approval rating, he certainly needs another 'Pearl Harbor'/9-11 to get the people behind his evil scheme again.

I've just watched Alex Jones's "Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State", everybody should watch it, and wake up!

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
Just remember... the first suicide bomber was a 13 year-old Iranian.

No it's not.

The Concept of Self-Sacrifice was a vital part of Warfare throughout the Human History. Actually the earliest "Sacrifice" in Warfare can be found in the Bible:

And Samson said, 'Let me die with the Philistines!' And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. (Judges 16:30)

And during the Crusades, the Knights Templar destroyed one of their ships, killing 140 Christians in order to kill as much as 10 Muslims.


And let's not forget the Japanese Kamikaze during the WW2 in Pacific.

Did you know the Following also?

The Tamil Tigers were, as of 2000, "unequivocally the most effective and brutal terrorist organization ever to utilize suicide terrorism" (according to Yoram Schweitzer of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Israel.

Self Sacrifice in Warfare was not "Invented" by Muslim Terrorists.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
I've just watched Alex Jones's "Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State", everybody should watch it, and wake up!

Yeah yeah, mate give me a break. Do you honestly believe that everything what've been said in that "document" is like pure truth? Cmon...

I saw it, 2 times to be precise, and I am still not woken up.

There's problem with these kind of documentaries because they're quite radical and they are trying to sell you just one side of the story. Nowadays you can see totally mainstream documents on Discovery Channel or Alex Jones videos, nothing in between - where I think the truth is.

This is the same like on ATS, there are quite few members here who actually try to find the truth and not try to force their beliefs on others.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by zer69
Do you honestly believe that everything what've been said in that "document" is like pure truth? Cmon...

Of course not. I dont believe everything in those documentaries, but it was a real eye-opener for me. I dont believe the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. The phrase 'pull it', which the fire department used, is a standard order to leave the building.

I do believe that the US gov't knew the attacks were comming, and deliberately didn't do anything, and prevented FBI/CIA investigations earlier in 2001.

Still, I believe everybody should watch that Alex Jones documentary, but they should be critical of what they believe in.

What do you mean with "nothing in between - where I think the truth is." ?

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
It would be an 'ideal' time right now, wherever you look at it as an 'inside' job or by the official enemy.

If another attack occurs now then it would be doubly kicking everyone when their down emotionally becasue of it being the anniversary and also the Hurricane aftermath.

I think not matter when anything occurs though, people will always see it as a possible Black Operation, there is no escaping that.

I agree with everything said here. I don't think it would be today, but with everyone focused on Katrina and the government's failings, an attack by 'terrorists' even in the next few weeks, would be the perfect way to focus the country's attention on the other bad guy, the 'terrorist,' and OFF the government's failings or whatever they have planned for the next step as far as NOLA's concerned.

Any time in the next weeks would be kicking us when we're down, which would contribute to a feeling of uniting behind our government.

I didn't realize until I read this post that it's 9/11...

[edit on 11-9-2005 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

Originally posted by Rasputin13
Just remember... the first suicide bomber was a 13 year-old Iranian.

No it's not.

The Concept of Self-Sacrifice was a vital part of Warfare throughout the Human History. Actually the earliest "Sacrifice" in Warfare can be found in the Bible:

And Samson said, 'Let me die with the Philistines!' And he bowed himself with all his might; and the house fell upon the lords, and upon all the people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life. (Judges 16:30)

And during the Crusades, the Knights Templar destroyed one of their ships, killing 140 Christians in order to kill as much as 10 Muslims.


And let's not forget the Japanese Kamikaze during the WW2 in Pacific.

Did you know the Following also?

The Tamil Tigers were, as of 2000, "unequivocally the most effective and brutal terrorist organization ever to utilize suicide terrorism" (according to Yoram Schweitzer of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Israel.

Self Sacrifice in Warfare was not "Invented" by Muslim Terrorists.

Souljah- relax man.

Maybe I should have been a little more specific. This 13 year old boy was the first to wrap himself in explosives and blow himself up for Islam. He blew up an Iraqi tank in 1980 and was able to halt an Iraqi advance on Iran. There, the modern day Islamic suicide bomber was born. Obviously you can go back to Kamikazi pilots, or Japanese sailers who piloted one-man submarines with explosives. But that's not what I meant. We're talking about modern day suicide bomers here... something that has completely transformed the battlefield in a way which is far more effective than any Kamikazi attacks ever were. Suicide bombers can be the world's most accurate "smart bombs." Obviously, people have given up their lives throughout recorded history in order to destroy a person(s) or target. But we're not in the History forum. Let's stick to the subject at hand and not try to hand out history lessons everytime we misinterpret what someone says. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because you're from Yugoslavia.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
Of course not. I dont believe everything in those documentaries, but it was a real eye-opener for me. I dont believe the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. The phrase 'pull it', which the fire department used, is a standard order to leave the building.

I do believe that the US gov't knew the attacks were comming, and deliberately didn't do anything, and prevented FBI/CIA investigations earlier in 2001.

Sorry Zion, I wrote that response in a hurry. I thought that you're one of these "see this XYZ document, it's a pure truth, wake up mate.." there's a quite a lot of them on ATS.

Still, I believe everybody should watch that Alex Jones documentary, but they should be critical of what they believe in.

Thats a cool understanding for me.

What do you mean with "nothing in between - where I think the truth is." ?

That the truth is not as black & white, as we sometimes want to believe it is.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
I feel 9-11 is secure for awhile atleast.

but really it all comes down to

Do you believe there was a conspiracy behind the wtc attack or do you believe it was soley osama bin laden / al qaeda-whoever they blame these days.

On Sunday, there were bunches of documentaries about 9/11 on the Discovery and History channels.

Now I never believed that 9/11 was anything but an attack by bin Laden. I still don't.

But after watching some of these documentaries, I began to think about Flight 93, and whether or not it was shot down. Now I feel that such a move might have been warranted, to save additional lives.

I'm still not convinced that it was shot down, I'm just less sure that it wasn't than I was before.

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