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Time to question yourself

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posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 06:59 AM
Every time has its horrors

Every generation claims the worst times for itself. The course of things. We do not experience a global war but countless small and large conflicts between countries, religions, ideologies. What is different nowadays than in the past, there is an amplifier for radical people: The Internet. The war in Ukraine has left me stunned, the massacre in Israel has deeply disturbed me - I turned off twitter for a few days.

This conflict is unsolvable its seems. Its roots go back so far and are so deeply rooted in the souls of Jews and Muslims that there is no way out. I am on Israel's side, but I am aware of the anti-human settlement policy, the atrocities against the Palestinian people. But this does not justify the murdering, raping, displaying of corpses, the destruction of innocent life. It is disturbing that even friends with Muslim roots who were born in Germany, who live and work here normally, suddenly start defending this horror. On the other hand, as someone who is not affected, what right do I have to judge a Jew or a Muslim? I cannot empathize with what it is like to have to live constantly with anti-Semitism, racism, hatred. That applies to both sides.

Time to question yourself

I think a lot of us have lost their compass. Rational thinking is eroding. Everything goes to extremes. It's going to kill us in the long run. We humans have a weapon so powerful that everything we are today is based on it. Language, communication, dialogue. No matter how far apart we are in our view of life, we can always talk to each other, discuss. I think we’ve forgotten how to listen to each other. The Internet has transformed us, conditioned us, taught us what to trigger us. It would actually need an Internet driving license. The basis for a peaceful world, in my opinion, is that we have to understand each other.

In the end, we are all flesh and blood, we are transient, we seek love and recognition. When someone says in front of the camera: I hate you because you are a Jew, even if I do not know you, simply because you are a Jew. The romantic phrase does not help, such people belong in the psychatry. And secretly one wishes that such people simply disappear, which is another disturbing effect of these horrible events. So there are only losers in the story, no sense, just endless human suffering, that’s how stupid we are?

What is going to happen next?

Israel will carry out its ground offensive. Many civilians will die, new streams of refugees will be triggered - hatred is anchored in the next generation, in the children, young people. A cycle, no way out. As if we were all stuck in an endless Stephen King story.

Is there hope? Peace!

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:12 AM

originally posted by: malte85
Israel will carry out its ground offensive. Many civilians will die, new streams of refugees will be triggered - hatred is anchored in the next generation, in the children, young people. A cycle, no way out.

The Palestinians, and Muslims in general, are going to hate no matter what Israel does about the terrorist attack. It's taught to them as children that Jews are less than human. In this article, a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood speaks about how Muslims world wide are raised on hate rhetoric about Jews not being human and to slaughter them. It's an excellent read. I highly recommend it to everyone -

Short quote of the article ... click on the link to read more.

I was raised to curse Israel and pray for the destruction of the Jews

I was raised to curse Israel and pray for the destruction of Jews, writes AYAAN HIRSI ALI... That's why I know all too well Hamas is another ISIS - whatever useful idiots in the West say.

All across the West, there is no shortage of people blaming the horrors in Israel on Israel itself — and openly supporting the perpetrators.

When I was 16, my school's teacher of religion was Sister Aziza. She read to us the Koran's lurid descriptions of the everlasting fire that burns flesh and dissolves skin — the place reserved for Jews.

Sister Aziza described Jews as physically monstrous, with horns coming from their heads, out of which flew devils that would corrupt the world. Jews controlled everything, she told us, and it was the duty of Muslims to destroy them.

I abandoned my religion, but I have never lost my clear-sighted understanding, forged in my childhood, of Islamism's pathological hatred of Jews, as well as Muslims considered as heretics and non-Muslims in general.

The former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi — a one-time leader of the Muslim Brotherhood — declared that Muslims should 'nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred' of Jews. His organisation has done just that — and the despicable sentiment is the underlying context to Hamas's most recent attacks.

The truth, however, is that Hamas is no more a friend of the Palestinians than it is a friend of Israel.

Those who see the conflict as a simple territorial dispute between a colonial state and a dispossessed minority fail to recognise Hamas for what it really is: a gang of genocidal Islamist thugs backed by a theocratic, anti-Semitic regime in Iran.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The Palestinians, and Muslims in general, are going to hate no matter what Israel does about the terrorist attack.

Israel told them to flee so they fled , a convoy of 70 mainly women and children fleeing north Gaza has been destroyed.

Reports first emerged yesterday evening of a strike on a convoy of vehicles heading towards southern Gaza. Videos showing the carnage at the scene emerged shortly afterwards.

BBC Verify has confirmed the strike occurred on Salah-al-Din street; one of two evacuation routes from north Gaza to the south.

The road was full of traffic all day yesterday as Gazans based in the north adhered to Israeli warnings to vacate the area.

At least 12 dead bodies are visible in the footage, which is too graphic for us to show.

They are mostly women and children - some of whom appear to be as young as two to five years old. The positioning of shadows in the video suggests it was filmed at around 17:30 local time.

Most are seen lying on the back of flatbed truck – others are scattered around the road. Other damaged vehicles also litter the area.

No where to run no where to hide , there is no "safe corridor for escape".
Picture of the truck and those onboard before the strike.


posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: malte85

Israel will carry out its ground offensive. Many civilians will die, new streams of refugees will be triggered - hatred is anchored in the next generation, in the children, young people. A cycle, no way out. As if we were all stuck in an endless Stephen King story.

Well said.

Had the talent, missed your shot
Hard one to swallow, but it can’t be what its not
No intricate plot needed to put you in a box
Whether pacing or laid out front the congregation
Anyone could get knocked

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: gortex

I keep reading anything I can, and I just read "the strike". By whom? What happened?

All I know is that I recognize the victim-blaming mentality of news outlets and political celebrities, and the defense of Hamas is sickening. Anyone who thinks Israel is attacking Palestine on the regular without provocation is misled. Nobody wanted to control that land, it was offered to Egypt and other nations, and nobody wanted a part of it.

Imagine if your neighbor took an oath to see you dead, so you put up a fence, and now they kidnap your children and set fire to your home, have their way with your spouse and gaslight you, saying you did all those things and they're the victims. Then the whole world blames you for defending your very existence for the second time in a century.

Honestly, I see people on campuses in America chanting "no peace on stolen land" and wonder: well where the hell are you sleeping tonight then? People away from the situation assume everyone has the same morals and ideals as them, and it isn't so.

Read the history, know the cultures, imagine yourself in their shoes, and then maybe you'll get close to knowing a solution because I sure don't have one.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:33 AM
a reply to: gortex

And it will be said that the Israeli actions were justified.

I find it interesting that a people that were victims of a genocide are given the right to place others in concentration like camps and justified in committing genocide. They are said to be right and just, and given a pass because they have no other choice.

Yet those that they seek to destroy, for the claim to a plot of land, are labelled as terrorist and when they fight back, are seen as evil demons, murderers, and animals.

The end result of these kind of atrocities are present all around us. We have numerous examples around the globe of humanitie's failure at being humane.

Reservations in America, the aboriginals in Australia, almost every country has their own example. The same demonizing labels are often placed on the other groups that lost the battle, placing them in categories of worthlessness. They are to accept their fate throughout the generations until death claims the last of their kind. Or until the victor claims the life of their kind.

Winning a war does not make one's actions noble, fair, or right.

"To the victor goes the spoils", only seems fair to the one who claims himself to be victor.

(post by worldstarcountry removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:49 AM
I have said before that the Middle East is full of a lot of hate, and at a level, people want to kill each other over that hate. A good deal of that hate has nothing to do with the Jews as they are just one slice of the pie so to speak.

I have said that most of the Middle East is controlled by Warlords much like we see in Africa too. Young males are brought up in that world and trained to be soldiers with no need for America to fuel some new generation of fighters as some suggest. They will be there no matter if America is there or not as they will fight among themselves for power and control.

Then we have the Sunni and Shia that hate each other almost as much as they hate the Jews, so they have zero issues with killing each other, chopping off heads, etc. Mosques are a breeding ground for such hate as the males get indoctrinated their whole lives and women as treated as cattle within the many extreme groups like the Taliban.

In the end, it is never-ending hate for someone and goes on generation after generation all on its own. Even if they wiped out Israel it would not end as there are plenty of others to hate too.

edit on 14-10-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:50 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:52 AM

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posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Them maybe America should stay out of it.

Or are we so infiltrated that it is too late?

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

And it will be said that the Israeli actions were justified.

We need to remember that as much as Israel is closer to Western ways they are still a part of the Middle East that is extreme in so many ways. The ME does run on the eye for an eye rule even though Israel is the most moderate of them all.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

And it will be said that the Israeli actions were justified.

We need to remember that as much as Israel is closer to Western ways they are still a part of the Middle East that is extreme in so many ways. The ME does run on the eye for an eye rule even though Israel is the most moderate of them all.

Moderate? Or more sophisticated in it's weaponry, and more supported by world governments and dollars?

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:00 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Them maybe America should stay out of it.

Or are we so infiltrated that it is too late?

Stay out of Iraq and Afghanistan I agree even though the extremists in those places create a living hell for those that live there. We really have zero connection with those countries and they will kill each other or kill us, doesn't matter to them in the end.

As to Israel that is a different story. We have been connected since their start and 100,000s of Americans live there and 100,000s of Jews live here. America is also based for a very long time on judeo-christian values, so we have a rather big connection and close ties with Israel and the Jews in General.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: sine.nomine

All I know is that I recognize the victim-blaming mentality of news outlets and political celebrities, and the defense of Hamas is sickening.

Civilians aren't Hamas , children aren't Hamas nor should they be held responsible for the actions of Hamas , people are free to highlight the plight of the civilians caught up in this barbarous conflict while not defending Hamas.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Moderate? Or more sophisticated in it's weaponry, and more supported by world governments and dollars?

Do Jews stone women who are raped? Do they go into villages and cut off the heads of all the elders, do they treat women like cattle, do Jews want to kill each other? Do they rape boys as a common practice...

I could go on and on if you like but I think you get a picture...

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:05 AM
The OP should read this article:

And so, to the terrorists I now say:
When you killed my family, I forgave you. When you killed my people, I forgave you. But when you killed my idealism, I had no forgiveness left.

Personally, I’m of the mind that anyone still holding on to idealistic views of the world has their head in the clouds.

Idealism is part of what let things get this destabilized at a global scale. To be fair, that’s idealism all around.

It’s time to get back to real, here-and-now reality. That’s what Israel is doing.

I suspect the future will not be kind to far-left idealists.


Mexico or the drug cartels shoot 5k missiles at the US.

Me, half this board, half my (notably diverse) office will be going to the southern border along with the millions of others. Not even the cartel can handle that onslaught. Our border would be secured quickly.

In that scenario, zero F’s would be given. Ironically, that means we just leveled the playing field attitudinally with the “enemy” - just like Israel is doing right now.

No ideals - just dead enemies.

Since Hamas like to FAFO, they are now gaining the knowledge they sought.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, and such.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: gortex
Civilians aren't Hamas , children aren't Hamas nor should they be held responsible for the actions of Hamas , people are free to highlight the plight of the civilians caught up in this barbarous conflict while not defending Hamas.

True... Seems Hamas doesn't care, or actually wants it to happen. No matter how precise an airstrike is it is still a big bomb.

It also seems people here want to paint a picture of a very defined line between Hamas and everyone else and the reality is the locals support Hamas in many ways and cheer on what they do. I'm not saying they should be bombed for that, but I think there are a lot fewer innocents there than the picture some people want to paint. The masses cheering on the dead German girl as they drove street by street were not Hamas fighters...just saying.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So we support Israel because there are American Jews living there?

Because we are invested in Israel?

Britain installed them onto that land, and we have to pay for them.

Well I guess we will be setting up a new homeland soon for all the refugees we have streaming into our country right now.

Our deserts are taken, but that did not stop Britain, but the Native Americans fear not, because, America's new homeland residents will be far more aggressive in their land grab than the Israelis ever were.

And they will be as generously supported with sophisticated weaponry and money as the Israelis.

Oh what a tangled web we weave.

edit on 14-10-2023 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: (no reason given)

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