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The Secret Life Of Grays

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posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

With a bit of luck, the ATS'er who knows how might see this discussion and contribute the knowhow.

It stands to reason that sometimes we don't want the CE5 location near our homes.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: quintessentone

With a bit of luck, the ATS'er who knows how might see this discussion and contribute the knowhow.

It stands to reason that sometimes we don't want the CE5 location near our homes.

Although the kundalini and crystal work together was for a specific personal purpose, so maybe the energies actually worked to keep away that which was not welcome by me in the first place (?)

At this point in time for me, they can land anywhere near me if they want because I am an old timer now and would not be much use to them, so maybe full disclosure would be nice or giving me back my memories for a starter.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Well, knowledge has application, and I would like to sort out a civilised co-existance.

The grays are diverse by all reports, so it is is reasonable to assume some are hostile and some are not.

To draw the insect / gray comparrison is we have harmless bumble bees, tiny stingless ones and stinging honey bees.

We dont want insane American killer bees near schools.

My initial interest in the bio work was the idea of working out what the "loosh" thing is, and if not an urban legend, find a civilised way around it.

Im old too, but can study and learn.

Never too old to go exploring. : )

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

That's right the grays are diverse, I was thinking that if I opened the gates, so to speak, that only the grays involved with me in the past would be the ones that would be listening to my energy voice. Obviously my energy voice might be broadcast to a larger audience, so I'll just keep quiet as per usual.

Actually, isn't it true when sending out a spiritual communication with a singleness of purpose to a specific spiritual receiver, only that targeted receiver will respond? I thought I read that somewhere in the remote viewers forums.
edit on q000000301031America/Chicago4545America/Chicago10 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I reckon if enough people share their notes on the grays, we can probably understand far more than reading books on the subject. One of tge ideas behind this thread.

The grays that took me as a kid are the ones who showed up a few years ago. This time around I only interact with one I get on with. I can sense others in the background who are stand-off-ish.

I did get an offer to return to the childhood encounter. But decided not too as it would change our relationship.

So it is possible to remember.

My educated guess is your original grays would still know you, and probably be the ones to turn up. Wednesday was there 60 years ago, so is older than I.

My thoughts are we need to sort out urban legends from what is actually so.

ATS member CoyoteAngels pointed out very early childhood medical procedures can be very similar to abduction accounts through hyponotic regression. That got me thinking.

Knowledge out of place would cause a lot of psychlogical problems, and maybe attention from the wrong people.

I know my gray answered to the question of trauma and abduction: "it is kinder that way."

Actually, isn't it true when sending out a spiritual communication with a singleness of purpose to a specific spiritual receiver, only that targeted receiver will respond? I thought I read that somewhere in the remote viewers forums.

It seems to work that way. Though I know there can be eaves-dropping at either end.

Reading over one's shoulder happens a lot, and most people dont notice. When I read and write here, "Alice" and others put a hand on my shoulders and see through my eyes. That happens more than peoole realise.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

My thoughts are we need to sort out urban legends from what is actually so.

Absolutely we need to find out what is the real truth but I don't know how we can go about doing that.

Although I just watched Netflix's Encounters documentary where adults returned to where they witnessed UFO/aliens as children and recalled exact events as they reported them decades ago. Their truths remained their reality.

I suppose I am on this thread looking for consistencies and similarities to my truth.

Great thread.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 06:45 PM
Double post
edit on 10/6/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 11:41 PM
I thought I'd speak up on this thread, as I dealt with the greys for decades starting in the mid 1960s.

There are many bizarre qualities and inconsistencies when being brought in telepathically to their discussion and connections. When they 'speak' to me, it's in English, but it isn't proper English the way it's often depicted, or as some might imagine. Instead, it is very conversational, they've used words like "gonna" rather than "going to". They're so skillful that they're able to use my vernacular effortlessly, which is quite a trick for an invasive species of interdimensional bugs.

They 'speak' to me in Northeast American English, I get that. But when there are a lot of them around, I hear them talking to each other in English as well. And not just in conversations meant for me to hear, they could be referencing discussions they previously had that have nothing to do with me, and I hear it all in English. I've heard them argue, always in English.

And they do argue, more often than some might think. Not over big philosophical issues, they are usually just disagreeing on the best way to do things on a particular mission, or how to treat those of us being abducted, some are kind, some are cruel. Some are indifferent, and it's just another day at work for them. Yes, they're a hive mind, but they have very different personalities, to a degree. While they're all completely in step with what they're told to do, but like a family on a road trip they can argue about how to get there and get it done. I've been 'shouted' at, and warned and threatened by some no-nonsense greys, yet some can be kind and comforting. But make no mistake, they're still kidnapping you.

And they're so obsessed with their schedule. It's always "Okay, let's go, get on the ship, we're on a tight schedule today, we fell behind so no time to lose. It's always "Do we have time to do x ?" "Yeah, I think so, if we do it right now. But we'll have to be quick." Their operation is big, and has a lot of moving parts, and they seem to always be in motion. They have other stops to make after me.

I have a lot to say about the greys, lmk
edit on 6-10-2023 by CriticalThinkerNY because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: CriticalThinkerNY

'day CriticalThinkerNY. Good to have more experience on board in this thread.

The telepathy in our native speak gets to some of the skeptics here on ATS. Personally I guess it has to do with how the interpretation process works in our minds.

Aye, abduction is abduction. But still, we will pick up a stray animal and take it home wiithout thinking of asking permission.

My first time was that way as a kid, and the stern one looked me in the eyes and said "you will not remember what happens next."

The second time I know of was much more civilised. They obviously wanted co-operation, and sent in a non threatening one.

The third time they tried harder. For all the fun we had, business was business. When we went to work, it did not stop untill the job was completed.

Except for Melissa and Wednesday they tend to keepp their distsnce.

Feel free to pool knowledge!

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: CriticalThinkerNY

I like the notion of clock-watching 'invasive interdimensional bugs'. Wonder what happens if they mismanage their allotted time.


posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: CriticalThinkerNY

Same here, it started in the mid 60s but were your grays all the same in appearance?

I recall three grays, one very tall, one shorter and another short too but somehow different than the other two. The first two contacting me on their ship were the tall and short one, the other short one was working in the hybrid laboratory.

The tall gray seemed to be the communicator and the only one interacting with me telepathically sending waves of caring/love no words so of course his mouth would not be moving, the shorter one seemed to be operating something on the ship's panel and when he interrupted the tall gray's telepathic communication with me with telepathic words to the tall gray (all I heard was "She...) so then I looked at the shorter gray then noticed his mouth not moving which caused me to be somewhat confused and shocked, which then the flight fright mechanism kicked in, which then I realized I was frozen, which then caused me to panic even more. So I then turned my attention back to the tall gray and telepathically said "HELP", which he then did something on the panel and I was immediately released and they left.

Let's face it, sending waves of caring and love doesn't mean a thing without trust, respect and a protective vibe for a child or anyone for that matter. To this day, I'm not really sure why the tall gray ended the encounter when I asked him because reading his facial expression, he appeared pissed that he had to end it because of the shorter gray's interrupting us.

The shorter gray's facial expression of surprise at my fright/flight response of me noticing his mouth not moving may show that they knew very little about us back then, or that he was surprised a young child could be so observant. I don't know, it's all guesswork.

Then the shorter gray in the hybrid laboratory who seemed somewhat different, sexless, very clinical, scientist? all business. During that encounter the gray and I with one hybrid baby and a hybrid female child. Now that I think about it the gray was studying me closely asking me to pick up the baby, which I refused, then introduced me to the female hybrid child where there was really no interaction to speak of. If they were my hybrid children then I had absolutely no motherly instinct towards them, but then the gray did not tell me they were my children - was I to assume they were? I have no clue what that was all about to this day.

Anyway, I thought tall grays and short grays are in actuality two different species, are they? Anyone?

If they are, then that may explain why they argue with each other as they may have different cultures and/or different ideologies and goals.

If they can't manage to get along, we may all be doomed.
edit on q000000521031America/Chicago4949America/Chicago10 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: CriticalThinkerNY

I like the notion of clock-watching 'invasive interdimensional bugs'. Wonder what happens if they mismanage their allotted time.


Well, they can get caught if they don't time things exactly right, it happened once with us. They seem to know what their window is for not being witnessed by neighbors, other family members. They've landed in our damn backyard in daylight and somehow not been noticed despite having houses on all sides and a busy state road thirty feet away.

Their schedule obsession was more than once a matter of many different abductions by different teams coming together at the same time at a "base" that was underground, there were over a hundred people lined up in that trance state, some lines of dazed people being taken down one brightly lit tunnel, people arriving, brought by aliens, going different directions. When we arrived they took me in one way and stuck me in a long line that stood still for quite a while, I watched my brothers and mother being walked off another way. It may have been some kind of drill, a real mass abduction.

Behind me in line, maybe ten people back, a full grown man started to wake up. He was muttering, then shouted in distress, "This isn't a dream! This is really happening! This is really happening! Help me!" (And I just watched Rosemary's Baby again the other night, and she says the same thing almost verbatim as she isn't fully sedated during her abuse). They quickly pulled him out of line and walked him away as he was shouting, but all I could do is listen, because when I tried to turn around and look, I wasn't able to turn my head a damned inch. This was 1973.

So they seem to adhere to a schedule very rigidly, and can start to panic if circumstances arise that can throw them off that. I doubt they grab anybody spontaneously, just pulling them off the road or camping by a lake or whatever. My experiences lead me to think they were all on the docket that day.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 09:40 AM
I believe that the dinosauroid grays --- on established beachheads --- pass the time away by performing hydraulic experiments on the beach with the crashing surf; by using wooden boards, driftwood, rope and boulders.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 10:58 AM
And given at the right time and the right place...the dinosauroid grays are masters in the art of making carvings, geoglyphs, pictoglyphs and petroglyphs, which are used as a form of communication to the intelligent, host dwellers of an alien planet.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

The greys I dealt with varied greatly in appearance.
The tall greys were more of a fish-belly white or whitish-grey. With their black eyes they reminded me of dead fish. They were 7 feet tall and had to duck under the top of the doorway ever from room to room, especially when they were floating.

There were greys that were roughly five feet tall as well as the shorter ones everybody knows about. I'm adamant on the 5' tall ones, I remember them being roughly my size as a teen. And they were the friendliest, they were the same aliens I had during repeat visits, they knew me, and treated my with the same clinical friendship you might have with your GP doctor. The tall greys treated me more like a veterinarian speaks to a dog he's treating. "Be calm, relax, you won't be harmed. Just cooperate and we can return you soon." There weas rarely what you might call conversation with them, unless they felt it would help secure your cooperation with the least resistance. After all, they're not going to tell you anything; not who they are, where they're from, what they're doing. If anyone tries to tell me the name of the alien race or their homeworld, I know they're lying, or at the very least, deluded.

And then the Mantis beings, which are the top of the food chain, the tall greys answer to them, the short greys answer to the tall greys and the mantis'.

Also, some greys are tan, wrinkled, some are pinkish - more direct hybrids, like my son they introduced me to.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: CriticalThinkerNY

One take-away from that seems to be, at least when they're in our space-time, they can't manipulate time. They have a fixed duration of time to get things done in, just like us.


posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: CriticalThinkerNY

And then the Mantis beings, which are the top of the food chain, the tall greys answer to them, the short greys answer to the tall greys and the mantis'.

I am interested in hearing more of the mantis type beings if you would. I have not met them myself.

No one much talks about them in the UFO lore.

I find it notable that in Nature the praying mantis is an apex predator in the insect world. In Nature the mantis will catch and eat bees.

edit on 10/7/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: fixed bbcode

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 02:40 AM
While I've not encountered shapeshifting mantids, I'll describe a shapeshifting relative of the 'mantis', the dragonfly, also a predator.

The ability to compare one can give us practical insight into the other.

While I know no reports of 'dragonfly aliens' shapeshifting, the ability of the mantid to shapeshift is a part of UFO lore.

The shapeshifters I know well, and they fit in with the implication of the insect origin of grays, and very probably more. Afterall they have millions of years of spiritual evolition on humans

In Arthurian lore we have the Lady of the Lake and the wood-nymphs.

The wood-nymphs I've encounted are female human figures about four feet tall, with three pairs of wings. A fairly classical view.

The face, the countensnce, is a bright yellow white light that does not quite reconcile with either human face or dragonfly. I could never tell which, it changes between the two constantly.

The transformation from insect to human confuses the mind. An inversion takes place. The human form is not natural to the Being.

Where the dragonfly has three pairs of legs, and two pairs of wings, The wood-nymph is the opposite with two pairs of limbs (arms and legs) and three pairs of wings.

To watch them shape shift is like watching them turm inside out and become upside down. The mind watching this kinda does the same.

Their ancestral memories are inherited. This is because when one of them gets weary of life, they divide into six or so identical versions of themselves. This happens over and over with ancestral memories going back a very long way.

The original then steps back, and the new ones then live lives of their own. One might say the older ones become too wise, and leave the impetuous youngsters to carry on.

They can see your thoughts and read your emotions with ease. They also have a wicked sense of humoir. I once admired their butts and was instantly caight in the act. There after they would wave their butts in greeting and goodbye.

The mantids of UFO lore have, so I guess, many similarities with the dragonflys of classical lore.

edit on 10/10/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

communication via pictural analogy

but sure advanced

we humans who have the 'pleasure' of knowing these creatures, know that you are under some form of control from the very start of the interaction.

i suspect that the implants allot of abductees have near the base of the brain stem would allow them (depending if it sent out little nodes to different areas of the brain) to paralyze you, make you feel any feeling on your body and possibly higher brain functions like making you see things that are not really there or not how they really appear.

i do not believe these beings are 'magic' but rather a being with advanced tech that to us looks like magic or some other sort of 'power'.

someone once said that magic is just technology we don't understand yet.

my experiences have ranged from pure terror to amazement at the technology at these things fingers.

I saw somewhere in this thread or another one about seeing old looking grays.

i hate oping windows at night time, it give me a very apprehensive feeling going up to the window and im a grown adult.

one time i was in a room in the house and i got that feeling you get when someone is looking at you but times 100.

This time i was like ' I'm going to get a picture of something'. I knew for a fact there was something out there as the vibes or i was going to get a picture of nothing and feel very very silly.

well i got a pic of a simi translucent creature that in real life i was less than 5 feet away from me with only a bug screen between us.

it looked very very old and and had round eyes and very wrinkled skin, I want to say that it was cream colored or a darker cream colored skin.

i slammed the window shut and i swear on everything i think someone/something else made it go away, in a large window was an almost feline looking gray but not scary and very pretty in a way. got a pic of that and my family say it as well.

i dont feel like sharing them on a public forum, but if your intrested let me know and ill send it to you but you I plead if i do share them to keep them to your self.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: OrangeOrbs

Technology so advanced it's indistinguishable from magic. Biological technology? Technically that's just evolution and nature right? When I think about that I consider the integration aspect of the physical world and I assume it's all heading into a similar direction. All life makes similar uses of the mechanical nature of existence. Things like vibration sensors and light receptors. So would it be a good call to say it might not be wise to look for invented/created technology? Nature is kinda magic how multiple organisms develop with each other and create highly diverse functions due to each other.

Frequencies are interesting, all sorts can be induced via them but I'm not well versed on that stuff to say human activities are relatively primitive in comparison to what nature could develop over millions of years. If we're to assume it's multiple species that are capable of initiating "weird phenomena" then maybe they're all doing it for different reasons. When it comes to insects they're usually looking for food or the communication is a warning. Some say all communication boils down to those two things.

Anyways just waffling on here, have you considered using frequencies to initiate similar experiences? There's loads of work out their regarding frequencies and phenomena. It's not a new avenue of research either if you consider meditation techniques... I've always had a feeling there's a "tuning in" thing to all this.

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