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The Secret Life Of Grays

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posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

What it seems to me is that they are able to adopt/house 'what they believe' are human emotions and telepathically transmit them back to us, but in reality they don't really feel? or understand due to the fact that they are not born into or bonded into those human emotions as we are.

I am not sure how well I can explain my experiences with this specific observation of them, but I'll try.

When one gray telepathically transmitted to me thought waves of love/caring, I recognized it as love/caring but to me it was as if it was a disconnected telepathic thought wave of love towards me, but because the gray and I had no basis/grounding for the love/caring, well at least for my part, I felt nothing in return.

They may think they understand and 'feel' what we feel but as with the maternal instinct and parent/child bonding, they are missing the key elements of bonding, perhaps more is missing that they can't put their finger on.

So is this maternal instinct and bonding actually an elusive biological/chemical process which starts at conception?

I would hazard a guess as the human hybrid becomes more human looking and that they can live among with us without detection, then the hybrid feti can be left in the mother's womb as is our natural way thereby allowing the maternal/child bonding to take place, but this is just my theory.


So when your female yellow gray transmitted those 'missing the older brother or the brother's doting/love' I doubt the gray was actually feeling those emotions because that gray had no basis or grounding in those emotions, if you get what I am trying to relay. That gray was sharing those 'downloaded'? emotions from others but I cannot understand how she could actually experience those emotions herself without everything else that goes along with creating and building those emotions over time.
edit on q00000005930America/Chicago4848America/Chicago9 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

I suspect the Grays evolved into a warm blooded, dinosauroid humanoid species on an exoplanet. They sport three fingered hands and three toed feet.

They dinosauroid ET crews, should have nuts an bolts starships, capable of travelling in the superluminal realm.

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Feel free to post your thoughts, insights and interactions quintessentone. This is really interesting.

They may think they understand and 'feel' what we feel but as with the maternal instinct and parent/child bonding, they are missing the key elements of bonding, perhaps more is missing that they can't put their finger on.

I quite agree that bonding is missing from the gray society, and that is the key element missing. There is a simple way to work around that. The gray and I bonded in some ways over time. I think you have hit the nail on the head - the bonding relationships are missing from hive society.

I wonder if the human family relationships is seen as something desirable. Perhaps they have taken the hive to evolutionaty spiritual perfection and now look at adding human relationships as a way of further developement. A different direction of developement?

So when your female yellow gray transmitted those 'missing the older brother or the brother's doting/love' I doubt the gray was actually feeling those emotions because that gray had no basis or grounding in those emotions, if you get what I am trying to relay. That gray was sharing those 'downloaded'? emotions from others but I cannot understand how she could actually experience those emotions herself without everything else that goes along with creating and building those emotions over time.

It is a long association on a daily basis and she probably grew into the role. She is a good actor, yet I think she also lived the role in time. By the time I saw the loneliness months had passed. We were comfortable enough together to let her see the real internal me.

When I 'saw' the memories of a human child within the gray, it stopped my hostility simply because I can't bring myself to hurt women and children (adult males are another matter). So clearly tactical on her part.

She grew into the role with time untill I could no longer tell the difference, and at times I think she forgot too. We actually had a lot of fun together. At one point she disappeared for three days which worried me. I thought she may have been taken away for "re-education". I think she was, she was more business like when she returned.

The first encounter lasted only a few minutes. The second encounter is still ongoing off and on.

I'll tell you what happened.

I live in a small rural town, and across the road is a paddock. I can sit on my front veranda and watch the sheep walk by.

The first encounter I was putting out the rubbish bin one evening and got the sense of lights around tree top height and up and down the street. The scene was straight out the movie Close Encounters. (strike one) I ignored that and put the bin on the street verge. I watched for a short while and this four foot tall yellow gray appeared floating in front of me.

It announced "We are all one".

Me: "Yeah right", and ignorred it. (strike two)

Then it comes up very close to my face, and looked me in the eyes. That scene was straight out of the movie Abyss where the dying diver is saved by the alien. I figured mesmerism, so didn't engague. (That was the third strike - you're out.)

It then said they were interested in my reaserch, Looking into it's eyes one knew it didn't know all that much about me.

So I told it to "F*** OFF!" and went inside to watch TV so I would zone out. (TV has some uses : )

It was the movie scenes I recognised that put me off. It felt like I was being set up.

So yeah, they can take high emotion scenes from movies that people have watched and project them so one re-experiences the moment. I don't think of that as deception really, more just setting the scene. There is a communication there rather than deceprion.

The second encounter was few weeks later, it turned up again. This time there was something different about it, it did not feel so bland.

So we went and I sat on my veranda and had a cigarette to figure out what it wanted.

Then one noticed it had a childlike girly-ness feeling to it this time. That is when I realised it had someone's else's memories. They had done their homework.

The grey had a smug "checkmate" air about it like it knew I can't bring myself to hurt kids. I only smacked my kids once and the hurt look on my son's face put me off that sort of discipline.

"It then became a "her" for me. At one point she got all excited, stood on a chair, put her hands on the table, butt pointing in the air and announced she wanted to play inside my head. I said "no" and put some rules in place. I adopted her as my honorary 'grand-daughter'. Grand daughters don't pull apart grand dad's head, and grand dad does not hurt grand kids.

That is how she got the nickname Wednesday Adamms. In the TV show the Adams Family, the daughter Wednesday had a headless Marie Antoinette doll. My sense of dark humour.

That is a treaty, an agreement of mutual action. For me there is a very serious strategic side to 'playing games', especially with non-human consciousnesses. Children learn to get along with others, and play by the rules. Break the rules to a game, and you lose. Wedneday can be very competative, and I guess she did not like to lose. If she broke the rules, I would have sent her away then and there.

We played 'house' from then on. Me the doting grand father and her the little girl who could wrap me arround her little finger and get what ever she wanted. I made her work for things though. It was a lot of fun, and yet scarey at times. She had a very serious side.

She hung about for months, and still visits. We talked about things, and we went RV'ing (Remote Viewing) places. I would take her with me to look at what she wanted to see. Basically she got to see herself through my mind's eye. A lot of UFO related things and also disease and medicine. Her arrival was just before Covid. Wednesday made it clear very early of her bio-engineering knowledge and that her body's internal organs was designed for that purpose.

That aside, Wednesday can actually give me a genuine smile these days, at least it feels that way.

edit on 9/30/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Erno86

They certainly had a lot of time to achieve many things before humans. 200 million years for the reptiles and 60 million years for the bees.

Who knows what evolutionary and spiritual hieghts they may have achieved in that time.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Erno86

They certainly had a lot of time to achieve many things before humans. 200 million years for the reptiles and 60 million years for the bees.

Who knows what evolutionary and spiritual hieghts they may have achieved in that time.

If they do indeed come from somewhere other than Earth and their planets orbits a Red Dwarf star, which takes longer than our Sun to burn itself out, then it could be a much longer time to advance.

As for Wednesday wanting to play in your head, that would be a hard 'no' for me too and has been a hard 'no' because my relationship with the grays had to #1 be based on trust, respect and boundaries or 'no go'.

It never occurred to me that they were deceiving me or us what with how we are trashing the Earth and war after war after war.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I don't think they are deliberately deceptive, I think it is a problem of communication. They have what they want to achieve in an encounter, and they go about achieving that in their own way.

The movie scenes were, in hindsight, obviously to set the scene. The movie Close Encounters is obvious, the lead up to 'extraterrestrial contact'. The scene from the movie The Abyss is 'alien communion'.

I'm on the suspicious side, having gone through lots of similar events with other "higher Beings" who are a lot more human. I worked for them for years. One day we had a final arguement over a teenage girl that disappeared and was eventually murdered.

The arguement was over a missing kid. Instead of doing what they wanted to achieve, I stayed (RV'ng) with the kid while she was captive and while she died. That girl is "Alice" from my ATS avatar, the fella represents me, and "Alice" and I look at each other through the looking glass (life and afterlife). "Alice" lived on the other side of the world and I never knew her in life. I was "with" her when she died, and I was the first thing she saw when she woke up on the otherside. We look after each other now.

I never forgave them for not helping Alice. She was trash to them. And they are always pulling crap to get me to work for them again.

That's why I told the grays to "F*** OFF!" in no uncertain terms, I thought they may have been connected with the 'ascended human people" (the a** holes Upstairs).

As for Wednesday wanting to play in your head, that would be a hard 'no' for me too and has been a hard 'no' because my relationship with the grays had to #1 be based on trust, respect and boundaries or 'no go'.

(smile) "trust, respect and boundaries" ~ that is exactly it.

I'll tell you about memory work. We did a some of that with the grays and also know the memory work from spending time with the Nature Beings. I went into 'memory' in my Secret Life Of Fairies thread. We can go into it here anew.

Memories are not actually "installed". More like finding the particular memory in the planetary memory and remembering them for oneself. To recall someone else's memories. Non human memories too.

In practice, organic based memeory isn't how science fiction portrays it in the movies, nor what the computer science technocrats think it is. Organic based memory is water based, and inorganic memory is memory that has been converted to something else.

It takes self discipline to relive someone else's memory. It also takes some detachment because one relives the memories, even if someone or something else, complete with the emotions felt at the time.

The self discipline is to not think in terms of reincarnation. One has to toss reincarnation out the window as unhelpful cultural influence baggage. One thinks in terms of only existing as the current life. What one recalls is not one's own memories, but that you are living someone, or something, else's memories. Otherwise those memories may take over and one is liable to forget who or what one actually is. It took a few weeks for me to become comfortably oriented as "me" again and not the 'little blue light'.

It takes practice and the first time for me was the memory of being a small blue light that once upon a time would form non-sexual relationships with female humans. Bsically I got to learn how the 'fairy folk' create the double of the women.

One doesn't read a book, or attend a lecture to gain knowledge, one lived it, even if the event happened a few hundred years ago.

You would know yourself the difference between being there and learning about the 'hybrid program' and reading about it here on ATS as someone else's recounting. The grays are not the only ones who find humans useful in this way.

Getting back to the memory work. Before meeting Wednesday (gray), I already knew that memory can be relived, even if the memory is not one's own. In the reliving, the memory stays as one's own. That is how I recognised what had happened to the gray, and wasn't surprised to see her miss the older brother as if she actually had one.

It never occurred to me that they were deceiving me or us what with how we are trashing the Earth and war after war after war.

I think we can toss "deception" out the window. I think the problem for the grays is; they are trying to get a message across to a completely different species. I can forgive the misunderstandings because it is probably mostly my fault for jumping to conclusions in these events. One learns though.

The war and end of the world visions are brought up in encounters with the grays. Not surprising really, they live here too. And I am quite certain that there is more to the 'hybrid program' than meets the eye.

edit on 10/2/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The self discipline is to not think in terms of reincarnation. One has to toss reincarnation out the window as unhelpful cultural influence baggage. One thinks in terms of only existing as the current life. What one recalls is not one's own memories, but that you are living someone, or something, else's memories. Otherwise those memories may take over and one is liable to forget who or what one actually is. It took a few weeks for me to become comfortably oriented as "me" again and not the 'little blue light'.

Right there is why I didn't give my whole self over to them because I didn't want to lose my self for any extended period of time. That's probably why I don't like the effects of shrooms or other psychedelics. I like being in complete control of me and my world/reality so the grays would get absolutely no cooperation from me without a full explanation beforehand of what I could expect.

I'll do my own 'little blue or another color light' when and where I choose and if any experience, such as taking on others' memories, would cause me to lose myself for an extended period of time, the reason why would need to be very important for the right reasons.

It's enough for me to live in this reality day to day and roll over or relive my life's memories for knowledge and clarification for own life's path. Isn't this why we are here, to evolve ourselves? If so this takes up all one's energies, time, and self-reflection for continual growth as an entity. However, I will volunteer myself when it comes to making a difference in issues more important than myself, such as saving humanity/extra-terrestrials or our planet via the hybrid program. As for joining in the memory sharing, I can't see how that benefits everyone, unless the grays find reliving others' memories as a means to an end for them to advance.

If you find you can split yourself and/or be able to regain yourself (fully? or are you muddied after?) then it's for you and only you to know whether or not it serves you well or not. I hope it's a mutual benefit.
edit on q000000291031America/Chicago3535America/Chicago10 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Aye, it's a personal judgement call.

The first time was to meet the girl the 'blue light" had the relationship with, and learn the making of the 'fairy double'.

With the grays, it was Wednesday who was doing the memory work. I didn't do that with them.

Most of my work has been with Beings other than grays.

I've always been interested in the organic gardening and healing. We did some interesting things along those lines.

The real learning for me was the exercise of navigating conscious systems and conscious networks.

So I cant say we did anything in particular. Apparently they got "everything we needed to know". I learned of a few new horizons in medicine. What is possible using herbs.

So yeah, mutual benefit.

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Have you done any work with the Pleiadians?

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

The folk who go by Egyptian names?

The "P" word isnt popular here on ATS because of the Meyer controversy and new age connection.

I do know of groups of deceased (ascended?) humans who scout and recruit living talent. The new age was their doing one might say. Or at least they took advantage of people who can talk or see clairvoyantly.

From experince, there is a great deal of effort, and an sctual plan to keep humanity on a certain path of civilisationary evoloution. One might say the are civilisation builders and designers.

One will find them in the background going under various titles.

They seem to recruit to keep humanity on a given path of spiritual developement. Yet in my own view, there is a whole aspect to spirituality that funnels people into different groups.

The practice of "sandboxing" (computer term).

There is a lot of effort going on unnoticed to sandbox everyone into groups.

The dark side of this is they also make sure no one is independant. It is well known in European occult groups that people who go it alone (like me) do not (literally) survive for long. Culling does take place, A "dark science" in itself.

To their great dislike, I did survive, and why my posts are not conventional "wisdom". : )

So yeah, when I was young I have worked with pleiadians, and we dont get on anymore.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

That's an interesting term 'sandboxing' to use in the funneling of people into certain spiritual groups...safeguarding or a security measure from corruption.

Why don't you get along with them anymore? Youthful rebellion? lol

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

"Sandboxing" : )

- a play on the 'simulation theory of consciousness', the "matrix" idea popular these days. The "matrix" is in principal a sandbox.

If one orders things in that way, that implies a consciousness that is outside the sandboxes. The controlers of the world of human thought. The Archons of gnostic thought might be the term here.

It doesn't seem to matter what philosophy one adopts, as long as one adopts a philosophy. In practice that is.

But step outside the philosophies, and it is a different matter.

"Archons" have many names. The "controlers" is just one. But outside the human schools of thought is where one finds them. "The Universe" the newagers called them in the day.

To find the archons, step out of human thought. One can find them there. Or rather, they will find you.

Youthful rebellion?

No, they were the ones who went silent when "Alice" disaappeared.

edit on 10/5/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: fixed bbcode

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The ET dinosauroid grays call themselves "Gaods".

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

Don't ask don't tell...


You said , the secret life of gRays ..

In that case...

Honestly, who cares what some gray does in the comfort of his own bedroom?

I mean just because Captain Kirk was an exhibitionist,does not mean all aliens are willing to give up thier privacy..

Unless your talking some sort of borg like over mind..

Then it's just kinky, what with all those voyeur's..

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you don't want an anal probe then it's best not to ask them questions that insinuate your interested...

edit on 5-10-2023 by Mike Stivic because: Apologies to mods in advance for my inevitable wrist slap..

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: Mike Stivic

'day meathead. Let me tell you, the one I met has no concept of shame. I know her anatomy very well.

The tongue is round and not flat. Not at all designed to artculate air and create sound. That tongue is designed for analysis through the ssnse of taste. My suspicion is the head has a well developed olfactory lobe.

The throat connects to a stomach and ends there. No intestines.

What that girl (gray) could do in the bio-engineering field is amazing. She can taste and analyse samples from licking your face. She would disassemble the building blocks of life such as protiens from the sample. She could then reassemble as designer protiens, and spit it up into your hands.

That four foot tall body is the equivalent of a bio-lab and so much more. A very intellegent bio-lab. It was designed for that very purpose.

I learned a lot from that small gray. She taught me hiw to extract living sulphur from a physical body. Which helped me understand Rudolf Steiner's biodaynamic agriculture.

I have an organic orchard in its fourth year of conversion to biodynamics.

What the gray bio-engineers can teach us about organic husbandry is staggering. Dare say even human husbandry.

We need to compare the anatomy of the honey bee with the bio engineering gray. How honey is made in the bee is a major clue.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: Erno86

That is a TV show from memory, and the premise was a symbiotic approach.

I have no knowledge of that approach, when it comes to grays. That doesn't suggest to say, it doesn't happen.

A few years ago, there was discussion here on ATS of the kundalini being the installation of non standard intellegence. (It wasn't me that coined that term by the way.)

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

We humans are already at that stage in making honey without bees, they crack'd it.

“We are excited about MeliBio’s approach in building a next generation food technology that connects plant science and precision fermentation,” said Christina Ulardic, partner at Astanor Ventures, via email. “Darko and Aaron are passionate about taking pressure off the commercial honey bee supply chain and consequently improving pollinator diversity. We are quite impressed by their first product.”,scale%20and%20make%20the%20pr oduct.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Erno86

That is a TV show from memory, and the premise was a symbiotic approach.

I have no knowledge of that approach, when it comes to grays. That doesn't suggest to say, it doesn't happen.

A few years ago, there was discussion here on ATS of the kundalini being the installation of non standard intellegence. (It wasn't me that coined that term by the way.)

I just have to add the couple of times I tried kundalini I was astonished how well it worked with crystal cleansing and energy flow. As for installing non standard intelligence I became too dizzy the last time for any installation to occur but that may have been because I was also using crystal energy work with it.
edit on q000000421031America/Chicago1212America/Chicago10 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Kellyprettybear (ATS member) went through the kundalini. He was the one who coined the tern 'installation of . . .' I haven't been inclined myself.

Khrishnamurti did it, but he was to become the vessel for the ascended Master Maitraya.

The mention of crystal work reminds of an ATS member who spoke of using crystals to disrupt the landing locations of the gray's UFO's.

Which fits with the mechanics of the psycho-spiritual CE5 location in the OP. Crystals would probably disrupt that.

The man made "honey" article was a tad horrifying. Steiner warned about using sugar to feed bees rather than flower nectar. The aetheric spiritual forces of Nature didn't work in the same way. I am sure the Israeli company scientists can't see into the spiritual realm like Steiner did.

The grays work in a very similar way to what is described in Steiner's agricultural and medicinal lectures.

For example sulphur and phosphorus are "light bearers" and bring a certain intellegence into the workings of organic life.

We worked with the supply of living sulfur so Wednesday (gray) had the living raw substance to build new proteins.

But not just any sulphur will do.

In mineral sulphur the intellgence is not the same as sulphur in the plant. Nor the same as sulphur found in the healthy animal. And of course not the same as in the human.

The mineral > plant > animal > human is important, it brings a differing light born by sulphur.

So the research we did was along the lines of how to provide the best, most intellegent sulphur as a raw material.

We identified a certain plant that can help.

Basically one would overload the body with sulphur by eating say cabbage. The excess sulphur comes out through the pores of the skin. That can be gathered.

Very early days here. Finding the time to research is my problem.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

The mention of crystal work reminds of an ATS member who spoke of using crystals to disrupt the landing locations of the gray's UFO's.

Which fits with the mechanics of the psycho-spiritual CE5 location in the OP. Crystals would probably disrupt that.

Yes, I absolutely believe the crystals disrupted or crossed energies somehow.

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