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Greenpeace activists arrested for covering Rishi Sunak's mansion in black fabric

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posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

when I read that news story , I was fuming , it makes me so angry to see that a billionaire
and his billionaire wife are raping the UK tax payers

and we all know for sure that the wealth from that Oil will not grace the lands of the UK
but instead line the pockets of the super rich

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 05:06 AM
These eco-groups will get nowhere with these stunts tbh. And their cause is moronic. "We gotta stop using fossil fuels", alright fine, I agree. But they also oppose nuclear power. Which is the only viable alternative. Government "green initiatives" in the 21st century are much like "infrastructure projects". They funnel billions in taxpayer money to corporations that proceed to do naff all, and if they do anything they often make things considerably worse than they were before. This is especially true with "green initiatives"

That being said Sunak deserves each and every inconvenience that befalls him, and I'm sure he will go down in history as the worst Prime Minister with the possible exception of Edward Heath.

Thanks for the 25-30% yearly rise in all prices, Rishi. DIckhead.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: sapien82

It's made worse when the revenues in the North Sea were always considered to belong to the taxpayer and valued well over £1.3 trillion in 2009 - it was reffered to by Lord James of Blackheath as 'Corporation X' coould be used to bail out all the banks after the financial crisis of 2008, prevent any of the austerity measures being implemented and have plenty left over for mass investment in public serfvices and infrastructure.

It's probably worth more like 2Tn now but that's all been robbed from the public purse to line his own and donors pockets.

It's meant to be illegal- IIRC Sunak has repeatedly broken Ministerial Code and failed to declare the interest to Parliament for years than got off with a couplle of months back by using the excuse it wasn't public interest/he didn't think it was relevant when it emerged his wife would make millions off new childcare legislation.

Not sure if it is still running but Cameron set up something called the 'Leaders Group shortly in 2003 which openly offered secret one on one meetings with himself, chancellor or cabinet members to major Party donors.

For £50,000 to £250,000+ donors got the chance to wine and dine with the PM, Chancellor, Home Sec or Foreign Sec - the more you gave, the more meetings you had - some even inside number 10 with ex-convicts; despite all this the Tory party claimed it was 'malicious' to ask for minutes, transparency or to think/claim that having multiple one on one private meetings with government to discuss policy may influence policy,.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: bastion

absolute scumbags man

what the actual # is wrong with the UK

why do we allow this to continue ?

I am so confused with politics in the UK its a #eshow
yet somehow it keeps happening

I just hope there is growing discontent with the UK public and eventually we all get so angry with their abuse of power we kick them into the sea

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: sapien82

That's a big yes from me!

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: sapien82

Thing is, its a constant stream of deflection tactics that turns the public's eye away from what really matters.
Black v White.
North v South.
England v Scotland.
Low income earners v Benefit dodgers.

Then every now and then a past-their-best so called celebrity or washed out politician gets served up as a sacrificial lamb by a compliant MSM so satiate the public demand for blood.

In the meantime the elite continue doing what they've always done free from any real recriminations.

The changes we should be demanding, dare I say even forcing, are dismantling the glass ceiling that keeps so many people in this country back and all that it represents and protects.

I'm still as angry now 40+ years later as I was back when I was a 16/17 year old kid.
I wouldn't just smash the system, I'd blow it to smithereens....unfortunately that anger and rage are dampened somewhat with the cynicism of advancing years and accepting that the majority of people really don't care as long as they have a roof over their head, their family are warm and fed and they have enough money left over for a few beers/holiday etc.

The working people really are their own worst enemy at times; we have short memories and are easily satisfied.
We've been brow-beaten into having low expectations and believing that their isn't a better alternative.

Every time I think we're approaching a tipping point 'we' get distracted and it fizzles out and we end up back where we started.

Well, I've gone a bit off topic - been a while since I've had a bit of a rant.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

ahh I couldn't agree more mate

its pathetic, what has happened is out of control and we all feel defeated and too small to make any real change
and the seeds of division are sown repeatedly

its actually disgusting how this whole thing operates, the people of Britain could be exceptionally well off yet
somehow only a handful of people are living easy

if only we were more united against government corruption.
maybe we could make a real change

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 05:29 AM
I also just read that Rishi had invested 500 million dollars into Moderna through a Cayman Islands company
during the pandemic

johno_looney instagram

rishi sunak refuses to comment on moderna covid profit


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