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The Rapture of the church of Jesus Christ is is drawing near. How will it be?

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posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: holydarkness

That's a terrible deal. I have a deal for you holydarkness. Earnestly and honestly pray to Jesus then just open your eyes be patient and see what just may be pleasantly surprised.......the deal is you either get eternal life or You're right back here where we started.
edit on 21-9-2022 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2022 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
I am so ready for my Lord and Savior to come save me and whisp me away to heaven where I can join the heavenly ranks and serve the most high God.

I just wonder what that is going to be like? we all just vanish in an instant leaving our bodies behind? Dematerialize? Climb aboard some sort of uap/ufo craft?.........just fly in energy form meeting Jesus in the sky?

And do we really skip the tribulation? And get to watch it all go down while we prepare to take part in the final battle?

Abba father......I'm ready to stand by your son and fight against the forces of evil....

What a fantastical adventure packed future we have to look forward too.....

I love my Lord Jesus and I will worship him

First things first!
As the Messianic Jew's re-interpret prophecy for us pagan's, your idea of what the rapture is, along with much of the Hal Lindsey understood prophecy movement, will crumble.

It is actually an exciting time if you pay attention to developments.
Reading prophecy from our pagan point of view is going to produce a ton of mistaken assumptions.

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 02:17 AM
It's not drawing near.

That's all there is to it.
edit on 22-9-2022 by ExiledSpirit777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 02:29 AM
It’s just the sun going micro nova soon, not the rapture. It’s a 12000 year cycle.

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Albert999

Yeh "micronova" aren't a thing, aside from of a pseudoscientific nature.
edit on 22-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Albert999

Yeh "micronova" aren't a thing, aside from of a pseudoscientific nature.

Ok 👍🏻

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Albert999

The Sun is not in the correct stage of her life cycle to be able to go nova.

And will probably end her days as a red dwarf star in about 5 billion years or so as opposed to becoming a white dwarf star which could potentially have the capability to go nova.

She does however unleash powerful explosions aka solar flares, and can even spit plasma in our direction in what's called a coronal mass ejection which is probably what you mean by micro nova.

As to 12,000 year cycles, well we still have significant problems predicting when the 11 year sun spot cycles will begin or end, cant imagine any sort of model that could predict what she's going to do in 12,000 years with any sort of accuracy.
edit on 22-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 06:22 AM
Some people are absolutely LIVID about a recent announcement Pope Francis has made:

Relgious Pluralism is God's Will

I'm Catholic and have studied almost all of the world's major religions (including folk relgions) and while they vary is many aspects like ritual, dress and practice they all have similiar themes in common, including the concept of an Origin or Master Godhead and an associated pantheon of lesser and specialized dieties with degrees of specialization, from the expansive Hindu Parthenon to the Celestial Angelic Heirarchy, as well as various archetypes for various tests and trials to mature the Human Spirit and test their commitments, wisdom, and talents.

All these cultures and manifestations of practice and faith generally subscribe to similar themes about Noble Sacrifice, caring for the Greater Community, Good Deeds and Righteous Action, Sacrifices (both spiritual and material), and Right Action and Right Conduct.

Is it not possible that Pope Francis is speaking as the Mouthpiece of God (as Catholics traditional believe) and has been told to share the Creator's wishes for us to consider and move forward into the New Age with as a testament to the fact that the Creator, in his infinite wisdom is ready for us to take into consideration that he did, indeed, create EVERY Race and Culture for a purpose and a reason, to have a multifacted and varied and individualistic expession from each Culture to create their OWN understanding of Him and various storytellings and origin stories because He wanted to see how we, a the Human Race would evolve and grow into an understanding of Him in their own way?

Because when I look at the wealth of expression, stories, songs, cultural traditions, dress, rituals and expressions from across the Planet, all I see is proof of how Divine and multifacted the Creator really is.

And this is where I might have some personal bias, because there are things He has set forward (in all cultures) that He finds detestable and strongly cautions against, namely things that are Destructive, Wicked and Vile, and behaviours that disrupt the rights of others and their safety and security, and right to be. (Murder, Theft, Covetous Behavior, and basically everything lined out in the Ten Commandments to keep it brief). All cultures share this commonality in their varied practices, except for those who actively worship Evil and go to every length to be abominations and agents of abuse and death and all manner of perversions upon the Gentle, Good and Peaceful Peoples of God.

So when I read the Pope's new declaration, my heart leapt.

I have no idea what's going to happen to those who continue to predate on the innocent or those who worship the Darker Aspects who govern the Destructive Elements. They may be regulated to their own "dimension" or regulated to where they can not longer interfere with God's People and the innocent in any negatve capacity without Reason Unless Subject to Decree to God's Authority and Permissions.

It's kind of that way already, as I was raised even Lucifer and his demons are still ultimately subject to God's Authority.

These Dark Forces are allowed to operate as tests for Man's Spirit, as harbingers and warnings of improper conduct, so even Evil serves it's purpose in the Grand Design.

I don't have all the answers and I'm still watching as things play out, doing my best to help those in need and do my part to protect the innocent and try to show a proper path to those still undecided in their Alignments, but I try to do so in a way that isn't overbearing and I never push my Faith on anyone, as I am not in the business of converting people to Christianity and believe in letting people choose their own path and find their own understanding of the Divine in a way they choose and can understand, and a manner of worship and celebration that suits them best as long as they, as they say "Do as Thou Wilt, But Harm None."

Heck, evne though I'm Catholic I still do some pretty gentle and nature oriented "pagan" things (that are not in conflict with the teaching and my church has no problem with it because nothing I do is considered and affront to God or against the Teachings). They asked me about my pratices and I answered earnestly and honestly and explained why I do them, and it was found to be acceptable, even if a little unorthodox, but still allowed as it was harmless partipation in my ancestal traditions).

I am hoping the Pope's message will be well recieved and taken into consideration by those who lhear his message as an ambassador of Peace and Goodwill between Nations and Cultures and (here's my dark side) we can finally have an end to people who abuse Ancient Scrpiture and words written during much more brutal historical periods and are no longer revelant to the modern age and who impose opressive and draconian measures against their own peaceful people but turn a blind eye to those commiting atrocities such as rape, murder of innocents and pointless Crusades based on passages from a Darker, Ancient Time and were meant for that time period when the People were at war with the Godless and Violent, and meant as a cry for the Warriors to defend the People, and these passages (Islam, I'm looking at some of you going all Military Despot with this by your insane leaders focusing on a war that doesn't need to happen and Sharia Law...some Hardcore Old Testment Christians are pulling a similar and parallel Crusade against peaceful peoples not doing any harm because of their alternate lifestyle choices so it's not exclusively an Islamic precedent).

I could go on, but I'll take a break for now and let anyone respond if they're interested and I'll try to clarify any of the other salient talking points and insights I have had revealed to me if anyone is interested in them.

Regardless of religious self identification (or lack of ) I think as long as you treat others with kindness and respect you'll be doing fine when it comes to His Judgement and the Transitional Periods to come.

edit on 9/22/22 by GENERAL EYES because: minor edits for clarity, spelling

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Albert999

The Sun is not in the correct stage of her life cycle to be able to go nova.

And will probably end her days as a red dwarf star in about 5 billion years or so as opposed to becoming a white dwarf star which could potentially have the capability to go nova.

She does however unleash powerful explosions aka solar flares, and can even spit plasma in our direction in what's called a coronal mass ejection which is probably what you mean by micro nova.

As to 12,000 year cycles, well we still have significant problems predicting when the 11 year sun spot cycles will begin or end, cant imagine any sort of model that could predict what she's going to do in 12,000 years with any sort of accuracy.

Thanks for sharing 👍🏻

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Albert999

No problem Albert999.

It's kind of how we roll around these here parts.

After all debate and discussion is the colour of the day.

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: Albert999


Need a new mouse methinks.
edit on 22-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
I am so ready for my Lord and Savior to come save me and whisp me away to heaven where I can join the heavenly ranks and serve the most high God.

I just wonder what that is going to be like? we all just vanish in an instant leaving our bodies behind? Dematerialize? Climb aboard some sort of uap/ufo craft?.........just fly in energy form meeting Jesus in the sky?

And do we really skip the tribulation? And get to watch it all go down while we prepare to take part in the final battle?

Abba father......I'm ready to stand by your son and fight against the forces of evil....

What a fantastical adventure packed future we have to look forward too.....

I love my Lord Jesus and I will worship him

tidal waves of light will rage,
across a world in darkness.

the battle for shambala is now what will be.

the time has come to end this reign of misery and greed,
this flow of blood will lead the way to peace..
the myths and mists that surround shambah la will lift at last, now's the time for a man to choose what life to lead,
good or bad each man will stand behind his faith, blood will flow and the earth will burn then there will be peace.

i think we'll have to fight and sacrifice for it and maybe Jesus will come in the middle of it.

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 04:49 PM

Oh boy! Jesus is coming back!

The red heifer, a train specifically to bring Jews to the temple mount, historic peace happening between Muslims and Christians, record numbers of jews going home.......biblical prophecy fulfilled showing that the Bible is true! And Jesus is coming back!

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 05:07 PM

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 09:37 PM
Expect Disappointment

No rapture, no mercy, no forgiveness

Only if the human race changes it's ways, repents . . . then
"disclose of these things (including the hidden ark) and the
glory of the Lord and the cloud will be seen"
Have they found the hidden Ark yet ?
2 Maccabees 2:5-8

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 09:41 PM

originally posted by: TerraLiga
Christianity. Just another death cult.

As opposed to the left and defending murdering babies by force?

posted on Sep, 22 2022 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

The sun can't go supernova. It isn't the right kind of star. It has to be able to form iron at its core. The sun isn't big enough.

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: ElGoobero

well of course we do. God will allow the world one last chance to repent in this seven year period.

But that's before. That doesn't show you thought about what it actually means.

Those who reject God will be judged. No one takes any joy in that.

As someone who has experienced the shadow of God reaching out to me at least 3 times, nobody would reject God if they'd feel what it's like.
Which gives us a hint towards the 'crux' of the issue, no?

by 'emergency dictatorship' I presume you mean the antiChrist reign

No. I am indeed talking about the Kingdom of God.

No one is looking forward to any suffering, but we do pray for God's will to be done.

Are you sure? Because to me it looks like you pray for the will of seriously damaged puppies from a long time ago to be done.

sounds more like the Iranian version of Islam than any Christianity I've seen. God wants us to be happy and blessed. And to eat well. sex is fine in the proper circumstance. and drugs kill you.

No not Christianity that's why I said 'broader spectrum' God is not an invention of Christianity you know?

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 03:14 AM
Appreciated 👍🏻

I didn’t want to mention this, but I’ve been keeping an eye (observing ironically) on the SuspiciousObservers channel. Now bear with me.
I’m not convinced it’s true, but I’m not convinced he’s a charlatan either.
I know he’s been discussed on here in the past, and apparently professor Dave called him out and debunked him, but like icke - does being wrong on some things mean you’re wrong about everything? (I’m not an icke fan either)

There seems to be a lot evidence stacking up over recent years with regards to the earth and it’s cycles, and also our star. However I personally haven’t delved too deeply into in it as a lot of it is above my pay grade.

Would you be willing to have a look with an opening mind?

I’ve been tempted to make a thread asking for others opinions on it, but these days things on ATS seem to get instantly dismissed without a look-in.

His most recent vid is worth a watch I’d say.

edit on 23-9-2022 by Albert999 because: Typos

posted on Sep, 23 2022 @ 03:30 AM
I’m a non believer in organised religion. Even though I have a partner who is a minister of 50+ years. I also do charity work in Africa for his Christian charity, and give church members a lift to church twice a week and go to their coffee morning.

I’m 99.9% sure I will never believe in any of the 3000+ available gods, however I’m not opposed to advanced alien life/civilisations, the Kardashev scale (I understand it’s just one man’s theory) or something similar, or even something much larger than we could possibly comprehend. I’m even open to our reality actually looking like something else entirely, due to our restricted senses in what we can see or here.

I even think prayer could have meaning/benefits, but i don’t think anyone really knows who/what they are praying to, I’m not keen on the idea of faith, I don’t think it’s a reliable path to truth.

I guess this makes me a curious agnostic?

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