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Ivermectin saves India

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posted on Jul, 24 2021 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: Jimy718

As i said when the Drug manufacturer Merck you know the company that would make millions on their drug is telling you it doesnt work you should listen!!!

NO! Actually, I think I should listen to my Doctor(s). In my instance, anyway, Ivermectin was prescribed by my PCP, my Cardiologist said nothing about in, no suggestion that I should change, or get the vaxx.

When my PCP prescribed it, I went home and did my research. Found what you linked, and vastly more. You should go and educate yourself on this before arguing, it will work out better in the long run.

posted on Jul, 24 2021 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Jimy718

Im just attempting to warn people about stupidity. If your doctor is willing to risk your life that's between you and him. I wish you the best of luck.

It doesn't change the fact studies have shown no benefit over a placebo. Meaning taking sugar pills would be just as effective. By the way they are much cheaper too!

Its common for doctors to fool patients with placebos are you sure he gave you the right meds lol.
edit on 7/24/21 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2021 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

No, no placebo. The prescription was sent to a Walmart Pharmacy where I still pick up my monthly supply. And, I think you would have an irate Walmart Pharmacist all up in your face over that statement. Just sayin...

And, from the studies I've found, it seems that you are absolutely wrong about the benefit of Ivermectin in this instance. But, perhaps, I've done more research than you...I have a motivation; 74, bad heart, pacemaker. Did you know that there are vastly more cardiac adverse events with the vaxx than with Ivermectin? I bet not.

posted on Jul, 24 2021 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: Jimy718

I'm going to be totally serious with you for a minute. You mention you have a pacemaker please go get a second opinion. Ivermectin can cause tachycardia and orthostatic hypotension. Both of which could be fatal with a pacemaker. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least warn you and I hope things continue to go well for you. Oh, and it can cause swelling in our lymph nodes as well which can lead to damage to your immune system.

posted on Jul, 24 2021 @ 06:29 PM

Oh, and it can cause swelling in our lymph nodes as well which can lead to damage to your immune system.
a reply to: dragonridr

Thank you for the heads-up. But, as I said; my Cardiologist had no comment. And, I know, for a fact, he is up on all his is my PCP. I trust them, they saved my life a few years back.

ETA: Where did you get that stuff at? And, what kind of dose do you think I'm taking? Most to all adverse reactions to Ivermectin occur at higher doses. In this context; 12mg/week (on the same day of the week). Seriously, you have a source?
edit on 24-7-2021 by Jimy718 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Rich Z
Can anyone actually get medical grade Ivermectin without violating some unethical and/or illogical law?

Seems downright ridiculous that something like this that seems to have a proven track record of being beneficial is being blatantly suppressed, yet the "golden child" experimental vaccines with a not so healthy track record appear to be fast tracked to be virtually shoved down our throats. This is just one of many things that makes be step back and think "Now, wait a minute....." about all this BS.

Oh this is hillarious vaccines are bad but you have people willing to take a poison used to kill round worms. Ivermectin kills parasites in your intestines or used topicallaaly under your skin, The dosage levels are way to high on animals they weigh a lot more than you do! Ivermectin can cause severe liver damage So please dont be stupid and use it they are dealing wih this in India people are coming in to the hospital after their liver shuts down, By the way the drug company that makes it tried a study to see if it helps on Covid. There study showed it was no help. Realize they have every reason to market their drug and make money so if they say it doesnt work you should listen.

Funny you say that. Here in my country the manufacturer for Ivermectin (one of them) announced that ivermectin is working for treating COVID-19. Later on, the BPOM (equivalent of FDA) told them to withdraw their statement, as ivermectin hasn’t been approved officially as medication for COVID-19.

The BPOM however are already on process for approving it and other manufacturers are already in production (16 million bottles a month I believe). But that doesn’t mean manufacturers are allowed to jump the gun and tell the world ivermectin works UNLESS they are approved.

It’s also funny how you disregard 60 other clinical trials for ivermectin, but would nitpick one that fits your agenda.

By the way, your study consisted of around 400 people, I provided studie(s) of 20,000+ people with verified results.

Also, you’ll see the same thing mentioned in all these studies which are against ivermectin. They say that their trials consisted of too little people, on literally EVERY single study that has any form of negativity for ivermectin.

I’ve seen the data, it doesn’t seem you’ve seen much at all really.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 01:53 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 04:34 AM
You know I don't understand some people. We all should be happy that now we have a "Vaccine" and a potential cure for Covid, And yes we do need more research on both but the funny thing is Vaccines are welcome but cures are like a stinking bug that many don't want to discuss or would downright discard.

I feel we need more research on the effects of Ivermectin on Covid-19 as well as any heath hazards it may have on a covid patient. The same goes for the Vaccines too.

When we have a safe and effective vaccine along with an effective and safe cure well we can go back to being 2018.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: thethirdsign

We don't have a vaccine and we don't have a cure.

Here's a smell piece of homework

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 05:57 AM
So what's your actual point?

Is the flu jab a vaccine? It's what everyone calls it?

a reply to: myselfaswell

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: nonspecific

So what's your actual point?

We don't have a vaccine and we don't have a cure. I thought that was pretty clear cut.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

Do you have any links to this claim of "India people are coming in to the hospital after their liver shuts down"?

Ivermectin has been widely used and very well accepted by the human body. The severe reactions are extremely rare. I find it strange that you are claiming that one of the most severe reactions is occurring regularly on India.

Ivermectin attaches to the receptors similar to how the covid spike protein attaches to you. Two things cannot attach to the same "dock" so it lowers the ability of covid to attach and replicate. Ivermectin does nothing to the body unless it is able to attach to a parasite. If it attaches it will kill the parasite. It cannot harm you by using it in standard dosage. In fact I believe you would need something insanely high like 14x or 20x the dosage recommendation to have any kind of issue. Even water at that rate would cause major issues, so a bit of a moot point.

As others have mentioned ivermectin is dirt cheap. The "vaccines" are also authorized by the emergency use act which requires not effective or possible treatment to be available. If they approved ivermectin then they would need to de certify the vaccines and go through the standard vaccine process.

To be clear... ivermectin provided almost 0 profit when compared to the "vaccines" (3 yrs ago 100 pills was costing 2.80). Ivermectin also would cause all of these "vaccines" to be stopped. I wonder how the drug companies would feel about that? I am hearing that you may require a booster shot every 3 months to keep antibodies high enough to work - I wonder of there will be a cost for that boost shot and I also wonder of materials for it may run low or out at some point causing the price to spike?

Dont forget that noone knows the long term impacts of said "vaccines". Ivermectin has been used for 50 yrs. We know the long term impacts and we know that is is perfectly safe.


posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 08:56 AM
And today is Ivermectin Day

Ivermectin IS a cure for Covid.

The trouble is that the mainstream media won't talk about it.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
thanks for the post, learned about vet/tractor supply, awesome

I twisted my doctors arm and had him prescribe it to me. I emailed him this protocol from the FLCCC to convince him it was legit.

This is actually a really important statement right here. You would think a doctor would be read up on the scientific literature and already know it was legit. Where's he been getting his information from instead? Probably the media.

And these are the people we're supposed to put on a pedestal like they are infallible.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

Oh this is hillarious vaccines are bad but you have people willing to take a poison used to kill round worms. Ivermectin kills parasites in your intestines or used topicallaaly under your skin, The dosage levels are way to high on animals they weigh a lot more than you do! Ivermectin can cause severe liver damage

This is such an armchair, simplistic analysis.

Antibiotics kill bacteria. OMG, don't take them, they're poison!

Actually, they can be poison, as can pretty much anything. Almost any substance is poisonous if you consume enough of it, even water. Dosage is key to EVERY medication. The fact that something is harmful in incorrect dosages doesn't mean it's useless or bad. Did you actually think you scored big points here?

Liver damage you say? I hope you don't take any OTC painkillers. Same thing, most medications can cause organ damage if you take too much of them. Did you just start reading about medicine yesterday?

Let the adults talk.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

Oh this is hillarious vaccines are bad but you have people willing to take a poison used to kill round worms. Ivermectin kills parasites in your intestines or used topicallaaly under your skin, The dosage levels are way to high on animals they weigh a lot more than you do! Ivermectin can cause severe liver damage

What's hilarious is this simplistic, armchair analysis that makes you sound like you just started learning about medications yesterday.

Antibiotics kill bacteria. Are they poison? Actually, the answer is yes. Because anything can be a poison if taken in the wrong dosage. Even water can kill you if you consume too much of it. Dosage is key to ANY medication. Groundbreaking discovery you made there, champ.

Many medications can cause liver damage as well. I hope you don't take any OTC painkillers (that's Over-the-Counter, the ones you can buy without a prescription, like Advil or Tylenol, since you appear to be new at this.)

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
thanks for the post, learned about vet/tractor supply, awesome

I twisted my doctors arm and had him prescribe it to me. I emailed him this protocol from the FLCCC to convince him it was legit.

This is actually a really important statement right here. You would think a doctor would be read up on the scientific literature and already know it was legit. Where's he been getting his information from instead? Probably the media.

And these are the people we're supposed to put on a pedestal like they are infallible.

Even if the Doctor knows about successful protocols. They don't want to risk their medical careers. They have to follow guide lines of the medical establishments. Under the guise of protecting us from quacks they follow often against their better judgment. Follow from "LOCKSTEP" centralized global control.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Imperator2

The danger to your liver is when you overdose. Taking drugs meant for animals or dogs heartworm medications. Ivermectin is a broad spectrum antiparasitic agent, included in an essential medicines list for several parasitic diseases. It is used in the treatment of onchocerciasis (river blindness), strongyloidiasis, and other diseases caused by soil transmitted helminthiasis. It is also used to treat scabies. However human doses are far different than animal ones.

There is currently studies going on in several countries at much lower doses I might add. So far no study has shown any advantage to taking it over a placebo to prevent covid. It would be great if this worked its easy to make and cheap Merck donated 2.5 billion Mectizan to studies throughout the world. And believe me, if it was working they would be the first to tell you.

In India, we have a dangerous situation as people are tacking drugs meant and licensed for animals. One these drugs are not regulated the same as they are for human consumption which is why it's so cheap. Next, it is very rarely given by itself but often contains other antiparasitic agents.

If you choose to take risks so be it that's your choice I just find it ironic people are willing to take medication not designed to treat covid.

Me personally before I would allow any of my family to do this I would need to see a study that shows some benefit to outweigh the risks involved. What you decide for your family is entirely up to you.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 01:24 PM
I didn't mean to post that twice. The forum is showing page 3 as the last page for me and keeps acting like there's no page 4. So when I posted it, it appeared like I didn't, so I thought there was a glitch and posted it again. I can only get to page 4 by manually replacing the '3' with a '4' in the address bar.

posted on Jul, 25 2021 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: face23785

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

originally posted by: BlissSeeker
thanks for the post, learned about vet/tractor supply, awesome

I twisted my doctors arm and had him prescribe it to me. I emailed him this protocol from the FLCCC to convince him it was legit.

This is actually a really important statement right here. You would think a doctor would be read up on the scientific literature and already know it was legit. Where's he been getting his information from instead? Probably the media.

And these are the people we're supposed to put on a pedestal like they are infallible.

Even if the Doctor knows about successful protocols. They don't want to risk their medical careers. They have to follow guide lines of the medical establishments. Under the guise of protecting us from quacks they follow often against their better judgment. Follow from "LOCKSTEP" centralized global control.

For sure, there's an element of that as well. Consider the article that came out a few months ago that many doctors knew the lab leak theory was plausible, but because the theory went against the establishment (which at the time was only against it because Trump said it, not for any logical reason), they were afraid to speak out. Doctors and other scientists put politics above science. They've been doing it for years now.

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