Your US Food and Drug Administration is a corrupt authority well known as such in much of the world.
It is one reason so many nations don't want to import US meats or other foods because the FDA is owned unofficially and has a revolving door for it's
senior staff and policy makers with the Corporation's it is supposed to be policing.
The reason for this and it is no conspiracy theory is blatantly obvious, it is about monopolisation and removing any threat to the profits of the
drug company's that most of these Senior FDA employee's also work for or WILL or HAVE or are still behind the scenes but unofficially working for.
Basically this is what happens when you let crime syndicates calling themselves corporations take control of your nation and sadly it is the
inevitable out come of un-regulated capitalism, you have to regulate it to keep the well being of your people ABOVE the well being of the elite
(except when the Elite are doing well for your people, don't muzzle the Oxen that plough the field), that is not how things work in the world and
never has been how they work in the states.
Oh there were times when your nation was the best place to be in the world (if you were a European migrant) as most of your population were once
technically self employed while corporations that were smaller than they are today paid most of your taxes.
Today most of your taxes are paid by the Employee's, most people are employed by Corporations and the Corporations pay far less tax and even have the
government in there pocket.
Just the way of the world, crap floats (Well maybe not really high fibre crap but you get my gist) and gold sink's but in this instance the Crap is
the corrupt elite that are monopolising power, financially enslaving and strip mining your people and own your government and those corporations while
the Gold is the people at every other level of society below the upper class (Wealth class).
We are pretty much in the same boat as you and it is also deteriorating over here, the inevitable outcome is a slip into third world status and a
post first world reality.
When Kennedy ordered the formation of NASA and the moon missions he gave your nation a boost, perhaps something like that but on a grander scale is
both actually REALLY needed and would do your nation a whole load of good like an injection of vitamins into a malnourished persons body.
You need a government FOR your people that will pour investment into THEM not strip mine them, Hold the Corporations to account and rebuild your
nation to get it back on top of the pile, you need to REARM, to Build a NEW and ARMED SOSUS net that has tamper protection and can fire on any suspect
vessel that is messing with it to guard against the Soviet Typhoon under sea 200 megaton COBALT (DEADLY RADIATION THAT CAN LAST FOR A CENTURY AFTER
THE ATTACK SALTING THE EARTH - metaphorically as it makes the area a radioactive no go zone and that area would be your entire coast line - AND
PREVENTING RECOVERY of your nation likely pitching it into an economic dark ages and ending your union for ever) nuclear weapon's they are planning on
devastating your nation and ours with.
You need a Government that will put Corporate HEADS on TRIAL if they commit treason and not accept Bribes from them but instead SIEZE and forcible
nationalize at BELOW COST if such corporations are found to be corrupt, of course that would upset all your Alphabet guy's that supposedly have
corporations as front's but mysteriously then end up mega rich when that money should if they WERE just front's actually be going back to your tax
Nero Played his harp while Rome Burned or so the story went, that is what is happening now.
edit on 22-5-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)