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Actual BREAKING news: China Admits to Hiding Real Covid-19 Infection Numbers from the World!!

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posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 09:38 PM
Lame breaking news. What is the next breaking news. Now that we know the real numbers it ain't that bad after all but we lost our freedoms due to our governments and the big bad cause is another country? How original and totally not polarizing at all.

I miss the times that ATS was a place to go for news and knowledge. But now it seems you can only enter with a social media mentality.

Ohw wait. You can only sign up with that # as well. Only old accounts can dodge that bullit.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: Dumbass

That’s a valid point, Dumbass.

However, I stand by the fact that China admitting such a huge fact, and it doesn’t even mar the 2nd headline in the story, says more about the state of our media than it does our social media. Of course, 2 things for you to consider; although I am proud of this thread, and the work I’ve done in my life that gave me the education which helped me to know why this would matter, and pick it out of the source, and 2) no one reads my well sourced, original content as it is

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:25 PM
Why does this matter, you ask? Because here is a screen shot from February 10th, 2020 (I take a screenshot every day, now at 2330 EST):

Here is February 12th, the initial greatest jump in China numbers (due to the change in how they tested- they said)

And here is March 13th’s grab:

And finally, today’s:

Trends are so important in modeling viruses. And there is something off about one very important part of these trends. I’ll let you pick it out. But note that China only had that one large jump in February, on the 12th. Was it because someone slipped up and counted the Asumptomatic for one day?
edit on 27/3/2020 by ThouArtGod because: To add days for context

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 10:57 PM

Trends are so important in modeling viruses. And there is something off about one very important part of these trends. I’ll let you pick it out. But note that China only had that one large jump in February, on the 12th. Was it because someone slipped up and counted the Asumptomatic for one day?

Officially the large jump was due to the change of criteria for having the virus according to Chinese authorities. Previously they counted only patients who tested positive with testing kits, but on this day they included all previous cases that was confirmed with MRI scans that had pneumonia.

Unofficially, I think it was just an easy way for them to make up some of the numbers that they've been (so obviously) manipulating. The West generally mistrusts China's figures and rightfully so, but I don't think they are as exagerated (down) as many claim to be - I happen to live in China and it probably gives me a more direct perspective on the situation in China and... I probably have access to information (friends and social media mostly) that most ATS users don't.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: OldLightHouse

I recall that being the reason- I actually put it in my thread discussing the issue. However, I am curious how they thought that not counting the number of asymptomatic people who tested positive was a good thing?

And since you brought it up, how are things where you are? And where are you in China?
edit on 27/3/2020 by ThouArtGod because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:41 PM
read an article today .Spain is sending back the Corona Virus tests given to them by China . Spain claims They are only 30 percent effective.
link - spain sends back tests to china

So what are the real numbers ? Countries are assuming China claims test are 80 percent effective , Spain claims 30 percent not even close. Now I read the OP article and its just piling up for China. China is not only hiding number but the numbers there hiding are not even close to being correct. let alone the rest of the reported numbers that china says are correct. Nothing will be correct if the test there giving are only 30 percent right.

This is not looking good at all folks.

posted on Mar, 27 2020 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: ThouArtGod

Under its newest COVID-19 prevention guidelines, China does not include in its overall daily count for total and for new cases those who retest positive after being released from medical care. China also does not include asymptomatic cases in case counts.

"I have no idea why the authorities choose not to count [asymptomatic] cases in the official case count. I am baffled," said one of the Wuhan doctors who had a second positive test after recovering.

The source is NPR, so the facts should at least be correct.

SO this is insane. When the world is discussing how we can test those who may already have had this and are now immune... When countries are desperate for information so that they can scientifically plan for outbreaks... when those on all sides are using collated information to push their narrative/advocate for courses of action...

China goes and admits that they have been withholding information all along, especially critical information that is extremely pertinent to modeling, planning, and in the end, saving lives/economies (separate, but not mutually exclusive). I have speculated since the beginning that China was, or must, be lying about its infection rates and here is real proof. I wonder if this guy will wake up dead tomorrow... or find himself working in a concentration camp as a "doctor".

For the drones who are now failing to comprehend the thread...
This is not fake news. It is not about the failure rate of the testing method (although that is quite interesting!) It is about the fact that China is NOT reporting those who test positive, but are asymptomatic. If I need to explain why that is maddeningly huge, please ask below!

IMHO its time to take all the info I have3 seen & sourced & realize its time to react to this pandemic as it is ( a Bio weapon] just wait n see when most western countries are beaten down & almost decimated then the RED terror will rise & conquer all it likes! Im a head to my safe zone now people! good luck & God be with you all!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 12:06 AM
I’m a reply to: SJE98
So I’ve had this theory for quite a while; There are really only two possibilities. China is lying, or people are overreacting.
If It’s China, they stand to gain by keeping their economy insulated, protecting a weapons program, destabilizing a stronger NATO/resurgent USA, creating an opportunity to make their currency the world standard, creating a window for a socialist US government, etc., and so on. They can be lying about the virus’s origin, it’s communicability, it’s death rate/side effects, it’s results in their country/their allies (Russia, Korea, etc.) and they could be masking other actions like cyber warfare/conventional warfare.

There are many things gained by Western media playing up the virus, not the least of which is political.

One of these two are lying.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: ThouArtGod

I've never seen the government not counting asymptomatic people in the official numbers (the first I hear of that)...

Look, I don't like to give the Chinese governments compliments, because I think they are horrible... but I do have to give credit where credit is due - their handling of this crisis was supreme in every way (in a cold non-humanitarian, lets stop this damn virus kinda way - it was harsh but if you look at the rest of the world it was clearly necessary).

The Chinese takes this virus damn seriously, more so than any other government and I can tell you they are not taking any chances. Whether they include the asymptomatic people in their official numbers I'm not sure (I think they do, but can't be sure), but I do know is that they don't ignore asymptomatic people - they isolate and treat everyone, even if you are just suspected of having it or having had (even distant) contact with someone that might have it. They closely monitor the entire nation's temperatures on a daily basis (you can't go anywhere without having your temperature checked) and they are extremely determined not to allow a second wave to stifle the economy. IMO, the safest place on earth right now from the virus.

I'm in Chengdu. No new infections here for about 3 weeks now. Life is returning to normal. Everyone always said that the real proof that everything is really under control would be when China announces that schools are to open - and in fact China just announced that schools are set to open on the 13th of April in our province...

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

I don’t know why this fact is conveniently overlooked whenever people talk about the CCP. I mean, this happened in the last 100 years. By comparison, everyone references the evil Nazis (who were responsible for 35-55M dead directly or indirectly), who were totally horrible creatures. But we all talk about them, ALL the time! In the US, we are reminded of the Native Americans (of whom the majority were killed by disease before North America was settled) or Slavery (also totally evil) that resulted in a bloody Civil War. Again, always mentioned , still seen as the root of evil (original sin) for the US. Quite frankly, I don’t know when/if we will ever move past either.
But somehow, when we talk about evil CCP, it’s only in reference to T.Square, and about how they have really opened up since then. What about their concentration camps? Their proxy wars? Their 1 child policy? The freaking 10’s of millions (MILLIONS!!) killed during their “revolution”?


The Chinese people are a lot like the Iranians. Great, great people. But a horrid 10% that prop up an evil government.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: Snarl

If you keep drinking that stuff, you don’t need to worry about a virus.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: OldLightHouse

So there’s a lot to unpack in your post, but I am in bed and need to sleep. Therefor I will respond tomorrow (I appreciate talking with someone who is actually on the ground, there)- except one thing .

The article clearly states ( and NPR is a pretty solid source ) that China does not count its asymptomatic carriers. This number may not matter internally if your plan is to weld people shut in buildings. But it does matter, (quite a lot, actually) if you don’t share these numbers with other epidemiologists, or DEM personnel. These are the experts who create solutions, treatment plans, etc., and having X% if people carrying (and possibly spreading) this illness worldwide, all without numbers, puts a big ink blot on the treasure map. It’s really stupid, really selfish, and casts doubt on everything they’ve shared so far.

I’d like to touch on the rest, but I’ll have to do it tomorrow, please.

Take care!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: putnam6

I went to my only local chinese food shop two days ago... they have closed for the time being. But then again, my town has increased the state and federal restrictions, closing all public points of interest. This includes 17 businesses on the short boardwalk alone.

on a side note- I stopped by to see the Lin's, (the family that owns the restaurant) last week, and offered them anything they need in light of all that is happening. They turned down the offer, but said they'd call if they need anything. I hope they haven't left town permanently, as I would miss them. Their daughter and mine (4 yrs old) laugh and play every time I go over there.

I was semi kidding, not really scared of getting take out as indoor dining is restricted we have just got into a routine and since we are all at home we have plenty of time to cook. Plus we got our 80-year-old Mom with us and being extra careful. We did get Mexican about a week ago.

As far as China this whole situation gives us a chance at a reset, get us back to manufacturing more domestically. Definitely think working routines may be changed less office space more telecommuting teleconferences interviews and sales presentations, maybe even less sit down restaurants and expanded delivery. Likely more delivery on lots of goods.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: that1lurker

Considering the White House, just yesterday signed an EO to recall to active duty up to 1 million soldiers in the Ready Reserve you might be correct.

edit on 3/28/2020 by machineintelligence because: entry error

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:56 AM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Snarl
Dropping a nuke on Wuhan would not be unwarranted.

Would send a clear message that biological warfare will be met with unrepentant death and destruction.

Let's see if the President and his staff have the cajones. More Americans will die from this than 9-11.

Yeah, let's kill millions of innocent men, women and children! Does that turn you on!?

That's what happens in war. They started it. Look at what they've done.

Wait'll it starts getting reported on your island.

It's already in the UK! Do your answer is to kill millions of innocent men, women and children!?

Funny thst the people who say such things will never actually fight in a war! Stick to playing COD on your console!

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: OldLightHouse
a reply to: ThouArtGod

I've never seen the government not counting asymptomatic people in the official numbers (the first I hear of that)...

Look, I don't like to give the Chinese governments compliments, because I think they are horrible... but I do have to give credit where credit is due - their handling of this crisis was supreme in every way (in a cold non-humanitarian, lets stop this damn virus kinda way - it was harsh but if you look at the rest of the world it was clearly necessary).

The Chinese takes this virus damn seriously, more so than any other government and I can tell you they are not taking any chances. Whether they include the asymptomatic people in their official numbers I'm not sure (I think they do, but can't be sure), but I do know is that they don't ignore asymptomatic people - they isolate and treat everyone, even if you are just suspected of having it or having had (even distant) contact with someone that might have it. They closely monitor the entire nation's temperatures on a daily basis (you can't go anywhere without having your temperature checked) and they are extremely determined not to allow a second wave to stifle the economy. IMO, the safest place on earth right now from the virus.

I'm in Chengdu. No new infections here for about 3 weeks now. Life is returning to normal. Everyone always said that the real proof that everything is really under control would be when China announces that schools are to open - and in fact China just announced that schools are set to open on the 13th of April in our province...

Your post doesn't fill me with confidence.

Don't get me wrong when I say your just some guy on the net and why should we believe you but the way you describe how China has dealt with this virus it's everything we would expect from China, serious heavy handed clampdown.

The simple fact that western leaders are stubbing their toes and dragging their heels dealing with this virus and as a result we can see the numbers sky rocketing your post makes a lot of sense...
edit on 28-3-2020 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Jay-morris

This is my last attempt at this.

They are NOT reporting POSITIVE TESTS, if the people who TEST POSITIVE are not presenting symptoms. This is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.

I have explained why. If you refuse to read what I am writing, it is either willful ignorance, or you are trolling me for fun.

If this is the case, , then why are we seeing a reduce in China regarding the virus? If what you are saying it true, then that would sweep across China very quickly.

So, why are will seeing cases fall dramatically in china?

Because the Chinese govt are dirt bag Communists and lie about their numbers.

China needs to be sanctioned. All companies should pull out and we should leave that entire country on their own.

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Snarl
Dropping a nuke on Wuhan would not be unwarranted.

Would send a clear message that biological warfare will be met with unrepentant death and destruction.

Let's see if the President and his staff have the cajones. More Americans will die from this than 9-11.

Yeah, let's kill millions of innocent men, women and children! Does that turn you on!?

China has already done that to install their current government.

Between 45 and 55 million innocent people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China to accomplish that.

Does that turn you on?

Seriously! What is wrong with you people? So, because the Chinese government were responsible for the deaths of millions of people, then that means it's ok for another country to nuke more innocent people in that country?

I really do not know what you are trying to say here! Are you putting words in my mouth? Are you saying I think it' was ok for the Chinese government, or any government to kill it's own people?

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: Snarl
Dropping a nuke on Wuhan would not be unwarranted.

Would send a clear message that biological warfare will be met with unrepentant death and destruction.

Let's see if the President and his staff have the cajones. More Americans will die from this than 9-11.

Yeah, let's kill millions of innocent men, women and children! Does that turn you on!?

That's what happens in war. They started it. Look at what they've done.

Wait'll it starts getting reported on your island.

It's already in the UK! Do your answer is to kill millions of innocent men, women and children!?

Funny thst the people who say such things will never actually fight in a war! Stick to playing COD on your console!

Face it that what Americans are bred for, they are the hammer , all those recruitment movies like platoon , Vietnam, predator , American sniper, thats not entertainment it's advertising, that's why the air of excitement, just like in aliens, the first movie remember

posted on Mar, 28 2020 @ 05:07 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: Jay-morris

originally posted by: ThouArtGod
a reply to: Jay-morris

This is my last attempt at this.

They are NOT reporting POSITIVE TESTS, if the people who TEST POSITIVE are not presenting symptoms. This is HUGE, HUGE, HUGE.

I have explained why. If you refuse to read what I am writing, it is either willful ignorance, or you are trolling me for fun.

If this is the case, , then why are we seeing a reduce in China regarding the virus? If what you are saying it true, then that would sweep across China very quickly.

So, why are will seeing cases fall dramatically in china?

Because the Chinese govt are dirt bag Communists and lie about their numbers.

China needs to be sanctioned. All companies should pull out and we should leave that entire country on their own.

Firstly, you have no evidence that are Lying. Secondly, what do you think would happen if all companies pulled out of China? You think China would be the only country to suffer?

How many countries around the world rely on China for their goods? Watch companies go out of business if this happens! You really have not thought this through have you

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