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Transgender Kids & LBGTQ Parents

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posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar
The thing I can’t figure out is why “gender identity” is a topic that gets so many people all bent out of shape.

I mean, what possible difference could it make to me if, although you look like an adult male, you truly believe yourself to be an adult female (or vice versa)?

Even if that identity is valid only for today.

Who and how you identify yourself matters not one iota to me, except to the extent that I am made aware of how to address you respectfully.

You express concern that certain parents maybe “brainwashing” their kids to behave in “atypical” ways? That’s been an argument since parents have been having kids!

Surprise, kids grow up and become their own individuals. Some hold to what their parents taught and expected of them, some reject everything their parents held dear and true.

Most “bend and blend” what they were raised with to fit what is most comfortable for their lives as adults.

That’s one of the reasons we don’t still live in caves.

Look, one day we may encounter a sentient extraterrestrial species that, although they look like us (two arms, two legs, a head and a body), have a culture and physiology entirely different from ours.

If we can’t “get over” some of fellow humans being non-cis and or “gender fluid”, how can we ever expect to get along with the “non-humanness” if a truly alien species?

There is NO such thing

This is Mental illness, PERIOD.

And no, I really do not care if you identify as man, woman, morse, dragon or furry


The issue is that those MENTAL PATIENTS are so insecure that they INVADE everyone else's privacy and get politicians to pass IDIOTIC legislation that threatens to send everyone to JAIL if WE USE THE WRONG PRONOUN in TOTAL denial of biological XY/XX scientific reality.

That is INSANE

Those >0.01% of population mental patients want to FORCE everyone else to play along with their insanity.

If you can't see that, you are just as ill as the rest of those mental patients
edit on 22-10-2019 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: FredT
a reply to: tanstaafl

So you are unwilling to consider peer reviewed research using acceptable methodology?

One thing, there is no question that these children get exposed to the subject much, much earlier than children of hetero couples.

???? more "common sense"? What are you basing that conclusion on? Sex ed at least here in California started in the 4th grade for our son and lets face it, they are exposed earlier than that regardless of the parents orientation

Peer review has become meaningless. From 2012-2015 over 250 peer reviewed articles were retracted because they were faked. in 2017, 107 cancer related papers were retracted due to fraud. I imagine the number climbs higher due to electronic manuscript submission systems and inspired by academia's publish-or-perish ethos.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

I've looked at this ten ways from Sunday, and it just gets crazier the deeper you delve. However, I think there are many factors at play here, with parents who are supportive and encouraging, but also plenty of very concerned parents fighting a losing battle -- as you already know with your second post.

I think some of those supportive parents are simply conditioned to trust the "experts." Especially for those children already diagnosed on the autism spectrum (or another mental/emotional disorder) and already walking on eggshells. It wouldn't surprise me if there weren't some intimidation and bullying going on as well... something like, "Well, Mrs. TransParent, we'd hate to have to consider you as uncooperative and combative, fighting our professional expert diagnosis and recommended treatment... that could be seen as denying your child lifesaving medical treatment. Would you rather have a healthy son or a dead daughter? Hmmm? HMMMMM???" Then there are parents with their own mental/emotional disorders (such Munchhausen's Syndrome), that are acting in their own interests rather than their child's best interests. And of course parents who are a little too open minded and a little too quick to encourage alternate gender identities, which would necessarily include -- but not be limited to -- LGBT parents.

But definitely not all LGBT parents are supportive, as a good portion of the "L" parents will be so-called gender critical (those dreaded "TERFs") and definitely among those parents opposed to gender affirmation" treatments -- with or without the drugs!

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: M5xaz


My tolerance for these insane people and those who enable them is at an end. I'm done. I will not accept the "Trans rights" movement as a legitimate rights movement EVER. Because it isn't.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 06:56 PM
According to the “National longitudinal lesbian family study” children with gay, les, bi, trans parents are significantly more likely to follow in the foot steps of their parents sexual preferences.
This study has been in effect since 1986


So if this information is already out there, how are these parents not being charged for what they are doing to these kids?
This is sickening.

I don’t care if someone is gay or what not.
But to push it onto your children and having them think it’s normal to want to be another sex, is utterly disgusting.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Macenroe82

I think a lot of this (of course, not ALL of it) has to do with "trends". It's seemingly super cool now to be gay, and almost uncool NOT to be gay or bi, whatever.

When I was growing up, I knew precisely 0 lgbt's (that I knew of). Now, nearly every single, single female I know is either a self-proclaimed full blown lesbian, or bi. And it's like a super cool thing. How weird is that??

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: M5xaz


My tolerance for these insane people and those who enable them is at an end. I'm done. I will not accept the "Trans rights" movement as a legitimate rights movement EVER. Because it isn't.

You're saying someone doesn't have the right to live as they choose? To alter their body as they choose? To expect the same equitible treatment before the laws as everyone else?

I disagree. Our bodies are our most fundamental property right, and living as we wish as long as we harm none is our most fundamental natural right.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 07:45 PM
a reply to: Wookiep

Now you walk down the street and your damn near tripping over them lol.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: M5xaz

Having a variant gender identity is not considered a disorder by any medical or psychological authority.

Gender dysmorphia is a disorder, and the recommended treatment is to live as the experienced gender.

I have a significant issue with any government requiring or limiting speech, and I believe such laws are unconstitutional.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 07:54 PM
My 3 year old daughter wants to be a firetruck..not a fire fighter a firetruck. According to the left, I should encourage her to transition into said firetruck? I mean where does it end? When did acting normally become so un "woke" I seriously wonder sometimes if this whole thing isn't just an excuse to be lazy and unproductive. You can say that you identify as anything you want, then claim to be discriminated against when others don't recognize your new life... If you really think about it, we're just allowing these grown adults to be children. Sad.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Key phrase being "as long as we harm none". I hold a fairly strong libertarian stance, so I'm in agreement with you. But chemical castration of children for the sake of a potentially huge "trend", is quite harmful. That's where the disconnect is. Many of us see this as child abuse. Even if we aren't talking trends, the argument is to allow the child to grow up first, then decide.
edit on 22-10-2019 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: Wookiep
a reply to: Gryphon66

Key phrase being "as long as we harm none". I hold a fairly strong libertarian stance, so I'm in agreement with you. But chemical castration of children for the sake of a potentially huge "trend", is quite harmful. That's where the disconnect is. Many of us see this as child abuse. Even if we aren't talking trends, the argument is to allow the child to grow up first, then decide.

Chemical castration of children is one way to say it of course, although that conjures more of an image of pouring acid over ones genitals or something horrible.

The process of gender transitioning is certainly not perfect, but it is a medical procedure that is advised in the treatment of gender dysmorphia, which must be diagnosed by a doctor. The process of transitioning does not happen quickly nor can it be started on an individual's whim.

I agree that there are questions about how soon a child knows that they are either trans or gender dysmorphic (or both). There has actually been considerable research done in this area in the last decade.

I'm not sure how the "trend" commentary here is really that relevant particularly in regard to adults. If it's a trend to transition, it's a very expensive trend in both money, time, pain and discomfort.

I'm not crazy about kids being given hormone treatments to inhibit puberty (which is what you were referring to colorfully above I think.) but I am not a medical professional and I have to leave the matter, for better or worse, to those authorities.

Now, as far as the government penalties for wrong pronoun usage? Whole-heartedly agree that is BS. I will call anyone by their chosen name, and I can withhold my commentary in the workplace concerning their sex, gender or sexual preferences.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: Oppositeoftruth
My 3 year old daughter wants to be a firetruck..not a fire fighter a firetruck. According to the left, I should encourage her to transition into said firetruck? I mean where does it end? When did acting normally become so un "woke" I seriously wonder sometimes if this whole thing isn't just an excuse to be lazy and unproductive. You can say that you identify as anything you want, then claim to be discriminated against when others don't recognize your new life... If you really think about it, we're just allowing these grown adults to be children. Sad.

Can you cite anyone that you consider "on the left" advocating that a human can transition into a mechanical object?

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 09:06 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66
It's no more rediculous than saying a man can be a woman, that's my point. You are what you are, and you can attack me for saying "left" and but fact is most of the people who push these agendas are on the left. It's very basic science, we're male or female, excluding the very very small amount of people born with some kind of disorder or gender mosaic, whatever it's called. That's a completely different thing.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Not when it comes to shoving this crap down a kid's throat.

No one has the right to compel my speech either.

No one has the right to enforce acceptance of a transexual man as a woman and vice versa as it pertains to the sexual inclination of a heterosexual man or woman.

Live as you choose, however, if that movement requires me to believe things that are not so, to change my religious doctrine, to acquiesce to intractable uses of language for the sake of appeasing an aberrant minority, to compel by law the speech of others, or to subject children to incalculable damage, I will not abide. In fact, I will stand against.
edit on 10 22 2019 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 10:10 PM
What gets me is, transgenders want everyone to
accept them for what they really are not, yet
they themselves can not accept in that which they were born.

But notice the timing ?
Coincidental ?
There was an outcry against circumcising babies against their
will. Some places changed their laws to
protect children in such cases.
Then the push on transgendered kids kicked in.

originally posted by: The GUT
This crap is not right. Desmond dancing for dollars:

What definitely is not right
are ADULTS who pay KIDS to do this.

Silence of their own is betrayal, yet
they complained about 'dancing Afghans'

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Shoving "crap" down a kids throat? LIke enforcing religion or teaching them politics?

How many times have I heard that parental rights are sacrosanct in those regards? I'll bet your beliefs are pretty strong in that regard too.

No one has the right to enforce acceptance of a trans man or woman? What does acceptance mean? If you can't treat other people equitably and civilly in the workplace or even in public venues then there are laws in place that treat trans and non-trans folks equally. Who cares if you "accept" another person's existence or not? Do you think everyone "accepts" yours?

How can anyone force you to BELIEVE anything? How is anyone going to take away your rights to your religion just because someone else that you personally don't approve of has equal rights?

Words like abusive, aberrant, abnormal, unnatual are subjective. I believe that forcing religion on kids before they have the mental fortitude to resist or decide for themselves is abusive, aberrant, abnormal and unnatural. How would you respond if that belief were forced upon you?

You have a right to determine your life and for a certain duration the lives of your children. That right ends where other peoples rights begin.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: Raggedyman

I agree. Kids should be left alone for the most part. I think it's good that se teach acceptance to kids though.

It's an interesting time. For generations, LGBTQ was strictly condemned and oppressed, now it's swung into the complete opposite direction.

Buddha had it right with going in the neutral / middle path.

And yes, I totally agree with you
“I think it's good that we teach acceptance to kids though.”
With provisions but in general we should.

But swung or forced? not that I am complaining but with this kind of a force there is always going to be a reaction of some kind.

Take Christianity, it teaches love and acceptance, even of fringe lifestyles. Overtime the teachings have become clouded, judgemental people have arisen, the church has been hijacked and is political and divisive, it has became and rightfully so, hated by many

The church has forced itself and there is now a reaction, it will fall and the average Christian is at fault, of course we will blame the devil or whatever but in no way will the church self reflect

And I see this “Woke” lgbtq, or progressive movement doing the same

The neutral middle path, that’s only for a rarified few, that’s altruistic nonsense
The reality is the left will fight the right, it’s ongoing.

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Ok Gryph, accept them socially, fair point

As for teaching children religion, politics or the issue at hand. Children need to be taught, not forced or to accept what an individual defines as truth, though they do need to be taught. The decision must remain their own

No one should enforce acceptance but we live in a diverse society so civility matters and I hope that is what is being discussed, never enforcement

Why so many love Jordan Peterson these days

posted on Oct, 22 2019 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I'm not forcing belief on anyone.

They are forcing their # on me and everyone else.

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