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Federal Grand Jury To Hear Evidence - World Trade Center 9-11 Was Controlled Demolition.

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posted on Apr, 26 2019 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: democracydemo

Looks like core columns to me.

Building 1 or 2 WTC?

posted on Apr, 26 2019 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: democracydemo

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: democracydemo

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: democracydemo

Why do you post falsehoods that damage your credibility?

Credability: "the fact that someone can be believed or trusted". Quotes from Wikipedia [44] and Is this credability?

Are visual, actual, real-world, true observations false?

Yes or No?

From your own posted video....

First the collapse of the floor system

Second picture, the vertical columns toppling in after the floor system collapsed

Notice a large block of vertical columns still standing on the left side of the collapsed tower


As i stated in the YouTube description "Shows section of the perimeter structure standing."

Notice the void of Core Structure on the right side.

This is a hollowed out building.

Looks like the core falling after the floor system in the center of your posted video to me...

Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend; perimeter columns falling once core, situated right and more to center, has been taken out.

Core first, rest follows.
edit on 26-4-2019 by democracydemo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2019 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: democracydemo

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: democracydemo

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: democracydemo

originally posted by: neutronflux
a reply to: democracydemo

Why do you post falsehoods that damage your credibility?

Credability: "the fact that someone can be believed or trusted". Quotes from Wikipedia [44] and Is this credability?

Are visual, actual, real-world, true observations false?

Yes or No?

From your own posted video....

First the collapse of the floor system

Second picture, the vertical columns toppling in after the floor system collapsed

Notice a large block of vertical columns still standing on the left side of the collapsed tower


As i stated in the YouTube description "Shows section of the perimeter structure standing."

Notice the void of Core Structure on the right side.

This is a hollowed out building.

Looks like the core falling after the floor system in the center of your posted video to me...

Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend; perimeter columns falling once core, situated right and more to center, has been taken out.

Core first, rest follows.

Based on what evidence?

Because you want to believe Richard Gages lies. Is it false Richards Gage claims all the structural steel had to be cut to make the supposed symmetrical collapse of the WTC.

Your own words betray you.

Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend;

Please quote where the truth movement ever made such a claim. The truth movement claim was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor. Richard Gage’s lie was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is not in line with what would be seen if structural steel was cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is in line with the buildings above the buckling fell into the building below, shearing and bending the floor connections to the vertical columns. With the vertical columns toppling in their wake.

Then you cannot produce any video evidence of columns being cut when there is video clearly showing columns buckling and bowing.

On top of that, there is zero evidence of columns being cut by planted pyrotechnics.

With zero chance any Demolition System would survive the jet impacts and fires to initiate a collapse as capture by video,audio, and seismic evidence.

WTC CD by planted pyrotechnics is a lie.

Unless you want to debate about actual evidence.

edit on 26-4-2019 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Apr, 26 2019 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

Let’s start small. The claim the towers fell at or near free fall speed is a lie in there is video showing the structural steel standing whole seconds on end after the collapse of the floor system. Please state if it’s a lie or not the towers fell at or near free fall speed.

Why would I believe any group claiming the structural steel was cut floor by floor to cause the twin towers to fall near free fall speed. Especially when its clear the structural steel fell last, and stoop up to 25 seconds after collapse initiation?

posted on Apr, 26 2019 @ 06:14 PM
The only theory and or videos NF has been arguing about is about columns buckling. That is it, so he knows the whole story behind it all and he's an expert...

posted on Apr, 27 2019 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: neutronflux
a reply to: neutronflux

Halt the pigeon chess and whataboutism!

Or can all that be intepreted as soft-admittance to the original debate: (i) the cores are not visible (ii) therefor cores did not collapse last?
edit on 27-4-2019 by democracydemo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2019 @ 05:57 PM

originally posted by: democracydemo
a reply to: neutronflux
a reply to: neutronflux

Halt the pigeon chess and whataboutism!

Or can all that be intepreted as soft-admittance to the original debate: (i) the cores are not visible (ii) therefor cores did not collapse last?

Sorry, there is vertical columns of the cores still standing after the complete collapse of the twin towers floor systems.

It’s even in the title of the video....

I don’t know what to tell you other than you are blatantly blind to the truth.

The photos are backed by

9/11 and the Science
of Controlled Demolitions

3WHAT ABOUT THE ALMOST FREE-FALL COLLAPSE OF THE TWIN TOWERS? The key is the “almost” modifier. If I told you I was making almost $100,000 and you found out I was making only $67,000, you’d say I was exaggerating. So stop exaggerating the collapse speed of the WTC Towers! The 80,000 tons of structural steel slowed down the collapses of the Twin Towers to about ⅔ (two-thirds) of free-fall.3 And the core collapsed at about 40% of free-fall speed, coming down last.4 According to Richard Gage: “To bring a building symmetrically down, what we have to do is remove the core columns.” But on 9/11 the stronger core columns came down last, which violates this supposed most fundamental rule of controlled demolition.

Richard Gage is called out on his lie...

According to Richard Gage: “To bring a building symmetrically down, what we have to do is remove the core columns.” But on 9/11 the stronger core columns came down last, which violates this supposed most fundamental rule of controlled demolition.

If the core columns didn’t come down last, why isn’t Richard Gage using his lawyers to force Skeptic Society into a retraction and an apology. Because the truth is, there was vertical columns still standing after the complete collapse of the floor systems.

With the evidence showing the vertical columns coming down after the floor systems were ripped from the vertical columns by:

Failure of Welded Floor Truss Connections from the Exterior Wall during Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers


Analysis of the connections supporting the composite floor system of the WTC towers showed that at and below the im- pact floors, the greater majority (above 90%) of the floor truss connections were either bent downward or completely re- moved from the exterior column. This was probably related to the overloading of the floors below the impact region after col- lapse initiation. Depending upon weld joint geometry, detachment of the main load-bearing seats was a result of either fracture in the heat affected zone of the base material (standoff plate detached from spandrel) or through the weld metal (seat angle detached from standoff plate). Failure in both cases was assumed to be a result of a shear mechanism as a result of overloading from floors above impacting those below. There did not appear to be a significant change in distribution of failure modes of the floor truss connections when comparing those connections inside vs. outside of the impact region or those ex- posed to pre-collapse fires and those that were not.

Your whole unfounded opinion is essentially you closing your eyes, putting your fingers in your ears, and you shouting I cannot hear you with the fact that Richard Gage pushes blatant falsehoods.

edit on 27-4-2019 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Apr, 27 2019 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

Now your list....

Let’s start small. The claim the towers fell at or near free fall speed is a lie in there is video showing the structural steel standing whole seconds on end after the collapse of the floor system. Please state if it’s a lie or not the towers fell at or near free fall speed.

Why would I believe any group claiming the structural steel was cut floor by floor to cause the twin towers to fall near free fall speed. Especially when its clear the structural steel fell last, and stoop up to 25 seconds after collapse initiation?

If the core columns didn’t come down last, why isn’t Richard Gage using his lawyers to force Skeptic Society into a retraction and an apology. Because the truth is, there was vertical columns still standing after the complete collapse of the floor systems.

The physical evidence shows the vertical columns coming down after the floor systems were ripped from the vertical columns.

The truth movement claim was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor. Richard Gage’s lie was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is not in line with what would be seen if structural steel was cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is in line with the buildings above the buckling fell into the building below, shearing and bending the floor connections to the vertical columns. With the vertical columns toppling in their wake.

Then you cannot produce any video evidence of columns being cut when there is video clearly showing columns buckling and bowing.

On top of that, there is zero evidence of columns being cut by planted pyrotechnics.

With zero chance any Demolition System would survive the jet impacts and fires to initiate a collapse as capture by video,audio, and seismic evidence.

WTC CD by planted pyrotechnics is a lie.

Unless you want to debate about actual evidence.

posted on Apr, 27 2019 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

So, what caused the WTC to fail and collapse then........

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: democracydemo
a reply to: neutronflux
a reply to: neutronflux

Halt the pigeon chess and whataboutism!

Or can all that be intepreted as soft-admittance to the original debate: (i) the cores are not visible (ii) therefor cores did not collapse last?

Sorry, there is vertical columns of the cores still standing after the complete collapse of the twin towers floor systems.

Moving the goalpost; from visual core to there is vertical columns of the cores still standing.

Where in the above picture do you see these vertical core colums still standing?
Draw some arrows.

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

You are just a sad little person.

Both pictures show vertical columns.....


You list
Let’s start small. The claim the towers fell at or near free fall speed is a lie in there is video showing the structural steel standing whole seconds on end after the collapse of the floor system. Please state if it’s a lie or not the towers fell at or near free fall speed.

Why would I believe any group claiming the structural steel was cut floor by floor to cause the twin towers to fall near free fall speed. Especially when its clear the structural steel fell last, and stoop up to 25 seconds after collapse initiation?

If the core columns didn’t come down last, why isn’t Richard Gage using his lawyers to force Skeptic Society into a retraction and an apology. Because the truth is, there was vertical columns still standing after the complete collapse of the floor systems.

The physical evidence shows the vertical columns coming down after the floor systems were ripped from the vertical columns.

The truth movement claim was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor. Richard Gage’s lie was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is not in line with what would be seen if structural steel was cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is in line with the buildings above the buckling fell into the building below, shearing and bending the floor connections to the vertical columns. With the vertical columns toppling in their wake.

Then you cannot produce any video evidence of columns being cut when there is video clearly showing columns buckling and bowing.

On top of that, there is zero evidence of columns being cut by planted pyrotechnics.

With zero chance any Demolition System would survive the jet impacts and fires to initiate a collapse as capture by video,audio, and seismic evidence.

WTC CD by planted pyrotechnics is a lie.

Unless you want to debate about actual evidence.

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 02:29 PM

originally posted by: neutronflux

originally posted by: democracydemo
a reply to: neutronflux
a reply to: neutronflux

With the evidence showing the vertical columns coming down after the floor systems were ripped from the vertical columns by:

Failure of Welded Floor Truss Connections from the Exterior Wall during Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers


Analysis of the connections supporting the composite floor system of the WTC towers showed that at and below the im- pact floors, the greater majority (above 90%) of the floor truss connections were either bent downward or completely re- moved from the exterior column. This was probably related to the overloading of the floors below the impact region after col- lapse initiation. Depending upon weld joint geometry, detachment of the main load-bearing seats was a result of either fracture in the heat affected zone of the base material (standoff plate detached from spandrel) or through the weld metal (seat angle detached from standoff plate). Failure in both cases was assumed to be a result of a shear mechanism as a result of overloading from floors above impacting those below. There did not appear to be a significant change in distribution of failure modes of the floor truss connections when comparing those connections inside vs. outside of the impact region or those ex- posed to pre-collapse fires and those that were not.


"The connections used in the core area are not discussed in this paper, as few were recovered and the as-built location of those that were could not be ascertained; information on these seats can be found in Ref. 4."

edit on 3-5-2019 by democracydemo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

Your list

You list
Let’s start small. The claim the towers fell at or near free fall speed is a lie in there is video showing the structural steel standing whole seconds on end after the collapse of the floor system. Please state if it’s a lie or not the towers fell at or near free fall speed.

Why would I believe any group claiming the structural steel was cut floor by floor to cause the twin towers to fall near free fall speed. Especially when its clear the structural steel fell last, and stoop up to 25 seconds after collapse initiation?

If the core columns didn’t come down last, why isn’t Richard Gage using his lawyers to force Skeptic Society into a retraction and an apology. Because the truth is, there was vertical columns still standing after the complete collapse of the floor systems.

The physical evidence shows the vertical columns coming down after the floor systems were ripped from the vertical columns.

The truth movement claim was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor. Richard Gage’s lie was the structural steel had to be cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is not in line with what would be seen if structural steel was cut floor by floor.

Your “Like peeling a banana is what you are seeing my friend“ is in line with the buildings above the buckling fell into the building below, shearing and bending the floor connections to the vertical columns. With the vertical columns toppling in their wake.

Then you cannot produce any video evidence of columns being cut when there is video clearly showing columns buckling and bowing.

On top of that, there is zero evidence of columns being cut by planted pyrotechnics.

With zero chance any Demolition System would survive the jet impacts and fires to initiate a collapse as capture by video,audio, and seismic evidence.

WTC CD by planted pyrotechnics is a lie.

Unless you want to debate about actual evidence.

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 02:33 PM
double post
edit on 3-5-2019 by neutronflux because: Double post

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 02:36 PM


"The connections used in the core area are not discussed in this paper, as few were recovered and the as-built location of those that were could not be ascertained; information on these seats can be found in Ref. 4."

What does that have to do with zero evidence of CD and Richard Gage uses false arguments?
edit on 3-5-2019 by neutronflux because: Fixed quotes

edit on 3-5-2019 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

What conspiracy fantasy concerning twin tower CD should I believe, and what is the evidence?
edit on 3-5-2019 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Ref. 4. might reel you above zero.

"NIST has documented approximately 1 percent of all core columns intersecting floors with damage from the impact or fire floors. Thus, the preceding forensic analysis does not, and cannot, give a full and accurate picture of the type and amount of impact damage sustained by the vast majority of core columns."

Page 200

NIST NCSTAR 1-3C (Ref. 4)

posted on May, 3 2019 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

What does that have to do with zero evidence of CD and Richard Gage uses false arguments?


What conspiracy fantasy concerning twin tower CD should I believe, and what is the evidence?

I have well documented my case on what brought down the Twin Towers. It’s supported by video evidence, photo evidence, and cited sources.

What do you think should supersede fire related inward bowing and buckling to initiate collapse that resulted in the total failure of the floor systems leaving vertical columns still standing in the wake of the floor system failures!

Richard Gage and his fizzle no flash bombs?
Thermite paint or thermite ceiling tiles?
Missiles? Lasers? Nukes? Dustification?

What do you think is the most probably cause of collapse with the most supporting evidence.

How can you seriously claim I am wrong but you provide no evidence of a more likely cause?

You are a sad little person that cannot come to terms you got played by the truth movement concerning twin tower CD.

There is zero evidence the twin towers were brought down by planted pyrotechnics. None. Zero.

edit on 3-5-2019 by neutronflux because: Had stray sentence and removed it.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

You process new information, when given, very differently. Your mind is in full-attack-mode for such.

All the evidence you have presented relies ultimately on the dodgy (s)hite investigation courtesy of NIST, interpreted by as gospel. Official story confirmed, status quo maintained and all is well in the world.

Yet here we are, in Grand Jury.

posted on May, 4 2019 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: democracydemo

And yet you cannot name the conspiracy fantasy I should believe in more than fire related inward bowing leading to buckling and collapse.


What does that have to do with zero evidence of CD and Richard Gage uses false arguments?


What conspiracy fantasy concerning twin tower CD should I believe, and what is the evidence?

I have well documented my case on what brought down the Twin Towers. It’s supported by video evidence, photo evidence, and cited sources.

What do you think should supersede fire related inward bowing and buckling to initiate collapse that resulted in the total failure of the floor systems leaving vertical columns still standing in the wake of the floor system failures!

Richard Gage and his fizzle no flash bombs?
Thermite paint or thermite ceiling tiles?
Missiles? Lasers? Nukes? Dustification?

What do you think is the most probably cause of collapse with the most supporting evidence.

How can you seriously claim I am wrong but you provide no evidence of a more likely cause?

You are a sad little person that cannot come to terms you got played by the truth movement concerning twin tower CD.

There is zero evidence the twin towers were brought down by planted pyrotechnics. None. Zero.

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