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This weekend, we face the most serious threat to the world that we have ever seen

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posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I've never been bothered about Dr Who , isnt there more of a noise being made at james bond being black or a woman ?

Anyway , I thought that civilsation as we know it would end , when the last wild coffee bean becomes extinct in 2050

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
I do not tread lightly here.

I predict that by Sunday there will be world-wide turmoil. A grave paradigm shift is happening this weekend that will reverberate throughout our collective cultures for years, possibly decades to come.

I have prepared my family. Ammo has been purchased, food stores have been stocked. The cultural repercussions from this weekends event will have a dire, perhaps ugly direct impact on our society for generations.

I knew it was coming. We all did. Threads have been written on it here, television shows have spoken about it at great length. We will look at this weekend the same way we looked at all other historical events.

"Where were you when it happened?"

Generations from now, we'll see history books mark this weekend as a turning point in our society.

This social issue will be pivotal for future generations.

I am not a religious man, but for those that are, I'd ask that you pray to your diety(s) and ask, nay, beg for forgiveness and understanding.

I don't expect riots or bloodshed. I would beg restraint. But I can't guarantee the future or safe outcome for everyone this weekend.

"History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man."
- Percy Bysshe Shelley

This weekend, Sunday to be exact, Doctor Who becomes a woman.

May all the gods have mercy on our souls.

haha you had me going. Great post.

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 09:15 AM

I knew it was coming. We all did. Threads have been written on it here, television shows have spoken about it at great length. We will look at this weekend the same way we looked at all other historical events.

I thought you were talking about CNN actually having GOOD headlines about Trump. I about had a heart attack this weekend. I still think it's a sign of the impending Apocalypse.

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 09:37 AM
It seems the writers are not straying from the doctor's character from the 70's, when I watched a couple episodes with Tom Baker as the lead. I was bored then and bored now, but I think that is because I never was the target audience. The writers really need to write in the doctor buying tool belt or a gun holster so the sonic screwdriver is safely secured at all times.

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 10:15 AM
Hmm.. is there anything the right won't get outraged over? Probably not. As soon as other races outnumber white people in a show, the alarms start going off.

As far as the Doctor being female, it's canon - while we haven't seen the character as a female yet, I guess I get the angst, but personally I liked the first episode. I think they'll grow into the role, just like previous Doctors. Yea, Tom Baker was my favorite as well.. I mean, that scarf! And of course K-9.

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 10:58 AM
Hasn't the Dr. always said he wanted to come back as a female during a regeneration? Hard to see what problem even the die-hards would have. By and large, Whovians are nerds, which are about the most open and accepting of groups on the not sure why there was so much doubt at the acceptance of a female doc.

I'm only a casual fan of it's "OK" to me, but not great. Heck, I even saw Peter Capaldi and the gal playing the Companion just a couple weekends back (at MegaCon), but not a big enough fan to spring for their photo ops (which were way overpriced in my opinion, but guess folks were paying it....)

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 11:04 AM
I tried watching it over the years, could never get into it, got friends that love it.

I just find it super gay and boring af.

Prefer the 70s version.

Or none at all.

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 09:05 PM
As a fan of Doctor Who for 40 years and someone that was neutral on the idea of the Doctor becoming a woman all i can really say after watching Whitakers and Chibnals first episode is all the haters, detractors, the ARGH wamen are coming! man boys either can shut up, sit down and watch it or bugger off finally so we dont have to put up with their insecurities.

The episode was different in a good way tonally and visually very very good, there was non of the so called virtue signaling people were braying about would be through all of it, hell the only time they really mentioned him as a woman was literally 'Why'd you call me m'am' 'Oh im a woman now?, oh well' *shrug* and im someone that dislikes blatant PC pandering... there was non of it in this episode. Anyone who says there was is looking for negatives simply to prop up there own needs to be negative really.

Jodie was the Doctor, plain and simple from the moment she stood up, with a nice well grounded set of companions, and its funny given ALOT of people like Graham the white older male character alot... who'd have thunk that? So much for fears of marginalizing the white guy or saying he was just gonna be the butt of race, sex and age jokes... everyone likes the guy and to top it off he's the one with fatherly concerns with the voice of reason.

As for their being alot of Indians being in the quest star trailer... well DUH, theres an episode set in India for god sake... an actual episode set in a historical that isnt the west, how is that being PC... India has a HUGE history that would make for some excellent historical stories set in it.

Sure the villan was a little meh and the story a little middling and it was hardly perfect, but in terms of a post regen story its one of the best of Nu Who and it felt fresh but still familiar... cant wait for next week.

And hooray the Doctors a proper tinker again, the spirit of Pertwees doctor lives on. the Doctor is still the Doctor, they just have a new exterior... and they've proven thats a ok.

posted on Oct, 9 2018 @ 01:12 AM
I have no problem with them turning the doctor into a woman. I have been watching the adventures of the doctor since the early 70s and I must say the first episode of the new season was kinda meh the only think that seems to make this a doctor who episode was the couple of times she was referred to as the doctor at the end and the mention of her tardis and the building of her sonic screwdriver. It most reminded me of a few of the fan made episodes that came out before restart episode ROSE or one of the lame spinoffs like class or the original k9. Hopefully production values and script writing gets muck better or this might be the actual end of the doctor again I am not blaming this on actress but rather the lame script and piss poor production values of episode.


posted on Oct, 9 2018 @ 11:14 AM
BigfootNZ, what do you make of the Doctors speech to the bounty hunter when she said something to the effect of "evolve but remember where you came from" when referring to her regeneration? Does regeneration evolve the Doctor or is it the learning experiences that cause mental evolution?

If the next episode is in India, fair game, if not it seems suspect.

posted on Oct, 9 2018 @ 11:11 PM
If they had made a spin off show about a female timelord, as female timelords are a thing, I would be fine.

But they made the doctor a woman for political correctness and diversity and other nonsense.

The Doctors an established character, gender bending him does nothing to progress the character.

The show has slowly been moving towards pandering to minority groups and imaginary problems for some time now.

Sure it's easy to make fun of those this kind of thing annoys. But those mocking I am sure have something they enjoy that would piss them off if it was drastically changed for zero sensible reasons or just to cash in on a certain demographic.

Funny though the same people who say race and gender swapping Caucasian characters (even if they're aliens) is absolutely fine, are usually the same people who get outraged when you swap out Asian, Black and female characters etc. with a white man.
Then it's white washing and sexist and A-ok to be mad.

It's the hypocrisy of it all that gets on my nerves.

I know I'd rather make my own heroes than steal those of others.

Oh well regardless of how anyone feels all are entitled to their opinion, even if it is just the usual lazy trolling they're known for.

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Last season The Master was a woman and that worked (imho) exceptionally well. I was NOT fan of a female Doctor either--in fact I hated the idea with a purple polka-dotted passion--but I'm willing to give her a chance (she was great in Broadchurch).

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: AtomicKangaroo
If they had made a spin off show about a female timelord, as female timelords are a thing, I would be fine.

But they made the doctor a woman for political correctness and diversity and other nonsense.

The Doctors an established character, gender bending him does nothing to progress the character.

The show has slowly been moving towards pandering to minority groups and imaginary problems for some time now.

Sure it's easy to make fun of those this kind of thing annoys. But those mocking I am sure have something they enjoy that would piss them off if it was drastically changed for zero sensible reasons or just to cash in on a certain demographic.

Funny though the same people who say race and gender swapping Caucasian characters (even if they're aliens) is absolutely fine, are usually the same people who get outraged when you swap out Asian, Black and female characters etc. with a white man.
Then it's white washing and sexist and A-ok to be mad.

It's the hypocrisy of it all that gets on my nerves.

I know I'd rather make my own heroes than steal those of others.

Oh well regardless of how anyone feels all are entitled to their opinion, even if it is just the usual lazy trolling they're known for.

All great points. The hypocrisy is large. This is a video of well known SJWs such as Anita Sarkaseeian complaining about the new Buffy reboot, because (insert gasp) she will be black.
Can watch the video here.

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: riiver
a reply to: ketsuko

Last season The Master was a woman and that worked (imho) exceptionally well. I was NOT fan of a female Doctor either--in fact I hated the idea with a purple polka-dotted passion--but I'm willing to give her a chance (she was great in Broadchurch).

I think it fit the Master as he was always cheating death and finding new ways to live way beyond a Time Lords normal allotted amount of regeneration's.
It felt okay for me because it felt like it was somehow emphasizing on the extremes he was willing to go to to survive.

I've watched the first episode of this new Doctor and it wasn't possible to get a feel for her thanks to the rebooting meaning her 'personality' isn't in place yet.
And the clothes style they're going for with her looks crap.
So I worry they're going to change more than just the good Doctor's gender.

Biggest issue is Doctor Who's writing isn't that good anymore and good stories are being sacrificed to push a moral message.

We don't watch Doctor Who to be preached to, we watch it to be entertained, we watch it because c'mon
how cool is that?

We don't watch it because we need to learn that the Doctors Companions can be Lesbians too because acceptance, because tolerance. BLAH.

They can be a lesbian, gay, trans, nazi amputee black jewish midget for all I care, hell I'd love to see a sentient giant squid companion. Just don't make a big issue of it.
Leave the SJW soap opera out of it.

Just blow up some bubble wrap and latex monsters while being conflicted over committing alien genocide.
Give us robots who want to conquer Earth and space ships. Lots and lots of spaceships.

Hell, make a show about the Master and all his regeneration's. Kind of like a much darker and adult Dr Who. I'd watch that in a heart beat.

Just please stop ruining our semi mindless entertainment escape from reality.
If I wanted buzzfeed I'd be on the net, not watching TV lol

edit on 10-10-2018 by AtomicKangaroo because: typos as usual. probably more in there lol.

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: kyosuke

Yeah that Anita chick is a hypocrite on everything.
Not sure why they cannot just make a new "Slayer" Show. It would make sense seeing as the original show ended with all the potential slayers being activated.

Bit like the doing a new Time Lord show. Star Trek's done it.
Torchwood wasn't too bad a spin off.
You can make new stuff without destroying the original source.

Create new heroes and characters and stop gender and race swapping existing ones.
Seems simple. Everyone wins every ones happy surely?

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 10:39 AM
On the show itself, I watched it.

Found it . . . okay.

Will watch it again. While it didn't knock my socks off and make me say, "Wow! Gosh oh golly gee!" I didn't vomit.

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I just found it to me meh .actress was ok it was not her fault just crappy dialogue she was given. The whole episode looked like one of those fan made episodes with low production values. They need to have her in tardis by next week or else they will have a show about so lady running around claiming to be the doctor.

posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 07:57 PM
I think "meh" describes it well.

It can always be a bit awkward for a new Doctor, but I couldn't shake the feeling I was watching a show like Doctor Who rather than actually watching Doctor Who.

I felt like its been kinda going in that direction for a bit now, so I hope they can right the ship..

posted on Oct, 12 2018 @ 05:14 AM
I think the next doctor should be trans (joke). I don't know how that would work.
edit on 12/10/18 by C0bzz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2018 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: XL5

The way regeneration works or at least to me and most Classic Whos is that basically the body gets scrambled, the mind gets a little altered but over all its simply the same person just a different exterior with a slightly altered view on the world... i dont think they where doing some sort of jab at men or anything.

Its like how people who have transplants sometimes take on traits of the person they got the organ from... its still the same person but a few things are different... which is why when the 10th Doctor moaned about dying and some other man walking away it got me really annoyed, since thats NOT what happens and RTD knew that and simply stuck that line in to ellude to him leaving as show runner but ended up cementing the wrong idea into the minds of new DW fans.

Not sure I fully understood what you meant in your reply though lol... all i was saying is, as a long time fan for 4 decades having now seen the change, I saw no reason to get upset over a gender change or continue to be upset over it. Jodie came across as the Doctor and she does it well, he's just got tits now *shrug* and the show feels fresh and interesting after a number of years of getting stale even though i did like Capaldi and Matts first season.

Any one still with a grudge will always have a grudge and i think even if he'd stayed in a males body they'd stil be complaining about something... the shows always been fairly progressive from its start, the 13th Doctors not really doing anything that new.

a reply to: Serdgiam

The interesting thing is alot of people myself included are loving the fact its going back to being more like Classic Who, it just feels more like what we grew up with... unfortunately this shift is kinda off putting to people who've only known Nu Who since they dont realise how RTD and Moffats DW was quite tonally different to Classic, which might explain the 'meh' feeling for them and the 'nostalgia sqee' for us.
edit on 26-10-2018 by BigfootNZ because: (no reason given)

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