a reply to:
Vasa Croe
thats right. the N word as defined by people like Lamar is: a group of my best friends, not including white people.
White people need to learn that they are not a part of this special group and they are lucky to even be allowed at a kendrik lamer concert, and then
they should spend their dollars accordingly.
Why would you give money to someone who treats you differently, applies a different set of rules, because of your skin color. Wake up white people,
they are all laughing at you behind your backs because you want to join their special club.
They openly mock white people in their songs and then get all sensitive if you love one of their songs enough to actually sing it. Enough is enough. I
listen to rap. But i would only give actual financial support to very few of them just for the fact most of them are openly racist.
People have put up with it because "well, black people have had a hard time, so, you would probably have an attitude, too". (and many people are
simply not aware since they dont listen to it and they wouldn't understand it even if they did) But maybe its time to, I dunno, actually uphold
How about, no overt, in your face racism, for anyone, at any time, anywhere?
In your own homes, or inside your minds, you can do, say, think what you want...
But when it comes to publicly spoken words and actions Can everyone just go by the same rules? Or do some people still need special rules for a few
more generations "until the pain goes away" some more? Im patient. How about, by 2020, nobody uses racist terms like the NWord, or saying disparaging
remarks about other races? Is that too much to ask for?
I know we can't prevent some knucklehead from writing a word on a wall in an alleyway or toilet stall, but, can we at least demand some standards
from our community leaders, our role models?
Trump never said the N word or disparaged another race of people or excluded any race. Can you live up to Trump's standard? Or is that asking too
much? Can we ask Kendrik to stop being racist, like Trump, or is that asking too much of a Lamer?
Reminder: whether you use the Nword to disparage black people, or to exclude white people, its still racist as hell. I think enough is enough. I'm
just gonna give a nasty look whenever i hear that word from now on, no matter who says it, and if they want to know, I'll tell them why i hate that
word. Because its racist, flat out.
And by the way, it sounds ignorant as hell whenever someone uses it. Just in case you didn't realize what normal non racist people are thinking when
they hear it. It's the mark of a street punk who you should never allow in your home or trust around your belongings or loved ones.
edit on
5/22/2018 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)