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Why do people get drawn into alternative medicines?

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posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

you saw bill eat a mcdonalds burger and fries on tv one day and you believe all ptb do that on a regular basis? Your more naive then i originally thought

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: Ghost147

originally posted by: elementalgrove
a reply to: TerryDon79

Because the main stream approach to cancer is nothing but a very profitable slow decline into death.

Well spoken. Absolutely true.

But if it's all about the money, where are there breakthroughs with treatment?

Chemo and radiation for cancer is still a relatively new thing. As got pointed out by another poster, there's developments on the brain tumor treatment.

Surely if it was just about cashing in on people being sick then there would be no advancements in health care?

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 01:54 AM

originally posted by: DOCHOLIDAZE1
a reply to: TerryDon79

you saw bill eat a mcdonalds burger and fries on tv one day and you believe all ptb do that on a regular basis? Your more naive then i originally thought

So what are you saying?
The ptb have access to different cows, cigarettes, medicine, food etc than the "regular folk" do?

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

they know what to eat drink smoke and have the money to do it the rest of us take what we can get, sadly that is how the system is set up

its easy to feed the .01 percent the rest of us get poison.
edit on 2-3-2016 by DOCHOLIDAZE1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-3-2016 by DOCHOLIDAZE1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

I'm pretty sick of the absolute lies that you, and others, like to propagate on the internet about cancer. Cancer is a mutation of cells which cause them to grow without regulation. Out of control growth, much like the out of control growth of crap being spread across the internet by people that don't bother to get a grip on science before spewing said crap, is not regulated by magic.

There is no magic cure for cancer. There are many kinds of cancer. The idea that nobody wants to provide a cure for cancer because they make too much on chemo is absolute bull#. There are drugs that work on one kind, there are drugs that work on another kind, and there are some that just let you live a few more months in misery while you wait to die. Chemo is poison and nobody is going to deny that. It's disgusting that people prey on those with no hope.

I'm tired of this rhetoric about simple solutions for complex problems. If they worked then they would be in wide practice with millions of people telling you they worked. People that are dying of cancer will try anything. I've watched people waste away while trying every bull# remedy they could find. It didn't work. Chemo didn't work and alternative therapy didn't work. Cancer, in many cases, is a death sentence.

There are some cases that traditional therapy works. If you are diagnosed with cancer you should look up the five year survival. You should ask your doctor what the real chances are of beating it are. Don't subject yourself to a bunch of poison if there is no real chance of survival. I'd rather go in two months with dignity that go in six months puking my guts out and losing 30% of my weight.

As our life expectancy goes up, so will our cancer rate. Our DNA is unstable and mutates. That mutation, along with genetics, will cause cancer.

After you get cancer and cure it with voodoo feel free to disregard me. Until then stop spreading harmful lies.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

It is all about the money, but so is any other product, whether it is for health, or for self aggrandisement.

Look at the car industry. Cars are made for one reason. Because car manufacturers can make money out of them. If they could not, we never would have gotten much past the Model T Ford. But these days we have all manner of wonderful cars, with different types of engines, gearboxes, running on different fuels and fuel mixes, some even running on electricity, without any combustion of any kind!

And let's be nuanced here. I am not saying that every researcher and chemist and biologist and oncologist is doing what they do because they are getting paid to do it. But I am saying that the people who employ them will use their discoveries to make money. An individual research chemist or biologist, learning new ways to treat ailments, is no different in ideology to a fellow in his workshop, tinkering to see if he can get better performance out of an engine, or experimenting with different fuels and delivery systems. The efforts of both are done out of love of the subject matter, and although one is obviously done out of pure nerdiness, and the other has a distinct and immediate benefit to the human race, the fact is that the efforts of both, if taken to the global level, are MONEY MAKERS!

Yes, biologists and chemists tinkering with drugs and treatments are trying to save lives, but the men who pay them are not, just as an engineer who comes up with a better way to deliver power to the road did it for the love of going fast, whereas his advancement will be sold by whomever pays him for the design, for heaps and heaps of money to the consumer.

edit on 2-3-2016 by TrueBrit because: Added a G because I am not street enough.

edit on 2-3-2016 by TrueBrit because: Spelling error removal

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:13 AM
first if all let me say sorry for the hard times your family is going through.

There is an ad on TV advertising a pharmacy or something but the woman says " more and more people ARE TURNING TO NATURAL medicines" but really it should say TURNING BACK TO. After all most of our medicines are just a synthetic version of a plant or mineral.

I must say that the brain tumor thing in Germany that someone memtionedsounds very interesting. I am now going to goggle it some more out of interest.

I use natural medicine 90% of the time.

I hope your family find some ting to help.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I never said that there was no money/profit in it and if I implied that I didn't mean to. My point was that it isn't ALL about the money. Sure, companies sell things to make money (apart from the odd one here and there that doesn't). That's the nature of business and healthcare et al (when broken down) is a business. But when someone says it's purely or mainly about the money I just have to laugh.

The same as when people say alternate treatments are being suppressed and they "need to get the word out". It's the same things that are being suppressed that alternative doctors are selling in their books that they advertise on their website or amazon etc, so how is that suppressed?

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

Well that treatment I mentioned to you earlier, with the needle and the iron particles? That is not being offered to people here in the UK as far as I know, even people for whom it might prove useful. You have to know about it, in order to discuss it with your doctor.

Now, I am a nerd, so I look into these things because they interest me from an intellectual perspective. But most people do not have such an interest, or an ability to recall a news article they read four years ago detailing the process involved. Many people only pay attention to emotive news, or political segments, or do not watch the stuff at all, except to shout at their television screens over some biased nonsense they heard that they did not like.

So yes, alternatives to what is readily and cheaply available are suppressed, because they are not laid out, in every case, to every patient that might benefit from them, and yet they are genuine techniques, performed by doctors, surgeons, nurses and under surgery conditions, as opposed to being anti-science hoodoo. The reason they are not automatically offered to every patient who might benefit from them, unless that patient asks about it? Because they are new and expensive.

Edit to add: Because they are new and expensive, and because we have taxation based healthcare (which is the only correct way to run a healthcare system), AND because it is being run like a business at the moment (which is not the correct way to run a healthcare system), value for money over the whole service, is considered by those running the show, to be more important than outcomes for patients.
edit on 2-3-2016 by TrueBrit because: Added detail for clarification

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

So again, not really suppressed, more like not overly discussed? I, personally, think that the word suppressed is used too often with treatments and medicines.

Like this thing in Germany. It's not suppressed because you can find out about it. It's just not been shouted from the rooftops. Do you know if it's a valid treatment yet or is it still in the trial stage?

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

It is still in the trial stage, but early trials have had really good results.

Of course, some brain cancers, like Gliomas for example, can seed the brain with microscopic deposits, which result in later development of even more aggressive tumours, and so other treatment is still necessary to mitigate for that situation.

However, in terms of tumour destruction and improvements for patients, the trial phase of this treatment type has been quite impressive. MagForce is the developer of this treatment, and it is called NanoTherm or something like it. Look it up, it's fascinating stuff!

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:38 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: TerryDon79

It is still in the trial stage, but early trials have had really good results.

Of course, some brain cancers, like Gliomas for example, can seed the brain with microscopic deposits, which result in later development of even more aggressive tumours, and so other treatment is still necessary to mitigate for that situation.

However, in terms of tumour destruction and improvements for patients, the trial phase of this treatment type has been quite impressive. MagForce is the developer of this treatment, and it is called NanoTherm or something like it. Look it up, it's fascinating stuff!

Oh I will.

Do you know if they've trialed it on other types of "lumps"? My wife has polyps and she might be interested in studying this as well.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:58 AM
University of Aberta Edmonton
(Chloracetate) sic study.....

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79


Hope in the face of death.

Plus people online insisting they work to make a $$$$$.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

Why do people get drawn into alternative medicines?

Perhaps its because some people believe that for every human ailment there is a naturally growing/occurring remedy for it.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: TerryDon79

Well, no. I have no idea wether it has been used for anything other than brain tumours as of yet. Since it was developed specifically to treat tumours considered in operable due to their proximity to vital parts of the brain, I have no idea if this treatment would be applicable else where in the body, or if the equipment, specifically the magnets they use, can be adapted for use elsewhere in the body.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

You honestly believe that the cancer industry is completely benevolent. You wish to launch into a tirade against me and all of the liars on the internet. Where did I ever say that cancer was not a mutation of cells and can be regulated by magic? When did I ever state that there is a magic cure for cancer?

Do I think that a trillion dollar a year industry has a reason to make sure they keep making their billions? Absolutely, I actually think it is painfully obvious!

I have lost people in my family to cancer and I imagine you have as well. What I find ironic is that when our family has been around oncologists we are the ones coming up with methods to get them nutrition.

You honestly believe the best treatment for cancer is one derived from mustard gas? As opposed to using the bodies innate healing ability to do so!? Well science be praised!

There have been many alternative treatments to the conventional that have been shut down over the years. Here is a couple of pioneering doctors that were disregarded.

Royal Rife did it with frequency.

Max Gerson did it with nutrition and coffee enemas

Your smug and arrogant opinion is a slap in the face of the many people who have cured their disease with holistic methods, people like one of our own here at ATS... and imagine that he links to other testimonials!

He has authored a couple threads detailing his families victory using the miracle of the body!

That is not even getting started on Cannabis and how well the medical scientific industry has ignored this amazingly therapeutic plant.

edit on America/ChicagoWednesdayAmerica/Chicago03America/Chicago331amWednesday3 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 03:12 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: TerryDon79

Well, no. I have no idea wether it has been used for anything other than brain tumours as of yet. Since it was developed specifically to treat tumours considered in operable due to their proximity to vital parts of the brain, I have no idea if this treatment would be applicable else where in the body, or if the equipment, specifically the magnets they use, can be adapted for use elsewhere in the body.

Ok. Thought I'd ask on the off chance

Definitely something I'll be keeping a close eye on though. Sounds promising.

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: elementalgrove

Has there been any studies done? You know, with percent rates and dosages etc?

posted on Mar, 2 2016 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: TerryDon79
a reply to: elementalgrove

Has there been any studies done? You know, with percent rates and dosages etc?

For cannabis I will reference you to this thread.

List of all medical studies proving cannabis cures cancer

In regards to Rife and Gerson, I do not believe that studies were ever allowed to be had. They simply shut them down.

The collusion that exists between the AMA, FDA, NHI and big phrama is one that there are many books written about.

Murder by injection is a good one.

the medical mafia another good one.

A world without cancer is another worth your time.
edit on America/ChicagoWednesdayAmerica/Chicago03America/Chicago331amWednesday3 by elementalgrove because: (no reason given)

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