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Christians, have you ever considered you might be on the wrong side?

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posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: Lucid Lunacy
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

So God has the ability to fast forward his future in his own mind and find out that yes he may have been a baby today but he will grow up into being a Vicious Wolf in the future

Are those the words of a cruel GOD?

Are these the words of a loving god?

A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death.~Leviticus 21:9

Put to death because she had sex. A horribly painful death.

If someone did that today we would see it as murder. That person would be imprisoned. When you introduce divine command it becomes righteous.

First of all you did not get the whole translation correct going from using the ancient language it reads more like this

Leviticus 21:9

9. “‘Now if the daughter of a priest should profane herself by committing PROSTITUTION, she is profaning her father. She should be burned in the fire.

So keeping in mind a few things here,

1. It was very important for the safety of his children as a nation to set an example for the rest of the world to be holy especially when you're dealing with Priest that are in the Most Holy Place GOD'S Temple.

The surrounding nations had their own temples and they would freely have prostitutes and the nation would be ridden with disease very painful diseases and a lot of people died especially when prostitution runs rampant they do not have the medical advances that they do today so imagine the death if now GOD'S children had temple prostitutes running rampid and setting a bad example and people dying left and right in a sense it could get so bad that it could wipe out GOD'S children in a few decades if he allowed this to continue.

2. This would be one of the occasions that GOD would appear in to the female prostitute's future and her heart condition in his mind he would say if I decide to act in a different way and give this woman a chance would she ever change because right now I'm seeing in my mind and in the future that this,
Will, lead to the painful disease ridden annihilation of my people.

So in the interest of protecting his children he must set an example, to the rest of the world that this is a very dangerous path to go on especially if we are to help the world lead better lives and clean our lives and healthier lives and long lives.

Now if you want a little bit of evidence you should study cities in the past that did not regulate prostitution and see how much pain and suffering the people went through because of sickness.

Also as the onlooker SATAN observes and keeps on taunting JEHOVAH GOD ( if he let her go) and JEHOVAH was correct HE ended up with a nation full of prostitutes and disease ridden,

Then SATAN would respond to all of creation, "see even JEHOVAH condones this unclean lifestyle"

It would be disastrous.

posted on Oct, 22 2015 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

The surrounding nations had their own temples and they would freely have prostitutes and the nation would be ridden with disease very painful diseases and a lot of people died especially when prostitution runs rampant

So an all-powerful god's best solution is to condone the burning alive of prostitutes instead of just removing the very painful disease from existence?

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 12:47 AM

originally posted by: Lucid Lunacy
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

The surrounding nations had their own temples and they would freely have prostitutes and the nation would be ridden with disease very painful diseases and a lot of people died especially when prostitution runs rampant

So an all-powerful god's best solution is to condone the burning alive of prostitutes instead of just removing the very painful disease from existence?

If he allows Human to just do whatever they want no matter what the consequences is humans will never learn that this is wrong.

It was not God's purpose to sell your self in prostitution and then just have Jehovah come and say that's okay let me get rid of that disease for you..

everybody would become a prostitute if Jehovah will protect you from the consequences of wrongdoing.

everyone or more people would become,







God knows that most people do not want to live in a world like that.

So all these people can just do whatever they want and put everyone who doesn't like to act this way in pain and suffering and then say "oh don't worry we can be as bad as we want" Our God will clean up our mess".

JEHOVAH'S going to come back and as a janitor to clean up the mess every single time that's ridiculous.

But most of all you did not understand what I meant when I said,,,,,

Then SATAN would respond to all of creation, "see even JEHOVAH condones this unclean lifestyle"

It would be disastrous.

Sorry this is not the way it works the reason why we are in this mess is because SATAN WANTS you to do wrong things and forget about the consequences.

so instead of a God Jehovah would become nothing more than a janitor and mankind would never learn anything?

Furthermore this is the process that we will go through and eventually yes there will be no more SIN for Jehovah to clean up because he's going to clean up the sin once and for all after Armageddon.

TO experience the consequences, this is the process that us humans have to go through to realize that we never want to go through this ever again,

So after Armageddon this type of thinking, ALL humans will remember this whole part of humanity's life and never want to do this thing again we will all then say, " been there done that", " never want to go back to that".

Then peace will rule the galaxy literally.

In the Paradise earth that God will set up for us there will be no more PAIN no more SUFFERING no more DISEASE no more THIEVES no more TYRANTS no more DEATH.

He gave that prostitute plenty of Warning NOT do that.

Just like when you tell a child do not touch that fire you are going to get burned and the child does it anyway his clothes catch fire and he burned himself alive is it the parents fault that that child burned himself alive after giving that child,,
Warning after Warning after Warning after Warning after Warning.

If I jump off the cliff I will not expect God to miraculously give me a parachute

No I am the one who chose to break the law of gravity.

So if I disrespect and break the law of gravity then I deserve to die I am NOT going to expect Jehovah to bring me down slowly like Mary Poppins
edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Clarify

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 01:11 AM

originally posted by: Lucid Lunacy
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

The surrounding nations had their own temples and they would freely have prostitutes and the nation would be ridden with disease very painful diseases and a lot of people died especially when prostitution runs rampant

So an all-powerful god's best solution is to condone the burning alive of prostitutes instead of just removing the very painful disease from existence?

This is why God is not going to run around chasing after you wiping your nose wiping your butt.

[Job 1 6-12]

6. Now the day came when the sons of the true God entered to take their station before Jehovah, and Satan also entered among them.

7. Then Jehovah said to Satan: “Where have you come from?” Satan answered Jehovah: “From roving about on the earth and from walking about in it."

8. And Jehovah said to Satan: “Have you taken note of my servant Job? There is no one like him on the earth. He is an upright man of integrity, fearing God and shunning what is bad.”

9. At that Satan answered Jehovah: “Is it for nothing that Job has feared God?
10.Have you not put up a protective hedge around him and his house and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his livestock has spread out in the land.
11. But, for a change, stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your very face.”

12. Then Jehovah said to Satan: “Look! Everything that he has is in your hand. Only do not lay your hand on the man himself!”
So Satan went out from the presence of Jehovah.

And again because God does not like to see even Satan himself be tortured he will make sure that they do not experience pain but it is very important for the world to see and understand this....,

[Galatians 6; 6- 9]

6.Moreover, let anyone who is being taught the word share in all good things with the one who gives such teaching.

7. Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap;
8. because the one sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but the one sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit.

9. So let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due time we will Reap if we do not tire out.
edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Adjust

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Adjust

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

JWism 101

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: Cinrad
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Found this on Yahoo answers

The word 'ether' comes from long ago. Back when radio was invented, people noticed that it could go through a vacuum, through space. In those days it was thought that a wave couldn't go through a vacuum--like a sound wave for instance, it has to have some medium to go through. So scientists developed the idea of 'ether', a sort of gelatin-like substance that exists throughout the universe, the medium that radio waves travel through (also light waves, xray, etc.). It was named after another very ancient concept that space was filled with very light, rarified elements called ether (or aether). That's where we get the word 'ethereal'.

Anyway, the whole concept was abandoned about 75 years ago, and people just accepted that radio waves can go through space. But Ethernet was named after that ether.

'Internet' means many networks linked together, which is just what the Internet is. If you have several networks that you connect together, that's called an internet. When it's capitalized, that's -the- Internet. Intranet is within a single network, like intranet mail. Like intermural and intramural sports.

I always thought it was the space between hard written data, like if you erase a message from your apparatus after it is sent and it is travelling the world's fibre optic cables and hasn't arrived where it is going yet and recorded on anything, then that message is in the ether. Great place to set science fiction stories.

Back on topic:
8 foxes culled to protect Queensland turtles
Kill the foxes? That's cruel isn't it?
(Note foxes are not native to Aus and kill a lot of wildlife whether it is endangered or not, cant tell them to kill only the plague rabbits and rats, they'll kill and eat anything they can).

And have you ever thought of this?

Thank you very much for answering my question and for the history lesson.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Yes God is a murderer,even in your own example;

Then you see your children starting to die because of it, Now let's say you have the power to give your neighbors plenty of chances but after so many chances you have the power to destroy them because it is the only way to protect your children.

And no I would not kill the neighbors to protect the children regardless of what actions or lifestyles I find reprehensible. I would deal with the neighbors with out the use of coercion like any sane person. Instead I would leave them the # alone and possibly find other living arrangements. Also instead punishing the children to death I would show them(whether they agree with me or not is redundant) why I disagree with the actions/lifestyles of the neighbors and educate them about how to deal with these problems if they so choose. That's all you can really do as a parent.

To be overprotective over your children by killing the neighbors is to deprive the children of the proper tools and education to deal with the road ahead, it is also neglecting the fact that they are their own person,they will make mistakes regardless of their loyalty and their devotion. You will also create a state of codependency since they will never learn how to properly deal with their own problems instead you will always have your kids calling you for help over the smallest of issues.

To tell me that the God depicted in the Bible provides you with the necessary tools and education to deal with life's hardships is #ing laughable when he was the one who condemn his children to death and hardship to begin with. That's too bad that you couldn't deal with the consequences of your own actions as an atheist, but I guess now you can just blame all your problems on the devil right?

Edit; I also completely agree with Akragon, Jesus is clearly way more benevolent than God from the OT I'm still scratching my head on how you can convince yourself other wise....

Sorry for forgetting to respond to this thread I missed it but I agree with most of what you would do in the neighbors vs children example but what I was referring to was having the power to see that the neighbors will 100% sure come after your children meaning that you could see the future of them destroying your children and in that scenario I would feel compelled to do what I explain to you not in the case of what you're talking about which is a normal situation I'm not talking about a normal neighbor vs. Protecting your children scenario.

And I was also only talking about if the children agree with you 100% and they were asking you to protect them.

When it comes to the God that I know he does the scenario that you talk about many times but when his face with my scenario that I explained he will do anything to protect his children using his divine ability to peer into the future if he deems it necessary to.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Sorry for forgetting to respond to this thread I missed it but I agree with most of what you would do in the neighbors vs children example but what I was referring to was having the power to see that the neighbors will 100% sure come after your children meaning that you could see the future of them destroying your children and in that scenario I would feel compelled to do what I explain to you not in the case of what you're talking about which is a normal situation I'm not talking about a normal neighbor vs. Protecting your children scenario.

Your missing my point entirely... It is not the neighbors who are hurting the children.. It is the parent aka God. It doesn't matter if they 100% agree with God or not, to deprive the kids of learning how to deal with the problems themselves in the end will doom them in the exact way God has foreseen it. So God is to blame for NOT taking the necessary action to protect his children non-violently. Not the neighbors, who are also a creation of God.

When it comes to the God that I know he does the scenario that you talk about many times but when his face with my scenario that I explained he will do anything to protect his children using his divine ability to peer into the future if he deems it necessary to.

If your referring to when he moves the Israelites out of Egypt using Moses as a proxy? Yet you want to ignore what heinous actions he did against all of the Egyptian people to convince the Pharaoh to free them...Any other example in the bible is about the same. I'm sorry but you don't know who God is.. The only thing you have to prove you think you know God is your own circular logic and testimonial which are both meaning less as a character reference.
edit on 23-10-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Sorry for forgetting to respond to this thread I missed it but I agree with most of what you would do in the neighbors vs children example but what I was referring to was having the power to see that the neighbors will 100% sure come after your children meaning that you could see the future of them destroying your children and in that scenario I would feel compelled to do what I explain to you not in the case of what you're talking about which is a normal situation I'm not talking about a normal neighbor vs. Protecting your children scenario.

Your missing my point entirely... It is not the neighbors who are hurting the children.. It is the parent aka God. It doesn't matter if they 100% agree with God or not, to deprive the kids of learning how to deal with the problems themselves in the end will doom them in the exact way God has foreseen it. So God is to blame for NOT taking the necessary action to protect his children non-violently. Not the neighbors, who are also a creation of God.

When it comes to the God that I know he does the scenario that you talk about many times but when his face with my scenario that I explained he will do anything to protect his children using his divine ability to peer into the future if he deems it necessary to.

If your referring to when he moves the Israelites out of Egypt using Moses as a proxy? Yet you want to ignore what heinous actions he did against all of the Egyptian people to convince the Pharaoh to free them...Any other example in the bible is about the same. I'm sorry but you don't know who God is.. The only thing you have to prove you think you know God is your own circular logic and testimonial which are both meaning less as a character reference.

I'm sorry but I can say the same thing about you.

Or , to you.
edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Sorry for forgetting to respond to this thread I missed it but I agree with most of what you would do in the neighbors vs children example but what I was referring to was having the power to see that the neighbors will 100% sure come after your children meaning that you could see the future of them destroying your children and in that scenario I would feel compelled to do what I explain to you not in the case of what you're talking about which is a normal situation I'm not talking about a normal neighbor vs. Protecting your children scenario.

Your missing my point entirely... It is not the neighbors who are hurting the children.. It is the parent aka God. It doesn't matter if they 100% agree with God or not, to deprive the kids of learning how to deal with the problems themselves in the end will doom them in the exact way God has foreseen it. So God is to blame for NOT taking the necessary action to protect his children non-violently. Not the neighbors, who are also a creation of God.

When it comes to the God that I know he does the scenario that you talk about many times but when his face with my scenario that I explained he will do anything to protect his children using his divine ability to peer into the future if he deems it necessary to.

If your referring to when he moves the Israelites out of Egypt using Moses as a proxy? Yet you want to ignore what heinous actions he did against all of the Egyptian people to convince the Pharaoh to free them...Any other example in the bible is about the same. I'm sorry but you don't know who God is.. The only thing you have to prove you think you know God is your own circular logic and testimonial which are both meaning less as a character reference.

So based on your logic you want me to allow my children to play with a BOMB just so that I do NOT deprive them of the experience of being blown to pieces?

Because that is my whole point and you keep forgetting to add that studying God's personality , FROM GENESIS to REVELATION has taught me that God can and will peer into the hearts and future if necessary , of those before he executes them if necessary.

Please stop forgetting that I have said that because it does not look like you remember.
edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Clarify

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Sorry for forgetting to respond to this thread I missed it but I agree with most of what you would do in the neighbors vs children example but what I was referring to was having the power to see that the neighbors will 100% sure come after your children meaning that you could see the future of them destroying your children and in that scenario I would feel compelled to do what I explain to you not in the case of what you're talking about which is a normal situation I'm not talking about a normal neighbor vs. Protecting your children scenario.

Your missing my point entirely... It is not the neighbors who are hurting the children.. It is the parent aka God. It doesn't matter if they 100% agree with God or not, to deprive the kids of learning how to deal with the problems themselves in the end will doom them in the exact way God has foreseen it. So God is to blame for NOT taking the necessary action to protect his children non-violently. Not the neighbors, who are also a creation of God.

When it comes to the God that I know he does the scenario that you talk about many times but when his face with my scenario that I explained he will do anything to protect his children using his divine ability to peer into the future if he deems it necessary to.

If your referring to when he moves the Israelites out of Egypt using Moses as a proxy? Yet you want to ignore what heinous actions he did against all of the Egyptian people to convince the Pharaoh to free them...Any other example in the bible is about the same. I'm sorry but you don't know who God is.. The only thing you have to prove you think you know God is your own circular logic and testimonial which are both meaning less as a character reference.

Every time you make a comment you bring back the memories of when I said the exact same thing to not only myself but to others I met on the street of Las Vegas.

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Addition

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Sorry for forgetting to respond to this thread I missed it but I agree with most of what you would do in the neighbors vs children example but what I was referring to was having the power to see that the neighbors will 100% sure come after your children meaning that you could see the future of them destroying your children and in that scenario I would feel compelled to do what I explain to you not in the case of what you're talking about which is a normal situation I'm not talking about a normal neighbor vs. Protecting your children scenario.

Your missing my point entirely... It is not the neighbors who are hurting the children.. It is the parent aka God. It doesn't matter if they 100% agree with God or not, to deprive the kids of learning how to deal with the problems themselves in the end will doom them in the exact way God has foreseen it. So God is to blame for NOT taking the necessary action to protect his children non-violently. Not the neighbors, who are also a creation of God.

When it comes to the God that I know he does the scenario that you talk about many times but when his face with my scenario that I explained he will do anything to protect his children using his divine ability to peer into the future if he deems it necessary to.

If your referring to when he moves the Israelites out of Egypt using Moses as a proxy? Yet you want to ignore what heinous actions he did against all of the Egyptian people to convince the Pharaoh to free them...Any other example in the bible is about the same. I'm sorry but you don't know who God is.. The only thing you have to prove you think you know God is your own circular logic and testimonial which are both meaning less as a character reference.

let us briefly focus on two examples of divine judgment in the Bible,

The Flood of Noah’s day and the extermination of the Canaanites.


“GOD was cruel when he unleashed a flood that destroyed all mankind except for Noah and his family.”

GOD said: “I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living.” (Ezekiel 33:11) So the destruction of the wicked in Noah’s day brought GOD no pleasure at all.
Then why did he do it?

The Bible answers that when GOD brought such judgments against ungodly people in times past, he was “setting a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come.”
(2 Peter 2:5, 6) What pattern did GOD set?

[ UNGODLY PEOPLE; Also, generally means they pose a GREAT THREAT to GOD'S Children and the upcoming arrival of God's Son (Jesus Christ)].

First, GOD established that even though it pains him to destroy people, he does take note of cruel people who cause suffering and holds them accountable for their actions. In time, he will end all injustice and suffering.

Second, the pattern of GOD’S past actions establishes that GOD lovingly warns people before executing judgment. Noah was a preacher of righteousness, but most people ignored him. The Bible says: “They took no note until the flood came and swept them all away.” (Read Matthew 24:39).

Has GOD held to that pattern? Yes.
For example; he warned his people Israel that if they turned to wickedness as the nations around them had, he would allow enemies to invade their land; destroy their capital, Jerusalem; and carry them off into exile.
Israel did turn to wickedness,,, even carrying out child sacrifice. Did JEHOVAH act? Yes, but only after sending prophets to warn his people, again and again, to change their ways before it was too late. He even said: “The Sovereign Lord JEHOVAH will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.”
(Read Amos 3:7).

The pattern we see in JEHOVAH’S past judgments gives us hope. We can confidently look forward to GOD’S judgment of those who cruelly cause suffering. The Bible says: “Evildoers themselves will be cut off . . . But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” (Psalm 37:9-11) What do you think about a judgment, that, RELIEVES mankind of suffering?
Is it cruel, or is it merciful?


“The destruction of the Canaanites was a cruel war crime comparable to modern-day genocides.”

And I really hate war crimes,
I read about them everyday.

“All [God’s] ways are justice. [He is] a God of faithfulness, with whom there is no INJUSTICE.” (Deuteronomy 32:4)
An act of divine justice is not comparable to a human war. Why? Because unlike humans, God is able to read hearts, that is, what humans are on the inside.

For Example; When God judged the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and determined to bring them to ruin, the faithful man Abraham was concerned about the justice of the matter. He could not imagine that his JUST GOD would “sweep away the righteous with the wicked.” Patiently, GOD, reassured him that if there were even ten righteous people in Sodom, He would spare the city on their account. (Genesis 18:20-33) Clearly, GOD searched through the hearts of those people and saw the depth of their wickedness.
(Read 1 Chronicles 28:9).

Similarly, God judged the Canaanites and rightly ordered their destruction. The Canaanites were Notorious for their Cruelty, which included Burning Children Alive in Sacrificial Fires. (2 Kings 16:3),
The Canaanites knew that JEHOVAH had commanded Israel to take possession of all the land. Those who chose to remain and wage war were taking a deliberate stand against not only the Israelites but also JEHOVAH, who had given powerful evidence that he was with his people.

Moreover, GOD Extended Mercy to Canaanites who abandoned their wickedness and accepted JEHOVAH’S high moral standards. For example; The Canaanite Prostitute, Rahab, was SAVED, along with her family. Also, when the inhabitants of the Canaanite City of Gibeon sought Mercy, They and All Their Children Were Preserved Alive.
(Read Joshua 6:25;9:3, 24-26).

We can learn a vital lesson from the judgment of the Canaanites. We are rapidly approaching the foretold “Day Of Judgment and of Destruction of the Ungodly Men.” (2 Peter 3:7) If we love JEHOVAH, we will benefit when he eliminates human suffering by ridding the earth of those who Reject His Just Rule.

The Canaanites Were Notoriously Cruel, and they deliberately opposed God and his people

JEHOVAH Lovingly reminds us that the choices parents make affect their children. God’s Word says: “You must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him.” (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) Are those the words of a cruel GOD or the words of a GOD who loves people and wants them to make the right choice?

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Adjust

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

So based on your logic you want me to allow my children to play with a BOMB just so that I do NOT deprive them of the experience of being blown to pieces?

If they want to use explosives you teach them how to handle them safely and provide them with the necessary tools to do so.You also show them what not to do when handling such devices. Doing this all with in the range of when you think their mentally capable of doing such tasks. To just say, like God has numerous times about specific lifestyles and habits to just say their immoral because he is God your father who art thou in heaven is taking information from authority with out verifying its accuracy. Which BTW is extremely ignorant..

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS; GOD said: “I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living.” (Ezekiel 33:11)

Yeah explain to me how destroying someone who disagrees with God's morals is going to get that person to reconsider their lifestyle choices and live making better decisions? If your going to continue citing scripture where it seems like God has the patience to give them chances to turn them from their wicked ways, I'm sorry to tell you but God's patience and mercy is short of the definition of those words. If he's just striking down those who he see's as too far gone how come he doesn't provide those who are not with the information and tools to help them be redeemed.

I'm sorry but I can say the same thing about you. Or , to you.

All your arguments for God's character are Bull# which lucid Laney and Akragon already pointed out to you and yet you still refuse to acknowledge that maybe your God is not who he says he is because the bible says so. Your circular logic is asinine. I'm still baffled as to how you believe this garbage as 100% truth and with out doubt to the information's authenticity. You say you were a non-believer and had view similar to me about the bible..
If you don't mind, explain to me what exactly turned you towards believing the bible and I will leave it there.
edit on 23-10-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-10-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

Sorry for forgetting to respond to this thread I missed it but I agree with most of what you would do in the neighbors vs children example but what I was referring to was having the power to see that the neighbors will 100% sure come after your children meaning that you could see the future of them destroying your children and in that scenario I would feel compelled to do what I explain to you not in the case of what you're talking about which is a normal situation I'm not talking about a normal neighbor vs. Protecting your children scenario.

Your missing my point entirely... It is not the neighbors who are hurting the children.. It is the parent aka God. It doesn't matter if they 100% agree with God or not, to deprive the kids of learning how to deal with the problems themselves in the end will doom them in the exact way God has foreseen it. So God is to blame for NOT taking the necessary action to protect his children non-violently. Not the neighbors, who are also a creation of God.

When it comes to the God that I know he does the scenario that you talk about many times but when his face with my scenario that I explained he will do anything to protect his children using his divine ability to peer into the future if he deems it necessary to.

If your referring to when he moves the Israelites out of Egypt using Moses as a proxy? Yet you want to ignore what heinous actions he did against all of the Egyptian people to convince the Pharaoh to free them...Any other example in the bible is about the same. I'm sorry but you don't know who God is.. The only thing you have to prove you think you know God is your own circular logic and testimonial which are both meaning less as a character reference.

The EGYPTIAN wear UNBELIEVABLY CRUEL to God's people for [400 YEARS],
Are You Kidding Me?

The problem with the EGYPTIANS and all their people was they did not have the same ATTITUDES as the KING of NINEVEH if they had God would have shown them great MERCY.

[Jonah 3; 5 - 10]

5. And the men of Ninʹe·veh put faith in God, and they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them.

6. When the message reached the king of Ninʹe·veh, he rose up from his throne and took off his royal garment and covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the ashes.

7. Furthermore, he issued a proclamation throughout Ninʹe·veh,
“By the decree of the king and his nobles: No man or beast, herd or flock, should eat anything at all. They should not take food, nor should they drink any water.

8. Let them be covered with sackcloth, both man and beast; and let them call out earnestly to GOD and turn from their evil ways and from the violence they practice.

9. Who knows whether the true GOD may reconsidera what he intends to do and turn from his burning anger, so that we may NOT PERISH?”

10. When the true GOD saw what they did, how they had turned back from their evil ways, he reconsidered the calamity that he said he would bring on them,
and he did not bring it.

And go research how CRUEL the Ninevites were and how RUTHLESS they were.
Also the Canaanites.


AND I cannot say it better then the way JESUS SAID IT,, so I will just quote him,,

[Matthew 22:29]

29.  IN REPLY JESUS SAID to them: “You are mistaken, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God;

[Mark 12:24]

24. JESUS SAID TO THEM: “Is not this why you are mistaken, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God?

[John 8:19]

19. Then they said to him: “Where is your Father?” Jesus answered: “You know neither me nor my Father. If you did know me, you would know my Father also.”

BTW), one of the reasons why I decided to give it another shot is because someone said this to me also.

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Adjust

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Clarify

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Clarify

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

So based on your logic you want me to allow my children to play with a BOMB just so that I do NOT deprive them of the experience of being blown to pieces?

If they want to use explosives you teach them how to handle them safely and provide them with the necessary tools to do so.You also show them what not to do when handling such devices. Doing this all with in the range of when you think their mentally capable of doing such tasks. To just say, like God has numerous times about specific lifestyles and habits to just say their immoral because he is God your father who art thou in heaven is taking information from authority with out verifying its accuracy. Which BTW is extremely ignorant..

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS; GOD said: “I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living.” (Ezekiel 33:11)

Yeah explain to me how destroying someone who disagrees with God's morals is going to get that person to reconsider their lifestyle choices and live making better decisions? If your going to continue citing scripture where it seems like God has the patience to give them chances to turn them from their wicked ways, I'm sorry to tell you but God's patience and mercy is short of the definition of those words. If he's just striking down those who he see's as too far gone how come he doesn't provide those who are not with the information and tools to help them be redeemed.

I'm sorry but I can say the same thing about you. Or , to you.

All your arguments for God's character are Bull# which lucid Laney and Akragon already pointed out to you and yet you still refuse to acknowledge that maybe your God is not who he says he is because the bible says so. Your circular logic is asinine. I'm still baffled as to how you believe this garbage as 100% truth and with out doubt to the information's authenticity. You say you were a non-believer and had view similar to me about the bible..
If you don't mind, explain to me what exactly turned you towards believing the bible and I will leave it there.

Why should I repeat myself go back and read somewhere around 50 of my posts

I have already answered your questions by answering the questions of others why should I waste my time anymore?
I have told you about the PAIN that I have SUFFERED, so if I comment anymore it would either just be repeating myself,

OR you just simply lack the brain capacity to understand. You will never GET IT no matter what I say, even if I can find something a little bit different than what I have already said

And if anyone thinks that is an insult remember he just insulted me first.

WE are all our own ENTITY,

WE are responsible for our own actions,

IF we can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen,

IF we can't do the time, don't do the crime,

IF we cannot handle the consequences of our actions, then don't be SEWING THEM, so you do not have to REAP THEM.

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Clarify

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Addition

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

So based on your logic you want me to allow my children to play with a BOMB just so that I do NOT deprive them of the experience of being blown to pieces?

If they want to use explosives you teach them how to handle them safely and provide them with the necessary tools to do so.You also show them what not to do when handling such devices. Doing this all with in the range of when you think their mentally capable of doing such tasks. To just say, like God has numerous times about specific lifestyles and habits to just say their immoral because he is God your father who art thou in heaven is taking information from authority with out verifying its accuracy. Which BTW is extremely ignorant..

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS; GOD said: “I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living.” (Ezekiel 33:11)

Yeah explain to me how destroying someone who disagrees with God's morals is going to get that person to reconsider their lifestyle choices and live making better decisions? If your going to continue citing scripture where it seems like God has the patience to give them chances to turn them from their wicked ways, I'm sorry to tell you but God's patience and mercy is short of the definition of those words. If he's just striking down those who he see's as too far gone how come he doesn't provide those who are not with the information and tools to help them be redeemed.

I'm sorry but I can say the same thing about you. Or , to you.

All your arguments for God's character are Bull# which lucid Laney and Akragon already pointed out to you and yet you still refuse to acknowledge that maybe your God is not who he says he is because the bible says so. Your circular logic is asinine. I'm still baffled as to how you believe this garbage as 100% truth and with out doubt to the information's authenticity. You say you were a non-believer and had view similar to me about the bible..
If you don't mind, explain to me what exactly turned you towards believing the bible and I will leave it there.

Just ONE reason why I think the Bible is ACCURATE.

Historical Soundness

It would be hard to trust a book that is found to contain inaccuracies. Imagine reading a modern history book that dated the second world war to the 1800’s or that called the president of the United States a king. Would such inaccuracies not raise questions in your mind about the overall reliability of the book?

NO ONE has ever successfully challenged the historical accuracy of the Bible. It refers to real people and real events.


Bible critics questioned the existence of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea who handed Jesus over to be impaled. (Matthew 27:1-26) Evidence that Pilate was once ruler of Judea is etched on a stone discovered at the Mediterranean seaport city of Caesarea in 1961.

Before 1993, there was no proof outside the Bible to support the historicity of David, the brave young shepherd who later became king of Israel. That year, however, archaeologists uncovered in northern Israel a basalt stone, dated to the ninth century B.C.E., that experts say bears the words “House of David” and “king of Israel.”


Until recently, many scholars doubted the accuracy of the Bible’s account of the nation of Edom battling with Israel in the time of David. (2 Samuel 8:13, 14) Edom, they argued, was a simple pastoral society at the time and did not become sufficiently organized or have the might to threaten Israel until much later. However, recent excavations indicate that “Edom was a complex society centuries earlier [than previously thought], as reflected in the Bible,” states an article in the journal Biblical Archaeology Review.

Proper titles.

There were many rulers on the world stage during the 16 centuries that the Bible was being written. When the Bible refers to a ruler, it alwaysuses the proper title. For example, it correctly refers to Herod Antipas as “district ruler” and Gallio as “proconsul.” (Luke 3:1; Acts 18:12)Ezra 5:6 refers to Tattenai, the governor of the Persian province “beyond the River,” the Euphrates River. A coin produced in the fourth century B.C.E. contains a similar description, identifying the Persian governor Mazaeus as ruler of the province “Beyond the River.”

Accuracy in seemingly minor details is no small matter. If we can trust the Bible writers in even small details, should that not bolster our confidence in the other things they wrote?

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

I have already answered your questions by answering the questions of others why should I waste my time anymore? I have told you about the PAIN that I have SUFFERED, so if I comment anymore it would either just be repeating myself,

I've read all your walls of text and neither of them mention details as to how you were convinced that God's character is legit (which you studied apparently in depth for 31 years), what little you mention is the vague statement of you couldn't handle the consequences of your actions for the seven years you were an atheist in Las Vegas...

OR you just simply lack the brain capacity to understand. You will never GET IT no matter what I say, even if I can find something a little bit different than what I have already said

No I understand what you've said and understand why you think your right about everything you've presented. You think God is great because the bible says so and you have faith in their authenticity. That's fine but that is a really bad case of circular logic and appeal to authority which is foolish to make such arguments. Did I insult you? Wasn't intended as such...

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

and they deliberately opposed God and his people

So then it's morally justified should god destroy me, and every other person in this thread who's in opposition.

Yep. That sounds like a religious stance if I ever heard one.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

So based on your logic you want me to allow my children to play with a BOMB just so that I do NOT deprive them of the experience of being blown to pieces?

If they want to use explosives you teach them how to handle them safely and provide them with the necessary tools to do so.You also show them what not to do when handling such devices. Doing this all with in the range of when you think their mentally capable of doing such tasks. To just say, like God has numerous times about specific lifestyles and habits to just say their immoral because he is God your father who art thou in heaven is taking information from authority with out verifying its accuracy. Which BTW is extremely ignorant..

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS; GOD said: “I take delight, not in the death of the wicked one, but in that someone wicked turns back from his way and actually keeps living.” (Ezekiel 33:11)

Yeah explain to me how destroying someone who disagrees with God's morals is going to get that person to reconsider their lifestyle choices and live making better decisions? If your going to continue citing scripture where it seems like God has the patience to give them chances to turn them from their wicked ways, I'm sorry to tell you but God's patience and mercy is short of the definition of those words. If he's just striking down those who he see's as too far gone how come he doesn't provide those who are not with the information and tools to help them be redeemed.

I'm sorry but I can say the same thing about you. Or , to you.

All your arguments for God's character are Bull# which lucid Laney and Akragon already pointed out to you and yet you still refuse to acknowledge that maybe your God is not who he says he is because the bible says so. Your circular logic is asinine. I'm still baffled as to how you believe this garbage as 100% truth and with out doubt to the information's authenticity. You say you were a non-believer and had view similar to me about the bible..
If you don't mind, explain to me what exactly turned you towards believing the bible and I will leave it there.

Seriously this is the last thing I am going to ever say to you, "NATE".

I used to be heavily into bodybuilding,

Martial arts,

MMA fighting,

AND as a teenager kickboxing competitions,

I also was doing a lot bouncing in strip clubs,

Collecting for loan sharks,

Fitness modeling,

Involved in a lot of Las Vegas commercials,

had multiple girlfriends at the same time,

I used to love violence,

But maybe if you experienced the HORROR and the DISCUSSIONS I have had with SATAN HIMSELF or MAYBE it was one of his MINIONS / DEMONS.

IF you experience the PAIN that I have,

Maybe you could understand why LEARNING ABOUT GOD'S JUSTICE and his VIEW OF VIOLENCE,


I think there is something VERY TRUE about this statement,


Can make us change our life, for the better,

I am very very fortunate that I did not DIE FROM THE LAS VEGAS MAFIA.

"and if the Las Vegas mafia happens to see this post I have nothing but peaceful intentions bro."

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: Lucid Lunacy
a reply to: vincentdaniel7

and they deliberately opposed God and his people

So then it's morally justified should god destroy me, and every other person in this thread who's in opposition.

Yep. That sounds like a religious stance if I ever heard one.

No,, I'm not saying that neither is, JEHOVAH GOD saying that, You are thinking with your imperfect human mind.

Otherwise why would God promise to resurrect the righteous,, [[ and ]],,,

edit on 10/17/2015 by vincentdaniel7 because: Clarify

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