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Riddle me this Anti-American sentimentalists....

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posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Okay, like, no, like, you didn't over do it.

If anyone is capable of getting satirical vocal fry in to text its you.

Thanks for the beautiful scree.

Keep holding it down.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:28 PM
I'm not really sure I understand your question(s). The OP seems like a thinly veiled attempt at characterizing American cynicism as infantile finger-pointing, impotent in the face of any possibility for change.

So if America collapses and we come out of it a lot worse for the wear (which is entirely subjective), will the anti-crowd "take it back", so to speak? Is that what you're asking? If so, the answer seems entirely predicated on what kind of lifestyle one finds more preferable.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Criticism is fine. Being blind almost to a point of hatred is absurd. I am only asking if people who fit that category have thought their stance through to its logical end.

I see people almost celebrate when something bad happens in the US....or give ominous warnings about this or that and end with a sentiment that is just psychotic.

I see them like infantile morons. I respect people even if they dont agree with me if they are WORTHY of that respect.

If you arent emotional, and are logical in your position, you may even change my mind. I DO hear people out. I ignore kids unless they are mine.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:34 PM
There will always be a Rome,or a London or a Washington,nations rise and fall,empires come and go and its nothing to get emotionally involved with your nations greatness like any others was pre-ordained as is the next number ones,will it be better or worse I dont care all that is real to me is those I love and care about,the rest is smoke and mirrors.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:36 PM
Hey thanks,tho I have disagreements with some of what you've said ( but I also need 20posts to start a thread) but hey if you're a believer in the states (that's what we call you in Canada) good on you, it's better then nothing
edit on 28-4-2015 by allistar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:39 PM
Well in my opinion the US is a corporate machine, same as every other major nation. The US just happens to have the most military at the moment, therefore allowing obvious world influence. It will change eventually and the US will be #2 to China unless China changes it's human rights policies. BUT, the US won't fall past #2 for a very very long while, if ever. It's the absolute best in terms of geographical location by border, area, climate, and fertility (unless them Canadians up north get sick of the US lol)with India a close 2nd but lacking the major infrastructure as the US.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: tadaman

If you arent emotional, and are logical in your position, you may even change my mind. I DO hear people out. I ignore kids unless they are mine.

Perhaps you should ask your kids how they view their future.

Personally I'm glad I don't have kids to witness the coming fascist America, I see looming on the horizon.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: tadaman

I am more concerned with the US imploding due to inside influence... not so much with outside stimulus...

The hate you allude to, is well earned, and seems to me somewhat intentional ....

It's so much easier to advance an agenda if you keep folks divided...

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: khnum

I agree.

People should focus on whats really important to us in the here and now.

As far as there always being a Rome or what not...well, We had a vacuum after the fall of was the dark ages.

I would prefer a transition into something thought out and a step up if the US were to lose its global position. I wouldnt mind it if the US went back to being an agricultural based country. We seemed happier then.

I wouldnt mind as long as the world doesnt descend into a "dark ages" type mentality.

TO be honest, I like the world as it is now. Even with all its vices....there is allot I would change, the population size for one. I used to be VERY liberal and VERY anti NWO.

Now, I see the benefit of a reduced world population. We are doing exactly nothing with billions of people that we cant all feed, educate and house. I am not PRO NWO, but I am starting to see things half way. If the source was more trustworthy I would be a freaking poster child for it on certain issues.

I like that the US is powerful because it serves its own interests and those of the west, BUT it also serves some noble ventures. Are they enough to justify it all? I dont know, I just like the fact that we are making progress as a species. I would like for our greatest technological achievements and otherwise to be other than F-22s and strong geo-positioning ...I will take it, but would prefer a mission to mars 20 years ago for effort now to prolong life spans, and all that. I am increasingly trans-humanist..

Is that NWO? Sure, but I still dont identify with the worse aspects of it. Those "scary" aspects are DANGERS of the brave new world, not certain aspects that WILL come about. Most likely sure, considering the source, but nothing is written in stone. Things change....People are human after

There is allot of potential in the US and the west. Do we have flaws, HELL YEAH. Who doesnt though.

A mature person sees things without the childish "good guy" VS "bad guy" mindset.

There are no innocents. Only kids and they turn into grow ups eventually.

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: tadaman

Criticism is fine. Being blind almost to a point of hatred is absurd. I am only asking if people who fit that category have thought their stance through to its logical end.

And what logical end is that?

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:47 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: khnum

Now, I see the benefit of a reduced world population. We are doing exactly nothing with billions of people that we cant all feed, educate and cloth. I am not PRO NWO, but I am starting to see things half way. If the source was more trustworthy I would be a freaking poster child for it.

Instead of population reduction, wouldn't population prevention (increase that is) be a more viable option? That way you don't have to kill billions.
edit on 28-4-2015 by Neutrality because: spelling

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: Neutrality

We should NOT kill billions. BUT we have to start breeding responsibly.

There is no reason to have several children with several people....and not be able to feed and educate them all.

We need to keep stable numbers but not expand into natural habitats to accommodate people just because they are born.

I would sterilize people who have several kids with several women for example. Dead beat dads, repeat offenders and so on. Take it from there.

Think of it this way. Either WE get responsible or our grand kids will have to form death squads to establish stable population numbers.

They wont just starve and poison themselves...they WILL look to a solution to stay alive....because we failed them and bred them into dire straights.

We need to prioritize where we are going and what we are about. Honestly a reduced population would solve SO MANY problems we have as far as disproportionate wealth distribution and war for resources and so on.

it wouldnt be perfect, but it would be SOOO much better for those who are around.

We SHOULD NOT kill billions. If we did we would not be worthy of survival. It would change us. BUT we need to start to address the elephant in the room´

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:53 PM
A better question would be how can the USA survive when political ideology reigns supreme, when one side can publicly state they wish for America to fail to hurt the other ideology and millions still support them? When Congress can't get anything done, then when one ideology dominates they still really can't get anything done?

We live under some weird form of corporate fascism that both ideologies support and feed, if left uncheck can you imagine the horror life will be in 50 years?

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

the parasite is flourishing....

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

I think American politics are very interesting. That said I think we have become too politically polarized. I see people argue and end up genuinely upset with each other over the proposed solutions to problems THEY AGREE should be addressed.

I dont get how people can be so divided over politics when at the end of the day they return to their lives and face each other in their communities they share.

if anything changes I would hope its the two party system. I would like to see people have two party ideas and approaches maybe but a common parting point from the center and a mindfulness of their shared goal...SOLUTIONS for problems we have....and for people to just choose the best solution regardless of whos idea it is.

"Politics" is the most barbaric aspect of the civilized world.

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Like oh my God Becky, like look at this thread.... like whoa...

Like Tadaman got like so bent out of shape with his like inability to understand the satire thread, he really thinks the people who understood the thread believe Russia or China are better countries......

Dude, seriously. You're clueless. Just stop.
edit on 28-4-2015 by 8675309jenny because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: tadaman

You don't necessarily need to go back to nature in Asia many skyscrapers are being built with large vegetable gardens as features,with regards to the masses there is hydroponics,aquaculture and other technologies and foods that can feed us all,the thing is will the corporations allow the distribution of these technologies equitably,the other problem is as you say making these people productive but then again is sitting in a cubicle watching numbers going back and forth on a screen productive?

I cant say I like the world I can say I find it amusing at times though its an interesting mix necessity the mother of invention and abject human stupidity at times this stupidity is called war were we get most invention,yes there are no innocents I buy petrol which means I indirectly support the policies up to and including war to secure this commodity,there are other examples.

As for the US I was there last Christmas and saw the Smithsonian air and space museum and other sights that document your nations once true greatness,I concur though it would be nice if you spent more on space and exploration lets face it thanks to Obama Buzz Lightyear has a better space programme currently than NASA.

Will your nation be a light to the world again I dont know you'd need at least a Richard Branson character,and there aint none of them currently in your political system.The only threat to your nation is itself lets just hope these troubles stop at Baltimore.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

No, wont stop.

I get it, but like I said in that thread, It was poorly done and actually argued the contrary. That the US is somehow VINDICATED in its police actions because those countries are so much worse.......I dont think that was the point now was it?

Are you so butt hurt that you had to come into this thread to make a point about that one¿

Care to stay on topic and ADD to the discussion?

Tell me how wonderful your world would be without the US?
Insert wanka meme.

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: tadaman

that's exactly what I meant by population prevention. It's inhumane to not allow someone to reproduce even if they don't have the means, but only ONCE, not 6-12 times depending on the state's welfare compensation plan. I like china's one child policy just by name, I'm pretty unfamiliar with it though hehe.

edit on 28-4-2015 by Neutrality because: word!

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: khnum

I think the whole "light in the darkness" was not very honest. We had a good run post WW2 sure, but the future is only going to be worthy if ALL mankind starts to look to be "great".

I would LOVE if Russia and the US pooled resources and talent and showed the world how its done in space. If China and the US would set up and maintain a global economy that would never crash. If the EU and the US would work to keep living standards to a high degree world wide.

Those things are pipe dreams under the current system. I am an advocate for regional sovereignty down to provincial sovereignty. We cant have that though because we are not on the same page. I would hate for a world government to be established if its anything like the models we have now...even the best are flawed and would fail globally, but I would like one if every state was respected like the US used to be with states rights before the civil war. I abhor centralized governments. The thing is MAYBE we need to start with that just to get on the same page.

Its a weird situation. We are so divided. We cant have people in the ME beating women for driving and people the west allowing religious freedom and gay rights and then send them all into space together for the good of mankind.

We need to establish a common ethos.

My hope? That the NWO is successful in uniting the world under a world government and then we just change it to be everything it promises.

Take it back after they set it up so to speak.

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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