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Riddle me this Anti-American sentimentalists....

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posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: 8675309jenny

No, wont stop.

I get it, but like I said in that thread, It was poorly done and actually argued the contrary. That the US is somehow VINDICATED in its police actions because those countries are so much worse.......I dont think that was the point now was it?

Are you so butt hurt that you had to come into this thread to make a point about that one¿

Care to stay on topic and ADD to the discussion?

Tell me how wonderful your world would be without the US?
Insert wanka meme.


So how much time have you actually spent looking at your home(country) from the outside??

It's like people bragging about the new paint on their house or their fantastic landscaping, when they've never actually seen it.

It's a genuine question, have you ever seen the US from outside ? I have. Spent over 2 years seeing the US from outside, and guess what I still love my country because I love my people, and I'm actually pretty damn patriotic and proud of the achievements of great Americans.

I certainly don't hate the US. But I do dislike those who steer the US off a cliff.

It's amazing when people can't distinguish the difference.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: khnum

I would LOVE if Russia and the US pooled resources and talent and showed the world how its done in space. If China and the US would set up and maintain a global economy that would never crash. If the EU and the US would work to keep living standards to a high degree world wide.

I agree with your sentiment of pipedream as long as we have separation of humanity. It's not the people, never has been, it's always the leaders.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny


I lived in Europe for over 6 years. Worked and owned a business there....NOW, Live in between Mexico and the US and have traveled my whole life since I was a kid. I see the US from the outside in and inside out. I have seen allot of the continental US too....

Go away or stay on topic. I am glad you came though.

NOW. TELL ME, how is the world you envision without the US....Answer ONE of the many questions I proposed. Or continue down this path of butt hurt.

Your call.

Also, I am not saying you hate the US, you can say if you do or not. I am asking if people even think things through when advocating for the collapse of the US just to stop certain negative aspects of it. What do you expect to happen if you get all you want? is it going to be better?

I am all for correcting the flaws...but be real.

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

what do you call the acts in Baltimore today? It's becoming a breaking point in the US and a likely reality to deal with soon. The police are the tip o' the berg so to speak. Until cities start holding the police responsible, it is apparent the people will hold the cities responsible.

When the US suddenly has to deal with extreme home issues it cannot function properly as a global one. It's already spread way to thin.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: tadaman

I think the question should rather be, what would YOU do Tadaman? After all, your principal solution is to burn it all down right?

I have a question. I am curious.

If given the chance to end the world and reset it all to zero.....or continue as we are for eternity....

What would you choose?

So, start as primitive people, free of all evil. OR live as we are forever with nothing ever changing.


I say, burn it all. End this farce, this world of lies and endless BS.

thats just me though.

I can live with the BS....I just know deep down inside, I would reset the whole thing and erase everything we have ever learned.

What we have going on, sucks and will only get worse. There is nothing really alluring about our world. Not its discoveries, its wisdom or its comfort. They are only slightly interesting and valuable. In the long run, we live a lie....and will never know true existence as we are.

Its all not worth even a cheap cigar.

Those are not my words, but your own.

(post by BaltimoreRioter removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:42 PM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: 8675309jenny


I lived in Europe for over 6 years. Worked and owned a business there....NOW, Live in between Mexico and the US and have traveled my whole life since I was a kid. I see the US from the outside in and inside out. I have seen allot of the continental US too....

Go away or stay on topic. I am glad you came though.

NOW. TELL ME, how is the world you envision without the US....Answer ONE of the many questions I proposed. Or continue down this path of butt hurt.

Your call.

Also, I am not saying you hate the US, you can say if you do or not. I am asking if people even think things through when advocating for the collapse of the US just to stop certain negative aspects of it. What do you expect to happen if you get all you want? is it going to be better?

I am all for correcting the flaws...but be real.

I'm actually a guy, my username was a joke when I made it, but I added the title underneath telling that I'm male. Not that it would change the conversation at all, just clarifying.

The answers to your questions are so mind-bendingly complex that hundreds of thousands of pages of books and nations laws have never resolved them.

Basically the answer is so immensely complex that it becomes simple: The status quo will remain while evolving at glacial pace.

That is seriously the correct answer.

October 1917 can't really happen anymore (Nor would I want it to. That singular event ultimately led to the murder of 94million people in the 20th century).

If by some strange force there were a massive collapse of the USA, things would likely end up worse than they are currently unless a leader stepped in who was willing to do some very un PC things to radically alter the political and social landscape of the USA. And while perhaps better for many in the end, the evil acts that take place during the revolution (as always happens) would obviously not be 'better' for the victims, and would taint any virtue of the future nation.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

I would reset the world to a point of almost zero technological ability. make people learn the value of simple living, responsible living where THEY produce what they need so they learn what they need and what REALLY constitutes needs. Where they learn to coexist and work with people and learn to overcome differences in the name of survival.

I would establish stable population numbers slowly by sterilization or encourage people to have only as many kids as THEY CAN CARE FOR....and do so while being mindful of the land they supposedly love so as to not ruin it.

THEN after the reset, I would slowly introduce technology again after people changed and learned the value of life and balanced living. There is no point in learning how to build a machine if you may end up building an F-22 because you are a barbarian monkey with satellites in orbit. We can learn what we forgot later after we have direction and purpose in our endeavors. Its not like we even LISTEN to history so as to have to teach it to people who do what ever the hell they want like animals. When we are more, we will know what to do with our accumulated knowledge.

Call me nuts....but that is a good plan. I never said kill people. I said remove the bibi from the baby. MAKE us grow up as a species.

I showed you mine, now show me yours....answer ONE of my questions proposed before.

Thanks for highlighting my other thread though. I dont know what it has to do with this, BUT HEY, thanks anyways.

I love the chance to elaborate on my thoughts.


Its been a while now. Post and run? Ok. I hope you will elaborate on your thoughts. I would like to see what you are all about. Maybe nothing at all. Maybe just a post and run type person with nothing but "ANTI" on the mind. Real constructive.

This thread was for YOU. Glad you came to show us you think things through beyond your opposition to things you dont understand.

edit on 4 28 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:03 AM
a reply to: tadaman

Only problem with that in my opinion is it would REALLY put the human race in peril of extinction. We've had a lucky run so far, but other than the flood (which seems according to ancient histories to be more a local rather than global event) we've had no major catastrophe to deal with. We don't even know how modern man would fare as compared to say slightly pre-modern man.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:13 AM
a reply to: Neutrality
I dont know.

You could have monitoring centers where people not able to survive can go. They would be sterilized and made to live out their lives in happy garden of Eden type centers. We dont need people like that and they are the ones threatening our collective survival.

I am not saying an old person who needs meds is a bad person. I am saying a peroson who cant even bother to learn something for their betterment and in the spirit of the groups needs which they use for their survival is not worth having too much consideration for.

If you are handicapped, then by all means, you should be taken care of. THAT is why the group exists, to help those who cant help themselves. If you are just lazy and awful, I dont care. Die.

We would not die off as a species. It would be a culling. I make no effort to hide that.

Strength should have purpose. I would rather our strength go to help those who are in genuine need instead of parasites who bring us all down.

Besides, I think old people and handicapped people would find GENUINE usefulness. They may even be shining examples of what we are looking for. People who overcome and become more.

We also only need a couple thousand people to remain genetically viable as a species. We could keep MANY times that amount alive if they worked to learn the skills necessary to survive.

We do this all with foresight and patience. Not one day just shut it all down. Start slow and teach people all along the way.

Its not about revenge or punishment. Its about curing our disease. That is a slow process that should be dealt with honestly.

People would die sure, but not any more than wars, starvation and disease dont do now or will do in greater measure as we progress down this path we are on.

We would give people a chance to become better at survival and as such THEY would ensure their own survival.,,instead of a system they are all too dependent on and use for comfort and pleasure, not needs. Most people dont even know what NEEDS are anymore.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: tadaman

Okay, I'll take a shot at answering your questions as best I can.
1.I don't know about those that 'hate' the US, I am disappointed in it.But hate it? No. I just feel like everything our forefathers tried to do was all for nothing with the corruption that goes on now.
2.I don't want to see the US 'fall'. And there in is my big argument.I want to see us negotiate a place for us in the world 'sharing' power instead of trying to lay down the smack down on other countries. Even Rome fell, we will have our day too. Of this I have no doubt. When it will be? Well thats anyones guess,but in time we too shall go down. We need to take this time while still on top to work out a place for our country so that the rest of the world doesn't do it for us.They won't be kind about it.
3.Where I see injustice,I will bitch. It doesn't matter if its us or another country. Right now I live in this one.We have the ability to do better and greed has been the order of the day for too long now. Reading what the Nazis did during WW2,it is clear to me,that to say nothing is the biggest crime of all. If I don't stand up,who will?
4. I don't want anyone to 'kill the beast'. Like I said,we need to work out a plan for us after we stop being the 911 of the world.
5. In this time of human development,there really is no reason for all these wars going on. The human species needs to come together to have a workable solution for all countries to leave others alone and let them do their own thing. No more NGOS. No more meddling in others affairs. That includes all countries. Resources need to be shared. The air,water and land needs to be cleaned up and used properly. We need to have a world to pass down to our kids. No new world order nonsense. We don't need one government for all. We just need to leave other governments alone to do their own thing. Let the people have their say.

I hope these are some of the answers you were looking for.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:33 AM
Like, why does there have to be a "world leader"?

You sound as if it wasn't for us bombing and sanctioning everyone into submission, someone else would be.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

Yes, those were the answers I was hoping people would come to.

I am all for a fix, though I think smashing it all in an emotional fit is not exactly a "fix"

I agree with you wholeheartedly

Have a good one.
Hold it down.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: Bone75

You sound as if it wasn't for us bombing and sanctioning everyone into submission, someone else would be.

You act like there wouldnt be. What in all of human nature led you to that conclusion?

Let me guess? Utopia?

There is a possibility for Utopia that you dream of?

so tell me, answer any of the questions.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: tadaman

you suggested resetting technology. If we did that and this happened, we A. wouldn't know it was coming, and B. would need a miracle of miracles to survive as a species something like this

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 12:49 AM
What does being American even mean though?

I don't consider myself anti American if I realize the path we're on leads to destruction. It's from studying history and trends.

Will the US become a third world country and be ruled by something worse than now? Sure it could happen, but I don't want it too. The US is due for another economic downturn and a potential collapse. From my point of view this isn't a bad thing, but an opportunity to rebuild. This isn't anti American, but very American. The foundation of our country is based of people who were "anti Britain".

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Neutrality

If an asteroid came now, as opposed to what we see in movies, we would be helpless. There is absolutely NOTHING we can do about an asteroid. We can only see it coming if it comes within the 1% of the sky we are watching at any given time.

Also, we could set things up to be picked up on.

Its not like we would have to forget it all. We would just learn how to get back to basics. AND if an asteroid came now we would be less able to survive as it stands than if people knew the skills my scenario would give them.

If people relearned how to live off the land, a solar flare would not kill us off like it could now. They would survive a governmental shutdown as apposed to now...etcetera.

No, my scenario would make REAL humans again. What we have now is something far less.

REAL humans could survive if nature gave them a chance. What we are now, needs big brother to think, let alone survive.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: tadaman

Why should I answer any of your questions? You were addressing people who hate the US and I don't hate the US. So why would I allow you to shove me into your little box?

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: asmall89

As you can tell I am all for getting back to basics. The thing is, people are very confused if they think that an economic collapse would be the end of our system.

We still have plenty of physical wealth that any system can be rebooted off again. HELL, even if it were a foreign system governed by a foreign country, we would still be VERY rich in that system based off the natural resources we have in house.

Lets say China sets up a new world currency based off gold. Ok, WHO OWNS most gold mines?

Lets say Russia sets one up where oil is the standard. Ok, Who has the largest reserves outside the ME, and who influences the ME?

Do it how you like, the US and more importantly, THE WEST own the assets that would establish the new currencies worth.

Could that change? Sure, but they didnt sit for over 200 years twiddling their thumbs. IF a collapse happens today, in a week we have something else that is going to look VERY attractive to the rest of the world, because we CAN guarantee worth. (stability in value set)

Its not that I like fiat money and fractal banking. God no. NO ONE DOES. Its that the lie isnt that far from the truth. They really CAN raise the worth of currency because no matter what it is backed by, they own most of it.

Grain, US is a bread basket, oil, US has so much untouched and so much in reserve...let alone our influence in the ME. Precious metals, other natural resources. What ever is not in the continental US is in our allies hands.

Africa is STILL the play thing of Europe. South America is still the play thing of the US. Is that cool? NO. But it is true.

Those places need the west because for some reason they just ALWAYS refused progress and always lack basic crap we have in abundance. Africa ALWAYS will refuse to progress too far. Its not even Europe's fault. Same for south America, they just dont want to....yet they need trains, roads, technology, and what ever else we can give them in terms of infrastructure.

The Dominican Republic for example had to ask a Spaniard company to come to redo their power grid a few years back. Spaniards brought the candle back in the day and later on, now, they brought the light bulb. I dont like it and think its retarded but there is truth to what I say. Some peoples just want to enjoy carefree living and that is fine. The thing is they need infrastructure as they grow no matter how care free they are because if not people die and then they revolt. Thats when Europe and the US step in. THATS why we control those resources too.

China can say they are going to build a second panama canal, but they havent and wont. Russia can promise to build and exploit mines in Cuba in exchange for coffee pots, (true story) but they wont.

The US and Europe for a long time into the future control the worlds largest share of resources. No matter the financial system they control or not, they control the price of what ever it is backed by because they control the supply of EVERYTHING and as such the price (worth of currency).

Dont look to an economic collapse to do anything other than shuffle wealth around at home. People will just have to start form zero again. We wont be free thanks to it. We will have to rebuild the middle class when all is said and done. Little else.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: Bone75

If you cant answer an OP that is nothing but questions, why should I even talk to you? Didnt YOU ask me a question?

Why should I answer you? What are you even doing here? REALLY, if you dont want to talk, tell me, WHAT are we supposed to do then? Is there like a special function or something I missed, psychic link or something? What else are we going to do on a forum aimed at discussion if you refuse to talk? LOL

WHAT are you doing here? Go find a like minded thread, or CONFRONT ME.

If you have nothing to say, then say that.

God, if you are brain dead you dont have to come here to prove it.

edit on 4 29 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

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