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Yowzers I have to post this: Did paranormal researcher make contact with Robin Williams?

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posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:24 PM
I've learned over the years that the ones who most vehemently deny and claim hoax when it comes to these types of things are the ones who are most scared that it might be true.

When I first saw this video show up in youtube, I will admit I did shake my head, do a little facepalming and think, "Wow, someone is trying to cash in."

After seeing it on here, I decided to give it a listen and I was blown away. I've seen live spiritbox sessions, I've heard voices come through on one myself. It really makes you think when you hear voices talking in the background of a ton of white noise.

Anyway, S&F..Love this kind of stuff and I have to say that it did sound a lot like him. If someone goes through every Robin movie and finds the sound clips that are supposedly spliced in here, or better yet DOESN'T find them would lend some more credibility.

Not needed for me, however, as I already believe in this sort of thing.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: uncommitted

You're mixing two theories in the same response. It's either an audible response or a hoax, not both

I'm not mixing anything. At the start of the video you are conditioned to what the person presenting wants you to hear, and you heard it. There is no great difference.

Sheesh, you have no way of knowing if snippets of conversation Robin Williams made that are in the public domain were spliced together with a little white noise but you take a YT video as proof that the man was speaking after he died. I think you are somewhat missing the point.

Sorry, but you are mixing the two. Just re-read what you said. First, your suggesting that I'm predisposed to what I'm about to hear and therefore accept it. Second, you say that it could be spliced audio of Robin. If it's spliced audio, then that would indicate a deliberate hoax AND it is Robin's voice so no predisposition required because it's his voice spliced. Do you see now?

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: Ensinger23

Just bought the echovox and am about to "dabble". I've had other apps before but they were junk, gave up trying to communicate for a few years, felt it was a fleeting hobby. However, this app seems pretty crazy.

Ok, going in... hope I don't invite any unwanted guests. Will be posting my findings eventually.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

1 at times postulates w/o vocal chords how the communications are transmitted. There is no doubt from 1 that links can be made of the supernatural kind between the living and the non living, but how do they communicate w/o vocal chords associated with their EA*RTH environment suits. Or does the "box" pick up telepathic data...

RIP to MR Williams also


posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: FlySolo

originally posted by: uncommitted

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: uncommitted

You're mixing two theories in the same response. It's either an audible response or a hoax, not both

I'm not mixing anything. At the start of the video you are conditioned to what the person presenting wants you to hear, and you heard it. There is no great difference.

Sheesh, you have no way of knowing if snippets of conversation Robin Williams made that are in the public domain were spliced together with a little white noise but you take a YT video as proof that the man was speaking after he died. I think you are somewhat missing the point.

Sorry, but you are mixing the two. Just re-read what you said. First, your suggesting that I'm predisposed to what I'm about to hear and therefore accept it. Second, you say that it could be spliced audio of Robin. If it's spliced audio, then that would indicate a deliberate hoax AND it is Robin's voice so no predisposition required because it's his voice spliced. Do you see now?

Thanks for being so patronising while missing the point. If you had audio of Robin Williams saying 'Yes' and you set up a video where you act out asking a question of him and then the audio of him saying 'yes' was played, but you didn't know it was from a recording, would you want a more sterile testing environment to check if a dead person really did respond to a question, or would you be mind blowingly stupid enough to think it must be true?

You may want to think that one through before you respond.

Do you see now?

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 01:44 PM

originally posted by: Murgatroid
There is no purgatory.

Yes there is.

I'm going to take this at face value that it's not a hoax. It sounds like a spirit came through. It could be Robin WIlliams, or it could be a liar spirit pretending to be him. The 'I must have got it wrong' nailed me to the floor. WOW. The spirit knows he is dead but is in a place not heavenly ...

"I must have got it wrong" ... that's going to stay with me for a while.

This wasn't a EVP, right? It was with a spirit box?? Anyone know what kind of spirit box he uses?? I've been wanting to get one and I would like input from people that actually use them before I get one.

ETA ... I found his website and his list of equipment ... I answered my own question.

edit on 12/18/2014 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

a couple select phrases reminded me of robin williams. the rest sounded like back masking and didnt resemble anyone in particular.

Supposedly the recording was made the day or day after he died, I wonder how many stations were covering the story?

The really subjective thing about "EVP's" is that in the modern age we have substituted the mediums "horn" that "talks" with an electronic "receiver'" so neatly.

The very first "EVP" wasn't "Electronic" either, it was mechanically recorded by a stylus needle. If people want to prove "voices from beyond" they should be able to just hear them in the room. But instead we have a progression of devices from record players to white noise or static EVPs to "ghost boxes" which "play" bits of radio signals. So the "voice' isn't from the ether, its jumbled radio broadcasts. Like turning your am radio dial on your old car stereo real fast, asking a question, then waiting for the expected answer. Of course the desired answer will come thorough sooner or later.

How objective is that?


posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

Yes, ghost boxes themselves aren't objective but doing controlled tests are.

But not without Electronic gizmos, right? Last reply to you about this here, I have seen ghosts that were so real I though they were real people at the time until I was told later.

I never called to them to appear or went looking for them. You don't 'find ghosts', they find you.

If you are ever able to reliably call on ghosts and can prove that in controlled tests, SRI would like to talk to you.

This electronic typing phenomenon was brought to you by a spirit, my very real one in this world.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: uncommitted

If you had audio of Robin Williams saying 'Yes' and you set up a video where you act out asking a question of him and then the audio of him saying 'yes' was played, but you didn't know it was from a recording, would you want a more sterile testing environment to check if a dead person really did respond to a question, or would you be mind glowingly stupid enough to think it must be true?

Why of course not.

Because its a "ghost box" , lol. That "label" is proof enough.

Next they will come up with a "God" box.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

According to all the sites and places I've read he was Episcopalian.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:42 PM
I don't think much of the 'celebrity-psychic' meme... and I likely don't have to explain why... but this made me interested? Intrigued?

I know EVPs happen... what I don't know is why they do and what they really mean... but this sounded like RW ... forgetting all the particulars about physical throats and vocal chords, etc., etc.

So, good that you posted it for consideration... brave... and maybe, just maybe what he thinks it is... admittedly unlikely as it is... but then we really do not know enough about ourselves, alive OR dead, to speak in any definitives.

And Huff seems like he's not intentionally being deceptive... which is a good place to start at.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted
Apologies, but purgatory isn't pagan, it was an invention of the Catholic Church if you are referring to any current definition of the term and I think it was added after someone had an oh sh*t moment that if you only offer heaven and hell then you have no way of redeeming yourself or improving your chances of playing the harp rather than stoking the coals.

Based on what?

Have you actually researched it or are you basing your beliefs on what the 'authorities' are telling us?

Catholicism is actually based on paganism. The real deity worshiped behind the scenes is not Jesus Christ, but rather Osiris in whatever form he takes.

pagan roots of catholicism - Google Search

Paganism and Catholicism: Sun Worship - Google Search

pagan Catholic - Google Search

The "spirit of Baal" is a powerful and well-organized attempt by Satan to distort Christianity into a religion "in the name of Christianity" but which actually puts people into bondage to him (Satan). It is the driving force behind what the Bible calls "Babylon". It describes many aspects of denominational Christian­ity today from which our Lord Christ Jesus is now working to deliver His Body. It is a very powerful evil spiritual force, ever trying to distort Christianity into a religion which subtly serves Satan not Christ. It works toward that end by deceiving leaders in the Body of Christ who are serving by the power of their self rather than by Christ indwelling.

Baal as Satan's religious thrust is very ancient, as we said above. It has been Satan's strategy since the time of ancient Babylon to captivate mankind into a false religious system under his control. Satan comes in as the subtle deceiver. As Paul points out in Ephesians chapt­er 2, we are then actually under his "slave-ownership", by default if not by actual choice on our part.

The Deceit Of Baal: Deception Through Religion

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid
anti-Catholic propaganda.

Purgatory exists. No matter who discovered/discussed it ... be it the pagans, or the jews, or the catholics, etc ... it exists. It's a place of unrest and darkness. It isn't the place of light (some call heaven) and it's not a place of eternal darkness (damnation or hell). The voice on the video said 'we are waiting'. That's what purgatory is ... a place of waiting and preparation for what comes next. What was said on the video fits what a spirit in purgatory would say. 'we are waiting'; 'I must have got it wrong'; 'there is some light'; and then the f-bomb in frustration.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: Lmm2004
According to all the sites and places I've read he was Episcopalian.

Sadly, I'm not even sure if it matters...

Mainstream religion and atheism are both being used as tools to deceive.

...the goal is to infiltrate it with their compromising philosophies and attempt to destroy the Church from within."

"What if there were people within the various Churches of God who covertly were guiding the members to slowly accept new ideas which are alien to the true faith and who were dedicated to destroying that faith at all costs?" JESUIT-JEDI MINDTRICKS

The Vatican has infiltrated, or neutered and spayed, virtually every denomination and organization in Christendom. Various means have been used, but Opus Dei has played a major role in this. I am fully persuaded that Opus Dei and the Jesuits have already planted many of their agents in Baptist and Fundamental churches and schools.

OPUS DEI-- War on Protestantism

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:00 PM
It does sound like Robin Williams voice...And please people can we chill out over a guy who likes to do paranormal research for fun.Good Greif people get angry over the dumbest stuff.
edit on 18-12-2014 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I think I see what you are saying and wouldn't be surprised if what you said were in fact true.

My problem is that religion is using things such as purgatory to deceive.

It's very possible that it could be based on something real.

Some have seen a part of Heaven called the 'outer perimeter' and hell used to be a place that resembles what purgatory is sometimes described as.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

With your logic there is no need to study anything anymore.Your automatically correct.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: FlySolo

Question - How can Deceased People Vocalize Speech without a Biological Body with their Unique Vocal Cords ?

Answer - They Cannot .

I wonder why ours and others voices sound the same physically as they do in our mind?

Maybe something to do with consciousness carrying on after death?

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:16 PM
Well, that certainly does sound like Robin WIlliams.

Like the guy said, he has no way to prove or disprove it,
however, the voice is very compelling.


I chose to believe.

posted on Dec, 18 2014 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Murgatroid
I'm not basing it on what any authority is telling me, purgatory - the actual word and its context - dates from roughly the middle ages. I don't really care what your links say as they are opinion based, I've stated historical fact.

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