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The Conspiracy To Discredit Christ as a Myth and to change Christianity into "do what thou wilt"

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+21 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 07:32 PM
Some people say that Christ is just mythology.

Even if there were Pagan Gods who died and came back to life and did miracles, does that actually compare to The Good News (Gospel) of Christ?

Which of any of these gods put an emphasis on Forgiving the world of its evil (Matthew 26:28)

and teaching others to do the same? (Matthew 6:14 / Luke 6:27-29)

Which God allowed himself to be killed and taught the lesson that even through the worse possible pain, even through death, you can still hold on to The Forgiveness that comes from The Spirit saying "Father (God), Please forgive them for they know not of what they do"? (Luke 23:34)

Which of any of these Gods controlled, not by many rules of The Law, but by a simple practical and compassionate teaching that fulfills it and all of The Prophets who taught it ? (Matthew 7:12)

There are some people who say that Jesus paid the price for our sins and now we can do whatever we want since the price has been paid and we are not forgiven. This seems to be the philosophy of "Do what thou wilt" (which is also a part of Satanic philosophy).

We are told "yes", we have received Forgiveness from God for Sins, but we are also to Forgive others or else we will NOT be forgiven.
(Matthew 6:15 / Mark 11:26)

We are told that it is The Merciful who are blessed, because it is They who will be shown Mercy (Matthew 5:7)
We are told to be Merciful so that we can be Children of our Heavenly Father who is also Merciful (Luke 6:36)

Christianity is truly based on Mercy (Forgiveness), but it is not that you can "do what thou wilt for thou art already forgiven" philosophy, but as said in Matthew 6:15 and Mark 11:26 you must first forgive in order to be Forgiven.

edit on 27-4-2014 by arpgme because: shortened title

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: arpgme

There are some people who say that Jesus paid the price for our sins and now we can do whatever we want since the price has been paid and we are not forgiven. This seems to be the philosophy of "Do what thou wilt" (which is also a part of Satanic philosophy).

They have been around since the beginning of christianity. They were called the "Libertines". Paul warned against this idea by warning that folks not to use their liberty in Christ as a license to sin. Peter warned about folks that used it as a cloak of maliciousness.
edit on 27-4-2014 by Logarock because: n

+23 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 08:14 PM
Oh no, you must be like the hundredth person who's caught onto us.

The truth is you're religion is destroying itself from the inside.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: blueyezblkdragon I would imagine that it would be impossible to destroy the truth .But if one was to try ,the first thing to do is to create a lie .

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 08:40 PM
So what, if Jesus is the first that would not smite on wim. Unlike his supposed ed, father who would smite for no reason , 24/7.

Although as much as I do enjoy dismantling Pagan Gods, I do get the sense of the idea of a forgiving god, especially in those unforgiving times.

But alas, it has become an idol of exploitation, and has become a little vain.

+10 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: arpgme

Actually there's nothing unique about Christianity and forgivness. Both the Greeks and Romans... And the egyptions all had goddesses of mercy and forgivness. Clementia was the roman one.

There wasn't anything unique about Jesus's sacrifice either. The 300 Spartans for one. They all willing went to be hacked up to save there country. So did every father who stayed behind to fight in hopes of giving his wife and kids a chance to survive.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 08:59 PM
Trying to mix Truth and Lies is like trying to mix Water and Oil. In Reality, there is only Truth. Lies are only words and ideas in the mind which confuses people but they can always observe Reality to see the truth.

Forgiveness is truly something that will bring Love and Peace ("the will of Heaven being done on Earth").

We are told that Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, and so on are the Fruits of The Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)

And if you live (sow) by The Spirit then by The Spirit you will be rewarded (reap) everlasting life.

Even if you don't believe in a Spiritual Everlasting Life, the Spirit will still reward you when you live by it even here on Earth.

Being kind to others and being happy is good for your social and mental health, it reduces stress and is good for your immune system and peace with others will help you live longer as opposed to wars.

The Spirit is so powerful that its effects can be seen Here, in The Physical World.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: arpgme

I believe Jesus is the embodiment of breaking down barriers in order to build anew. As stated beginning with Matthew 10:34, Jesus did not come to ensure peace, but to divide, or deconstruct society. Only once the shackles are destroyed can we begin to seek salvation. He offered himself to save us from our past transgressions, to clean that slate, but from there on out we must seek forgiveness and forgive on our own. His death/sacrifice is not a license to sin, only for us to ask for forgiveness come judgement, although some live that way. Instead, Christ foresaw a need for humanity to forgive themselves for their past sins in order to move forward. What we do now and tomorrow determines our salvation. Christ came to shake things up, change our course of behavior. When he returns, he will not be empathetic to sin. He will move swiftly and decisively. No one will elude him.

Of course, that is the word. Is it the truth? Are the scriptures real? How has man distorted his word, if it was even spoken? I cannot say, but I understand the simple idea, whether it came from Christ or man. Either way, it is good advice/practice that allows healthy growth. Is HE the only way? I do not know, but I imagine there are many roads that have been traveled and/or lead to betterment. Just as there are many that lead us astray.

We can always do more, do better, and grow. Compelled by Christ or whoever, that is not the point. You, I, we must do it, no one else can do it for us. So in the course of these undertakings, we provide our own salvation, not our religion or God/gods, or lack thereof. We reap what we sow.

edit on 27-4-2014 by Boscov because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2014 by Boscov because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Boscov

Yes, we sow what we reap. We are told that God is The God of Peace (Romans 15:33) and that Peace is of The Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and if we sow of the Spirit we will reap Life (Galatians 6:8)

Peace is good for the immune system and helps us survive instead of killing through wars. The Life-Giving Power of The Spirit can be seen even in this Physical World.

Sow forgiveness and reap forgiveness. Forgive others and be forgiven (Matthew 6:15 / Mark 11:26)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:20 PM
I was recently at a Christian conference and was trying to discuss the latter with people.

I was trying to see how Christians justified military service (i.e. ANZAC day) with the commandment 'Thou Shalt not Kill'. I am aware that the context also offers the translation of 'Thou Shalt not Murder', but basically every form of people killing people is sin, with the exceptions of accident and defence - biblically speaking. Opponents to this thinking often cite the faithful Centurion and that Jesus didn't chastise him for his conduct (Jesus dwelt with sinners, and didn't always specifically point out their sins etc.). They seem to see this as accepted by omission (despite scriptures to the contrary).

People went so far to say that the famous 10 commandments don't apply anymore, as basically we are now covered by Christ's sacrifice. While there is no punishment from not obeying (the wages of sin is death), Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Not to mention James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." - It's still Gods will and there will be judgement from it. Not even getting into the sermon on the mount...

Unfortunately, modern Christianity is something that evil has a foothold in. Even from a completely non-spiritual perspective, Jesus was basically a socialist pacifist who is somehow now synonymous with Western concepts of financial greed (corrupt capitalism), materialism and militarism.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: blueyezblkdragon

I would like you to elaborate on what you mean. By the way, I don't believe in main-line Christianity, so I'm not arguing against you.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:38 PM
I have found that there is a Very Strong Anti-Christian sentiment here on ATS. Just read the
postings to this thread. Hatred, disbelief, blasphemy, contempt and ad hominem comments
will spew forth from the gates of hell, all trying to dispel the true belief that
The Lord Jesus Christ ( Elohim Messiah Yahushua) IS G_D!
Remember my brothers and sisters, Iron sharpens iron...
Keep the faith!
The satins attack in 3...2...1...

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: arpgme

Don't forget that we are also told to "go and sin no more" even as we are forgiven. So, there is no ground for any kind of "do as thou wilt."

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: BombDefined

Because we are allowed to make the choice to defend ourselves, even if it means we must kill in order to do it. It's late. but it's there in the New Testament.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: arpgme

The Spirit is so powerful that its effects can be seen Here, in The Physical World. - See more at:

Aren't we the Spirit? Are we the bodies or are we what sees the image of our bodies? Or could we actually be both? We are both the seer and the seen, Spirit is the seer, our bodies are the seen, that include everything within the physical universe.

We see the effects we have on our planet right now, we see the effects of time, which is also called "Father" Time. Father Time is the Spirit, the "unseen seer of the seen" if that makes any sense to you.

We are both time (Spirit/Father) and body (Mother/physicality), meaning we are the Son which is created from a fusion of both time and space (space/time), or Father and Mother.

We are the Trinity, 3 aspects fused into One, where the One is also one of the 3 and making up the 3 entirely. It's kinda hard to explain, sorry.

We are the Son and:

Colossians 1
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

We are that image because we have our third eye which is an image of light created by our two physical eyes. 2 in 1 or 3, the Trinity.

Matthew 6
22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

The single eye is the image you see, the "Son" of God. When you see your single eye, it shall be full of light. The image you see is your spiritual light, it is "the light of the world" and is both the seer and seen, or as the bible calls it, the Son.
edit on 4/27/2014 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio

Allow me to elaborate. Humanity is just as good at destroying itself as it is destroying others. Hence if humanity creates a religion or government it will be doomed to fail eventually.

Instead it would be easier to watch any religion or government collapse under it's own weight from corruption, greed and infighting rather than to take it down from the outside. And as such you don't need rival religions to bring about the churches demise. Time rots and burns everything away eventually.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: blueyezblkdragon
The truth is you're religion is destroying itself from the inside.

There is a very simple reason for this.

The easiest way to bring down a house is to discredit it from within.

"What if there were people within the various Churches of God who covertly were guiding the members to slowly accept new ideas which are alien to the true faith and who were dedicated to destroying that faith at all costs?"


The "church" has been infiltrated which is WHY it bares so little resemblance to the early Church.

"Every major religion in the world has been manufactured or infiltrated by the Illuminati..."

The Real Conspiracy the Jesuit infiltration of Christianity

I am convinced that many Fundamental Baptist churches are NOW pastored by Jesuits and Opus Dei agents. Many deacons and Sunday School teachers are now inside the Baptist movement teaching doctrines of Rome. LINK

"90% of the Southern Baptist hierarchy are Freemasons. There is also a high percentage of Christian leadership from the Lutheran and United Methodist churches are Masons. This would explain why Ecumenism has spread so easily. ...the goal is to infiltrate it with their compromising philosophies and attempt to destroy the Church from within."

Infiltration of Freemasonry

What if I were to tell you, that there is a vast Satanic conspiracy to deceive the masses of every society on earth? What if I were to tell you that the top leaders of the world’s religions were in league with the Devil? Would you think I’m crazy? I would! Yet, the truth is stranger than fiction! You have been lied to my friend. Few people in the world today are aware of just how much Satan has infiltrated organized religion. Link

"Every major religion in the world has been manufactured or infiltrated by the Illuminati to enslave and brainwash society. In essence, religion was the first form of mind control. The indoctrination of the masses by a "Trojan Horse" false religion has allowed the Illuminati to take control and work in secret for many, many years." Link

The Vatican has infiltrated, or neutered and spayed, virtually every denomination and organization in Christendom. Various means have been used, but Opus Dei has played a major role in this.

Virtually 100% of the world's seminaries are in the pocket of the Roman Whore in that they use her Bible via the Alexandrian Gnostic Greek texts.

I am fully persuaded that Opus Dei and the Jesuits have already planted many of their agents in Baptist and Fundamental churches and schools.

I am convinced that many Fundamental Baptist churches are NOW pastored by Jesuits and Opus Dei agents. Many deacons and Sunday School teachers are now inside the Baptist movement teaching doctrines of Rome. You need to read the following articles so that you can watch for the signs that you too have an hireling planted in your church by the Vatican.

OPUS DEI-- War on Protestantism

"Today the religions of the world remain a major tool of the Illuminati agenda. They maintain the climate of unquestioning, unthinking, ignorance, and their pseudo-morality provides a veil of hypocrisy, behind which the most sickening abuse of children can be hidden."

"Some of the most famous church "leaders" and evangelists on the planet are Illuminati operatives who use religion to manipulate and brain-wash their followers while engaging in Satanic rituals that beggar belief."

"But the mass of unthinking followers in any religion are merely the fodder and the screen behind which the real business goes on." Link

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: the2ofusr1
a reply to: blueyezblkdragon I would imagine that it would be impossible to destroy the truth .But if one was to try ,the first thing to do is to create a lie .

You mean a lie like the bible being the word of god? Or even the lie that the gods of the Old Testament and the New Testament being the same entity? (That's if you do believe the bible of course). Don't even get me started on the virgin birth. Constantine has a lot to answer for...

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 12:46 AM
I think the best answer here can be found in simple math:

6.9 billion people minus 2 billion Christians equals 4.9 billion people who do not believe in Jesus.

Or, as stated in the OP, those that do not believe in Jesus are "discrediting Jesus as a myth."

That's not a conspiracy, nor a difference of opinion ... that's just reality.

posted on Apr, 28 2014 @ 12:59 AM
Are you saying that the spreading of educational materials about past pagan deities with the same story as Jesus is a "conspiracy" LMAO. Its history, and every person deserves to be told that they have been lied to even if they want to believe in something so stupid and old that they don't care about the truth. You christians do all of the "what you want to do" when you read a passage that says something that you don't agree with , and there are quite a few instances, so you say "well, what Jesus meant was" or "well, that just means this or that". NO, the perfect son of God wouldn't have made mistakes. Its "self reformed christians" instead of christians. You people aren't christians! If you are then give me your possessions, until you do, YOUR NOT A cHRISTIAN. And I don't care what some other passage says that you may think negates another one. It says what it says , it means what it says, anymore is your made up crap so you can agree with it..Ive NEVER met a christian.

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