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Sexism, Misogyny and the rise and rise and rise of the internet asshole....

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posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: neformore
Do you step into a moshpit, and get all surprised when you get knocked around? That is exactly what going to unmoderated wild west type forums is like. If you want to have something resembling a real conversation, you go to moderated forums like here. Places like here at least have a block/ignore/report button for trolls, and rules against personal attacks. You don't want to be around drunk idiots don't go to the bar, same type of concept. There are plenty of places online, like in real life I don't enjoy the atmosphere, so I don't go there.

It's not only women getting knocked around on the internet. Gamers get knocked around, stereotyped as loudmouthed boys, as if idiots on CoD is representative of all gamers. There are places on the internet that exist for no other reason than bashing men, so I don't go there.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: undo

So you'd be sitting there smiling saying "hey, its ok, he's just expressing his freedom of speech" if there wasn't an implied threat of violence?

You'd be quite happy with it?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: TKDRL

So, like, the comments section of a local paper?

Or maybe saying you like a YouTube video?

Expressing an opinion on Twitter?

Maybe they are a celebrity/entertainer with a public FB page like Elise Andrews on IFLS who receives rape and death threats on a regular basis - or - as I linked to earlier Olympic gold medallist Jessica Ennis who expressed an opinion on a social issue.

They should all "go elsewhere?"

Why should they go elsewhere, exactly? Why aren't they free from crap wherever they choose to post?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: neformore
a reply to: undo

So you'd be sitting there smiling saying "hey, its ok, he's just expressing his freedom of speech" if there wasn't an implied threat of violence?

You'd be quite happy with it?

of course not. i'd be livid, most likely, but me being angry doesn't mean you don't have the right to express how you feel. ya know?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:49 AM
I enjoyed your thread. Being the mother of a daughter who will be 17 this month, I have spent many hours worrying over things like this. Believe it or not, I still do not allow her to have the PC in her room. She's already experienced some of what you talk about in real life, there's no reason for her to be alone with it on the internet at all hours.

I have experienced it in real life and on the internet, but I came from a time where it was normal for guys to do the whole cat call/whistle thing... Included in that were overt sexual advances and some folks even attempting to touch. I'm not bothered about it myself (the non touching aspect), but it does bother me thinking about it happening to my child. It was expected back when I was younger and almost nobody complained until it did get physical or extremely raunchy. Boys were boys back then after all.

I think that may be why we have such an issue with it now. They were allowed to get by with a certain amount of disrespectful behavior and as with anything, you give someone an inch and they will take a mile.

I see many reducing women to nothing but their body. Of course it isn't all men, but there are plenty. Of course the behavior only worsens when they aren't face to face to be accountable for what they say or what they do.

I think some men do not stand up to other men who do this for fear of being called (.......whipped). It's considered a weakness now to treat a woman with respect. She has somehow whipped you into submission and made you less of a manly man if you step up for her or any other female if you are in front of the right guys and most guys would go above and beyond to prove that they aren't whipped.

I don't know what the answer is really. Get more parents to address the issue and stop treating it like it's normal behavior? Raise their children to be more respectful instead of letting them learn manners off of the internet chat rooms? I don't know.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: neformore
Yes, if they can't handle it, they should go elsewhere that is better moderated. Or start their own blog where they can moderate everything themselves. All of these places are profiting off your visits, why would you support a place like that? Women aren't the only one that get trashed for having an opinion. Internet threats are impotent as hell. If you run a public page anywhere, it is on you to moderate it, including facebook. How anyone likes that stupid twitter crap is beyond me. Their character limit makes it impossible to have any sort of meaningful discussion. I have been "cyberstalked" and harassed and threatened by SJW freaks before, and by rightwing nutjobs before as well. Boohoo, it's the internet.
edit on Sat, 15 Nov 2014 03:57:49 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:14 AM
I've been on the net since near the beginning as well and I honestly have no idea what the op is talking about. They are treated as sex symbols but I never see people abusing them we'd jump on them if they did.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: ezwip

Maybe you simply don't pay attention?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: TKDRL


So you don't think people have a right to be treated with the utmost respect wherever they choose to post.


Clears that up.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:33 AM
Have not read the full thread as of yet, just the first couple of pages and i am a little shocked at the comments that clearly are aimed at "men". I have been around the internet for while now myself (my first modem had an A4 footprint ..... obviously external and attached to an Amiga!!) Yeah, i'm old.

Question: How do YOU know that these TROLLS are men? work for GCHQ? FBI? NSA? ......... no, didn't think so

You see, this is the thing about the Internet, you can be WHO you want WHEN you want, especially when it comes to being a TROLLING A-Hole.

I have seen a response here regarding the Jessica Ennis-Hill tweet issue, are you sure that these tweets were sent by men / a man? you have evidence of this? or are you just assuming because "women" wouldn't say or do such things, REALLY?, funny how these Twitter accounts were shut down as soon as the tweets were made, why was that i wonder?

Have a look at this if you can be bothered, this sweet old woman would never be nasty, would she?

Now, this wouldn't surprise me either ........ again, if you can be bothered to click the link .....

Don't have a pop at "Men", you are old enough and experienced enough to KNOW that "Women" can be equally, if not more VICIOUS in REAL life, never mind when you have the anonymity of the Interwebby thingy. People are People, some are nasty, some are nice ........ and MANY have split personalities

Just Saying

edit on 2014-11-15T04:59:27-06:002014Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:59:27 -0600bSaturday5911America/Chicago144 by corblimeyguvnor because: Jeckyl and Hyde Comment

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: corblimeyguvnor

Oh I don't disagree, but the majority of this stuff is aimed at women, by men.

I would argue though, that this stuff isn't "trolling". Its a sickness, a sign of mental illness and a blight on society.

And, I'm not having a pop at "men" - I'm having a pop at sick twisted bastards who feel that its ok to try and intimidate women with threats of violence and rape. Those people aren't "men", they are animals.

Just saying.

ETA - I followed your links. The McCann case splits opinion because no one knows for sure if they actually did kill off their daughter. The second link refers to a woman telling somone they didn't like their show, and the writing, not a reference to raping or killing them, which, in the context of this thread is like comparing apples to coal.
edit on 15/11/14 by neformore because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: neformore
Do you go to the rough honkytonk and expect the people that hang there to become civilized because you grace the place with your presence? Or do you go to the classier joint up the road? Do you go to 4chan and expect them to become civilized because you are there? Or do you hang at ATS instead?

The internet is like a digital version of the world magnified. You got wild places, and you got places like this. Going to those wild places is putting money in their pocket. Stop doing that if you don't like the place.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: corblimeyguvnor

you should read my posts.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:03 AM
a reply to: TKDRL

Sorry, but you are trying to justify vile behaviour spewed randomly all over the internet as justified because "if people don't like it they can go elsewhere" - this isn't happening just in certain places. Its happening all over the web, anywhere where people can make comments/discuss things. Have you not read the examples I've given?

So, two points - firstly - its not acceptable behaviour anywhere and secondly - when its everywhere, where are people supposed to go to? Do they have to feel excluded/intimated/frightened simply because someone wants to behave like an asshole?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:12 AM
Some questions if I may..

1. Why is the focus on Misogyny and no mention of Misandry?

2. Is not the focus on women, in and of itself a step backward from equality?

3. Should not the abuse of ALL people be of equal concern?

4. Does the focus on one segment of our population show a lack of concern for other also abused segments?

Just wondering is all


posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: semperfortis

1. Because its much more commonplace than the other, although I agree neither are acceptable.

2. The focus is on what happens to women, because that is what the topic is about, and how can higlighting something that is unacceptable behaviour be a step backwards?

3. Yes, but this thread is about the specific issue.

4. No. It simply means that they are not covered in this particular topic.

And I'm disappointed that I had to type all that out to somehow justify a thread?

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:24 AM
a reply to: semperfortis

that was my point as well. i have 3 children: 2 boys and a girl. i don't want any of them to be abused by the system or to have their rights as sentient beings, taken away because of their religion or lack thereof, level of education, financial status, gender, or race. so if i tell my boys they can't say anything bad about girls but don't tell my girl that she shouldn't say anything bad about boys, you end up with the mess we have right now, where even innocent men are treated like a quota system for proving the legal system is "catching the rapists and sexual predators". that is not acceptable.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:28 AM
what people say and do for others is not my problem. But if i saw some dude fighting another dude because the one guy was calling the other guys girl friend a slut and a whore i would probably watch it well finishing my juice box.

And wait, Until either one of them goes limp il run in like a Ref and pull the victor off saying It's over it's over.. you won. Lifts hand in the air.


I'm sure if i had a GF and the scenario was a repeating appearing mouthy nasty guy we would just leave. I however won't punch someone unless they push me or said imaginary girl. Then i will have full reason to utilize the right to self defence.
But as is, fighting words are not worth a ticket to court. But im sure plenty of people walk in and out of court several times in a lifetime simply because of *fighting* words.

I however don't have the kind of money to be throwing around on Pride.

So i guess my original oppinion stands. I absolutely do not care what men or woman say to each other.
You don't like what's coming out of each others mouth, get a restaining order.

On the however you can usually report comments, Or block people from seeing posts or comments made at all.
Unless you are a muslim living in the middle East i can't really see how woman are treated as a second class citizen.

Maybe because after highschool they recieve a lot less attention. The job scene shows you how much people really care about you. And all the natural hostility of the job world reflects how woman are treated as a second class citizen because they arn't getting what they want. Boo hoo.

How many single fathers out there get the props they deserve? Not a peep.

But a woman can walk in an out of a mans life and destroy it completely through the legal system. How many woman are paying into Child support or is that strictly a male thing? Cuz last time i checked non of my friends that lived with single dads ever got a penny from the mom.

Sooo... what's that all about? Maybe there is a lot of pissed off individuals out there who have had their lives altered. Both male and females alike.

And what is driving these types of behaviors is alterior motives. Revenge.

also strictly speaking, these are first world problems.

People who don't have internet don't even worry about this. and in many under developed nations like India, Sexism just dosn't really exist in the formate it does in the west. Yes creeps live there because creeps live everywhere but the general population in india don't really care about pretty woman at all. And i think its amazing. I wish our society was like that, More like me. Not caring at all. And not feeding the void that is the Ego. lol. I really dislike western woman and that whole egoistic crapoloa they throw around like they are the most desired object in space and time.

edit on 15-11-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: neformore
It's everywhere? How do I manage to avoid it then? It's not everywhere, it's at places with no moderation, or plain crappy moderation.

Maybe I am not being clear, I am tired and not in the best mood. Perhaps I will try again later.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
How many single fathers out there get the props they deserve? Not a peep.

But a woman can walk in an out of a mans life and destroy it completely through the legal system. How many woman are paying into Child support or is that strictly a male thing? Cuz last time i checked non of my friends that lived with single dads ever got a penny from the mom.

Sooo... what's that all about? Maybe there is a lot of pissed off individuals out there who have had their lives altered. Both male and females alike.

And what is driving these types of behaviors is alterior motives. Revenge.

And that justifies someone telling a woman that they are going to rape her just because she has an opinion on an issue?


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