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Triangle UFO seen in McAlester, Oklahoma on 1/19/08

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posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:04 PM

This guy supposedly saw a triangle craft close enough to make out details. Has anyone else heard about this sighting yet? Maybe some other people also saw it...

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Diplomat

First post on this site, just recently joined.

What I saw was something similar yet different in Chandler, AZ. Two days before Christmas around midnight I was on my way to the airport to pick up my brother. I pulled over to get a better look at this thing as it seemed to be coming in my direction. It was flying low, very low, maybe 3-5,000 feet. It was black, triangular and very big - best guess would be the lenght of three 747s and the same width. The only lights on this thing were white, don't remember how many exactly but they were all in a line, not blinking or anything. There was an engine noise but it was a deep noise and it did not sound like a jet plane engine. It was not a stealth bomber, I've actually seen those things fly through at night in this area. I have never seen an aircraft that big and that low to the ground and of course my wife thinks I'm nuts. If it was some sort of new military aircraft then I must say I am impressed.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:18 PM
Good find. These triangles seem to be all over the place.

I live about an hour and a half from there and know that part of the country very well. I also have some relations down that way, so I'll see if I can find anybody else that might have seen this thing. I know that would be a matter of pure luck, but it's worth a shot.

The witness was passing through the area on his way to TX from MO, so it wouldn't be local news in that area unless someone else seen it and reported it.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Did anyone ever hear anything else about this sighting? Seems like some guy saw a huge triangle craft but this has gone unnoticed. I wish someone could at least contact the witness or something...

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:01 PM
its probably one of those remote control blimps that fly out of some nearby airbase, or car headlights reflecting from low cloud ceiling!

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
These triangles seem to be all over the place.

Exactly...what's going on? My husband asked me the other day if I believed in ufos...duh...and I asked him 'what if just one of these sightings is true...just one, that's all it takes.

The witness to this incident seems sincere with the amount of detail that he/she provided. Very interesting.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by jainatorres
its probably one of those remote control blimps that fly out of some nearby airbase, or car headlights reflecting from low cloud ceiling!

Well, McAlester doesn't have any airbases close by. It has a huge Army Depot, but no airbase anywhere in that area. You have to get to Tinker in OKC or Altus - and they are both a fair piece aways.

69/75 - that's the Indian Nation Turnpike, right?

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:37 PM
I am the witness to the McAlester sighting. I am in fact a woman. What I saw was not a blimp, nor headlights reflecting off of any cloud cover. The night was crisp and clear as was the vehicle I witnessed. This was an unearthly craft that seemed to be generationg some type of energy within the red globe that was on the underside. It stayed with the contours of the road, gliding as if to say SEE ME. My report was made with Brian Vike at HBCC.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:44 PM
I know lots of people in that area. I'll ask around and report back. I haven't heard anything about a UFO but I don't listen to the news so I'll have to ask my prison guard friends out there about it.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

Thank you so much for joining us here. I'm sure that there will be a lot of questions coming your way once people learn you're aboard.

Meanwhile, just as I tell all new members, there's a lot of area here at ATS, so we have some threads that will help you understand the place and the rules and so on. Please check these out when you can:

There are links there to answer all kinds of questions you might have.

Glad you came. Have fun here and join in the conversations anytime.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Valhall

I live about 45 minutes from there and there is a private air base close by. They do training manuveurs all the time, lots of helicopter flyovers and such.

Thanks Witness2008 for sharing. Did you file a police report? How long did it stay in view? Did anyone else see it that you know of? The highway is not exactly deserted, even at night. lol. McAlester is a pretty booming little town and there were bound to be other people that saw it. Plus, nothing stays a secret in a small town. If anything interesting happens it's a major local story in half an hour!

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:02 PM
I know of at least one person that saw the craft, they about ran off the road watching, they were just about 500 ft ahead of me in the passing lane. I am from Missouri and carry no cell phone. There were not many cars behind me and just as you I am amazed that I have found no other reports. So much of our little narrow world is so utterly left to "Seeing is Believing"

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

Roughly, about how "thick" would you estimate the silver body of the craft to be?

Did the red, glowing light appear to be physically connected to the craft, as a headlight would be "attached" to the body of an automobile; or, was the red light more like a glowing cloud of gas or "energy" that seemed to accompny the craft?

You state that there was an "engine" sound, but that the sound was not like that from a jet; could you describe the sound in more detail?

Did you observe or experience any other physical effects or sensations?

Were the green "ruuning lights" different in character, or in any other way, from the red glow? Did they, for example appear to be structurally a part of the craft's body?

You describe the body of the craft as being a silver color. Would you describe it as being metal? Could you make out welds, seams, or rivets of any kind? Did the surface appear to be solid or flexible? Did the surface exhibit any characteristic which seemed "odd" to you?

I'm sorry to ask so many questions so quickly...Especially of a new member (Welcome!!) but fresh info is often the best info.

And I have somewhat of a vested interest in these "Large, gliding, triangles".

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Witness2008
I am the witness to the McAlester sighting. I am in fact a woman. What I saw was not a blimp, nor headlights reflecting off of any cloud cover. The night was crisp and clear as was the vehicle I witnessed. This was an unearthly craft that seemed to be generationg some type of energy within the red globe that was on the underside. It stayed with the contours of the road, gliding as if to say SEE ME. My report was made with Brian Vike at HBCC.

I could tell you were a woman because your superior intellect, eye for detail and articulation ruled out you being a man.

Nice to meet you! I live in Oklahoma. If you decide to come back down that way for any reason, and would like to have a pow wow to discuss this further (maybe take some pics where you were at when you saw this, etc.) I would be glad to drive over to McAlester to meet you.

Just let me know! AND WELCOME TO ATS!

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
reply to post by Valhall

I live about 45 minutes from there and there is a private air base close by. They do training manuveurs all the time, lots of helicopter flyovers and such.

What the heck is a "private air base"? It's either a private air strip, or it's a military air base...but I don't think there's such a thing as a private air base.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Diplomat

This sighting is remarkably similar to many other triangle vessel. A new design from government engineering most likely. Wouldn't surprise me. They get trillions to play with. So they probably have the ability to design and engineer one or two projects at a time.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:12 PM
Yup..thats a lot of questions. I did not state there was any sound. I'm unsure of where you may have read that. The body of the craft was a dull silver, its depth was not visible to me and almost looked flat. It remained a red-orange pulsating light until it passed right over head. The green-gray running lights did not look as if they were attached, there were no seams no rivets none of the things that would make it appear to have been peiced together. The red globe was like no other red I have ever seen, and it did not flash as much as throb, it reminded me of breathing for some reason. The globe did not look solid but rather swirling gases contained somehow. Yes there were many effects felt before and after this my second sighting

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Valhall

Was that a low blow to all the men on ATS?


[edit on 30-1-2008 by Jeff Riff]

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Riff
reply to post by Valhall

Was that a low blow to all the men on ATS?


[edit on 30-1-2008 by Jeff Riff]

Actually, no it wasn't. It was a moment of humor. (But I really could tell it was a woman from the writing style.)

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Valhall

Thankyou for the invitation. I usually take the toll roads to Texas, my son talked me into the 69/75 route. It did cut a lot of miles off of my drive. I will indeed let you know when I swing back through your part of the world. Thanks for also noticing the traits that make us women.

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