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Thou Shall Not! But, Why?

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posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Anyways, you are completely off topic, and making a moron out of yourself with assumptions.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

The bible is hardly the place to base values and morals off of. It is full of murder, rape, incest, theft you name it. How could you take any qoute from any of those books and use it to promote peace and love? Thats the thing that gets most of us non believers. I find it hard to comprehend the fact that so many people base their whole lives off this book and others like it, then constantly preach to every one about their religion and then have the audacity to say some one else is forcing their "lifestyle" on them.

Us athiests have to sing about "god" in our national anthems, we have to swear an oath to "god" in court, we see religion in every tv show, news broadcast, in the papers, commercials, radio, internet ect, In my opinion its people like you that do all the force feeding and perversion of religious qoutes.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by TKDRL

How am I a moron for stating the fact that you have not nor can you prove evolution ? That is totally on topic. The question from OP was why do people pick and choose which laws to believe and why do they believe the ones they do. I argued that people that disagree with the Bible do so because it says "Thou Shall Not". It was argued that it is a book written by men therefore wrong and I countered with school books are written by men and not questioned even though they teach unproven idiocies as fact.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by snypwsd

Yes it's true the Bible is filled with stories involving incest, murder , and rape and nowhere does it state those things are right or acceptable so I'd say it's a perfect guide for living.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 04:59 PM

reply to post by WonderBoi

I read most of your thread op but I stopped at the pic of Jupiter Mars or whatever with his arm around TRHCP singer.

Murder is wrong it has nothing to do with the bible. I'm agnostic but I don't go around killing people just because they piss me off. (it would be a massacre!)

Right is right and wrong is obvious.

Do you justify murder? Rape? Torture?

yeah but in the animal kingdom....there is no murder, torture or rape....

the OP has a point....why do we just "see" these things as wrong? If there is no morality then we are animals and can take life, sex from anyone we want at any time we wish.....just like dogs, lions, etc.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

You are making a moron out of yourself for assuming I take evolution as "gospel". Like most thinking individuals, I take it as the most plausible theory I have heard so far, nothing more, nothing less. Evolution was taught as just that in my school, and things like evolution was just gleaned over as a background intro to biology. Biology, as well as all the other science classes I took, consisted of basic concepts, that we could prove in labs. Personally, I couldn't care less about whether or not evolution is correct, it effects me not in the least. That explain it?

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Perhaps you are an animal, I am a human. I have the ability to imagine myself in anothers' shoes, and think before I act.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

What if your "god" was actually a race of aliens that transformed our planet just like we are planning to do to mars in the comming future.

Have you ever thought of that?
What if your god showed its self, but it was an alien, would you believe it or not?

If we plan on making mars a habitable planet whose to say that aliens, NOT A GOD, made earth a habitable planet. In order to improve humanity we must think outside of the box and not within the borders of religious context, we can not continue to rely on books that are obiviously all fiction, for if they were non fiction there would be evidence to back up the fact that there is a god. Until there is solid proof of the existince of an all mighty entity that created and rules us all. If it is all reall then why can we not see the holy grail? Why can't we read all the papers and documents that churches keep secret.

ALL RELIGIONS THAT EXCEPT MONEY FROM PERISHONERS ARE ALL FRAUDS. God is above money, god doesnt need it. Churches are tax exempt, meaning they pay no taxes. They also get funding from federal governments, my friends uncle is a pastor, this guy makes a killing off of his perishoners for taking qoutes out of the bible and perversing them to fit with his daily agenda. It is only religious people that take the qoutes out of context, we the out siders see it for what it really is but we are the ones that are aquised with perversion.

It seems like you need a reality check my friend.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by WonderBoi

In case you haven't noticed, the more lawless we become, the darker times are getting. THAT'S EXACTLY what TPTB want to happen. They form laws to destroy us, as they entertain us; while flipping God the bird. They already accepted the devil's offer. That's why they're wealthy and rich. That's why they don't mind killing us off, like cockroaches. They work for the one that gave them that wealth, but in reality, that wealth will be distributed back to the righteous.

Quality of life is better, life expectancy is longer, violent crime is down. What world do you live on?

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

You have no proof of creationism either. also its not the "thou shall not..." part we (the non believers) dont believe in, it is the fact that people believe in an imaginary being that lives in the sky and can talk to them if they pray hard enough.

Us non believers stopped having imaginary friends when we were kids. There is absolutely no difference between "god" and an imaginary friend, to me the bible is as important to life as the movie Drop Dead Fred.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

So if your god told you to kill your son or daughter and that it needed to be done for the sake of humanity..... would you go through with it?

you see this book/religion is full of people who, in todays age would be considered schizophrenic for hearing voices in their head. You must take that into consideration.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

im sorry but you need a reality check and need to learn about why people dont believe in god. Have you ever talked to a real non believer before? because it sounds like you know nothing of what you are are talking about. Again the thou shall not part has nothing to do with why we do not believe. I suggest you get out in the real world and talk to real athiests about what they believe. Us athiests do this all the time, why, because in order to make an informed opinion you first must get information from both sides. Do not read things from the internent, ACTUALLY TALK TO PEOPLE face to face, in a calm respectful manor and you will then be able to begin to see how we see the world. I love every one equally, I dont hide behind a religion.

Dont get me wrong, if Jesus came back and preformed miracles when ever asked then yes i would believe, but there is absolutely no proof of the existence of god other then the fact that people have faith.

Also if god is good and has a character that is greater then ours, How do you explain all the pedofiles in the church? Theres even reports that the last pope was going to be arrested for acusations envolving pedofilia, which could be the reason as to why he stepped down, and now lives at the vatican in order to evade arrest.

What about the christian reform schools that kill children, or what about the christian residential schools that killed and perminatly disfigured many of the children that went to those schools.

There is no god, if there was a god he would not let his priests, pastors, fathers, sisters, mothers do this to innocent children.

Explane to me why these people of god have the right or ability to do such horrible acts to another human being. I grew up on a reservation and have had many talks with the elders on how they were treated. I know some one who on the first night of being taken away from his parents by force, he wet his bed, his punishment was that his leg was broken, now one leg is longer then the other. Others were thrown down stairs, raped, killed, torchured, told to forget their language and heritage. This was only 50 or so years ago.


posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by snypwsd

I have either struck a nerve or I am right in my opinion because no one is willing to argue against me. this is the thing that bugs me when you present facts about a religion no one wants to debate it. why? Because im most likely right. I am more then happy to debate this with anyone. yes I have gone way off topic, but you can not say that christianity is good when all it has brought is pain and suffering for thousands of years and no one see's this.

Religion has killed members of my friends family and my family. God is not real, for if he was, pedofiles and murderers would not be alowed to preach on his behalf. Religion should be taken out of every aspect of life other then the church. thats where it should stay.

How can we say the U.S.A and Canada are multi-cultural countries if there is only one set religion to rule them all? In order to be a true multi cultural community you must except all religions equally and not give a bias to one religion. As an athiest thats what I wish for, is equality no matter your age, sex, sexual preference or religion. But religion must stay in the church for this to work and must not, under any circumstances influence our government or laws.

and whom ever said that we are in a lawless world needs to learn that there are more laws now then there have ever been. So that whole arguement you made is nol-in-void and really really uniformed, for even my 8 year old nephew can tell you that.

Why is it that every time I start to talk about religion on one of these threads that no one debates with me.... Is it because I tell the truth and you dont want to hear it? Christians are no better the scientologists.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

You are a moron, Your pastors, fathers, sisters, mothers, popes have all been caught being the most evil people around. They hurt, brainwash, rape, kill and sell children, if you deny that then yes you are a Moron. Just research Residential schools, you will never EVER look at christianity the same again. Christians are blind to the evil that occurs from within their own religion, and that their religion is at the center of all these pedofile scandals. Your preachers are the ones that break the 10 comandments. Look at all the times your religion has gone against its own laws. your last pope excaped imprisonment by remaining in the vatican after quiting. that pedofile should be publicly raped and tortured for harming children.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

There has been countless studies that show that the earth and my objects are more then just 5-6000 years old. There is a pyramid in china that is a reported 23,000 years old. That is more then enough proof. What about the fact that animals evolve all the time, that proves evolution. Plants evolve defence mechinisms like thorns, poisons, some even became carnivorus overtime. Everything evolves because of their eviroment, also there have been many many MANY studies that show that. There is way more proof of evolution then creationism. You are singling out just humans, animals, plants, marine life, microbacteria, one cell organisms and humans are all earthlings. evolution happens at every level of life. Even viruses and germs evolve, Thats why medicine doesnt always work. Can you not see how idiotic it is to believe what the bible says? If you read everything and research what I said and still believe god is real, or has great morals and charactor, then well your the one that has to live with the guilt of knowing that YOUR leaders of YOUR religion of which YOU believe in and follow.

I just can not believe how people can not open their eyes and see the truth.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 08:50 PM

reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Perhaps you are an animal, I am a human. I have the ability to imagine myself in anothers' shoes, and think before I act.


good job on being......human

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 10:17 PM
Just wanted to point out that the people in the church that do evil things are just that : Evil People.

Their actions should not speak for the rest of us, as they AREN'T really one of us.

posted on Feb, 4 2014 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by WonderBoi

Why is it, that we accept SOME of the truth; and not all of the truth???

WOW! That is a really watered down, unrealistic version of the 10 Cs, that appears more like a brainwashing tool to be used to indoctrinate little kids than any empirical truth! Honestly, I fail to see any corelation between the, so called, "truth" and the 10 Commandments!

I think this little vid explains the relevence of the 10 Commandments pretty well.

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 12:58 AM


Christian Voice
reply to post by Akragon
When you were in school your science books, math books, language books, etc. were all written by Men yet you are not questioning them, only the one that says "Thou Shall Not". Weird how that is
Heck, The Davinci Code was written as fiction and proclaimed to be fiction by Dan Brown yet people took it as Truth because it appeared to debunk parts of the Bible which proclaims "Thou Shall Not"

You see, when you question teachers you fail... and I did question several of them so I know from experience...

When you question the bible you find the truth behind the veil... You don't fail at life for questioning a so called "holy book"

In fact I would say you're more likely to pass... so to speak

Believe it or not, the Bible isn't as "holy", as many believe; and therein, lies the problem. How can people say the book is "holy", when it's filled with violence? It's starts off, right away, with brother killing brother.

The part that people miss, because of religion, is the fact that the Bible is a book of examples, of how God got His people through certain calamities, by faith. Read the story of Gideon, for example. Other than the 1st 5 books of the Bible....nothing else about it is religious. The Old Testament were types and shadows of things to come. Things that had been fulfilled, in the NT.

Jesus had a very big problem with the Pharisees. They were the people sitting in the holy seat, doing the most sinning. They were the people that essentially called for Jesus' crucifixion.

Besides all that...people need to understand what a "testament" is. Go to a law firm and ask. Religion didn't teach you this, but each and every person, on this planet, was written in that will; which went into effect, the day Jesus died.

Did you ask your lawyer, what was legally yours? Probably not! Why? Because the Bible is a "holy book" and nothing more; in your opinion. But, can i tell you a secret? The Bible is filled with lots and lots of principles, keys, and promises; you'll know nothing about because no one told you the truth.

Here's a scripture, i want you to always remember:

Philippians 4:19

I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me.
Believe me, when i tell you, the Bible is DEEP! The reason why TPTB aka 1%ers are getting away with murder; while robbing us blind, is because Satan has given them authority, to do so; and God has given Satan this place. Unfortunately, God has to abide by His own laws; so He can't do anything, YET! Besides, it's not up to God, to get us out of this mess. It's up to US! We're waiting for God; but, God is waiting for US!!! 99% can't handle 1% of the population that suppresses us? Do we really need "God's" help??? He already gave it, but we don't like the gift He gave us. We want another! Give us another teacher, we scream. lol Maybe, we should APPLY the teachings. lmfao

posted on Feb, 5 2014 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by WonderBoi

Lately, i've noticed a push, in the homosexual community. I look on tv and see, a lot of celebrities exhibit this spirit as they flaunt it in our face. Actors coming out of the closet. Laws being passed to legalize it. Acceptance of it or not!

My God! People admitting what they are instead of keeping it bottled up inside? Accepting people for who they are?!

OH THE HORROR!!!! We'll all be turned gay if this "acceptance" and "tolerance" doesn't end!

I'm not here to bash the homosexual community.

You kinda just did in a roundabout way.

Your business is your business and none of my business. But, the thing is, that community makes it our business. They make us "accept" their lifestyles; by jamming their messages down our throats!

No one is asking you to accept their lifestyle, they're asking you to be tolerant about it. And them "jamming" their message down your throat (I doubt that) is no different than Christians "jamming" their message down others throats.

Why do I have to see churches on every corner with bible verses scribbled all over their signs? I don't agree with them so with your logic that means they should take down their signs and close shop.

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