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Texas police officer pulls pulls over 19yo, handcuffs and rapes her.

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posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:21 AM

reply to post by gladtobehere

If you've ever dealt with cops, known them or spent time with them, they almost always, without exception, cover for each other's crimes, big and small.

Actually, I have spent a great deal of time around them. I've been related to them and lived right in the middle of the police culture as a cop's kid. I'm now just out with the local cops with public training opportunities for medical or other things which come up and I have the ability to take advantage of.

I simply find no basis in my life's experience for half the garbage spouted about the people serving us in Uniform.

I wonder how many saying it actually DO know police officers outside negative contact and the "business end" of the job?

Too bad reality doesn't support even a slight version of that.

I am a former Marine with an RE-1 code. A was rewarded with LOR's from some of the most respected Marines in the leatherneck family. Generals, Colonels, mustangs, Sgt Majors, etc.. I injured my knee helo drops, yep with the real recon 33 area

. All my friends are 1st Sgts today or CWO, one Mustang Major. We golf at Torrey Pines twice a year. With several retired Agents, and an old ww2 Marine Pilot/retired Judge.

After USMC and college and spent the next 2 years With the Federal Govt in a LE position with a TS clearance. I had access to EVERYTHING, I started out Pulling Messages. Loading cryptic codes every xx hours,,.

Worked doing ops with every agency you can name, and some you cant. for 2 YEARS.

As a cops kid.. You are in the family. everything done around you is different. Until you wear a badge.. then you are "on the IN".. those people are Jekyll and Hyde.

Doing stings at Drug Houses in San Diego and busting 3 off duty cops in a 2 day period for buying coke.

How about the Coast Guard patrol boat that seized a drug boat and then took it over, put the runners on the cg vessel and sunk it. Then took off with the go fast. they got caught because ONE of the crew got scared and radioed it in. ONE of the crew.

Or how about being part of a crew that misused equipment for personal reasons..

I took down 2 high level people when I chose there was no honor and left.. 2 corrupt SOB's that were over 20 years service.

Then I stepped back and analyzed all the damage to the ideals of a FREE REPUBLIC I participated in, just in 2 years.

DHS... "homeland" security.. NAZI ? or USSR ? ... the mere SOUND of it REAKS of it.. which one?

edit on 3-12-2013 by HanzHenry because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:27 AM
I see it as a matter of intelligence. When a few individuals perform bad acts then only the ignorant claim all are the same. They say it loudly and repeat. Intelligent people are able to see the situation is SUBJECTIVE,knowing these asshats are a few out of MILLIONS. I tend to see what individuals do and oppose THEM personally unless of course we are talking politics ,then we are crippled, due to the fact we are using logic and wisdom in a system that is INDIVIDUALLY motivated by emotional constructs.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:29 AM

They need to have mandatory testing for testosterone and steroids abuse. I bet you would be surprised how many of them are juiced.

in the police field.. 15%-25% across the board.. in bigger metro's on the night shifts.. 35-70%.


And the % that drink and drive on the weekends, especially after pay per view/sports? as high as ANY career field.

in small towns, all the cops know each others POV's and if needed, will help them home. rarely, do you get in trouble.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:31 AM


I have a feeling you're right about steroid abuse. Especially among some of the big city cultures and their elite units. Just my hunch with nothing more solid to go on....


Steroid Abuse among police not taken seriously

Steroid abuse major problem among police

Police juice to get edge on criminals

Those are all from the 2000's.

Now in 1991 the FBI published a report in the Law Enforcement Bulletin highlighting rampant abuse of steroids by PD's across the country. So in ten years it had gotten worse. In 20 years it still requires a "policy change."


Somebody tells you your house is on fire and you say you'll get to it in a couple of decades? Then a couple of decades it's still a "new" thing. Whaddaya mean the house is on fire?!?! Wow, we should really do something. Maybe in another quarter century.

There are no more hunches. Havent been for a very very very long time. These problems of mental health, domestic violence rates, substance abuse, self medicating, etc..... have been well documented since at least the 70's and every year it's "news to me" and "something should be done before it gets worse" like it's all being heard for the first time ever.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by benrl

I understand that and I also understand the concept of the "thin blue line" or the "good ol' boy" attitude. I have seen it in use firsthand.

I have a problem though when someone comes on and issues a blanket statement of intent to go hunting for police officers in a time of unrest.

I will be one of the first in line if, during a "SHTF" scenario, I see an officer or anyone stepping on another persons constitutional rights to stand up in defense of the underdog.

If you see anyone break the law, officer or civilian, it should be reported. If nothing gets done at the local level then go county, state and then fed.

Just don't post on-line, like some internet warrior, that you are going to go all kamikaze on all police officers just because you don't like the actions of a few. That's just moronic.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:33 AM

I see it as a matter of intelligence. When a few individuals perform bad acts then only the ignorant claim all are the same. They say it loudly and repeat. Intelligent people are able to see the situation is SUBJECTIVE,knowing these asshats are a few out of MILLIONS. I tend to see what individuals do and oppose THEM personally unless of course we are talking politics ,then we are crippled, due to the fact we are using logic and wisdom in a system that is INDIVIDUALLY motivated by emotional constructs.

so which parts of CIVIL ASSET FORFEITURE do you think are cool and in line with the ideals of America?

or is it the FOR profit prison system that is the largest in the world?

Maybe the CHECKPOINTS are sweet?

The SWAT RAIDS? farmers, amish, etc.

The Seizing of Homes for the PROFIT of foreign interest through unethical practices?

The revenue generating ticket system.?

Oh, I KNOW... MUST BE the NAZI-- GESTAPO LOVE!! that's it.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:35 AM

reply to post by benrl

I understand that and I also understand the concept of the "thin blue line" or the "good ol' boy" attitude. I have seen it in use firsthand.
Just don't post on-line, like some internet warrior, that you are going to go all kamikaze on all police officers just because you don't like the actions of a few. That's just moronic.

I was one and walked away disgusted by what is done DAILY..

luckily, I had a military pension.. SO, I guess all the "good ones" that remain are unable to find work elsewhere OUTSIDE of LE.

TOO BAD for them..



posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by HanzHenry

I think our disagreement comes with the degree and extent of corruption. Not whether it exists. Of course it exists and part of the purpose of this very forum we're in is the corruption of authority and structure by things like the drug war making law enforcement a 'for-profit' enterprise. I don't even mean that in the sense of individual cops, but the fact that Departments take % if not total revenue of siezed assets or cash for their own budgets and programs to roll back into doing more of it. It's crazy ..and it's one major example of where corruption definitely exists, is open and self evident.

Does that mean those roughly 800,000 individual cops (general stats quoted back to DOJ) who help keep our nation from being Somalia are all corrupt or all doing it for the wrong reasons? Absolutely, 100% not, I would say. Some % is corrupt..personally and individually. I have no doubt and the courts prove it to be the case. That still doesn't support the broad anti-cop positions some take.

BTW.. being a cop's kid also included the experience of a couple ride alongs (a couple that were official, too! lol) in my life to have seen the real side, if only briefly, to compare with the lifetime of indirect experience for seeing the culture. I've got a pretty good sense of the difference, and it doesn't change my overall feelings.

I don't think any cops live up to the image of a Knight out of a Wambaugh book, but neither do the vast majority have the traits of evil or being thugs which some attribute to them.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:43 AM
There seems to be a lot of this sort of thing going on in Texas recently. Just last week, in a suburb of Dallas, someone "impersonating" a police officer pulled a woman over, cuffed her, put her in the back of his car and raped her right on the side of the interstate in broad daylight during the morning rush hour.

edit on 3-12-2013 by LeatherNLace because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere


Somebody tells you your house is on fire and you say you'll get to it in a couple of decades? Then a couple of decades it's still a "new" thing. Whaddaya mean the house is on fire?!?! Wow, we should really do something. Maybe in another quarter century.

You had noticed in the same post, I was strongly supporting a 100% testing policy for any and all people in law enforcement, in any capacity...right?

I'm not sure why you focused on the point I made about not having proof to state with certainty, that police abuse steroids. I have never seen proof on any wide scale, since Police unions don't tend to allow what would be required to establish a sampling and baseline to get that far. It is a reasonable hunch tho....

I've also suggested citizen review boards to every disputed force action by police, at the local level. A routine thing to have done. I'd be happy to see that start yesterday. I've not heard anyone suggesting reforms aren't needed or should see any delays.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:01 AM
Found this link awhile back and figured I probably should share.

Your right to protect against unlawful arrest.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:06 AM

I see it as a matter of intelligence. When a few individuals perform bad acts then only the ignorant claim all are the same.

I also see it as a matter of intelligence. But, I see it the other way. When a few individuals perform bad acts (civilian criminals) then only the ignorant (LEOs) claim all are the same. And act accordingly.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

If you think ride-alongs are gonna be put in the 'circumstance' _________ and __________?

Just stop and think.. really think.

every department had a trainer. And a chain of command.

who is usually not given a 'rider'?

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:25 AM


I see it as a matter of intelligence. When a few individuals perform bad acts then only the ignorant claim all are the same.

I also see it as a matter of intelligence. But, I see it the other way. When a few individuals perform bad acts (civilian criminals) then only the ignorant (LEOs) claim all are the same. And act accordingly.

Intelligence is KEY.

Not having an intelligence with any measure of exceptional..

To NOT see the forest for the trees.

I can find a massive number of examples where the Police and REDCOATS are the EXACT same thing.

Police departments are corporations.. every one..

now we can delve into that whole arena about that or not.

THE BADGE is something other than what the 90% of people are not intelligent enough to see.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:27 AM
Sounds like the Bad lieutenant scene with Harvey Kietel.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by HanzHenry

To be fair but also to generally tie off this line of chat. I don't feel the need, nor do people really want to see, everything I've done or experienced over almost 40 years of a very diverse life to come to the positions I have on topics.

Suffice it to say, there are many things beyond what I'll get into, which also give while it's fair to say we disagree, it isn't fair to suggest I don't know what I'm talking about when we don't know each other at all.

With that, I'll take that fair option to agree with disagreeing, as I'll never be able to understand or appreciate the level of outright hate some show law enforcement. It's a personal thing and why I'm personally dropping it here for the side chat about it.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:30 AM

reply to post by thisguyrighthere


Somebody tells you your house is on fire and you say you'll get to it in a couple of decades? Then a couple of decades it's still a "new" thing. Whaddaya mean the house is on fire?!?! Wow, we should really do something. Maybe in another quarter century.

You had noticed in the same post, I was strongly supporting a 100% testing policy for any and all people in law enforcement, in any capacity...right?

A routine thing to have done. I'd be happy to see that start yesterday. I've not heard anyone suggesting reforms aren't needed or should see any delays.

Blue Line..

When ? exactly how long ago could all these "GOOD COPS" have stood up and said "you know what, this/that law is stupid. Or, this/that way things have been done aren't exactly Kosher".. ?

all these "things" that could of been done for decades never were.. things that MANY cops ADMIT are screwed up.. YET THEY CANT change it? ffs, they even have UNIONS!!

So, you mean to tell me, that EVERY COP in the country sitting by and allowing:

1. say for example the people in jail, facing years in prison for FILMING COPS in public?

2. putting people in jail for a PLANT, one that is considered Medicine and sold in stores in other states.

These are just 2 things that ANY MAN... or WOMAN with .... HONOR... INTEGRITY.... PATRIOTISM..

would VEHEMENTLY VOICE their opinion, and get others to do so as well.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:36 AM
Isn't "he needed killin" a valid legal defense in texas?
just sayin.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:46 AM
Sorry, I just can't fathom how anybody can rape someone else, irregardless of whether they do it openly or not. It's something animals do, not humans.
edit on 3-12-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:59 AM


What I'm afraid are the POS dirtbags that're smarter than him.

I do think some of these rapers are sociopathic or psychopathic. A normal human being sees another person and no matter how they feel about them sexually WILL NOT rape them: in fact, will be appalled by the idea.

Sorry, I just can't fathom how anybody can rape someone else, irregardless of whether they do it openly or not. It's something animals do, not humans.
edit on 3-12-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

I can name 2 cops from my home town that got girls drunk and date raped them back in high school.

But that would be a TC violation.. yep, roughly 12 years after date raping 2 girls was a cop in my home town. And another one got hired 3 years later.

YEP, guys KNOWN to be the type that would push drink after drink upon girls to get them passed out drunk.. ended up being cops.
edit on 3-12-2013 by HanzHenry because: bb

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