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The ocean is broken

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:35 AM
Newtons principle is universal in nature......
"Action, and Reaction are equal and opposite"
What the hell do you expect?
Its obvious we are headed for the waste basket of extinction.
We are a failed experiment of many other species that wink out every day.......gone to we are going soon......

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by stirling

Well, stirling, I may be acting the Pollyanna, but I refuse to believe at this point that we are destined to extinction. As I said in an earlier post, I believe we are going to get a close cropped hair cut, that will be devastating and painful, but we need to try to repair what we can.

If we fail, we are doomed. The earth will continue rotating on its path, as it has since the beginning, and those species that can withstand the onslaught that is in progress will go on, we may not be one of them. Or we may be a minority rising from the destruction we have wrought. Only time will tell.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

hahah give up on the sea food buddy! the whole ocean is forever tainted due to fukushima! I am sorry to tell yuh but we are going to be seeing a lot worse as the years go and the fish will not be good to eat. We absolutely f'd ourselves by not using different energy sources and not being responsible with the power we had. Had the government not silenced the people trying to do good in life I believe we would be on a whole other level of life. WE have destroyed ourselves...

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:48 AM

Newtons principle is universal in nature......
"Action, and Reaction are equal and opposite"
What the hell do you expect?
Its obvious we are headed for the waste basket of extinction.
We are a failed experiment of many other species that wink out every day.......gone to we are going soon......

Your statement sounds dramatic but it is also quite valid. It may not happen for a few hundred or even thousand years but at the rate we're going it will happen. The earth won't cease to exist - as our OP is right - she heals herself. But life as we know it will. Unless it can handle the radioactive waste, and survive whatever else is thrown back at us.

I think of seagulls and pelicans as being some of the toughest - survivors from the dinosaur era. What about them has made them successful? I don't think humans have what it takes...whatever it is that has made them successful. They start dying, or other hard core species such as sharks we can't be that far behind. Thus far no reports of these guys not making it but looking at the species who are dying might provide a clue of our own time scale in all of this.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Dianec

The whales, the dolphins and the manatees, all mammals are having a very serious time of it. The manatees are East coast mammals. The others flourish all over. Their food source the fish and other sea life are diminished and diseased. They are riddled with radioactive particulates.

We are seeing more and more beachings, tumors and such.

Look to the human population now. Highest allergies and asthmas. Highest cancer. On and on. We are already affected by this whole thing.

Is it possible for some to survive, yes. But only if we salvage the viability of our breeding stock. We have already done so much damage to our species genetically thru the manufactured plastics and prescriptions that the male/female split is becoming blurred, as it is in other species.

I have children. Do you think I am not terrified of what might happen? Of course a part of me is, but there is a bigger part of me that wants to fight, to correct it. If not for me, or my children, or even their children, maybe a couple generations down the road, there will be a chance for humanity to come out of time out and play again.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 01:42 PM
Could this be why everything is SOOOO out of control! Here's why? ! ? !

The Final Shift Fast Approaches

Hercolubus: The Greatest Mystery Of The Modern Era

We live in a time when common sense has become quite rare. Likewise, the voice of reason has fled humankind. For these reasons the following essay will be quite difficult for many to understand or believe or imbibe.

If you were running the world during these tumultuous times, and you knew that events were on the horizon which would forever alter the entire planetary civilization, would you use the global mainstream media to tell everyone?
If those earth-shattering events were as unstoppable as they were fateful, would you disseminate this information?

If your answer is “Yes”, what will the 7 billion plus people who reside on Planet Earth do the next day? That is, after you tell them that their world is about to come to an end.
Will they still go to work?
Will they continue to support the Consumer Society?
Will many of them even want to get out of bed again after they hear what is coming?

Herein lies the challenge that is faced by the World Shadow Government (WSG).

Bear in mind that they know exactly what is around the corner. Their strategically-located observatories and high-powered telescopes give them access to scientific data and astronomical phenomena which is so compelling they feel they have no alternative but to:
• distract us
• deceive us
• divert our attention

Remember, there is one thing — more than anything else — which the WSG fears.

That is uncontrolled chaos.
They know—> that real mayhem in the streets will not treat them well.
Therefore, spontaneous social pandemonium is their greatest worry.
Unpredictable political paroxysms strike fear into their hearts.
Uncontrollable financial volatility will only serve to shatter their control matrix.

- See more at:

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:47 PM

The ocean isn't's fubar'ed.


^quoting Jane for truth.

We've treated our major bodies of water as toilets for so long, what is there left to save? Honestly, we'd need either mass extermination of the # of homo sapiens or a mass exodus to ease the pressure we're putting on the only home we have in the 'verse but neither are going to happen.

We can forget about stopping pollution, there is too much $$ to be had by not stopping pollution.

If there is a god, of all that god's most terrible creations, we'd rate as the most horrific.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Viesczy

Well, Derek, I hate the situation. I truly do.

I did not know how bad it was until a few years ago. And then I didn't have a clue how bad. Now that I am aware of the extent of it it is mind boggling. I am sure many people are in the same boat I was in. We were ignorant because we were never exposed to the truth. Until we were. Or are.

Passing blame is not going to get us anywhere. Neither is hatred. Neither is apathy or sitting back and doing nothing. Even doing everything we can think of may be too late for us, that has to be factored in too, but in my world, I have to try. It is how I am made.

I would rather die trying, knowing I did everything I could think of, with the chance of finding a solution.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:00 PM
how far man will go for a dollar. They (WE) have no shame in what we destroy.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by SkipperJohn

And that is the story in a nut shell. It was all for the mighty Dollar, Yen, Ruble, Pound, Mark, Euro. You name it, the damage was done for profit and for lining the purses of corporate big wigs. It was also for supporting the crews and employees who worked the ships and the companies and every person who worked in the stores and hospitals and schools world wide. It was for every single person who ever participated in the consumerism that is our society.

There is not a single society that is exempt if it participates in modern consumerism. We all did it.

The only innocent souls are the babes and children who know no better and have not reached the age of reason to know better, the indigenous and tribal groups who have clung to their old ways and those who have recognized the wrong doing and turned their backs on it and have tried to raise their voices, but were drowned out by the shouts of "BUY ME".

Pointing fingers does no good. My baby brother once said to me, "Don't point your finger at me sis, when you do, you have three more pointing right back at you. Whatever you are accusing me of, you are accusing your self of threefold."

Our society has been set up to require money to live. We need it to meet the most basic needs. Very few people today are able to support the basic needs of day to day living on their own merits. They must work for someone else to "earn" the "right" to eat, have shelter, drive a car and everything else. There are those who inherit wealth, but that is still obtaining money from another source. It is not from your own sweat or labor in the earth.

The system, and greed, and the lack of common sense. Sigh.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:02 PM
I looked up one article on dolphins, manatees, and pelicans washing up dead and not one comment was made (3 months ago). Didn't link it since it froze my computer but the next one has far less comments than say, a political or celebrity story. They could probably write a story on the nutrients in a banana and get more of a reaction. It appears as if only a tiny handful of people are even concerned.

Someone here in put it well - we are using their home as a toilet. They have done nothing to us; they did not ask for these things. Not only is this a huge source of our own survival but the life in it depends on us being responsible and decent. They can do nothing and we continue to use and abuse -yet have laws against abuse and neglect of things we can touch and see each day. It's horrible to see the images, and know that we are nearly powerless or stop their suffering.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:25 PM

I looked up one article on dolphins, manatees, and pelicans washing up dead and not one comment was made (3 months ago). Didn't link it since it froze my computer but the next one has far less comments than say, a political or celebrity story. They could probably write a story on the nutrients in a banana and get more of a reaction. It appears as if only a tiny handful of people are even concerned.

Someone here in put it well - we are using their home as a toilet. They have done nothing to us; they did not ask for these things. Not only is this a huge source of our own survival but the life in it depends on us being responsible and decent. They can do nothing and we continue to use and abuse -yet have laws against abuse and neglect of things we can touch and see each day. It's horrible to see the images, and know that we are nearly powerless or stop their suffering.

The problem is, humanity as a whole, has forgotten that these, our fellow inhabitants have just as much right to be here as we do. We are infringing on their natural habitat. We are land creatures who can venture into the oceans. They are ocean creatures who breath air.

We are vain creatures who think we have more of a right to this planet that they do. We do not. Never have. We do have the obligation to take care of it, for our children if for no other reason. But we have not. It is time that changed.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by BearTruth

I think it can change. California for example is a really progressive State. They once dumped "cleaned" sewer right where the surfers went in (was also lots of kelp so that equals lots of life). That has stopped. I don't know the changes they have made in recent years but California is a good one to research.

Even with that effort (the United States), the whole world shares oceans so you have to deal with cultural issues as well as the money and politics of those cultures - not to mention make the people care. Shark fin soup as an example is something activists fight against - throwing the shark away after slicing off its fins abhores activists, but those who do it push back since it's such a cultural thing (their luxury food). As cruel as that is maybe the focus should be something no one can really argue with (while those activists continue their plight of course).

Find what the resistance would be. If it is only money and politics - its harder to justify continuing with the practices. Pollution is bad - here is what it does - do your part. Here is Fukushima - here is what it's doing.... Here is what your kids will be eating in 10-20 years - do something. Provide a few effective things people can do. Keep it short, simple, and culturally relevant.

I'm afraid it still won't be enough but that does not mean to give up. I say that because of feet dragging and getting everyone on the same page. People don't like to be inconvenienced with things that can be put off until tomorrow. People will get out there and say others are being alarmist to further justify putting it off. Distractions will ensue and stereotypes will be applied. It's just huge. Only because there are too many people who just do not care. They don't have to live in it so it may be too late by the time anything big enough is done to make a difference. I hope not but I understand human motivation and behavior. It's tragic both have shifted to material things and the me me me mentality.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Dianec

I agree with everything you said.

It is like teaching a 3 year old. You just keep their interest and when they lose interest redirect them back to the subject.

You have rejuvenated my interest. Thank you Dianec.


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

The problem is not just giving up seafood but the extravagant lives we all live! Even if we started to just eat off the land then we would just increase the amounts of toxins in the form of pesticides and fertilizers that ended up going
into our oceans! Not to mention the increased amounts of fossil fuels we would need! The way we live is the biggest problem we face but talking about fixing things and sacrificing to fix them are two very different things and as we should all admit, us bloggers are really good at talking but short on actions!
I believe we all want to change for the betterment of our world, well at least until we start to sacrifice and then our sacrifices become sacrificed for our wants! It is a very complex dilemma, that may never in fact come to fruition until
our necessities outweigh our wants and desires!
Even if we all wanted to bring about a new utopia to bring balance back between nature and humanity, there are those that are very powerful and are profiting off of the exploitation of the natural world! These people would be
hard pressed to do anything but sabotage our dreams and ideals towards a new utopia!
This is just some things off the top of my head and though change will be very difficult, it's not impossible and we should never accept the horrid things our society does to exploit nature! I only wish to make some of us aware,
that to save our oceans we would have to do a hell of a lot more then just giving up on the wonderful bounty
that has helped to sustain our species for many millennia!
I also feel its not necessary to totally give up on harvesting from our seas but to just give the species time to recover
and keep the blue oceans clean for all to flourish in!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 02:41 AM
Sounds like Baltic Sea, the most polluted sea in the world. It has been ruined by agriculture, industry, shipping and sewage. Its full of chemical weapons too from WW2. Its very vulnerable for pollution, as its very shallow and semi-enclosed. The water is so dark in it. There is not much life in it either.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:08 PM

reply to post by catfishjoe

The problem is not just giving up seafood but the extravagant lives we all live! Even if we started to just eat off the land then we would just increase the amounts of toxins in the form of pesticides and fertilizers that ended up going
into our oceans! Not to mention the increased amounts of fossil fuels we would need! The way we live is the biggest problem we face but talking about fixing things and sacrificing to fix them are two very different things and as we should all admit, us bloggers are really good at talking but short on actions!
I believe we all want to change for the betterment of our world, well at least until we start to sacrifice and then our sacrifices become sacrificed for our wants! It is a very complex dilemma, that may never in fact come to fruition until
our necessities outweigh our wants and desires!

Actually, the ancient ways of farming were very much in touch with nature. There has been a slow small movement back, especially with the recognition of what is happening to our bodies because of all the chemical contamination.

If we went back to the basics, if every family group raised their own gardens for their basic needs, then much much less would need to be mass produced. One step at a time in the right direction would get us down the path.

But it does take commitment and on a large scale basis. Resistance should be expected because few from this generation or the past two have HAD to live that way.


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:50 PM
People don't realize the plankton in the ocean makes most of the air we use on the planet more than the forests and plants. If the oceans die were not far behind.


A teenager seems to be the only onbe with a solution and he could clean up the oceans in one year! Why are all the enviromentalists ignoring this kid?

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by texasyeti

Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this link.

This is the most useful thing I have seen yet. And from a 19 year old.


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:58 PM

reply to post by galadofwarthethird

That sounds like a copout to me. It would only make any sense if we all of a sudden banned all boats and craft from the ocean..... Considering all the ships out there anyway, I highly doubt sending some more out to clean up our mess would be so damaging that it's better to just leave it there.

Hey I didn't say it. I just linked what they said in the op's link. But like you said, there seem to be many many ships out there already. And so...It probably will not effect things much more then there already effected. And its not like a clean up is impossible to pull off. There just is no profit in it.

And the fact is you dont even need to have a fleet of ships out there all the time. It does not seem to be a race to me as things are pretty much out there already and not going anywhere most of the plastic and waste ain't breaking down any time this century now is it? In fact you have ships which trawl the depths of the ocean for miles around catching anything that lives or moves in there nets, so you can have a ship do the same only in small doses and areas and with specific nets which just trawl for junk, most of which seems to be afloat or not that deep anyways.

You can even make nets which would be absorbent or be able to catch to the particular density of oil or other more dangerous chemicals while leaving the h20 and other things untouched to a large degree. After all even a kid who played with oil and water in school knows that oil floats and ends up in patches on top or just bellow the surface of the water, so you can even fish out the oil and even the chemicals with such a method and specific nets, and in pretty much the same manner they would fish out fish with nets.

But again, no profit in it.

And even if it were a race and you had a whole bunch of ships out there cleaning things which is not likely. The whole rabbit go full steam approach would probably not do all that, and its likely the a the slow and steady turtle approach of a few ships coming and going would work much better anyways. In all, even if you had a massive effort out there of of cleaning our seas up, it would not put half as much effort and have a quarter of the effect into actual progress of cleaning things, as preventive measures would. ie Less crap manufactured consumer waste and garbage going out into the sea, and less dependence on oil or drilling in the sea floor, the less fishing and massive corporate fishing vessels out there for months on end fishing, the less problems you would have.

The whole cleaning up approach at least to me seems counterproductive in many ways. It is best to eliminate the problems, and not to constantly clean up after them. That would be silly and kind of pointless, always leading in endless circles. I mean I know I need to cut back on my consumer ways, and I dont even put out half the garbage that some people around here do and its not easy to change the whole outlook of society, but it can be done.

Or ah! Whatever, one way or another people will learn and sometimes the hard way is the one way that really drives the point home. So I dont know. You people can do what you want.

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