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Lt. Col. Michael Aquino Admits To "UFO" Technology Cover-Up [Whistleblower Testimony]

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posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by maquino

So I bought your book and I'm not disappointed. There is a problem with the Kindle version mixing up some paragraphs so you might want to complain to them, I will don't worry. But since I'm dyslexic it's probably better that way.

So right off the bat this book definitely resonates with me on a personal level. My background was in psychology initially and I do have an undergrad in that. My ex is a psychologist as well and yes, that's most likely why she's my ex.

I have also been involved with martial arts for 23 years and was pleased to see that you mention the non aggressive aspect of that. There is, in fact, a whole system of martial arts dedicated to what you describe. Aikido can be translated as "the way of harmony with life energy". It is a Budo. Aikido conflict resolution is a good place to start with the conflict resolution stuff if you are not already familiar with this. And Here

You also dedicate the book to some members of the Jefferson Airplane but no mention of Jorma or Jack. (If you don't know who Jorma is, you don't know Jack) my name elsewhere is hoteffentuna.

So another obscurity you mention is John C Lilly. Even from those hippie-wiccans, it's not a name you hear very often. He may be of some interest to folks here because he would encounter "beings" in "space" during his floatation tank experiments.

I even had a college professor who claimed to know him very well. E.C.C.O was in full force as I ran into this professor a few years ago and after 20 some years, had a 5 year old son on the same soccer team as my 5 year old son. What is strange is that he is easily 30 years older than me.

Anyway, I'm enjoying the synchronicity.

edit on 29-9-2013 by ZetaRediculian because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Of course the drip drip effect through popular culture has been going on for a long time, the causing of people to question everything they understood as the truth, the erosion of values and corruption of individuals, families, society, the solution to the problems created their idea of Order.

Emphasis mine, on the last of your quote, Kantzveldt, for the purposes of drawing attention to the particular nature of this ongoing Psyop, for this is really my estimation of what's going on here, both with Mr. Aquino's book, Mind Wars, his presence here, and Col. Alexander's gracing the community with his presence soon.

As you so eruditely put the above, "the solution to the problems created their idea of Order...." Of course, you don't exactly say it, but I will....the problems were created so the solutions could be implemented, and then used to create their idea of Order...or perhaps coming chaos, while gaining even more ultimate control, though I don't believe they need something they already possess for quite some time. It's just bringing it all out into the open, now.

Mind Wars, though to be fair, I have not read it, seems from what I've read about it,to be a distillation of all the research that began under the umbrella of Ultra and branched out into various other sub-projects. Many times on this forum, I've encountered those who once educated about Ultra and other said projects, (Bluebird, Artichoke, there are many), want to see some proof of ongoing use of applied technology. Mr. Aquino, from his responses, seeks to distance and separate his mind war proposals, as though it's a brand new thing, not applied in this country, and very different from the above mentioned "research," on the control of the human mind and behavior. When, really, it isn't. Control is control. End of story. No matter how you finesse the control, how covert the technology, I'm having a hard time here swallowing the use of ethical, and mind control together in any possible way.

Forget Schmidt whatever, this psyops has been ongoing on this soil for quite some time, as well as everywhere else. The point of this Mind Wars psyops is to distance this tech from previous, just to say we've been following the law, so far, but now we've got more ethical ways of doing this, so......

I find this ludicrous. After the long, sordid, damaging and destructive history of what this kind of research did to individual lives, Mind War seems to me to be a quite obvious reach to give the same thing a whole new spin, since society has now in general been softened up, so to speak, in accepting such, through all the bells and whistles available to them privately through technology. How many of us observe groups of people
these days "being social," together, all sitting around at tables, but each looking at their own phone?
And it's an obvious and well known fact in the psyops community, that mind control techniques work best on those isolated from society at large. We're all participating in that isolation, if you will.

There was a quote on this thread, I believe, from the book, about easing the target's moral and ethical orientation , previously held convictions, so they are more receptive to certain behavior or the acceptance of it. What exactly are we talking about here? And this is considered ethical, in any way whatsoever.

I mean, if you're talking about convincing a terrorist not to suicide bomb, and the tech is available and being used on foreign soil, why is it then, we still have suicide bombers?

If we have all these ways to fix these "moral dilemmas," then why aren't we in a healthier world already, since these technologies and controls have been available and used since a very long time ago?

I think what we have here, really, is proof, if you can stand back and see the forest, that what began with subliminal programming through insertion of cues during hypnosis, the use of drugs to enhance and disorient or disintegrate personality, and the use of electromagnetic applied specifically for a desired result, is now being spun this way, to garner more acceptance, as an answer to nuclear war or long, protracted front line fighting.....

All the same, it begs the question, really, for this might also be the answer to how we got to such polarization that a state of war is always present. If you don't think the military hasn't been dealing with this for quite a while, wherever, here's a linky for you:

So, this I pose as a smoking gun. It's been around a very long time, in very different methodology and technological ways, and more than likely, is how we got to this juncture. So I bring it back to Kantz's words: fomenting the problems to foment the solutions to create their idea of order.

And so, what would anyone expect from a guy who sells himself as a master of psyops, professionally, but more psyops right here and now. Respin after we've softened them up with some privately available bells and whistles, disconnect from the bad old ultra history, and oila.....we got milk. LOL

edit on 29-9-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by tetra50 because:just between me and the Gut, I wonder if you've ever seen a loon up close. They are beautiful birds, and I should think, you, of all people, would know the Aviary has destroyed the life of birds...but that's just commentary from loonville. LOL
edit on 29-9-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)
oh, and at the bottom of the page the website added, extra DIV, and the problem is, I'm not an extra DIV
edit on 29-9-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)
extra DIV

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:23 PM

Are you aware of any satellite technology, especially of the type theorized here, that might be aimed at earth? If we ever do see Zombies...surely they will (we will gulp) be the creations of just such a tech.

When researching MW I ran into a lot more disturbing information than I expected to find, such as this. Generally the problem, which once again harks back to the Manhattan Project, is that science gets ahead of ethics concerning its use. One of my motives for doing MW right now, and writing it the way that I did, was to hammer, hammer, hammer on the ethical aspects of such technology, so that this is [hopefully] present in people's minds when they start playing with these new toys, so to speak. You simply have to give thought to the consequences of what you set in motion, before you do it.

As recounted in MW the entire Special Operations area of the Army was originally created with reasonably enlightened purposes in mind, but has fallen today into what I call a "battlefield janitor" mode of just accenting and cleaning up after the PW mess. I could have come up with a more "acceptable" book by working/writing within this atmosphere, but I chose to take the whole thing on from a complete-reform standpoint. That's one of the benefits of being retired: You can be as uppity as you like without having your ass handed to you on a plate.
Anyway at the very least I want MW to be an inspiration, an encouragement to this kind of thinking. If it starts less-idealistic, more-practical people thinking that since we're supposed to be so damned smart as a species, we should be able to find a better way to resolve differences than beating each other to death like the apemen at the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey, then that will be a start.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by maquino

Mr. Aquino: In respect of what you just wrote, and your status of "retirement," have you read what I wrote?
For, there is no way in my estimation, that you have been a player in the psyops field with enough knowledge to write MindWar and know the technological capacities, therein, and not know that the site you cited means, intrinsically, that to know how to break a thing, is knowing how to fix it and vice versa. I address this is my above post, and so hammer, hammer away at you on this. Pardon me, but the "ethics," or really lack of them, here, are my concern, as I am personally aware, though many here are reticent to directly say or portray it using their posts and language available to them, the destruction and suffering possible through what you are giving a whole new spin, apparently.

You see, that's the great thing about the site you just cited for us. It talks about physical debilitation combined with technology. As I said, knowing how to cure a problem is also knowing how to give it.
And you've given a link which just proves that point.

Mr. Aquino, respectfully, I believe you to be continuing a long term psyops, involving ufo experiences to brand certain experiencers as "loony tunes," and to spin mind control technologies in such a way the overall populace will find acceptable. I see it on this website everyday, via such titles as "Morality can be influenced by electrogmagnetics," as if this is "fixing" what's wrong. Again, see my assertions above. Or not.

Yeah, it's easy, really, to call a poster a loony. That's the easiest out there is, really. But it doesn't get anyone anywhere, because some of us are still here, and quite sane, despite what we've experienced....

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:54 PM
For instance:

Mind Control
By Harry V. Martin and David Caul

Napa Sentinel August/September/October/November 1991
Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995

One Here are just a few experiments used in the mind control program
Two Vacaville Medical Facility Operation M.K.-Ultra Tetrahydrocannabinol acetate
Captain George Hunter White Operation Midnight Climax
Three Lucky Luciano Mafia-U.S. Intelligence alliance
Four Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) youngster "concentration" camps
Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights psychosurgical operations at Atmore State Prison
Five Dr. Earl Brian and Edward Meese The Center for the study and Reduction of Violence Dr. Louis Jolyon West
Six William Herrmann Colston Westbrook Black Cultural Association at the Vacaville Medical Facility Donald DeFreeze
CIA's Phoenix Program Symbionese Liberation Army
Seven L.S.D MK-ULTRA Technical Services Staff (TSS) Office of Security Frank Olson Joseph Cannata Haldol
Dr. Ewen Cameron Addiction Research Center,Lexington, Kentucky Master Sergeant Jim Stanley Operation Derby Hat
BZ or quinuclidinyl benzilate Vacaville, psychosurgery terror drug" Anectine Phenothiazine and Thorazine Prolixin
Eight Dr. Jose Delgado Dr. Estabrooks J. G. Watkins
Nine John B. Watson B.F. Skinner Lt. Commander Thomas Narut
Ten EMR techniques with hypnosis Moscow embassy Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Eleven electromagnetic weapons Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) pulsed microwave audiograms
Twelve Dachau concentration camp Mescaline Project Chatter Dr. Hubertus Strughold Erich Hippke high altitudes experiments
Dry freezing experiments
Thirteen Nuremberg Code Dr. Strughold Project Paperclip

There was just a small news announcement on the radio in early July after a short heat wave, three inmates of Vacaville Medical Facility had died in non-air conditioned cells. Two of those prisoners, the announcement said, may have died as a result of medical treatment. No media inquiries were made, no major news stories developed because of these deaths.

But what was the medical treatment that may have caused their deaths? The Medical Facility indicates they were mind control or behavior modification treatments. A deeper probe into the death of these two inmates unravels a mind-boggling tale of horror that has been part of California penal history for a long time, and one that caused national outcries two decades ago.

Mind control experiments have been part of California for decades and permeate mental institutions and prisons. But, it is not just in the penal society that mind control measures have been used. Minority children were subjected to experimentation at abandoned Nike Missile Sites, veterans who fought for American freedom were also subjected to the programs. Funding and experimentations of mind control have been part of the U.S. Health, Education and Welfare Department, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Central Intelligence Agency through the Phoenix Program, the Stanford Research Institute, the Agency for International Development, the Department of Defense, the Department of Labor, the National Institute of Mental Health, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, and the National Science Foundation.

California has been in the forefront of mind control experimentation. Government experiments also were conducted in the Haight-Ashbury District in San Francisco at the height of the Hippy reign. In 1974, Senator Sam Erwin, of Watergate fame, headed a U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights studying the subject of "Individual rights and the Federal role in behavior modification." Though little publicity was given to this committee's investigation, Senator Erwin issued a strong condemnation of the federal role in mind control. That condemnation, however, did not halt mind control experiments, they just received more circuitous funding.

This is what you describe, at its worst, Lt. Col. Aquino.....
I could source many more things but, alas, I've been told my sources are not legit....LOL
while they're being used.

Good luck to you and all of us. Peace out.
Tetra50, from Loonville

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:59 PM
Have to say . I'm with tetra on this, there's a huge number of baseline assumptions that are wholly based on a certain set , no pun intended, of modes of accepted behaviour. Not so much on a personal level, although those are touched on rather, certain general zeitgeists that exist almost without question and yet, have alternatives that are rarely discussed.

The chief of those zeitgeists is the whole Mediterranean tradition of family over society and society above the individual's freedom. I suspect, given the wholly top down command structure of Ancient Egypt that anything derived from Egyptian traditions comes replete with an intrinsic elitist platform. This is where I cry.."Woahh now neddy, just a cotton pickin' moment, I say, I say, let's just us all back up here a li lbit an, I say, I say, let's all give a lil credence to then thar models that might exist?"

I'm not going to proselytise about Ancient Celtic and Northern European cultures save for to say, they offer a genuine alternative, on virtually every level, to those of the adopted and rarely questioned, Greco/Roman/Mediterranean ideas such as, "Blood always comes first", "The weak should fall", "Those who run society are society". What I will point out though, is the following. That the most cohesive and equal, in any way you care to divvy the figures up, societies in Europe are all those that, coincidentally, I don't think, are those that were never conquered by the Romans. The first to cast off the shackles of the Catholic Church etc etc.

To my eyes, i still the same old, in short, elitism rife throughout the machinations of the whole murky world of psyops no matter who "good" one might claim one's intentions are. See, I have fundamental problem with anyone who seems to think their "revelation/exegesis, call it what you will", the whole language of philosophy is terribly elitist in itself, has any relevance to any other human. We might find commonalities for sure, the experience is however, unique in ti's effect on every single human being. I'm minded of the lyrics to a 10CC song and maybe they explain it clearly.

Everyone's going to be free
But they'll have to agree to be free
They'll have to agree to be less free than me
'Cos I rule the world you see

So wait for the army of kiddy-winkies
And terrible tiny tots
In armoured school buses
Firing poison pea-shooters
And sinking their milk teeth into your thighs
Delapsus resurgam! when I fall I shall rise!

Wanna be a boss
I wanna be a big boss
I wanna boss the world around
I wanna be the biggest boss
that ever bossed the world around

Frankly, I have no interest in being led by the nose from a society that still has judicially sanctioned state murder on it's law books. Call me picky, call chuffin' Clementine, it really makes no odds, it's still in essence, we know better than the plebs and they need to be led. Well , you can lead a horse to water hell, you can't make it think. All the great advances in the way we treat each other as people have come from people themselves, moderating their behaviour, not being told they should. There does seem to be one simple truth. if we keep on with wasting our resources and time on war period, in any form, then our society is eventually headed for the knacker's yard.

Let's put it this way, barring slavery, it's taken us almost 2000 years to climb back to a place that even resembles the collective consciousness of ancient Celtic society and yet, in most peoples casual thoughts, they are still perceived as "barbarians". When you look at the films Hollywood has spewed forth on the subject of aliens, the vast majority of them currently perceive the aliens as wholly Roman in outlook. They are asset strippers, cosmic bankers and hedge fund capitalists. It's as if we are trying to indoctrinate them into our ways, just in case they are more Celtic in nature and therefore, a huge threat to our system.
edit on 29-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by FireMoon

In other words, if I have you right in assimilation, "you are telling us how to be right with life, while not being right with how you're leading us?'" Am I presenting an accurate simplification of what you're saying, FireMoon, for this is very like what my point is, though far more diplomatic....

ETA, at large: while the societal, human condition is what it is, how would you judge us, then, having created the situation to create (Katzveldt's point) our problems, to create the solution?????

Bottom line is, you are creating, through control, what was never your perview to be creating to begin with....

For if you can solve it now, history proves you could have solved it long ago, but instead chose to control it to a digression and deterioration, so that you could then respin it and show up as a "hero" today, and tell us all how we can "fix" it now. READ: what you've already wrought.....
edit on 29-9-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:24 PM

reply to post by FireMoon

In other words, if I have you right in assimilation, "you are telling us how to be right with life, while not being right with how you're leading us?'" Am I presenting an accurate simplification of what you're saying, FireMoon, for this is very like what my point is, though far more diplomatic....

ETA, at large: while the societal, human condition is what it is, how would you judge us, then, having created the situation to create (Katzveldt's point) our problems, to create the solution?????

Bottom line is, you are creating, through control, what was never your perview to be creating to begin with....

For if you can solve it now, history proves you could have solved it long ago, but instead chose to control it to a digression and deterioration, so that you could then respin it and show up as a "hero" today, and tell us all how we can "fix" it now. READ: what you've already wrought.....
edit on 29-9-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

I think we're humming off of a similar song sheets yes. let me take it further and this is wholly relevant to this thread and what the honourable GUT always brings up. "Electro magnetic Forces".... I've mentioned before that. Britain being relatively small and with a large population means those "weird places" sit cheek by jowell with rather more "mundane places" . I go back to Meon Hill.... Google it for yourself Meon Hill Warwickshire and just follow the links. Now, Meon Hill was inhabited up till the Iron Age and then wallop, all of sudden we don't seem to find it "comfortable" any more". There, by rights and in any common sense world should be the ruins of a Medieval castle on it, only there's nada, nowt, zilch, one white duck on your wall. There's a manor house in the vicinity however, given it commands the surrounding are for miles there really should be a castle there. There isn't, there is however, a long history of seriously weirds*** up to and including the modern day and a good few UFO sightings. What was it that differed in our ancient relatives that, they found it a comfortable place to be when we don't? I am almost 100% certain, electro magnetic fields are part of the answer.
edit on 29-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:38 PM

There is a problem with the Kindle version mixing up some paragraphs so you might want to complain to them.

I get the feeling that Kindle is much better suited to straight-text, e.g. novels, than to footnote-intensive stuff like MW (which has numerous extensive footnotes). Not sure what to do about this, but I will check into it with K.

This is one of the reasons I did the printed version in 8-1/2x11: A smaller page-size would have had long footnotes completely crowding out pages of text. Didn't want to switch to endnotes because many of these should be there right along with the text-noted.

I have also been involved with martial arts for 23 years and was pleased to see that you mention the non aggressive aspect of that. There is, in fact, a whole system of martial arts dedicated to what you describe. Aikido can be translated as "the way of harmony with life energy". It is a Budo.

One of my old friends and a martial-arts expert is Dale Seago, who also has both MI and PSYOP experience as a USAR officer. He is also an "immediate disciple" [for want of a better description] of Masaaki Hatsumi. As noted, much of MW is playing catchup with what these guys, and Shaolin, were doing centuries ago. I am an unabashed fan of the original Kung Fu series, in which Caine went about neutralizing lots of Wild West PW.

You also dedicate the book to some members of the Jefferson Airplane but no mention of Jorma or Jack.

Well, I certainly know of them, as well as lots of the other brilliant artists who've been on and off the "Airship" over the decades. But it's PK who's been a longtime friend, and whose glorious sci-fi/magical visions have particularly resonated with me; see Appendix #11: "Paul Kantner & the Jefferson Starship" in my The Temple of Set. I also took both Paul and Grace on a ride to the Andromeda Galaxy in my The Dark Side story some years ago.

While sending drafts of MW around, several pre-readers suggested that I "novelize" it, to better show it in action, along with the nonfiction "manual". I rather liked the idea, and may still play with it once I catch my breath, and test-flew it by Paul as a spinoff on his PERRO album/novel, which has some very charmingly-MW themes. In essence I would write a sort of "PERRO backstory" with everything either real or so close to it as to really shake the reader. It would be lots of fun, except that then the poor old Starship might very well find itself in the center of the latest "mind control" conspiracy freakout, with everyone afraid to listen to it for fear of diabolical SLIPC programming!
This would probably not be a good thing.

So another obscurity you mention is John C Lilly. Even from those hippie-wiccans, it's not a name you hear very often. He may be of some interest to folks here because he would encounter "beings" in "space" during his floatation tank experiments.

John's books are included on the Temple of Set Reading List, and he was of course caricatured by Paddy C. in Altered States, which is a delicious flick and even better as the original book. It was one of those things like 2001 that takes you on a roller-coaster ride to the end and then leaves you dangling because the author either doesn't grok, or just doesn't want to take the final step over into Setian metaphysics.

I even had a college professor who claimed to know him very well.

I've never been a "celeb groupie" but I've always treasured running into some really bright lights over the years and basking in their wisdom. [Makes up for all the jerks.]

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by maquino

Mr. Psyops:

Though you are giving penultimate responses for some, I have asked direct, and inteligent questions, and you ingnore them. Perhaps you, and those you choose to answer have some affinity. Just sayin;, for I see a psyops in progress here. And your unwillingness to address certain cogent replies, seems to say it all.

So, here we are and there you go.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by maquino

John's books are included on the Temple of Set Reading List, and he was of course caricatured by Paddy C. in Altered States, which is a delicious flick and even better as the original book. It was one of those things like 2001 that takes you on a roller-coaster ride to the end and then leaves you dangling because the author either doesn't grok, or just doesn't want to take the final step over into Setian metaphysics.

Yes, one of my favorite flicks. I even did the flotation tank thing. No one told me you shouldn't shave before going into tank full of Epsom salt. I believe 'Day of the Dolphin' was also based on his work with Dolphins.
And it is...

Merle's novel, a satire of the Cold War, is supposedly the basis for this film, but the film's plot was substantially different from that of the novel. The movie is instead inspired in part from the scientist John C. Lilly's life. A physician, biophysicist, neuroscientist, and inventor, Lilly specialized in the study of consciousness. In 1959, he founded the Communications Research Institute at St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands and served as its director until 1968. There he worked with dolphins exploring dolphin intelligence and human-dolphin communication

A very interesting person.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:01 AM
I see above, and not unreasonably, apprehension about the MW concept as "bringing peace at the price of creating a sort of "electronic Land of the Lotus-Eaters", etc. It's not designed to work that way. From the book:

# # # # # # # # #


MW controls human external-action thoughts by identifying and adjusting the sensory impressions that the mind uses to assemble, modify, and reinforce them. Humans’ sensory-based thoughts form the basis for their constructed outward personalities, and in groups their mores, biases, beliefs, traditions, habits, and taboos. Thus through a graduated process, MW controls groups of humans.

As the size of the group increases, common features of impressions, attitudes, and expressions emerge and can be identified and analyzed statistically, making possible social forecasting and the control of that future by aggregate, not individual manipulation. This is the basis of Isaac Asimov’s science-fictional “psychohistory”, and of less-ambitious but demonstrably practical Political Science forecasting. Such techniques and procedures can be applied regardless of how such groups are styled or named: cultures, tribes, societies, nations.

Humans usually believe that their individual and collective perceptions and opinions are independently, voluntarily developed. This sense of thought-independence is the basis for the general ideal of the desirability of democracy over other group decision-making systems. A consensus of a majority of independent minds, supposedly, will result in the best and fairest policies for the entire group.

Such a rose-tinted image of democracy is of course an illusion. Both governments and private-sector interests devote intense, constant efforts to shaping public perceptions of reality. From peanut butter to PW, these perceptions are guided subtly, pressed directly, and reinforced socially. By the time the masses are permitted to vote, the parameters of their vote have already been predetermined, with only tokenistic variations in the outcome possible.

Like his PSYOP predecessor, the MWarrior sees behind this curtain of illusion, because professionally he is a weaver of such curtains. This perspective, this clarity of sight, also confronts him with the aforementioned ethical responsibility to exercise his craft according to only the highest and most rigorous values of human individuality and dignity. At any threshold below this, MW would raise the spectre of George Orwell’s 1984 Thought Police.

What distinguishes MW from ordinary political/social/cultural perception- and behavior-influencing efforts is its focus, duration, and intensity. Like PW, MW is a situation-specific operation to deal with a problem of immediate urgency. During this crisis MW overwhelms any existing mundane behavior-dictating systems, replacing them with a more sophisticated, comprehensive, and effective package.

A MW campaign commences when the original destabilizing, pre-PW situation is refashioned into a clearly defined and articulated problem (MW Phase 1). The participants are transformed from mutual enemies into allies against that problem as the “common enemy”. Phase 1 culminates with a progressively more refined diagnosis of the problem, resulting in formulation of the áristos to stabilize it.* The process of conditioning and transforming the participants is initiated remotely by MindWar Branch (MWB), and is continued through Phase 4.

In MW Phase 2 the áristos is reverse-engineered from accomplishment to the present, to establish the most effective, efficient, and economical path to its realization. The necessary organizations, assets, and bases are devised and assembled.

MW Phase 3 consists of the achievement of the áristos under the guidance of MetaForce Branch (MFB) teams, followed by initiation of the permanently corrective moral polis by ParaPolitics Branch (PPB) teams.
Phase 4 formalizes MW victory in the completion of the polis and departure of PPB. MWB terminates conditioning. The MW campaign structure is then completely dismantled.


a. MW is not “mind control”. The urban-myth image of “government mind-control” is of an insidious, malicious, individuality-destroying technological conspiracy: a sort of “collective lobotomy” to turn the helpless masses into stupefied slaves. [Actually a good case could be made that this is what PW attempts to do, which is why it can get people to slaughter one another en masse for no reason.]

The conditioning of MWB has one and only one purpose: to change existing, animalistic prejudices and antagonisms into intelligent, amicable cooperation. MWB does not dictate nor even suggest where this cooperation should lead. Once all problem-participants are working together, they will go through the steps to identify and establish the áristos.

b. MW is not a political ideology. Old, crude agendæ of “regime change”, “democratization”, or “anti-[current-bugbearism]” are not part of the MW process. What is important is the achievement of the áristos, then a conscientious interest in kalokagathia, no matter under what symbolic banner. Some social cultures are accustomed to hierarchical authority since tribal antiquity; others are more comfortable with egalitarianism and diversified political power. MW’s interest is simply to remove violence from the equation.

c. MW is not a religion. Human religions are a consequence of the mystery of the individual soul, which MW PSYCONs cannot reach [and would have no purpose in reaching if they could]. As discussed in Chapter 3.E.2.b, the soul is a manifestation of conceptual consciousness, above and beyond both psychology and psychophysiology. The “morality” of kalokagathia is not that of any sectarian religious code or practice, but that of enlightened humanitarianism embracing any natural or supernatural theology.**

d. MW is not zombification. Besides not controlling minds, MW does not destroy them either. Sensationalist media exposés of “government-sponsored brain experimentation”, whether true or fanciful, have no connection whatever with MW, which is completely and without exception non-physically or -medically invasive. Indeed the entire MW campaign process requires that all participants be able and willing to function at their highest level and focus of intelligence, and after Phase 4 the future of the moral polis depends upon their self-determined, independent resolve to perpetuate this.

* Stabilization refers to the identification and achievement of the best possible resolution of the problem to temporarily remove the danger of PW: the áristos. [This process of stabilization to the áristos is the province of the MetaForce Branch, and is detailed in Chapter 4.]

** As developed by Plato in the Gorgias, kalokagathia identifies “moral virtue reflecting both the natural and the conventional”: the key to both individual and community perfection.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:08 AM

Mr. Psyops:

Though you are giving penultimate responses for some, I have asked direct, and inteligent questions, and you ingnore them. Perhaps you, and those you choose to answer have some affinity. Just sayin;, for I see a psyops in progress here. And your unwillingness to address certain cogent replies, seems to say it all.

Well, I've been getting a lot of questions here, some of them complex, and I also have to get away occasionally to feed the cat and pee.

Do me a favor and summarize the questions of yours you think I've missed - these thread pages seem to be rocketing by - and I'll see if I can come back with something helpful.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by maquino

Although your use of language and writing skills is definitively penultimate, we go back to how, exactly , mind war is conducted, utlized and applied. Not mind control? How exactly, then, are our ideologies as humans (and what are you, by the way, as it sounds in your dissertation, like you separate from human), identified and therefore, "grouped," as you describe our intent as a whole? For your identified objective, there, seems to be at total odds with the methods for achieving what you claim to be seeking, through "mind war." Just the title, there, says it all. For how else could you be warring with minds, if it were not the seeking to first read them, extrapolate what minds wish for most, and then gently manipulate this, and then sell it as a function of "grouping," and therfore, serving the greater good?

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by tetra50

It's true, there does seem to be an initiative to slowly disseminate the fact that mind manipulation has been used in the past and will continue to be used into the future, more openly and pervasively, with the general population being sold the idea that this can be used to good purpose and is not unethical in and of itself, no more wars just absolute control by the elite...yipee doo dah!

So all those folks over at FL with their mind warp videos they're the noble psychic warriors of the future, that will neutralize the contrary and the scary, the zealous and the jealous, all in the name of love, peace and harmony, and never mind that the methodology employed is that of the Satanist.

I mean there's asking for it and then there's just asking for it...and they're going to get it.

edit on 30-9-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 07:04 AM

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:34 AM

reply to post by corsair00

There are no man made craft that are 1/2 mile wide and can glide at low level without any engine noise and can at times, appear "see through", ala the Phoenix lights, The Illinois Police chase, The Belgian flap, the Cosford incident etc.

Popular Mechanics would disagree.

edit on 30-9-2013 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 10:13 AM
What is being billed as a solution to war may be just another escalation. A sampling of the tech that we know for a certainty exists enables us to:

1. Suspend moral/affective responses in a subject.
2. Induce hallucinations.
3. Induce religious experiences.
4. Monitor and regulate mass response to narrative.

The tech we have alarming little inklings of can:

1. Allow for remote monitoring of brain function.
2. Facilitate remote control of a subject's cognitive functions.
3. Compromise the plasma body, causing an array of physical side effects and unknown metaphysical fallout.

At its best, MW would result in conflict resolution through forcibly bringing all opponents onside; neutralizing the dispute not through the settling of grievances; but by mentally crippling combatants to the point where they can longer voice or act upon those grievances.

At its worst? We all know that the PW tech gets leaked/is whored out to all parties who can pay, why should we expect it to be any different with MW tech? We're back to a variety of factions deploying this crap toward wildly differing ends against (mostly) innocent or uninterested parties.

Hegel only gets us so far, because when put into practice, the approach relies upon the tension produced by competing dichotomous paradigms. Every conflict must be polarized into two camps, variety being the bane of those who seek synthesis. But the burgeoning Chaos of the world stage doesn't lend itself to dichotomy, is resistant to the homogenization process prerequisite to creating Hegelian dualism.

There's just too many people, too many subcultures, too much old blood on the killing floor.

If you were to think of war as just another extraction device, it explains the switch to Psyop. If you look at the returns on investment, Psyop gets you more bang for your buck. It has nothing to do with ethics, and everything to do with the bottom line.

Those who are genuinely concerned with mitigating or eliminating the human suffering caused by warfare would be better served to look at the underlying causes (resource allocation, class hatred, disempowerment of the individual, etc., etc.), and addressing it from that angle. It's an approach that has never been seriously attempted, and it's certainly worth a shot.

The mind is a fine and private place. Each human holds entire worlds within their skulls; and it is the glory of our species that however heinous the conditions we must endure, we maintain an essential autonomy within the sovereign province of our own minds.

Personally, I would rather be a physical casualty of war, retaining that autonomy; than get hollowed out as a vehicle for some BS narrative, my brain made into just another asset for some faceless group of asshats who think they know what's best for every man, woman, and child on our planet.

edit on 30-9-2013 by Eidolon23 because:

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Eidolon23

As usual, and I am not surprised, from my point of view, at least, you, Eidolon and Kantz pretty well nailed it very well.

If you were to think of war as just another extraction device, it explains the switch to Psyop. If you look at the returns on investment, Psyop gets you more bang for your buck. It has nothing to do with ethics, and everything to do with the bottom line.

Absolutely...but the bottom line is also about using it to create and foment the divisions, in the first place, to justify itself for later use, to solve them. And the nature of it provides for a stealth approach, not easily proven, if at all possible, so employing a favorite directive of any psyops: plausible deniability.

Those who are genuinely concerned with mitigating or eliminating the human suffering caused by warfare would be better served to look at the underlying causes (resource allocation, class hatred, disempowerment of the individual, etc., etc.), and addressing it from that angle. It's an approach that has never been seriously attempted, and it's certainly worth a shot.

Of course, it's worth a shot, and probably the most obvious answer to ending war, and yet with the capabilities and technologies employed for so very long, it becomes obvious this isn't studied or "solved," because these underlying causes may very well be purposefully reinforced by mind war, itself, in order to keep war going, and provide an excellent reason to keep mind war progressing.....

That's kind of the point. It provides for a ruling class, operating behind the curtain, as we say here, frequently, with no public persona nor proof of their ruling. War is great business, and it keeps these class distinctions and divisions going, which keeps the controllers safe in their roles and at their own level.....above the rest of us.

The mind is a fine and private place. Each human holds entire worlds within their skulls; and it is the glory of our species that however heinous the conditions we must endure, we maintain an essential autonomy within the sovereign province of our own minds.

Personally, I would rather be a physical casualty of war, retaining that autonomy; than get hollowed out as a vehicle for some BS narrative, my brain made into just another asset for some faceless group of asshats who think they know what's best for every man, woman, and child on our planet.

bold emphasis, mine, in contrast to this from maquino:

As the size of the group increases, common features of impressions, attitudes, and expressions emerge and can be identified and analyzed statistically, making possible social forecasting and the control of that future by aggregate, not individual manipulation. This is the basis of Isaac Asimov’s science-fictional “psychohistory”, and of less-ambitious but demonstrably practical Political Science forecasting. Such techniques and procedures can be applied regardless of how such groups are styled or named: cultures, tribes, societies, nations.

Humans usually believe that their individual and collective perceptions and opinions are independently, voluntarily developed. This sense of thought-independence is the basis for the general ideal of the desirability of democracy over other group decision-making systems. A consensus of a majority of independent minds, supposedly, will result in the best and fairest policies for the entire group.

I find these two expressed philosophies completely and totally at odds with one another, and reflecting exactly diametrically oppositional ideologies and orientations as to the value of the human mind, individually, and what is ethical, as a result.


posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 11:11 AM


reply to post by FireMoon

In other words, if I have you right in assimilation, "you are telling us how to be right with life, while not being right with how you're leading us?'" Am I presenting an accurate simplification of what you're saying, FireMoon, for this is very like what my point is, though far more diplomatic....

ETA, at large: while the societal, human condition is what it is, how would you judge us, then, having created the situation to create (Katzveldt's point) our problems, to create the solution?????

Bottom line is, you are creating, through control, what was never your perview to be creating to begin with....

For if you can solve it now, history proves you could have solved it long ago, but instead chose to control it to a digression and deterioration, so that you could then respin it and show up as a "hero" today, and tell us all how we can "fix" it now. READ: what you've already wrought.....
edit on 29-9-2013 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

I think we're humming off of a similar song sheets yes. let me take it further and this is wholly relevant to this thread and what the honourable GUT always brings up. "Electro magnetic Forces".... I've mentioned before that. Britain being relatively small and with a large population means those "weird places" sit cheek by jowell with rather more "mundane places" . I go back to Meon Hill.... Google it for yourself Meon Hill Warwickshire and just follow the links. Now, Meon Hill was inhabited up till the Iron Age and then wallop, all of sudden we don't seem to find it "comfortable" any more". There, by rights and in any common sense world should be the ruins of a Medieval castle on it, only there's nada, nowt, zilch, one white duck on your wall. There's a manor house in the vicinity however, given it commands the surrounding are for miles there really should be a castle there. There isn't, there is however, a long history of seriously weirds*** up to and including the modern day and a good few UFO sightings. What was it that differed in our ancient relatives that, they found it a comfortable place to be when we don't? I am almost 100% certain, electro magnetic fields are part of the answer.
edit on 29-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by FireMoon because: (no reason given)

I think you'd find by my post history, FireMoon, that the electromagnetic fields malleability is something of a fixation of mine. I'm on just about every thread having to do with it, as it pertains to the physical world, and as it pertains to all biological life forms inhabiting the physical world.

That's a great example, too, by the way.

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