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My name is George Knapp and for 30 years, I've been an investigative reporter. Ask me anything.

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posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by GeorgeKnapp

Greetings Mr. Knaap

What is the most interesting subject or topic you hold in the back (or front) of your mind?

What do you find so interesting about it, and can you elaborate more of what you know, or WANT to know about that particular subject?

Thanks in advance, has been a great thread for sure, we appreciate your visit.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 05:52 PM
Most of the questions I wanted to ask you have already been asked, so I welcome you to ATS!

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by GeorgeKnapp

I've read that you have investigated the skinwalker ranch in Utah, I would like to know what you think may be the cause of all the weird happenings there.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:28 PM
Hello George Knapp,

My question is, when investigating such an intangible phenomenon as UFOs, something that many might automatically label someone crazy for believing in. What would your criteria be for determining a credible witness and do you have to encourage them to talk.

So much phenomenon is natural but not understood and not being understood some people jump to conclusions. Some people likely want to feel special being able to say they saw something most people don't and could be more willing to jump to an amazing conclusion.

I'm sure many people that would normally be considered credible would not want to come forward. Personally I've had two sightings both very different and very brief. Nothing earth shattering although having served on an aircraft carrier working in the combat information center I learned capabilities and nighttime light signatures of most modern aircraft. With what knew when I got out in 2000 what I saw was far beyond the capabilities of any man made object.

Here being anonymous I can discuss it but I would not publicaly announce it. Of course as always there is no proof and too many people still seem to automatically label as crazy. It is a simple eyewitness account that can't offer much except to my own personal beliefs.

I imagine there are many issues when investigating because of this but personally I would live to have time to look into it morw.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:32 PM

Most of the questions I wanted to ask you have already been asked, so I welcome you to ATS!

Me too! Its great to have you here. AMA is such a fantastic idea. Something to look forward to every week.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by GeorgeKnapp

Great to read your replies so far, Mr Knapp.

My question is in relation with this statement from your op:

checked out the crop formations in Britain

So, what do you make of them? All man made, some man made, paranormal or natural activity, ET formations or something else entirely?

Curious and wants to know your opinion. Thank you for accepting this AMA. It is an honor to have you here with us.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 06:47 PM
Hi Mr. Knaap-Thank you for your time! Two very brief questions:

#1. We see a lot of UFO shows on History Channel, H2, Discovery, SyFy, etc etc. Do you believe any of these channels would ever go "hard hitting" enough to discover the truth or just to continue to profit off them?

#2. In regards to the actual "cover up" information being kept by the US Government-Do you believe a physical database of information exists, or is it kept so secret it's not even a written down type of secret thus nothing could ever be actually corroborated such as Bob Lazar?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by GeorgeKnapp

welcome Mr.Knapp i met you sir when i was in highschool at Eldorado! unfortunately i no longer live in vegas. i definitely look forward to your posts

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by GeorgeKnapp

Hello Mr Knapp,
I have lots of questions, but right now I can only think to say 'thankyou for your brilliant work'.
I am a big fan and I love your shows.
Helen .

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by GeorgeKnapp

If you were tasked with the assignment of being the singular investigative journalist selected to greet our "First Contact" visitor, and were allowed to ask only one question, what would that question be?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:27 PM
Welcome to ATS, Mr. Knapp, and thanks for taking the time to answer our questions.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:32 PM
Hello Mr. Knapp, two questions #1 do you believe Bill Cooper was killed because of his knowledge of UFO's and aliens since he had a top secret security clearance and he blew his cover discussing such subjects.#2 What is your theory on the Cash- Landrum case the last two guest would not are could not discuss it,Do you feel it was a black ops craft are extatresstial

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:33 PM
Sorry for misspelled words been gone all day and was excited to get on

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:37 PM


reply to post by MDDoxs

I do not think there will ever be disclosure, not by the US government anyway. They have lied far too many times, both to the public and to Congress, have misappropriated too many millions of dollars to keep the lie going, to ever come clean. If they were t o disclose even a little bit of it, I think a lot of people would go to prison.

I also think it would not make political sense to disclose. Any president who acknowledged this reality would be overwhelmed with followup questions. He/she would be accused of distracting attention away from other pressing problems. There is no such thing as partial disclosure. They couldn't tell us that ET's are real and leave it at that. People would demand to know more, and I think the administration would be paralyzed.

I also think there may be legitimate reasons for not disclosing. For one thing, disclose what? We assume the govt. knows more about UFOs than the general public, but that might not be true. It could be that no one really understands the big picture, and the parts that we do understand are profoundly disturbing. Plus, there are serious national security issues involved, and I could understand why some military adviser would argue that it is not in our interests to alert potential adversaries to the fact that we have the technology in hand.

At most, there would be a very small group of people who would know the essence of what is going on--something like this would be the most highly compartmentalized info in the entire government. I think there is a good chance it has been taken out of the realm of government, and whatever secrets or technology or wreckage that exist are more likely in private or corporate hands by now, which makes it even harder for investigators to get at the truth.

What if that small group of people in the know has heard something so terrible, so profoundly disturbing that it really would cause disruption of social institutions? I am a right-to-know guy and believe that whatever info exists, the public deserves to know, regardless of the consequences....but I still find myself asking---what if the truth is really bad, something akin to us being a fast food factory for some other beings, a stopover for yummy snacks, or a supplier of souls?

If disclosure happens--and that's a big IF--it will have to come from the visitors themselves and in a form that is indisputable. "They" are, after all, the true architects of the coverup. it starts with them. They could make their presence known if they wanted to, but they don't. it would be interesting to know what their reasons are.

That was the best and most complete answer I have ever read on the disclosure topic, very nice.

You know, you are exactly right!! When I read Mr. Knapp's response I took it all in and it just seemed to be the best, most logical and currently plausible argument for non-disclosure I've read!!

KUDOS - covertpanther for making me realize that...

DOUBLE KUDOS to Mr. Knapp's response. Very well stated, logical and plausible.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:38 PM
First off, BIG THANKS to ATS for this forum, seriously, thank you! I feel that my concerns have been listened to and brought forth. Thanks for having such a forum to be able to get solid credible people like Mr.Knapp to come on here and allow them to state their findings.

Hi George,

So great to have you here! Deep thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule for this! I haven't read any of your books but, most definitely your name is top of the list of names in the UFO community.

Question(s): (apologies for not knowing if you've done any investigations on this)

1) Have you done any investigation on free energy? The withholding of technology to provide the citizens of the world with energy at no or little cost.

2) If so what is your stance on this subject, do you agree there will every be such technology in our lifetime or do you believe it's hidden technology and used only for the elite?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by ItDepends

I have to agree with you and "covertpanther", I too think that George's response to the "Disclosure Question" by the U.S. Government is the most articulate and well thought out response I've read on it too.

Mostly because I've spent hours with "friendly" former High Up Government types who I trust implicitly and have become good friends with over the past 20 years.


posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:46 PM
Greetings and Warm Welcome to you George! I'll just cut to the question.

Is there anything we, the UFO-interested public, should know about KLAS-TV and the Howard Hughes years?
Hughes bought KLAS in 1968 (according to wikipedia). Hughes died (maybe!) in 1976.

I was just wondering if you had any interesting stories that lead back to the Las Vegas/Howard Hughes era. By the way, as an interesting note, the Hughes Tool Co. logo from the sixties magazine advertisements does look suspiciously like a UFO, or an Apollo command module. It also looks vaguely like a drill-bit (which was how the Hughes fortune was made.)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 07:52 PM
George, I've been a fan of yours for years; thank you for all you have done, thanks for this thread, and may you have many more years of investigating!

While most reporting on the Phoenix Lights incident includes only around Phoenix, I remember at the time reading a short news article about a family that saw a craft fly overhead while driving on a highway in northern Ariz. Then there were reports that the Phoenix craft was also seen over Henderson, Nev. These events took place the same evening but before the craft flew over Phoenix.

Have you ever talked with anyone from the Las Vegas area who may have witnessed the Phoenix Lights craft earlier that evening over the Las Vegas area?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:16 PM

reply to post by ItDepends

I have to agree with you and "covertpanther", I too think that George's response to the "Disclosure Question" by the U.S. Government is the most articulate and well thought out response I've read on it too.

Mostly because I've spent hours with "friendly" former High Up Government types who I trust implicitly and have become good friends with over the past 20 years.


Thank you 'Springer"!! You see, this is exactly why WE (ATS'ers) come here. Just that discussion alone has my mind thinking on how we/you could continue to expand on that niche' of "High Government types' and how and why that fits into the discussion on compartimentalization, and the 'Hidden Secrects' that will never be revealed to the public.

Kudos to you for bringing Mr. Knapp on board and the more recent Q&A sessions....very, very important connection for all of us. Thank you!

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by GeorgeKnapp

First of all, thank you Mr. Knapp for visiting us here on ATS. Also, thank you for all that you have done in journalism. I share the opinion that whatever may or may not exist UFO-wise has LONG been in the hands of private organizations, and that the government has much plausible deniability in those regards. Private corporations do not have to worry about FOIA requests; the secrets are so compartmentalized and deep.

I just wanted to ask about your relationship with Bob Lazaar. Have you remained objective to his claims over the years? Do you still believe that he believes what he saw? What do you believe?

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