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CNN Doesn't Matter Anymore - Ratings Nose Dived While You Weren't Looking

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posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by poet1b

Drudge is a better source, they are alternative and exposed the 2 billion bullets and the NSA cyber spy ring.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 09:40 PM
Fox does give you some truth and allows opposition to go on. They use to have some good shows like Judge Napalitono, but have crappy ones too. But wait until another Bush gets into office they will hide truth.

MSNBC, I just can't watch them. All they do is push the soviet style race wars, sex wars, class wars, propaganda to divide the masses it's pretty bad.

edit on 29-7-2013 by amfirst1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by DeadSeraph
Not to be rude jumping in on this discussion, but I have no love for any of the networks, but I do think Fox is one of the better networks running around out there. I lost all love for fox when they threw Ron Paul under the bus. BUT sometimes, fox throws out something that gets my attention. Here is a good example of that...

PLEASE watch the WHOLE video...

Your thoughts?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 12:03 AM
You've got to be kidding me. Fox, CNN, and MSNBC are the mainstream media.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Damek
You've got to be kidding me. Fox, CNN, and MSNBC are the mainstream media.

Well you have to understand where I am coming from. I started watching FOX on UHF. And at one time, they touted themselves as alternative news. I guess that just never left me. I absolutely had no clue that their ratings where so much higher than CNN's.
Honestly, the way some select folks here beat down anyone who watches FOX, I thought the entire world thought FOX was evil.

And to be honest, I really do find out more about what is going on at FOX than most other MSM sites. It is like everything at CNN is Mary Poppins friendly. I go there to watch cute animal videos etc. when I am bored, and not to read actual news.
edit on 30-7-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by Damek
You've got to be kidding me. Fox, CNN, and MSNBC are the mainstream media.

based on what?
CNN, MSNBC, the traditional broadcast networks, all interchangeable leftists spouting the same party lines (MSNBC is slightly more extreme but not really different).

Fox is NOT mainstream, which is why so many of us watch them.
I suspect you're perfectly aware of this obvious truth and are just trolling.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:51 PM
OMG I can't believe I have been reading someone shilling for FOX of all networks. Hell I got rid of cable over a year ago so I don't watch any of them but to read someone actually try to say FOX isn't MSM of all places on ATS.

They must have started a new brain washing campaign or the populace has gotten worse.

I stopped reading where someone
said fox didn't lie well here ya go it took 10 seconds to type FOX lies and find a multitude of hits. Even a site called
edit on 31-7-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by amfirst1
reply to post by poet1b

Drudge is a better source, they are alternative and exposed the 2 billion bullets and the NSA cyber spy ring.

Huh? I didn't know it was the Drudge Report that broke the Edward Snowden NSA revelations. And here I thought it was the Guardian and the Washington Post.

Are you for real?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 08:57 AM
Yea Fox news is definitely Main stream media influenced and controlled by the elite. It is really a choir to find reliable news sources.

I tend to look at new sources such as Press TV,, Guardian, BBC, Drudge report. Even all those are bias towards the U.S.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 09:01 AM
Like I said in an earlier post, I don't see the higher ratings for Fox being compelling evidence for it being a better news source, but on further reflection I will also say this: given the amount of time that CNN and MSNBC have put into the Trayvon Martin case and before that all the pro-gun control propaganda ad nauseum, I am not surprised that these two networks' ratings have dropped. I can't stand CNN anymore, and MSNBC has become a blathering house organ for the corporate Democrat establishment.

The format and and content of the MSNBC shows has gone way downhill. Just yesterday on the Rachel Maddow Show, Melissa Harris-Perry's TOP story was about an interview John McCain gave to Politico, in which he said his sequester vote was the worst vote he ever cast. That's considered news and takes up more than a quarter of the broadcast? Jeez Luise. I'm a staunch liberal/progressive, but I can't stand most of the bilge MSNBC passes as news. Even Current t.v.'d coverage has gotten worse, as well as the news shows no longer being repeated or broadcast during convenient times, since it was sold to Al Jazeera. And the Young Turks now have a paywall at their website. I'll get my news elsewhere where it is way better and more accessible, thanks.

So I'm not in any way defending Pox News, but I sure can see how the other cable stations have dropped precipitously in their ratings of late.

I did have high hopes for Al Jazeera's new American broadcast, but evidently that is going to be establishmentized/vanilla-ized too in order to make it more "palatable" to 'Muriken viewers. Evidently they got David Schuster as one of their hosts -- boy, is that not thinking outside the box.

Gadzooks, I get better news information from ATS these days than from any of these cable networks -- and I never thought I would say that. But in fact ATS is a very good source for a wide variety of news stories. Gotta sort out the wheat from the chaff, of course, but the cable networks only provide soggy gruel, loaded with chunks of chaff, at best any more.

All the cable news stations should be ashamed, but clearly they don't have any, whatever their political bent is.

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