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Obama: Trayvon 'could have been me'

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posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

I agree, that's what a true dignified president should have done, offer condolence and start working about how to keep teens out of street violence.

Plain and simple that would have been the right thing to do and something I would have supported also given what goes on in my neck of the woods when young men are out of school bored to death.

But no, the case was the right thing at the right time to exploit because is other agendas behind, too many scandals under Obama administration too much trash and corruption.

So what better thing to do that exploit the Zimmerman case and try to light the fired behind the racial card.


+1 more 
posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

If you guys really wanted to put your money where your mouth is, you would try to empathize, understand and discuss the issue - not mock it and not mock him for relating to it.

It’s amazing to me that otherwise smart people are so easily sucked into Obama’s BS! Obama and Holder and so many other fraudulent race-baiters on the left have made this about race. If you really think that any of these clowns are genuine then you’re allowing the wool to be pulled over your eyes IMO.

If race relations and civil rights are so damned important to Obama and Holder then where were they when the DOJ stopped looking into the New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation case? It was the NAACP that told them to back off the NBP and the NAACP that told them to reactivate the Zimmerman investigation. The DOJ is the new NAACP legal department with federal power!

But he means well, right?


posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I know a lot of you think this race thing is being manufactured, but you're wrong. I dated a black guy for a couple years and let me tell you, I got treated differently because I was with him. People watched us when we were in a store. It was SO OBVIOUS! People whispered about us in public. They stared and shook their heads. I have just a TINY bit of experience being profiled and not trusted, simply because of the color of my boyfriend's skin, and that's when I really GOT what white privilege is.

Probably more due to the racial differences than just him being black. In other words, if he was with a black girl, would he have gotten the stares? No, of course not. That is a whole other thing than discrimination. And while you may have received some dirty looks (some of which may have been your own paranoia), were you actually TREATED any differently, really? (Like sat in a different area, or refused from some place, etc.)? There's a big difference between bigotry attitudes and ACTUAL discrimination.

I'll bet a LOT of those looks and whispers were from BLACK folks, just as much as from white ones too... I once just tutored a black girl (with folks assuming we were together), and I got a lot more hateful stares from blacks than I did from whites. We're all just people. I really can't get the whole thing.
edit on 19-7-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by neo96

I'm thinking that people are increasingly getting vigilant in making sure our president doesn't can't express himself. Is he not allowed to speak as a black man? He said he respected the verdict. He also said he could relate to Trayvon.

I see nothing wrong with that. The only people this incites are people like the ones who are upset on this thread. If this were a white kid and Bush said "that could have been me", people wouldn't have thought that was related to race.

Would you feel better if Biden said "A few years ago, that Zimmerman guy could have been me"?

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Speaking of profiling ....

I have a teenage daughter. When ever we go to the mall the workers in the stores keep a close eye on her. She's profiled as a demographic that needs to be watched more closely in the stores because so many teen age girls shoplift. IT'S A SMART AND REASONABLE THING FOR THE STORES TO DO. I have spoken to her and have told her that when she's near jewelry that she should stand with her hands behind her back and not touch anything so that the store people can relax. I'm not angry at the stores ... I fully understand it. So does my daughter. They watch her ... so what?? There is a reason for profiling ... it's not something that is invented out of thin air.

I couldn't agree more. Though the president actually believes what he said, he doesn't realize that a woman in an elevator would hold on tight to her purse if a white teenage punk were standing beside her. I have been a store clerk and worked in pizza shops where if a bunch of rowdy teens came in I expected trouble - and it didn't matter if they were white, black, oriental, or obnoxious nerds.

Though I believe that Zimmerman is at least guilty of manslaughter, I also believe that he created a situation where there was no situation, and he could just as well have set it up with a fiery redheaded Irishman.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by adamkgonz
It may not be a case of racial hate but it is a case of racial discrimination. I really hate how people just forget that they say ohh the court treyvons mom they all said he wasnt racist..... maybe he wasnt but he was definitly profiling a young black man walking around.

I do agree though that Obamas statement is just adding fuel to the fire, it was a very poor choice of words, im guessing he doesnt agree with the verdict either lol
edit on 19-7-2013 by adamkgonz because: (no reason given)

Was he profiling the blackness of the man or the outfit and demeanor? I think you made an assumption with no proof.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:23 PM
You must be blind not to see why Obama is doing this, if the Trayvon situation dies down the public might start looking at the scandals again. All he is doing is feeding the flames, and of course he calls for no violence - then why say things like that. Obama is just a race baiter like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

So lets take a look at what Obama said:

He also suggested that the outcome of the case could have been different if Martin were white. "If a white male teen would have been involved in this scenario," he said, "both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different."

A large heaping pile con conjecture.

The nation's first black president, Obama said that it is impossible for the African-American community to not view the Martin case without filtering it through a long history of racial discrimination. "The African-American community is looking at this through a set of experiences and history that doesn't go away," he said.

No it doesn't, but also holding onto it doesn't do a heck a lot of good either. It is time that African Americans stop using the crutch of history. Most of us are well aware of our history but it is time to move on.

Obama said that, before he was elected to the Senate, he was also profiled in department stores and viewed suspiciously on the street.

So should I start posting the statistics of black youth and crime? Sorry if you feel "profiled" but when the evidence shows that certain ethnic groups are involved in crime then you are going to be watched more often. What can I say, it is the world we live in.

"If Trayvon Martin was of age & armed, could he have 'stood his ground' on that sidewalk? Would he be justified?"

The answer would still be no. Yes he should have stood his ground and told Zimmerman to call the cops then wait for the police to arrive. Also, why even bring up the stand your ground law, that had nothing to do with the trial - self defense was the issue. Obama bringing this up was just another attack on the 2nd.

edit on 19-7-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by MystikMushroom

Woah, 60+ kids? When someone moves to Chicago do they hand them a kevlar vest? AKA "Chicago Uniform". That amount of violence boggles my mind.

How many of those 60 kids were gang bangers killed by other gang bangers or casualties of gang violence? Then you'd see the reality of such a claim. Also, no doubt those gangs are made up of all races. In fact, there are more Hispanic gang members than black members all across the board.
edit on 19-7-2013 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:23 PM
Who... really... cares...

This whole racism thing is manufactured just for you, so you can pick a side, grab your popcorn and follow along. This is really what interests you? As you deplore this meaningless debate and the "MSM" for portraying it, guess who's feeding it and giving it life. Guess who's being led by the harness from more important issues.

Your he said she said nonsense solves absolutely nothing besides exposing your hypocrisy. Instead of fighting about it, arguing over what amounts to nothing and fuelling this fire with your ignorance, turn your bloody backs, walk away, don't listen to this garbage, show the "MSM" that we aren't interested in this meaningless bulls###t.

Stop buying it. Stop funding it. Stop eating it up, and this sort of sensationalism will end.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I don't understand what's WRONG with what he said. It's the truth. Maybe you should LISTEN to what he said...

I have been listening to what he has been saying for the past 5 years.

Every single thing he says is smoke and mirrors, and has little to do with ever fixing anything, but to exploit people for his own nefarious ends.

I know a lot of you think this race thing is being manufactured, but you're wrong. I

No were not because the entire ZT ordeal has not 'judged a man by the content of their character' but based on nothing but the the color of his skin..


Haven't oppressed anyone, haven't slurred anyone, never done squat to anyone.

Neither have millions of others.
edit on 19-7-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo
reply to post by neo96

I'm thinking that people are increasingly getting vigilant in making sure our president doesn't can't express himself. Is he not allowed to speak as a black man? He said he respected the verdict. He also said he could relate to Trayvon.

I see nothing wrong with that. The only people this incites are people like the ones who are upset on this thread. If this were a white kid and Bush said "that could have been me", people wouldn't have thought that was related to race.

Would you feel better if Biden said "A few years ago, that Zimmerman guy could have been me"?

I agree that there is nothing wrong with the president trying to relate to someone who is anyone is like himself. It just seems apparent he wants it to stir tensions. Why? Because If you look at all the evidence ( as we should because we are NOT the jurory and have no power to convict, so we are allowed opinions) it shows that Trayvon was not a saint and may have had interests in following a thug live. True? I don't know, neither do you. But if there is proof that he is more than likely not a saint and more than likely a teen acting out or a thug, why would the president associate himself with something like that?

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:27 PM
Did anyone actually watch the press conference? Or are we all assuming the quote in the OP was the only thing said?

Obama did nothing offensive, really. I found it refreshing. We need him to take this issue more head on than he has... the issue of lingering racial disparities and tension. It's an issue that is going nowhere unless it is seriously addressed, and Obama is in a better position than anyone in history to mend some wounds.

It is good of him to reach out to black America and be unified with them, as his legacy will probably be as much about being the first black president as anything else. It's good for minority America to have a leader that reaches out to them specifically and expresses kinship. America should be proud as a country to have such a situation that reflects a post-racial direction of society.

Obama didn't disagree with the verdict. He made no type of black vs.white speech. It was an attempt to bridge two sides, and give a voice to the frustrations of black America that is most recently symbolized by Trayvon. It was all about easing some of the anger in black America, and building some understanding in white America. It's a tough task and it wasn't a bad attempt.
edit on 7/19/2013 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by neo96

Every time Obama open his mouth, he proves all of us right.

Keep it up, "Divider In Chief!"

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by seabag

Originally posted by seabag
It’s amazing to me that otherwise smart people are so easily sucked into Obama’s BS!

Just to be absolutely clear, my opinions on this were exactly what they were before I even heard of Barack Obama. For you to assume that we are being hoodwinked by Obama or believing what he's saying JUST because he said it is VERY mistaken. My views on racial relations in this country don't come from Obama or the Zimmerman trial.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by PatrickGarrow17

We need him to take this issue more head on than he has... the issue of lingering racial disparities and tension.

OH YA! That’s what we need!

That should lead to 100 more years of liberal power! Can't wait!!

It is good of him to reach out to black America and be unified with them, as his legacy will probably be as much about being the first black president as anything else.

What positive thing has he done for black America (or for America in general) besides talk crap and blow money?

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

"Young African-American males better not walk too fast or someone will think they're suspicious, can't walk too slow either, for the same reason."

Oh, please give me a break.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Originally posted by Gazrok
Probably more due to the racial differences than just him being black.

And that says what???

In other words, if he was with a black girl, would he have gotten the stares? No, of course not.

You're absolutely wrong. We discussed this many times and he was profiled because people assumed he was a black American. Interestingly, when they heard him speak and realized he wasn't American, the sun came out and he was welcomed and loved just like a white person!

There's a big difference between bigotry attitudes and ACTUAL discrimination.

So, bigotry is OK as long as there isn't ACTUAL discrimination?

I'll bet a LOT of those looks and whispers were from BLACK folks, just as much as from white ones too...

Never. I was welcomed in the black community 100%.

I really can't get the whole thing.

I hear you and I believe you. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Like so many white people, you haven't experienced it yourself, so you think it doesn't exist.
edit on 7/19/2013 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:34 PM
It does not take rocket science to realize.. Thousands of people are benefiting off of this story..

Why Obama, is feeling the need to give his opinion on this case,and once again talk about how unfair blacks are treated in America, is just revealing the truth on what he feels is right, he thinks white Americans have not been punished for the injustices that occurred with the black American community, which is a broad stroke, and since when does a POTUS use the presidential platform to give such a individualized opinion to America, about how he feels. Yea talk about racial division. So what is the goal black vs white riots or what?

All this bullcrap over a stupid situation two males put themselves into over a year ago, is now transformed into a distraction for sure to keep Americans from paying attention to some really big concerns happening right now. Neo directed our attention to it quite well good post NEO.

I would say its safe to say by the way, nothing will be done about the corruption stories in D.C, now its going to get swept under the rug, and it is more then obvious the Majority of America, is either to damn stupid to care, to lazy to care about real problems, or just to dependent on the system.

Yea I picked a bad time to quit drinking it looks like as well

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

I'm thinking that people are increasingly getting vigilant in making sure our president doesn't can't express himself. Is he not allowed to speak as a black man? He said he respected the verdict. He also said he could relate to Trayvon.

He is the President of THESE UNITED STATES as his job description is to represent ALL people in this country.

Black man?

All I see is a another politician running his mouth to exploit people.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 04:34 PM
When everything is has gone wrong a diversion is in order.

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