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Is Atheism a religion of War?

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posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Logical one

It doesn't say when they were born or what age anyone was when any of them were born. It was a numbers-free family tree.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Logical one

Please explain how the creation of Adam (man) denotes the age of the Earth? Man was created in Genesis 2 not Genesis 1.

The Earth is MUCH OLDER than man according to the Bible.

Now, I am not saying a Priest or Preacher would say the same but I have my own brain and say to you that the Bible does not say how old the Earth is.

There are young earth proponents and there are old earth proponents.

If one believes carbon dating is accurate then they may believe the Earth is a billion plus years in age. Not only that.... would the flood have an effect on the dating? Lots of questions.

I actually do not care how old the Earth is.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
Please explain how the creation of Adam (man) denotes the age of the Earth? Man was created in Genesis 2 not Genesis 1.

Hey, your confusing me for somebody that believes in this previous posting should make it clear that I don't believe any of the Bible,Quaran or Torah.

The 6,000 year old Earth is what creationists believe:
edit on 15-7-2013 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Atheism is a religion of war. It wars on other religions around it, making fun of people in an attempt to make them appear backwards for the sake of ridicule, but more often than not the religion of choice to attack always primarily seems to be Christianity.

So... since when does "making fun of people" constitute a "war"? I think your premise is pretty weak. In fact, I think it's ridiculous. Not starting a war or even making fun of you, but atheists don't band together and actually go to war with people because they believe differently. I think Christianity, Judaism and Islam have that pretty well cornered. These religious follow a tenet of "eradication of evil" in the name of their "savior" and they have taken that pretty seriously over time.

Well lets compare, genocide of the jews.... over religion, crusades- genocide of any "blasphemers", salem witch trials- the burning of women because they were believed to be devil worshiping magicians.

Religion propegates fear of your creator, this fear falls forth into our society, it even explains why we treat our planet like #; we pretend like we are untouchable with our "heavenly father" there to protect us. As long as we worship god and pray hard enough, he will answer our prayers and save our planet from the poison that is mankind. This idea is pretty much "why should i take care of it when i can just put it in gods hands", its lazy, and its slave minded. Of course most of the people who worship the christian god (i'm pretty sure its Enlil), they don't even know the actual story. They, like they do with our governments, allow themselves to be pacified with incomplete answers to the most important questions, if any kind of answer at all.

People can continue to believe that we were just a little creation meant to amuse and keep god company.... but its deeper than that. We were made to be slaves and when "satan" (enki, enlil's bgrother) gave us knowledge that would save us from immortal ignorant servitude to higher beings, we got kicked out.

Enki provided for us after we were exiled by Enlil. There was a huge flood, and it was to kill all the flourishing civilazations that had sprung forth from Enki's support. Did Enlil manage to whipe us out? No.... across multiple cultures you have the flood story, we were saved again, by Enki. He told the Noah's of the world to build arks, and we once again, lived despite Enlil's wishes. For this Enlil would declare that he be the one and only known god, and would have his followers dedicate their time to defaming Enki, making Enki out to be a demonic being who's sole purpose is to take advantage of mankind, when that was Enlil's plan from the start.

This story is much older than Jesus, if anything, likely twice the age. Enki and Enlil aren't even supposed to be the top dogs of who's out there, but of course.... that makes sense as... the universe is #ing huge, holds a lot of potential. We are still being poked and prodded into our cubicles, being conditioned.

So either you can believe an obvious fabrication made to keep you in line until the day you die, or you can get off your ask, stop being afraid to be challenged about your ideas (ones that you don't have idk.... a whole religion of followers to back you up with the same stupid reasonings).

Seriously how people find logic in the crucification of Jesus I dont know. The whole point was to give us the opportunity to go to heaven, by repenting. So prior to crucification, you to go hell for your sins period. So how does "god" change this rule.... well instead of just having a prophet go around saying thats how its gonna be, this whole dramatic story of betrayal of judas (which technically played a role cause..... what if he didn't betray and jesus didn't get crucified? would we still be damned for our sins period?

But nope, the very people trying to be given a way into heaven, have to crucify, and spear to death a healer of the sick. I don't care for religion.... and I still think Jesus sounded pretty decent. So why we get be allowed to repent for our sins for brutally murdering a savior.... is #ing beyond me. Sadly religious people are more about # that Sounds good and epic, as opposed to logic.

You wanna know the day I was done following that bull# bandwagon? It was back in my early teens, I had been reading history telling of the bible and was doing church all that #. One day I borrowed one of the animated films they have for teens to do so with.

The film told about how God asked Abraham to murder his son, for no reason other than "trust me, im god, i made him, made you, so #ing listen, i know better." It was a test of how enslaved his followers were. If you can get a man to kill his own blood for

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 10:16 PM
The film told about how God asked Abraham to murder his son, for no reason other than "trust me, im god, i made him, made you, so #ing listen, i know better." It was a test of how enslaved his followers were. If you can get a man to kill his own blood because he believes you have good intentions, then really what kind of man is that?

To believe a "compassionate" god would ask a follower something like this, just as a test.... is horrifying.

If god told me to kill my son, then I would tell him, "if you wish me to kill my son, i wish you to kill one of your's; ME" I would of pleaded and offered my life a thousand times before even beggining to considering offering that of a childs. Life is meant to be lived. After all, a man is much more worth to god than ignorant innocent child, so what god would need of something he already makes millions of, is beyond logic.

In the end radical-religion will lead/ has lead to the third world war. Isreal is making its threats, and the moment we go to fight syria, it will be us then into iran, which Russian and China are warning against.

Its fighting over holy lands in deserts, over old #ing stories that people cling to validate their moralities and actions, instead of thinking "gee maybe I should just be nice for the sake of being nice", or because they are so immoral they cling to religion because they believe repenting will save them, conciously or sub-conciously.

Instead of asking if atheism is a religion of war, you should ask if religion is the cause for all major wars. The answer is yes.

I've yet to hear of an Athiest crusade, a coupe individual lunatics who go themselves killed, other than that.... its people who feel their oppinion has worth alongside everyone elses, thus making it hypocritical to go around trying to murder people for the sake of being able to believe what you want to.

If I had belief in christian religion, i'd read the bible, maybe go to a few church gatherings..... and that would be it. I wouldn't likely research all the different cultures that I do, and I likely woudn't have delved as far back as the Summarians to get a bigger, more realistic logical telling of the coming of man.

Higher beings came to earth, they didn't want to spend their time gathering all the resources needed to run # at the level of grandour they prefer, so they begin work on making a slave race. Enki falls in love with man-kind, seeing potential, and saves us from an immortal existence of ignorance and servitude, for as long as he could anyways.

Maybe they went back to their father Anu, maybe these "gods" weren't exactly immortal themselves.

People can continue to grasp at straws provided for them to grasp at, travel the cut path, or..... or you can take a machete, and cut your own path through the #ing jungle. Do this, and you will find the answers, as they are not for those who wish to be given them, the answers are there for those who search for them.

We could still be evolutionary decendents of apes; genetically modified/enhanced by these beings. Once Enki layed with a few humans, it was only a matter of time before the children began to evolve into more sentient beings. Heh.... I love the story, because even if it is false, its makes a lot more sense than ant farm of an experiment the bible makes earth out to be.

As long as mankind wishes to be lead by hand to its salvation, we will never be allowed off this rock. Until we show that we can take responsibility for our beliefs and and actions, instead of saying it is what our religion preaches, we will continued to be quarantined to this planet as we slowly choke it out.

If we act like a virus, how can we ever be allowed to leave this planet? They are simply waiting for us to come together as the family of this planet, and start righting the wrongs.

Releasing our cures, our renewable energy tech, or even free energy tech of Nikola Tesla, who's current tech is being used to manipulate weather (HAARP), under the guise of a missle defense.

There is enough space, food, and energy for everyone to live on comfort. The only time that doesn't work, is when someone's comfort requires that they be of a higher class than others, they require power to feel alive.

Where has this lust for power over other men come from? It is something we learned from our "father", from "god". People work to emulate the power, and until that ends, until we can all be happy with true equality, we will not be allowed to leave this rock. We will be slaves to money when scientists like Nikola Tesla and Wilhelm Reich are told to # off because Jpmorgan, or any other business, cannot put a "meter" on what your receiving.

Nikola tesla, back in his day, shredded a 10 million dollar offer for his patents, because they were going to hide them. That was billions back then.



posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 11:13 PM
I dont care about the content of this topic. As someone not religious who never knew any religious people I find these religion threads on ATS highly awkward and somewhat creepy. Funny, the thoughts that keep some people busy... That's all.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Atheism is a religion of war. It wars on other religions around it, making fun of people in an attempt to make them appear backwards for the sake of ridicule,

Awh. Poor guy, did somebody make fun of you?

Atheism isn't a religion, nor an ideology. Atheism is a statement. "Show me some evidence to back up your claims or there is no practical reason to respect them."

Can't deal with that? Understandable. But unfortunately for you, Atheism doesn't become a religion just because it makes you feel better to call it one when you stamp your feet and tantrum about other people not believing in your sky-cake.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by BeReasonable

Cristians dont make war? ever heard of a little saga known as the Crusades?

How long can atheists keep using that..?

Well it happened, so we can keep using it as long as we like
We wont even start to get into the persecution of blasphemers and witches and heretics that have been tortured to death by god loving christians, thats a war on humanity in itself.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Before anybody is an atheist or "religious", they are HUMAN BEINGS. Its not the beliefs that make a person go to war but usually selfish desires.
ANd with the crusades, even though i was not there i guarantee it was for selfish profit and not some holy war.
They only way a war can be rightist, if it is "true" self defense or cruelty of their followers.
edit on 16-7-2013 by DuecesxGeneral because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 01:38 AM
Another one of those highly insulting threads ment for the Rant section.

If you dont respect people with other beliefs why should they respect yours ?

You ever read about what the Church and the Vatican did in Europe for centuries ?

I geuss they dont teach that in your schools.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by openyourmind1262

When you look around, and within - what DO you believe in? Just yourself?

As a pure agnostic, I find belief itself to be repugnant - it is truth and belief that are the problems facing humanity.

Without truth, then we are all equal, and none can claim authority - that is just a side effect of course, the real revelation of a world without truth is the infinite increase of information and understanding.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 02:24 AM

(ever notice how religious people judge atheists (they're going to hell), but atheists could care less what you believe in???


That is all...

edit on 16-7-2013 by odd1out because: I wasn't finished ranting yet...

edit on 16-7-2013 by odd1out because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue Jul 16 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: The use of ALL CAPS

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by bloodreviara
I personally do not feel shame in pointing out childish beliefs,
if that's the way you see it then im sorry but to me the beliefs
religious folks hold are childish and irreverent of responsibility.

Religion teaches a perverted morality, they then claim is ok
for children, if you have read just about any of the major
religious texts then i cannot see how you could agree that
they are ok. They condone acting in reality in ways that
are harmful to others, then when people question why
they would need to act in such a way it is claimed that they
have some kind of divine dictated morality they are following,
all this in the name of maintaining respect for a simple belief
which cannot be proven true..... yeah sounds level headed
and well thought out to me...... ugh.

You: Blanket statements and unfounded generalities
Me: Those are the writings of someone with childish intelligence
You: I'm intelligent because I believe what you believe, is untrue
Me: Says who?

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by pyramid head

Well, that was an enlightening monologue. Now stop licking windows and do some real research!

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by shaukuna

Its fighting over holy lands in deserts, over old #ing stories that people cling to validate their moralities and actions, instead of thinking "gee maybe I should just be nice for the sake of being nice", or because they are so immoral they cling to religion because they believe repenting will save them, conciously or sub-conciously.

2,000 years since God allegedly sent his son to save us all...........and here we are with many actually STILL believing that God promised land to them, and if you tell them otherwise they will likely prefer to shed blood over their godly claim.
What does that tell you about God...........,well he's either dead,or works extremely slowly.........or never actually existed.

edit on 16-7-2013 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by openyourmind1262
reply to post by LABTECH767

Correction. Atheism is a LACK of beleif system. I could just as well beleive in the Easter Bunny, there's about as much evidence that says he is real as compared tp a God. For the record , I beleive in neither.

No easter bunny ever came in real life and admitted he is God. However a man did do just that, the one we call Jesus of Nazareth and you will find more writings on him than Julius Caesar, from people of his own time.

I would even go so far as to say, the reason people deny Jesus, is because what was written of him ended up in a religious text. Ofcourse no one ever bothers to question Tacitus or Flavius Josephus on their accounts of history because they didn't end up in a religious text. So because Jesus was written of and it was included In the bible, it automatically becomes wrong. That's an ad hominem fallacy.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

No easter bunny ever came in real life and admitted he is God

And..... how do you know this? a book written about him you say? oh then harry Potter would be real in about 2000 yrs?

Easter Bunny existed, but the book is plagiarism and made Easter bunny into Jesus! Sheez!

How could you explain bunny laying eggs? only on Easter. its magical and a miracle. The chocolatey goodness can only means Easter Bunny exist.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

No easter bunny ever came in real life and admitted he is God. However a man did do just that, the one we call Jesus of Nazareth and you will find more writings on him than Julius Caesar, from people of his own time.

Who were these people of Jesus own time that wrote about him?

By all accounts no person of Jesus's time ever wrote about him...........the early accounts of Jesus surfaced several decades AFTER Jesus's death.
edit on 16-7-2013 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Logical one

Indeed. All of these different people had something to write about him, felt he was noteworthy. They felt they needed to record him, and clearly, Jesus approved of it.

So where is his own journal? Why are there no records written by Jesus himself??

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by pyramid head

Well, that was an enlightening monologue. Now stop licking windows and do some real research!

On what?
I was commenting on some ridiculous posts for saying nothing, then you reply with a statement that isnt even relevant and say nothing?
Research what? Do you just randomly go around telling people to do research?
Real research lol!!!!!!!

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